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Using data from the German social insurance system immigrant employment in organizational buffer zones will be investigated from an organizational ecology perspective. Theories in organization and labor market research predict higher exit rates of employees holding jobs in buffer zones. These buffer zones protect organizations from unfavorable environmental turbulences. Consequently, analyzing the impact of buffer zone employment on job stability of immigrants requires a fully dynamic approach, which goes beyond a mere identification of generally increased turnover rates of immigrants.In the first step, determinants of organizational dissolution rates will be estimated. In order to obtain a dynamic measurement of unfavorable environmental conditions, the model includes both organizational and time-varying environmental characteristics of organizational populations. This will be done by using a three-level mixed-effects hazard model controlling for observed and unobserved environmental characteristics. In the second step, dissolution rates predicted in the first step will be used as an explanatory variable. These rates indicate the degree of enactment of the flexible buffer zone. It will be shown that immigrants have indeed higher turnover rates, but they tend to remain longer in their organizations when environmental conditions deteriorate—and they are not those who leave first when the organization gets into trouble.  相似文献   

Researchers specializing in organizations and labor markets have paid insufficient attention to the effects that foreign ownership of a firm and its orientation towards export production may have on the wages it pays to its workers. Using information from a nationally-representative sample of manufacturing firms in Mexico, a paradigmatic case of a developing country that is highly integrated into world markets, we find that foreign-owned and export-oriented firms pay considerably more than nationally-owned firms engaged in the production of goods for sale in the domestic market. Second, beyond paying higher wages to their workers, foreign-owned firms also raise the wages paid by domestic firms operating in the same regional labor markets. The wage premium in foreign and export-oriented firms cannot be explained by their size, industry, geographical location, productivity, use of advanced technology, or the sociodemographic composition of their workforce. We find evidence that wages in foreign-owned companies in Mexico are dependent on the country of origin of the capital investment. A greater difference between the industry-specific wages paid in the country of ownership and Mexico is associated with a higher wage premium in Mexican affiliates. Future work should strive to link information from foreign-owned affiliates with their parent companies abroad.  相似文献   

农民工问题的关键是收入问题,而解决农民工收入问题的首要任务便是解决工资拖欠问题。作为相关政策落实的试点地区与成功范例,重庆市江北区人民政府在农民工工资拖欠问题的治理中发挥了积极的作用,为全国其他地市提供了宝贵的善治经验。政府治理农民工工资问题,应落实责任制,切实加强对清理拖欠工作的组织领导;全面建立农民工工资保障制度;设立统一的劳务服务管理机构,完善政策法规维权机制。  相似文献   

组织文化理念的传播源自组织的有意建构和极力推动,更源自成员对组织文化基本假设的接受和体认。以成员视角分析组织文化认同,打破“成员应然接纳组织文化理念”的思维框架,是帮助他们从“被动身处文化情境”到“主动分享、实现文化理念”的关键环节。建立个体与组织在认知、价值观、情感等方面的关联,促使成员在充分认可组织身份基础上达成共识,也是深化和拓展“面向成员”的组织文化研究视角的应有之义。  相似文献   

How does adolescent organizational membership in general, and simultaneous membership in distinct types of organizations in particular, impact drinking behavior? While past studies have focused either on the learning effect of involvement with gangs or on the constraining influence of conventional organizations on adolescent problem behavior, we explore the possibility that conventional school clubs can serve as socializing opportunities for existing gang members to engage in drinking behavior with non-gang club members. Using the Add Health data, we show that gang members drink more often, and engage in more binge drinking, than non-members. More importantly, individuals who are members of both gangs and school clubs drink alcohol at greater levels than those who are solely involved in gangs. In addition, non-gang adolescents who are co-members with gang members in the same school club are more likely to drink alcohol than non-members. This result has important implications for understanding the role of organizations in adolescent behavior and suggests that the study of delinquent behaviors would benefit from devoting more attention to individuals who bridge distinct types of organizations.  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the role of organizations in the stratification system and the functioning of stratification systems in organizations. In this analysis, we examine the implications of organizational boundaries for upward job changes within and across organizations. To perform our analysis, we utilize a nonstationary, modified Markov model that allows consideration of individual and job heterogeneity. The data are life histories of a sample of U.S. males between the ages of 30 and 39. Our results indicate that organizational boundaries create two kinds of resources: (1) general resources, and (2) organization-specific resources. General resources have a positive effect on upward movement within and across organizational boundaries. Organization-specific resources have a positive effect on upward movement within organizational boundaries, and a negative effect on upward movement across organizational boundaries—a situation of great benefit to organizations.  相似文献   

现代社会中组织与社会的联结:理性的类型关联   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织与社会的联结是现代组织社会学领域一个重要的理论主题,但是在组织社会学理论领域尚未得到应有的讨论。本文尝试从理性关联的角度在理论上厘清这一主题:一是组织理性和社会理性类型具有一致性,二是组织理性和社会理性的进化具有关联特性。  相似文献   

由于东北社会剧烈变迁引发的社区矛盾冲突问题可划分为七种类型,即:政府与社会、政府与非政府组织之间发生的矛盾冲突问题;房主与房管部门及物业间的矛盾冲突问题;社区服务和社区经济方面的矛盾冲突问题;失业下岗人员社区就业和家庭矛盾冲突问题;社区内组织间及社区与居民之间存在的矛盾冲突问题;外来流动人口,特别是农民工进社区引发的矛盾冲突问题。社会变迁是引发这些社区矛盾冲突产生的重要根源,应以社区冲突为突破口加强东北城市社区建设。  相似文献   

在建筑施工领域,承包方将工程分包给不具备资质的自然人的情况普遍,而自然人又直接招用人员进行工作。在生产作业的过程中,若劳动者受到人身损害,到底应该由直接招用的自然人负责还是由发包单位负责,理论界观点不一。但在审判中却一味偏向了劳动者。文章从一则案例入手,分析承担用工主体责任与事实劳动关系的成立之间并不存在必然的联系。  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的临时性组织模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术的发展促进了新的组织形式和工作方式的出现。所谓的全球虚拟团队就是一个新组织形式和新工作方式的例子。应用扎根理论建立的一个关于如何建立临时性组织的模型可以揭示组织为适应环境要求而出现的一些新的重要特征,同时从理论上揭示出了一种尚未被发现的新的组织变革模式。  相似文献   

"单位制"变革与城市社会成员的贫富分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"单位制"是新中国成立以来中国城市社会普遍实行的一种组织制度和管理制度.在完全的单位体制下,城市社会成员的收入差距受到了国家的严格控制,整体呈现出一种平均主义的特征.随着改革的深入,一方面,单位组织在分配国家资源方面仍然处于主导地位;另一方面,单位组织的利益型特征逐渐突出.单位组织自身的状况(内生性因素)以及其与社会的联系(外生性因素)成为影响城市社会成员贫富分化的重要因素.在单位制变革的过程中应当控制过高的贫富差距,体现公平与效率的统一,维护社会稳定,促进社会发展.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a survey of 1043 ex-combatants who took part in the civil war in Sierra Leone (1991–2002) this paper explores the conditions that predict a key outcome in the conflict literature: defection, or side-switching between the various organizations at war. This paper advances arguments drawn from the organizational ecology school and works to extend key theories related to “Blau Space” to the study of civil war. Using a series of logistic regression procedures, this paper tests various competing hypotheses against key contributions of the organizational ecology school. Key findings of this work suggest support for major hypotheses in this literature as net of important theoretical conditions, defections are most likely when individuals are either demographically atypical of their organization (niche edge) or most susceptible to competition for their services by other groups (niche overlap).  相似文献   

The relationship between workplace organization and socioeconomic attainments of workers, although an issue of some currency in contemporary stratification research, is complex and as yet not well understood. In contrast to dual economic theory, this paper attempts to sort out the separate effects of various components of the social organization of production on job rewards by adopting an explicit multidimensional approach to the conceptualization and measurement of organizational structure. Moreover, various considerations suggest that these structural impacts vary with business cycle activity. Accordingly, one of the research aims is to examine the extent to which various dimensions of organizational structure serve to differentially insulate workers from wage stagnation as economic conditions deteriorate. Finally, because firms may devise different institutional responses to declining product demand, these structural effects on both wage rates and unemployment propensities are examined.  相似文献   

论新形势下农村中介组织的培育及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国正处于社会转型的关键阶段,农村的社会结构发生了重大的变化。农民阶层发生分化,不同利益主体之间的矛盾冲突也日益突现。农村中介组织作为农村经济发展的生力军,在协调和整合不同利益主体之间的矛盾过程中发挥着日益重要的作用。因此,在建设社会主义新农村的进程中,就必须努力摆脱农村中介组织发展中的种种困境,从完善法律制度、加强政府扶持、强化组织培训、创新组织机制等方面培育农村各种中介组织,积极引导各种中介组织健康发展。  相似文献   

江立华  胡杰成 《文史哲》2007,(1):134-139
维护农民工权益的现行策略难以切实发挥有效作用,维权困境的根源在于农民工缺乏真正代表自身利益的组织。“以地缘为纽带的维权组织”的出现说明了农民工对于组织资源的渴望,这种维权方式有其特点与功能,同时也存在局限。建立正式的、合法的、以地缘为纽带的农民工维权组织,是维护和保障农民工权益的可能之举,政府应采取有效措施给予恰当的引导,以使其健康发展。  相似文献   

环境不确定性的存在要求企业具有足够的组织系统柔性。文章通过分析组织处理不确定性的过程及组织资源、结构及所处的环境等方面,构建了组织柔性的评价体系,并利用粗集对评价指标进行约简,然后用未确知测度模型对组织柔性进行评价,通过实证分析证明了该方法的有效性。最后根据评价结果,比较不同组织系统柔性的好坏,并提出提高柔性的建议及对策。  相似文献   

学习型组织理论是20世纪90年代以来发展起来的一种新的组织管理理论,是适应知识经济与信息社会的一种新的组织管理模式。随着我国教育改革的不断深入,高校管理走向学习型组织将是必然选择。高校创建学习型组织要从六个方面进行修炼:树立终身学习、团队学习和"习"重于"学"的学习理念;培养系统思考的思维方式;加强团队学习;建立鼓励学习的促进保障机制;积极推动组织结构创新;创建学习型团队。  相似文献   

李美清 《云梦学刊》2007,28(4):68-71
当前国有企业改革中最重要的问题之一是治理模式中漠视职工作为企业控制权主体角色。从企业的生产性和契约性、企业的资源构成、企业控制权的层次结构和国有企业职工的双重产权身份方面分析,我们认为国有企业职工不仅能够分享企业控制权,而且应该分享企业控制权。  相似文献   

Recent research has argued that using job contacts to find work restricts the opportunities of Black workers. Although this makes sense in light of literature on urban poverty that contends that inner-city Blacks are isolated from effective job networks, this paper argues that there are two reasons why these findings may be misleading. First, the existence of discrimination in the labor market means that contacts may be an efficient method of job search for Black workers. Second, because the use of contacts may be an endogenous variable, we need to look at longitudinal data. In the analysis, I compare cross-sectional and longitudinal results on the relationship between contacts and wages. While the cross-sectional data indicate a negative relationship between contacts and wages, the longitudinal data suggest this merely reflects lower levels of opportunity among workers who use contacts rather than the effect of contacts per se.  相似文献   

青年农民外出务工是青年农民走向现代社会、接受现代文明的重要途径;是改变中国城乡结构、农村及农民状态的重要渠道。对青年农民工权益的维护也是建设和谐社会、建设现代城市文明的需要。因历史遗留、现实制约、观念偏见、主题特性等主观和客观的原因,导致现阶段对青年农民工权益维护不足。在增权理论的指引下,通过个体的文化增权、企业的组织赋权、社会的政策维权,建构整体性、系统性的维权方略,是提高青年农民工维权实效的最佳选择。  相似文献   

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