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社会文化变迁对婚姻家庭的影响及趋势   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
婚姻家庭既是人类文化的积淀,是社会文化的载体,也是传递社会文化的重要组成部分。在人类发展的历史长河中,婚姻家庭与社会文化变迁密切相关,社会文化变迁以各种方式影响着婚姻家庭的建立、形成与发展。以社会文化变迁为视角,通过对社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭的建立、形成与发展之间的互动关系的历史考察,从婚姻家庭形式、婚姻家庭制度、婚姻家庭观念、婚姻家庭习俗、婚姻家庭关系等方面探讨人类社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化发展之间的内在关系,揭示人类社会不同历史阶段社会文化变迁及其特点对人类社会婚姻家庭建立、形成与发展的影响,探索社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化规律,探寻在当代社会文化交汇、冲突、融合加快趋势下,社会文化变迁与婚姻家庭变化的趋势。  相似文献   

丁志宏 《人口学刊》2013,35(1):69-77
2005~2010年,我国老年人的主要经济生活来源结构没有发生大的变化,但各类生活来源的比重发生较大变化。老年人的经济生活来源存在明显的性别、年龄、婚姻、城乡、地区差异。在过去5年,我国老年人的独立性增强,一些弱势群体越来越多地得到国家、政府的保障。但是,女性老年人群体、高龄老人群体、丧偶老人群体,尤其未婚的老人,更需要社会关注;老年人主要经济生活来源的城乡差异和镇乡差异、东部和西部地区以及中部和西部地区的差异在扩大。  相似文献   

徐晓斌 《西北人口》2012,33(4):115-119
改革开放至今,山东省的人口发展与工业化城镇化发展相互促进,共同推动了人口再生产方式的转变和工业化城镇化进程,进入了健康、合理、良性互动的发展时期。但是,人口规模持续膨胀、城镇化发展水平滞后、城镇体系结构不合理、人口分布与城镇分布矛盾等问题依然制约人口与工业化城镇化的协调发展。促进人口数量、素质、结构、分布协调发展,走新型工业化和新型城镇化道路,实现人口与工业化城镇化协调发展,是山东省不懈的追求。  相似文献   

This paper uses in-migration, out-migration, and net migration vectors to measure and portray the migration streams occurring between April 1, 1955, and April 1, 1960, for all persons five years old and over on April 1, 1960, among 38 contiguous state economic areas (SEA's) in Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and New Mexico. Both rectangular and polar coordinates were employed in computing three different types of vector representations. First, migration vectors for each SEA, expressed in total people-miles of in-movement, out-movement, and net movement represent the resultant direction of movement and the total people-miles of movement. Second, in- and out-migration vectors of the total people-miles of movement, with the widths of the vectors drawn proportional to the number of migrants, show the total size of each migration stream for each SEA, the resultant direction of movement, and the distance moved in total people-miles of movement. p ]Third, in- and out-migration vectors of the average distances moved to and from each SEA, with the widths of the vectors drawn proportional to the number of migrants, show the magnitude of movement, the average distance moved per migrant, and the resultant direction of movement. This study shows that migration vectors based upon polar coordinates are more accurate than the migration vectors based upon rectangular coordinates. Also, the in- and out-migration vectors are superior to net migration vectors in representing migratory streams among geographic areas.  相似文献   

陆杰华  朱荟 《人口学刊》2013,35(1):27-35
通过检索与回顾2011年刊发在国内主要人口学刊物上较有代表性的文章以及人口学相关著作或科研文集,从中国人口国情、人口与社会、流动人口、人口老龄化、生育、人口与经济、其他领域等学界关注的领域系统性地评述2011年中国人口学研究的现状与进展。总体来看,2011年学界加强了对中国人口发展总体形势的判断,更多地关注人口与社会管理、人口与公共政策、人口与教育等与社会现实息息相关的领域。此外,对流动人口、人口老龄化、生育、人口与经济等以往人口学传统主题也进行了更为深刻和细致的研究。  相似文献   

Between 1951 and 1998, the United Nations (UN) published 16 sets of population projections for the world, its major regions, and countries. This paper reports the accuracy of the projection results. I analyse the quality of the historical data used for the base populations of the projections, and for extrapolating fertility and mortality. I study also the impact this quality has had on the accuracy of the projection results. Results and assumptions for the sets of projections are compared with corresponding estimates from the UN 1998 Revision for total fertility and life expectancy at birth, total population, and the projected age structures. The report covers seven major regions (Africa, Asia, the former USSR, Europe, Northern America, Latin America, and Oceania) and the largest ten countries of the world as of 1998 (China, India, the USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Japan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria).  相似文献   

根据2006年对吉林省、市(州)及基层人口和计划生育干部进行的调查,对人口和计划生育干部的数量、年龄、学历、政策水平等进行研究。为全面准确地掌握吉林省、市(州)及基层人口和计划生育干部队伍建设的情况,增强全省人口和计划生育系统干部队伍培养的针对性,更好地完成新时期人口和计生工作任务提供了有效依据。  相似文献   

王兆萍  王雯丽 《人口学刊》2020,42(1):99-112
随着技术进步和女性人力资本水平的提高,男性和女性的劳动生产率差异逐渐缩小,但性别工资差距在我国是否缩小?全面开放的"二胎政策"又是否加深了女性就业困境?本文使用CGSS 2015数据,从结婚、生育角度出发,运用工具变量法、分位数回归、Oaxaca-blinder分解等方法考察婚育事件对劳动力工资的影响及其作用机制,探讨婚育视角下的性别工资差距问题,提出相应对策建议以促进性别公平。研究首先通过对城镇劳动力的婚姻状态和生育情况与工资性收入进行实证分析,发现在控制了个人特征、人力资本、职业性质和地区等因素后,性别工资差距仍显著存在且婚育事件拉大了该差距。其中结婚使男女劳动力的工资水平均有所提高,但由于原始工资水平的差异和溢价大小的不同,性别工资差距被拉大;生育使男性工资增长,女性工资缩水,这同样加大了性别工资差距。其次基于分位数回归结果进行Oaxaca-blinder平均工资差异分解,结果显示随着收入的增加,性别工资差距在缩小,但婚姻和生育对此差距的解释力度却越来越大且相对稳定。即低收入群体的工资差距较大,但婚育对该差距的解释力度较小,相反高收入群体的性别工资差距较小,但婚育对该差距的贡献却很大。因此,缩小婚姻和生育造成的性别工资差距、消除性别歧视、保障女性职业的可持续发展是亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

An overview is provided of Middle Eastern countries on the following topics; population change, epidemiological transition theory and 4 patterns of transition in the middle East, transition in causes of death, infant mortality declines, war mortality, fertility, family planning, age and sex composition, ethnicity, educational status, urbanization, labor force, international labor migration, refugees, Jewish immigration, families, marriage patterns, and future growth. The Middle East is geographically defined as Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Gaza and the West Bank, Iran, Turkey, and Israel. The Middle East's population grew very little until 1990 when the population was 43 million. Population was about doubled in the mid-1950s at 80 million. Rapid growth occurred after 1950 with declines in mortality due to widespread disease control and sanitation efforts. Countries are grouped in the following ways: persistent high fertility and declining mortality with low to medium socioeconomic conditions (Jordan, Oman, Syria, Yemen, and the West Bank and Gaza), declining fertility and mortality in intermediate socioeconomic development (Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iran), high fertility and declining mortality in high socioeconomic conditions (Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), and low fertility and mortality in average socioeconomic conditions (Israel). As birth and death rates decline, there is an accompanying shift from communicable diseases to degenerative diseases and increases in life expectancy; this pattern is reflected in the available data from Egypt, Kuwait, and Israel. High infant and child mortality tends to remain a problem throughout the Middle East, with the exception of Israel and the Gulf States. War casualties are undetermined, yet have not impeded the fastest growing population growth rate in the world. The average fertility is 5 births/woman by the age of 45. Muslim countries tend to have larger families. Contraceptive use is low in the region, with the exception of Turkey and Egypt and among urban and educated populations. More than 40% of the population is under 15 years of age. The region is about 50% Arabic (140 million). Educational status has increased, particularly for men; the lowest literacy rates for women are in Yemen and Egypt. The largest countries are Iran, Turkey, and Egypt.  相似文献   

Like other parts of the world, the Asia and Pacific region has experienced mass movements of the population within and across countries. This report presents the issues and problems discussed, and the recommendations given at the Expert Group Meeting on International Migration in Asia and the Pacific, held in 1984 in Manila. The 9 issues discussed include: 1) available data on international migration are often inconsistent, incomplete, and inadequate for a thorough analysis of the migration situation; 2) the conventional economic theory of migration, and the modern view are different, but related; 3) are internal and international migration 2 distinct phenomena, or are they simply opposite ends of a continuum ranging from short-distance moves within a country to long-distance moves across national boundaries?; 4) permanent migration from Asia and the Pacific to the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand has risen sharply over the the past few years; 5) international migration could have considerable effects on the size, composition, growth, and structure of the populations of both sending and receiving countries; 6) temporary labor migration to the Middle East increased rapidly in the recent past; 7) temporary labor migration has benefits and costs to the home country and to the returning workers and their families; 8) refugee movements within and from Asia have had significant repercussions, not only in the lives of the migrants themselves, but also in the national policies and social structures of the asylum countries; and 9) international migration, if properly controlled and organized, could work for the benefit of every country involved.  相似文献   

The politics of fertility control refers to the role of the state in regulating individual behavior. It is about the influence of academics and intellectuals, the motivations of officials and bureaucrats, and the interests of international donors. The politics of fertility control is also about the control which one class or ethnic group exerts over another, and the gender relations within and beyond the household. The Population Council's book, "Do Population Policies Matter? Fertility and Politics in Egypt, India, Kenya, and Mexico," examines what makes the population policies of those four countries either succeed or fail. The analyses show how and why the creation, implementation, and effectiveness of population policies vary over time both within and between countries. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that effective population policies require political commitment and courage, broad support, adequate funding, good design and management, and a sound concept. The volume's case studies explore population policy-making from both historical and contemporary perspectives in the individual country contexts.  相似文献   

Y Lian 《人口研究》1983,(1):17-22
Problems in population, manifested primarily as either "over" or "under" population, are ultimately related to the development of natural resources. Land is the most basic of natural resources. China's land mass is largely mountainous, with 56% of its more than 2000 counties, 1/3 of its population, 40% of its cultivated land and a majority of its forests, situated in mountainous regions. The quality and the distribution of the various kinds of land are complex and uneven. Although China is rich in forests, grazing, and arable land compared to the rest of the world, its 1 billion population makes the land a limited resource. The limitations of the land are also seen in soil erosion, soil that is increasingly turning into sand, and deforestation. Water resources are not considered scarce, yet compared to the rest of the world, it is limited. Its distribution is very uneven, with more water in the east and west, and less in the north and south. In the southwest mountainous border regions, for instance, water is abundant, but the population and arable land there is such that the demand for water is low. Moreover, droughts and heavy precipitation make the annual water supply unpredicatable. The demand for water becomes increasingly greater as agricultural production develops further, the population increases and as the cities continue to expand. living matter as a resource includes all the animal and plant life that is necessary for livelihood, but only forests and grasslands are discussed here. China's forests, if their use is not abused, can serve as a continuous supply for manufactured products. But its distribution is uneven and sparse. Population control will be ineffective if the forests are not replenished and developed. Grasslands are the primary source for animal products. The natural grasslands, found mainly in the north and west, are not as productive as that of other nations due to the nature of China's topography, the vagaries of climate, and deterioration. Energy, the source for fuel, includes such natural resources as coal, petroleum, natural gas, hydraulic, and solar power. China is among the world's richest in energy resources, yet the supply is sometimes insufficient when spread among 1 billion people.  相似文献   

This chapter analyzes the October 21, 2000 drag king performance by Mildred Gerestant, a.k.a. Dréd. Arguing that her act appropriates, embodies, and manipulates certain ideological discourses of desire and identity, the article studies the shape and force of Dréd's performative arguments and illuminates how a drag king act can not only tease and titillate the addressed audience (the actual people who watched the show) but also hail the invoked audience (the audience called upon, imagined, or made possible by the performance). Arguing that, as a rhetorical act, Dréd's performance offers a purposeful discourse about gender, race, and power, this chapter ultimately explores how a rhetorical analysis of FTM drag elucidates the complex relationship between the rhetor, performance, and audience. More specifically, it shows how a rhetor's performance of non-normative identity and engagement with discourses of desire has the potential to unmask the hegemonic effects of language and power and to unsuture the seemingly natural connections between sex and gender.  相似文献   

回族流迁人口城市适应过程研究的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高翔  王乃昂  程慧波 《西北人口》2009,30(4):105-107
民族迁移者在城市接受城市化和现代化“洗礼”的过程比较一般农民工的适应。由于加入了民族文化、民族侍统与民族意识的变量。显得更复杂、更丰富。成为当前城市面临的焦点问题。由于回族是我国城市化程度最高的少数民族。且其有着极强经商观念、民族意识。独特的民族宗教文化与饮食、婚丧、居住习俗,因此关注回族迁移人口的城市适应无疑具典型性和突出的现实意义。从回族迁移人口的城市适应的重要性出发。通过国内外研究进展的分析和述评,提出新时期城市化背景下回族流迁人口城市适应过程研究的思路:探讨研究的技术路线、研究方法与研究内容,包括提取城市适应的关键阻碍因素分析,进行城市适应的多维层面和时序过程分析。建立评价指标体系,定量评判城市适应的水平。并籍此提出针对性的城市适应调控策略。从而为促进城市民族工作、建立城市和谐民族关系与和谐城市社会提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

The link between health and family planning efforts in the Philippines goes back to the beginnings of the National Population Program. In this interview, Dr. Dumindin of the Ministry of Health (MOh) discusses the impact of family planning on health. The family planning program of the MOH, since its inception in 1970, has undergone expansion and taken new initiatives and directions to meet the changing needs of the target clientele. Family planning information, education, and motivation is provided and maintained during routine prenatal, natal, and postnatal clinic and field activities. As of January 1986, the MOH had a total of 2100 clinics--rural health units, medical centers, hospitals, mobile clinics, and special clinics--all over the country. It is estimated that the Ministry's family planning activities have averted around a million births. It is hoped to extend the coverage of the programs to areas that have not been reached before, through further community involvement, by enlisting the participation of more workers in the community, training them on integrated health and family planning services, setting up more service facilities and clinic extensions, and by improving contraceptive use-effectiveness. Hopefully, the Philippine people will become less program-dependent and more self-motivated, and they will recognize the need for birth spacing, birth limiting, and total health care--not as suggested from the outside, but coming from within themselves.  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental, seven-year study evaluated the effectiveness of an educative versus a price structuring approach to the strategic management of domestic water consumption. The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior scales of the Water Survey Questionnaire (Watson, Moore, McLachlan, Bradley & Murphy, 1988) measured the effects of the two strategies on water conservation. Two thousand six hundred parents, teachers, high, and elementary students in cross-sectional and longitudinal samples were measured in three data gathering rounds at the first, fourth, and seventh years. In the educative phase between the first and second rounds, water conservation increased. Although there was no significant change in behavior, some decline in positive attitudes and intentions occurred during the price structuring phase between the second and third rounds. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to other studies. Findings on the stability of inter-group and inter-variable relationships and on the consistency of the measuring instrument across time are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Y M Shen 《人口研究》1982,(5):13-5, 7
In order to lay the foundation for the third national population census, a pilot population census was conducted in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province in 1980. One goal of this pilot population census was to examine and revise the rules and regulations for the population census. The second goal was to collect practical experience in a population census at a local level, and the third goal was to train a group of working personnel for the national population census. Results from this local population census include information on characteristics of the population, households, and society in general, cultural and educational levels, the economic situation for the local population, marital status, child-bearing status, and the natural mobility of the population. Both the quality and quantity of this pilot population census are excellent. Success is due to an effective and healthy leadership, detailed and well-designed rules and regulations and working principles, support and cooperation from the general public, well-trained working personnel, and suitable use of modern scientific methods for the census.  相似文献   

Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching (also known as Quality of Life Therapy) is a comprehensive, manualized, theory-based, and, according to Diener (2013) and Seligman (Flourish, Free Press, NY, 2011, p. 292), evidence-based approach to well being, happiness, and positive psychology intervention suitable for both coaching and clinical applications. Clients are taught strategies and skills aimed at helping them to identify, pursue, and fulfill their most cherished needs, goals, and wishes in sixteen valued areas of life said to comprise human well-being and happiness. Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching is “manualized” in the form of the book entitled Quality of Life Therapy (Frisch 2006), providing step-by-step instruction in assessing well-being, tailoring interventions, and monitoring progress, outcome, and follow-up with the evidence-based well-being assessment, the Quality of Life Inventory or QOLI®. This article describes Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching and reviews developments and research since the publication of the manual in 2006. Randomized controlled trials bearing on the empirical support of Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching and the related assessment, the Quality of Life Inventory, are reviewed. The steps in Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching are delineated in the context of an illustrative case and an underlying theory which attempts to integrate findings from the fields of well-being, positive psychology, happiness, quality of life, social indicators research, psychotherapy, and coaching. Future applications and research are suggested which may identify the effective components of Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching and assess their direct impact on health and illness, encourage the use of evidence-based assessments and interventions on the part of well being coaches and therapists, and create health care delivery systems in which well being assessments and interventions are conducted concurrently with symptom-oriented tests and treatments.  相似文献   

受恶劣的自然条件和落后的社会经济状况制约.安定区形成了低水平“核心-边缘”、低层次行政管理和明显河谷交通指向的城镇体系特征。未来应通过加快城区建设步伐、发挥中心城镇优势、提升重点城镇地位完善规模等级结构:通过准确定位城镇职能、大力调整产业结构、加强基础设施建设完善职能类型结构;通过建设生态适宜的发展环境和构筑多层次开放格局完善地域空间结构。以期形成合理的城镇体系,带动县域经济社会的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

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