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In recent years,the problem of China's income distribution has become a hot issue in domestic and overseas academic circles and the media.It is also taken very seriously by Chinese policy makers.Over the past 30 years of economic and social transition,the gap in  相似文献   

The share of labor income in China's national income shrank dramatically from the mid- 1990s onwards, accompanied by the shrinking of the share of household income and a continuing rise in the shares of corporate and government income. As income distribution is closely related to social stability, public well-being and economic development, changes in this regard and the related policy suggestions have attracted wide attention. The four articles in this special issue are devoted to answering three questions: a) what has caused the decline in labor income share? b) what factors have contributed to the changes in the distribution of national income among the corporate, govemment and household sectors? and c) what impact does the changing distribution of national income have on the national saving rate?  相似文献   

On May 27-28, 2013, the first German-Chinese Academic Forum (Deutsch-Chinesisches Akademisches Forum) was held in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, under the co- sponsorship of the Social Sciences in China Press of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Bonn Academy for Research and Teaching of Practical Politics (Bonner Akademie ftir Forschung und Lehre praktischer Politik) of the University of Bonn. The forum drew together dozens of distinguished scholars from China and Germany, who discussed the topic of "Climate Change and Global Governance" from multi-disciplitmry perspectives. The participants stated that the issue of climate change and global governance is of international significance, and that given their differences in political systems, cultural traditions, economic development and ideology, governmental and academic exchanges between China and the West are highly valuable. We selected three papers presented to this forum and one research paper from Zhongguo Shehui Kexue to form this special issue "Climate Change and Global Governance" for our readers.  相似文献   

I take it an honor to be invited as the editorial advisor for this special issue on economic transition in China, the first special issue on this topic in SSIC. We can only select five out of an extremely rich reservoir of studies. The selected papers deal with general theories on transition and China's experience, and also include empirical studies on some important aspects in China's economic transition (e.g., the financial sector, the reform of enterprises and regional growth).  相似文献   

This special issue discusses the interactions between imported religions and Chinese civilization and society. It is widely accepted that Judeo-Christian culture and ancient Greek culture constitute the two major sources of Western civilization. If the latter laid the philosophical foundations of Western civilization, the former served as its religious core.  相似文献   

Editors note: The third issue of Social Sciences in China (Chineseversion) published in May 1999 and the third issue of Research on theHistory of the CPC carried an article entitled "A Reconsideration of MaoZedong's Theory on New Democracy" by Hu Sheng. The text is dividedinto six Parts and consists of 19, 000 Chinese characters. Here we havesummarized Parts of the article (in brackets). The remainder is from theoriginal text.(One aspect of Mao Zedong's theory of new democracy has no…  相似文献   

The issue of changes in the rules gov-erning the operation of the relations be-tween the social strata and their recon-structionAnother change in the relations betweenthe social strata since the inception of re-form is the change in their operating rules.Before the start of the reform,the relationsbetween social strata were basically deter-mined and controlled by the state throughcoercion.Hence policy and institutional ruleshad decisive effects on the relations betweensocial strata.Such operat…  相似文献   

The amount of thought given to the death penalty is almost equal to that which the entire field of humanities and social science has expended on life itself, and shows no signs of flagging. The question may be formulated as a purely philosophical one, but it has also drawn the attention of political scientists. Naturally, it is also an important legal issue.Papers presented in this special issue on the death penalty cover both substantive and procedural law. In "On the 'Criterion' of Proof in Capital Cases and the Revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure," Professor Wang Minyuan discusses the trial hearing from the perspective of the Criminal Procedure Law, arguing that whether a capital case meets the most rigorous requirements for proof is the basic standard by which its quality should be measured and the key to solving quality problems in capital cases. In "The Death Penalty and Human Rights," Professor Chen Zhonglin reflects upon the legitimacy of the death penalty from the perspective of substantive law, and emphasizes the need for a correct understanding of the conditions for application of the death sentence and the suspended death sentence stipulated in the Criminal Law of China.  相似文献   

2002, no. 4(1) Distribution According to Work andDistribution According to Factors ofProduction-From the Perspective of MarxistLogicZhou Weimin Lu NingAccording to the socialist theory ofeconomics, distribution according to work isthe basic principle and system of distributionin socialist countries. Along with theestablishment of a socialist market economyduring the reform, especially with thereadjustment and changes to the ownershipstructure, distribution according to factors of  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of the rapid development of the social sciences in China, reflect the latestresearch results in this field and provide more and better academic articles, the China Social Science Digestwill change from bimonthly to monthly publication from 2008, with 160 pages per issue. We hope that in thisnew incarnation we will continue to gain the support and assistance of our readers in academia and thepublishing world and all those who engage in or follow the social sciences.  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of the rapid development of the social sciences in China, reflect the latest research results in this field and provide more and better academic articles, the China Social Science Digest will change from bimonthly to monthly publication from 2008, with 160 pages per issue. We hope that in this new incarnation we will continue to gain the support and assistance of our readers in academia and the publishing world and all those who engage in or follow the social sciences.  相似文献   

In this paper the author will make an empirical analysis of theinteraction between the migration of rural labor and income distributionduring the current process of economic growth in China, focusing on theeffect of the rural labor flow on income distribution.I. Size of the Rural Labor MigrationThe effect of rural labor migration on income distribution in ruralareas is related to the size of the rural migrant population. However, it isregrettable that we do not have accurate figures for the …  相似文献   

Ever since the pre-Qin period, almost all scholars, thinkers and philosophers in all dynasties have thought about and studied the issue of “how to run the country well” in varying ways and have put forward a vari- ety of different views and theories. We may use a cover-all term for their exploratory work and its intellectual results: “China’s clas- sical management science.” The philosophers and thinkers of the pre-Qin period did not concern themselves with political institutions. They n…  相似文献   

The dispute between traditional andWestern medicines in modern China foundits main form of expression in the oppres-sion of the former by practitioners of West-ern medicine, which holds the dominantposition. Nominally, this is termed a contro-versy between the schools of traditional andWestern medicines, but in practice, it involvesthe issue of the survival of traditional Chi-nese medicine confronted by the impact ofthe trend of scientism. In the course ofconfrontation, opposition and confli…  相似文献   

An article entitled "The Significance of Intellectual History" by Mr. Li Zehou in the 5th issue of Dushu, 2004, touches on the significance of "'what if' historiography." He said, "'Revolution' can be said to be the theme of 20th century Chinese history. The Revolution of 1911, the 'Great Revolution' in 1927, the Revolution of 1949 and the 'Cultural Revolution' starting from 1966-these were simply the greatest ones…Of them all,  相似文献   

The contributors to this special issue,“Reform of the Public Health Care Systemin China: Challenges and Responses,” comefrom varying organizations — from academicinstitutions to policy research institutes —with varying research backgrounds — fromhealth policy research to social policy re-search and sociology, and to agriculturaleconomics. They have observed the publichealth care system and express their viewsfrom different perspectives: Gong Sen fromthe perspective of health resource a…  相似文献   

Articles in this special issue offers comments to the status quo of contemporary philosophical studies in China from various perspectives, focusing on problems in this field of study. Professor Yi Junqing argues that paradigm of study should be the issue of prior concern in Chinese philosophical studies in the New Era,  相似文献   

After over two decades' exploration and accumulation since reform and opening up, studies of Marxist philosophy in contemporary China have now focused on two basic aspects: a higher level of scholarship and more concern with social reality. The trend has largely manifested itself in Marxist philosophical studies of major practical problems in recent years. Papers in this special issue not only highlight the latest developments in Marxist philosophical studies and their orientation to reality, but also summarize basic questions for further exploration.  相似文献   

This special issue, "NGOs and Social Transition in China," contains seven articles answering the following two questions: What is the situation of NGOs in China? Howshould this situation be understood? Three  相似文献   

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