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An empirical distribution function Fm, defined on a subset of order statistics of a random sample of size n taken from the distribution of a random variable with continuous distribution function F, is shown to converge uniformly with probability one to F. Small sample distributions of the one and two sided deviations and the asymptotic normality of the standardized Fm are established. The relative efficiency of Fm as compared to the classical empirical distribution function is calculated and tabled. for n = 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.  相似文献   

Locally most powerful tests for augmented simple Lehmann alternatives are obtained. These tests turn out to be linearcombinations of the Savage and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test criteria. We study their performance in terms of the asymptotic efficiency relative to their parametric competitors against location and scale alternatives. For small sample sizes, critical points of a couple of test procedures are given.  相似文献   

The two-sample problem for comparing Weibull scale parameters is studied for randomly censored data. Three different test statistics are considered and their asymptotic properties are established under a sequence of local alternatives, It is shown that both the test statistic based on the mlefs (maximum likelihood estimators) and the likelihood ratio test are asymptotically optimum. The third statistic based only on the number of failures is not, Asymptotic relative efficiency of this statistic is obtained and its numerical values are computed for uniform and Weibull censoring, Effects of uniform random censoring on the censoring level of the experiment are illus¬trated, A direct proof for the joint asymptotic normality of the mlefs of the shape and the scale parameters is also given  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how certain statistics, computed from a sample of size n (from almost any distribution) may be simulated by using a sequence of substantially less than n random normal variates. Many statistics, θ, including almost all maximum likelihood estimates, can be expressed in terms of the sample trigonometric moments, STM. The STM are asymptotically multivariate normal with a mean vector and variance-covariance matrix easily expressible in terms of equally spaced characteristic function evaluations. Thus one only needs to know the Fourier transform or equivalently the characteristic function associated with elements of any moderate to large i. i. d. sample and have access to a normal random number generator to generate a sequence of STM with distributional properties almost identical to those of STM computed from that sample. These STM can in turn be used to compute the desired statistic θ.  相似文献   

A nonparametric measure of interclass correlation is considered and its unbiased estimator and a test based on the estimator are studied. Hie measure is an analogue of the Kendall's measure of dependence. It is shown that the variance of the estimator is small and the information loss of the test based on the estimator is not serious relative to a standard parametric test in the sense of the Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency. Furthermore, the approximate variance of the estimator is given in the normal model.  相似文献   

A new class of statistical tests for uniformity based on sample ranges is proposed to detect a uniform density contaminated by a density with one or more high peaks. These kinds of alternatives occur quite frequently, especially in physics. It is shown that the proposed tests arc consistent and have high Pitman asymptotic relative efficiencies. Results of a Monte Carlo power study indicate that they, compared with other tests of uniformity, possess good power properties.A comparative study of various tests is also conducted using real data. An effcient algorithm for computing out test statistic and a table of percentage points are given, providing a practical guide for using the new test.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have studied some implications between tail-ordering (also known as dispersive ordering) and failure rate ordering (also called TP2 ordering) of two probability distribution functions. Based on independent random samples from these distributions, a class of distribution-free tests has been proposed for testing the null hypothesis that the two life distributions are identical against the alternative that one failure rate is uniformly smaller than the other. The tests have good efficiencies as compared to their competitors.  相似文献   

Two sampling procedures used to estimate the distribution of the length of textile fibres are studied . Estimators of the density function of fibre length and the asymptotic propertiesof these estimators are discussed. Simulations were undertaken to compare mean square errors of the estimators for various saniple sizes.  相似文献   

A modified chi-square test for testing the equality of two multinomial populations against an order restricted alternative in one sample and two sample cases is constructed. The relation between the concepts of dependence by cM-square and stochastic ordering is established, The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is the chi-bar-square type discussed by Robertson, Wright and Dykstra (1988). Simulations are used to compare the power of this test with the power of the likelihood ratio test of stochastic ordering of the two multinomial populations.  相似文献   

We derive sample size formulas for the many-one test of Steel (1959) when the all-pairs power is preassigned. In this large sample approach we replace, similar to Noether (1987), the unknown variances and also the unknown correlation coefficients in the power expressions by their known values under the null hypotheses. We then obtain least favorable configurations for one-and two-sided comparisons. The reliability of our formulas is examined in computer simulations for different alternatives with various distributions.  相似文献   

In this note we derive asymptotic normality for a class of linear combinations of functions of concomitant order statistics by exploiting the relation between these statistics and rank statistics for testing independence. The proof can at once be obtained from the proof of the asymptotic normality (under fixed alternatives) of the statistics of the latter type by a slight modification which is in fact a simplification. The score function is allowed to have a finite number of discontinuities (so that one- or two- sided trimmed means are included) and need not be bounded. In this way we prove results similar to those in Yang (1981b) in a different and simple manner.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with testing that r random samples are all from the same population when the data are left (or right) censored. A statistic is developed which has elements of a goodness-of-fit statistic and of a modified Kruskal-Wallis statistic. The efficiency of this statistic relative to some other commonly used statistics is calculated. Some Monte Carlo comparisons are given.  相似文献   

The problem addressed is that of smoothing parameter selection in kernel nonparametric regression in the fixed design regression model with dependent noise. An asymptotic expression of the optimum bandwidth parameter has been obtained in recent studies, where this takes the form h = C 0 n ?1/5. This paper proposes to use a plug-in methodology, in order to obtain an optimum estimation of the bandwidth parameter, through preliminary estimation of the unknown value of C 0.  相似文献   

A computational algorithm is given which calculates exact significance levels of a wide class of permutation tests in the one and two sample problems. This class includes the permutation test based on the means, locally most powerful permutation tests and linear rank tests. When a shift model is assumed confidence intervals can also be obtained. Approximate methods, based on asymptotic expansions, are also presented.  相似文献   

It is important to detect the variance heterogeneity in regression models. Heteroscedasticity tests have been well studied in parametric and nonparametric regression models. This paper presents a consistent test for heteroscedasticity for nonlinear semi-parametric regression models with nonparametric variance function based on the kernel method. The properties of the test are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. The test methods are illustrated with a real example.  相似文献   

An expression is presented for the mean of a linear signed rank statistic for the one sample location model. Several examples are given to illustrate its application.  相似文献   

A class of nonparametric two-sample tests for testing identity of distributions versus alternatives containing both location and scale parameters is proposed and some properties are derived. A recursion formula for the exact distribution under the hypothesis is presented and, the asymptotic distribution is given under both the hypothesis and a contiguous sequence of alternatives. Some asymptotic optimality properties are deduced for particular tests of the class and finally, the asymptotic efficiency is found.  相似文献   

Xia Chen 《Statistics》2013,47(5):687-696
Consider the nonparametric regression model with martingale difference errors. Nonparametric estimator g n (x) of regression function g(x) will be introduced, and its asymptotic properties are studied. In particular, the pointwise and uniform convergence of g n (x) and its asymptotic normality will be investigated. This extends the earlier work on independent random errors.  相似文献   

Bounds on the Pitman efficiency for two-sample scale and loca-tion statistics are presented along with densities for which these bounds are sharp.  相似文献   

In the linear regression model, the asymptotic distributions of certain functions of confidence bounds of a class of confidence intervals for the regression parameter arc investigated. The class of confidence intervals we consider in this paper are based on the usual linear rank statistics (signed as well as unsigned). Under suitable assumptions, if the confidence intervals are based on the signed linear rank statistics, it is established that the lengths, properly normalized, of the confidence intervals converge in law to the standard normal distributions; if the confidence intervals arc based on the unsigned linear rank statistics, it is then proved that a linear function of the confidence bounds converges in law to a normal distribution.  相似文献   

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