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In this paper a general definition of an up-and-down algorithm for estimating given quantiles of a binary response curve is suggested. Conditions are given for the distribution to which the design converges to be unimodal, for its mode to be ‘next’ to the quantile specified and for the distribution to be more concentrated around the mode. Results of Derman (1957) and of Durham and Flournoy (1994) are extended.  相似文献   

This discussion focuses on threshold nonstationary?Cnonlinear time series modelling; it raises various issues to do with identifiability and model complexity. It also gives some background history concerning smooth threshold/transition autoregressive models and hidden Markov switching models.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we introduce and study a class of distributions that has the linear mean residual quantile function. Various distributional properties and reliability characteristics of the class are studied. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are presented. We then present generalizations of this class of distributions using the relationship between various quantile based reliability measures. The method of L-moments is employed to estimate parameters of the class of distributions. Finally, we apply the proposed class of distributions to a real data set.  相似文献   

We propose a semiparametric modeling approach for mixtures of symmetric distributions. The mixture model is built from a common symmetric density with different components arising through different location parameters. This structure ensures identifiability for mixture components, which is a key feature of the model as it allows applications to settings where primary interest is inference for the subpopulations comprising the mixture. We focus on the two-component mixture setting and develop a Bayesian model using parametric priors for the location parameters and for the mixture proportion, and a nonparametric prior probability model, based on Dirichlet process mixtures, for the random symmetric density. We present an approach to inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo posterior simulation. The performance of the model is studied with a simulation experiment and through analysis of a rainfall precipitation data set as well as with data on eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser.  相似文献   

In this article, by considering a multivariate normal mean–variance mixture distribution, we derive the exact joint distribution of linear combinations of order statistics and their concomitants. From this general result, we then deduce the exact marginal and conditional distributions of order statistics and their concomitants arising from this distribution. We finally illustrate the usefulness of these results by using a Swiss markets dataset.  相似文献   

Three-stage and ‘accelerated’ sequential procedures are developed for estimating the mean of a normal population when the population coefficient of variation (CV) is known. In spite of the usual estimator, i.e. the sample mean, Searls' (1964 Searls, DT. (1964). The utilization of a known coefficient of variation in the estimation procedure. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc, 50: 12251226.  ) estimator is utilized for the estimation purpose. It is established that Searls' estimator dominates the sample mean under the two sampling schemes.  相似文献   

We contribute to the discussion of the paper by Devroye and James, by reviewing some of the most meaningful results that relate the unilateral stable distribution with the asymptotic behavior of the so-called Ewens-Pitman sampling model. Our focus is then on how these results have been exploited in the context of Bayesian nonparametric inference for species sampling problems.  相似文献   

In this largely expository article, we highlight the significance of various types of dimension for obtaining uniform convergence results in probability theory and we demonstrate how these results lead to certain notions of generalization for classes of binary-valued and real-valued functions. We also present new results on the generalization ability of certain types of artificial neural networks with real output.  相似文献   

The classical adjustments for the inadequacy of the asymptotic distribution of Pearson's X2 statistic, when some cells are sparse or the cell expectations are small, use continuity corrections and exact moments; the recent approach is to use computer based ‘exact inference’. In this paper we observe that the original exact test due to Freeman and Halton (Biometrika 38 (1951), 141–149) and its computer implementation are theoretically unsound. Furthermore, the corrected algorithmic version for the exact p-value in StatXact is practically useful in very few cases, and the results of its present version which includes Monte Carlo estimates can be highly variable. We then derive asymptotic expansions for the moments of the null distribution of Pearson's X2, introduce a new method of correcting for discreteness and finite range of Pearson's X2 as an alternative to the classical continuity correction, and use them to construct new and improved approximations for the null distribution. We also offer diagnostic criteria applicable to the tables for selecting an appropriate approximation. The exact methods and the competing approximations are studied and compared using thirteen test cases from the literature. It is concluded that the accuracy of the appropriate approximation is comparable with the truly exact method whenever it is available. The use of approximations is therefore preferable if the truly exact computer intensive solutions are unavailable or infeasible.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiple deferred state repetitive group sampling plan which is a new sampling plan developed by incorporating the features of both multiple deferred state sampling plan and repetitive group sampling plan, for assuring Weibull or gamma distributed mean life of the products. The quality of the product is represented by the ratio of true mean life and specified mean life of the products. Two points on the operating characteristic curve approach is used to determine the optimal parameters of the proposed plan. The plan parameters are determined by formulating an optimization problem for various combinations of producer's risk and consumer's risk for both distributions. The sensitivity analysis of the proposed plan is discussed. The implementation of the proposed plan is explained using real-life data and simulated data. The proposed plan under Weibull distribution is compared with the existing sampling plans. The average sample number (ASN) of the proposed plan and failure probability of the product are obtained under Weibull, gamma and Birnbaum–Saunders distributions for a specified value of shape parameter and compared with each other. In addition, a comparative study is made between the ASN of the proposed plan under Weibull and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

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