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印度与伊朗是亚洲两个大国 ,双方关系的发展不仅对亚洲 ,而且对世界都有重要影响。本文阐述了独立后印度与伊朗发展外交关系的曲折历程 ,详细地分析了冷战后影响两国关系的各种政治和经济因素 ,并展望了未来发展的前景。  相似文献   

许宁宁  冉旭 《创新》2007,1(1):3-6
自从1991年中国与东盟建立对话关系以来,中国与东盟经贸合作快速发展,这得益于双方不断创新。组建自由贸易区、举办中国—东盟博览会等均是中国和东盟经贸合作的重大创新举措。尤其是双方积极合作,把新机制、新举措落在了实处,并使之转化成了实实在在的经济利益,惠及中国和东盟各国,乃至整个东亚地区。在今后双方关系发展的新阶段,我们应继续坚持创新,积极增强合作活力。作者建议:双方政府间应继续坚持平等互利、协商一致的原则,应充分发挥非政府组织的作用,企业间合作应以创新为本。坚持开拓创新,中国与东盟经贸合作的发展必将带来“双赢”的局面。  相似文献   

周士新 《创新》2012,6(5):122-125,128
中国与东南亚国家经济合作近年来呈现出较快发展的态势,正成为东亚地区整合的重要模式。这不仅体现在中国与东盟以及日本、韩国为预防东亚金融危机的再次发生,努力推进清迈倡议多边化的进程中,更体现在双方建立自由贸易区的过程中。中国与东盟的经济关系促进了双方关系在更多领域的发展,对构建东亚地区整合具有积极意义。中国对支持东盟在地区合作中发挥领导者作用的立场不仅稳定了双方关系,对构建东亚新秩序也具有积极意义。  相似文献   

日本与中亚国家发展关系是两者之间彼此需要的结果,双方在发展彼此关系上都有着经济利益、政治利益、地缘政治利益等的需要。通过一系列实际的投入与工作,日本与中亚关系的发展取得了较多的成果。对于日本进入中亚,我们不应过分紧张。  相似文献   

论调节个人与社会之间关系的道德原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先确立了调节个人与社会之间关系的道德原则的两个前提。一是个人与社会的各自地位问题,认为个人较之社会更根本;二是个人发展与社会发展、个人自由与社会秩序及社会团结的关系问题。在此基础上,作者提出了调节二者关系的原则——公正原则,它要求有利于维护并促进每个人的充分自由发展这一价值目标的实现,既保障双方的权利,同时又对双方具有约束力;它的具体内涵是义务与权利相一致。公正原则对社会的基本要求是社会应作为个人发展条件的真实集体,而不是作为个人枷锁的虚幻集体,社会要求个人的一切都是为了个人的充分发展。  相似文献   

陆建人 《创新》2007,1(1):7-11
回顾2006年在中国和东盟双方政治互信进一步加强,战略伙伴关系深入发展背景下,双方经贸关系发展所取得的主要成果,对2007年可能影响双方经贸关系的若干因素作了分析和判断。在此基础上,对2007年双方经贸关系的走向作了展望,指出在东亚经济合作出现新机遇和世界及东亚地区经济继续保持快速增长情况下,中国和东盟经贸关系将快步向前发展。  相似文献   

80年代以来,苏日两国在西伯利亚及远东地区的经济贸易关系日趋活跃,并且双方都把在该地区与对方发展经济贸易关系视为发展对外经济贸易的重要环节。与此同时,双方均表示要进一步改善两国的政治关系,以进一步促进双方经济贸易的往来。  相似文献   

矛盾的结构问题与矛盾双方面的关系问题是对立统一规律中最重要的两个问题,当我们深入探讨对立统一规律时不能不遇到这些问题,本文试着阐发一下自己极不成熟的看法。一、矛盾双方的关系同一性包含哪些情形?斗争性(暂时这么提)包含哪些情形?矛盾的双方是同一性和斗争性问题?还是别的什么问题?同一性和斗争性中的各种情形是从哪些方面把握矛盾双方的关系?同一性和斗争性在事物发展中的地位和作用怎样?同一性和斗争性的关系如何?等等,这一系列的问题在我看来都是矛盾双方的关系问题。当然,首先我们必须研究什么是矛盾双方的关系(或联系)。  相似文献   

蒙日关系发展历程及趋向内蒙古大学娜琳蒙古于1972年放弃对日本的战争赔偿要求并与其建立大使级外交关系。九十年代以来蒙日关系进入新的发展时期,双方确定面向二十一世纪的长期发展目标。在蒙经济危机期间日本给予了丰厚的援助,日本是蒙古第二大贸易伙伴,双方文化...  相似文献   

近年来,朝鲜半岛局势出现了许多值得关注的新变化,而这些变化正在深刻地影响着这一地区的政治、经济、文化及社会关系,其中受到国际社会极为关注的朝鲜完成了新领导体制的建立,并进行了国家发展战略及具体发展政策的重大调整。中朝作为具有传统友好关系的邻邦,双方有着良好的经贸交流关系。本文主要对朝鲜新政权下的战略、政策调整做以总结,并分析中朝经贸关系的发展及其受到的影响。  相似文献   

马孆 《太平洋学报》2011,(10):36-42
中国始终把和周边国家睦邻友好作为重点,在中国政府和领导人持续不懈的努力下,中国和周边国家的关系发展达到了历史最好水平,并创造了中华人民共和国成立以来最好的周边环境。本文以中国—东南亚关系的发展为例,阐述中国睦邻友好政策的演进,分析成功的经验,展望未来的发展。  相似文献   

This article argues for the importance of graphical analyses examining the patterns of data available in the studies of international relations. It posits that there has been a relative lack of graphical analyses in the discipline of international relations, compared to other disciplines such as sociology. We could learn a significant amount of information from the well-performed graphical analyses, which are compatible to and produce important patterns that are not easily revealed from econometric or tabular analyses. In this article, the importance of graphical analyses is evidenced by examining the determinants of the onset of militarized conflicts, one of the most researched topics in the field of international relations.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years or so, a number of writers have undertaken critical analyses of Australian immigration that have challenged prevailing social science paradigms and raised issues of the representation of social and power relations in a very diverse society. These analyses have located Australian immigration within the context of international capitalism, exploring class segmentation and solidarity, the relation between policies and practice and questions of racism and nationalism.  相似文献   

This article discusses Chinese social policy development in response to the growth of the market economy. It provides a general overview of the system's evolution in three stages: (1) the pre‐reform period when a system of enterprise welfare was in operation; (2) a period of system transition; (3) the stage when state welfare began to take shape. These developmental trends are interpreted on the basis of three types of institutional relations: the State‐enterprise relation, the enterprise‐ (or employer‐) employee relation, and the individual/worker‐State relation. Moreover, the discussion deals with policy perceptions at each stage of the developmental process. Based on these analyses, it illustrates the transformation of the Chinese social security system in a broad socioeconomic and political context, where China struggled to establish a modern, market‐based enterprise system. The paper thus expounds issues of socialism, market forces and the power of organized labour.  相似文献   

杨彬 《求是学刊》2003,30(6):60-64
马克思对剥削范畴的揭秘是有着严格的前提条件、严谨的逻辑思维和鲜明的时代背景的.马克思所揭示的剥削是以资本主义社会制度和生产关系为基础和前提条件的特定范畴,是具有浓重封建色彩的剥削,是一种特定阶级关系的表现.在社会主义条件下,剥削的制度性前提和阶级对立倾向已经不存在了.私营经济中的劳资雇佣关系已经演化成社会主义市场经济条件下正常的经济关系,既不含有阶级对立成分,也没有政治色彩,已不构成马克思当年所揭示的剥削关系.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relations between teacher reports of aggressive behaviors, caregiver reports of their use of physical discipline, anger perception accuracy, and anger perception bias in middle childhood and teacher reports of aggressive behaviors two years later in a sample of children from economically disadvantaged families (n =152). Fisher r‐to‐z analyses showed a gender difference in the relation between anger perception accuracy and aggressive behavior in third grade. For girls, anger perception accuracy was significantly negatively related to aggression, and for boys, there was no relation between anger perception accuracy and aggression. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that third grade aggressive behavior, caregivers’ reports of their use of physical discipline, and anger perception bias were significantly positively related to teacher reports of aggressive behavior two years later after controlling for gender and anger perception accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and justifies a natural way to weaken the concept of covering relation defined on a finite tournament. Various weak covering relations, calledk-covering relations, are introduced. To eachk-covering relation corresponds a strong uncovered set containing all nonk-covered outcomes. It is proved that those strong uncovered sets may be empty. Moreover, the set of all tournaments having an empty strong uncovered set is characterized within two rather large classes of tournaments. Finally, we offer a complete study of the cases where the directed graph defined by ak-covering relation coincides with the initial tournament.  相似文献   

Predictors of Peer Victimization among Urban Youth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined aggression and withdrawal as predictors of peer victimization. In addition, peer rejection was evaluated as both a moderator and mediator of these relations. The sample consisted of 1956 African-American, Hispanic, and White elementary school-aged boys and girls attending urban and inner-city schools that were classified as high or moderate disadvantage. Correlation and regression analyses revealed that aggression predicted both contemporaneous and longitudinal victimization by peers. This relation maintained across school disadvantage, ethnicity, age, and sex, andwas mediated by rejection. Withdrawal, mediated by rejection, predicted victimization for fourth graders only; withdrawal also reduced risk for victimization for low rejected children. The implications for understanding the dynamics of childhood victimization and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

现代世界各国的国家安全问题已经难以用传统的国家安全理念来轮廓,其已经超出一国与他国的外交关系,不仅涉及国际关系,更涉及一国国内的问题,包括军事、政治、经济、文化、科技、生态、信息等方方面面。美国早在1947年就出台了《美国国家安全法》,并开始谋划国家安全的新理念。美国也是最早制定国家安全战略的国家,与此同时,美国假借保护国家安全利益之名,已将国家安全的"防火墙"扩展至非涉密信息、经济、贸易等诸多领域,值得我们高度重视。本文通过对美国国家安全观、战略和法律规制等述评,以期对我国的国家安全观和战略的构筑以及法律规制有所借鉴。  相似文献   

陆建人 《创新》2011,5(4):5-9,134
自1991年中国与东盟建立对话关系以来,双方的经济合作已开展了20年,形成了一整套机制,领域逐步扩大,取得了显著成果。最近,双方的经济合作又出现了一些新进展。展望未来,在加快解决合作中存在的问题的基础上,双方还面临着经济和政治安全方面的重大挑战,需要双方携起手来,精诚合作,共同推进经济合作的进一步深化。  相似文献   

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