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权力、信任对冲突解决机制及其伙伴关系持续影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对以往供应链伙伴关系和冲突进行理论回顾和归纳的基础上,探索了供需企业间的权力运用、信任与合作、冲突以及回避性冲突解决之间的关系,并进一步分析了各种冲突解决机制对伙伴关系持续的影响.研究结果表明,协调性权力和信任有助于合作性冲突解决,从而推动伙伴关系的发展,而强制性权力的运用只会增强竞争性冲突解决和回避冲突解决,从而损坏供需双方之间的伙伴关系.  相似文献   

基于信任的供应链伙伴关系维系管理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在契约的基础上进行基于信任的伙伴关系维系管理是保证节点企业间融洽合作关系的有效策略之一.本文首先分析了供应链伙伴关系管理实践中需要注意的问题以及信任与供应链伙伴关系的内在联系;在供应商开发程序的基础上融入信任诊断、协商沟通和改进供应链伙伴关系提高绩效的过程,提出了一种基于信任诊断的供应链伙伴关系开发程序进行多层伙伴关系维系的方法,包括基于信任的伙伴关系诊断层、伙伴关系协商沟通层和伙伴关系修正层.最后给出了支持该方法不同组成元素的企业实际运作例证.  相似文献   

多个MRP系统在供应链环境下的协调策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物料需求计划系统的目的是准时生产,减少库存,以实现单个企业内部的最优化生产.供应链管理则是从系统观点出发,纵观全局,力求使供应链整体的效益达到最大化.供应链管理是当前市场环境里最有效的管理方式,但是当采用了物料需求计划系统的多个企业组成供应链时,物料需求计划系统追求企业内部最优的特性和供应链致力于全体最优的特性就会产生冲突,因此必须进行协调合作.在分析了各种可能产生冲突的原因的基础上,提出了一些协调策略.  相似文献   

服务供应链战略互动与协同价值对合法性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于能力观和制度合法性等理论,运用实证研究的方法验证服务供应链中服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动关系以及集成服务和产品服务价值实现对伙伴关系合法性的作用.基于资源依赖理论和服务供应链理论阐述服务集成商与客户企业的战略互动、协同价值实现和伙伴关系合法性,并在此基础上提出三者之间的关系,即战略互动对伙伴关系合法性的影响以及协同价值实现的不同表现,特别是集成服务对以上路径的中介作用.研究结果表明,服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动是影响服务供应链上下游企业产生伙伴关系合法性的显著因素,尤其是服务集成商的集成服务价值实现是伙伴关系合法性形成的关键中介变量,而产品服务的价值实现并不能推动服务集成商与客户企业之间的关系合法性.  相似文献   

目前学术界对于影响供应链整合的因素以及这些因素如何影响到供应链整合的研究相对匮乏。本研究以供应链管理为视角,构建了伙伴关系、物流能力和供应链整合之间关系的概念模型。基于来自218家供应链上下游企业的调查数据,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的方法对上述概念模型进行了实证研究。研究结果显示:伙伴关系、物流能力对供应链整合均有显著的正向影响;同时结果显示,伙伴关系对物流能力也具有显著的正向影响,且透过物流能力,伙伴关系对供应链整合的间接影响高于其直接影响。此外研究结果还显示,不同规模及行业企业的伙伴关系和物流能力对供应链整合的作用大不相同。本文不仅为研究伙伴关系对供应链整合的影响路径和作用机理提供了一个新的视角,而且还为我国不同规模及行业企业如何利用伙伴关系和物流能力来提升供应链整合提供了决策的依据。  相似文献   

基于返回策略与风险分担的供应链协调分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于返回策略分析供应链协调与风险分担问题.该模型含有两种常见的返回政策:比例回购和折价回购.研究结果表明返回策略可以协调供应链.供应链协调时供应链风险在供应商和销售商之间的分担情况由回购折价参数和回购比例参数决定,并且风险分担情况符合一般的收益和风险之间的权衡关系,即获得的收益越高,承担的风险就越大.供应商的最优回购契约是:供应商允许销售商对剩余订货全部按批发价退货,供应商采用边际成本加成定价的方式来确定批发价,加成比例由市场需求的满足率决定;在最优情形下,节点企业分担的风险之比等于两企业在供应链最优订货量处的边际成本之比.  相似文献   

叶飞  李怡娜  张红  雷宣云 《管理学报》2009,6(6):743-750
以广东省珠三角地区制造企业为调查对象,对供应链信息共享影响因素、信息共享程度与企业运营绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:供应链伙伴特性对信息共享程度与企业运营绩效均有显著的正向影响;供应链伙伴关系不仅通过信息共享间接影响到企业运营绩效,而且直接影响到企业运营绩效;供应链伙伴间信息化水平落差越小,伙伴间信息共享程度与企业运营绩效就越好;供应链伙伴关系对企业运营绩效有显著的正向影响.鉴于此,企业在选择供应链合作伙伴时应着重考虑伙伴特性与信息化水平落差;企业应加强供应链伙伴关系建设,尤其应重视伙伴间信任关系的建立;企业应加强与供应链上下游伙伴之间信息共享与交流.  相似文献   

供应链伙伴特性、伙伴关系与信息共享的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
依据相关文献与研究假设,构建了供应链伙伴特性、伙伴关系与信息共享水平之间关系的理论模型.以广东省珠三角地区141家制造企业为调查对象,利用多元回归分析方法对供应链伙伴特性、伙伴关系与信息共享水平之间关系进行实证研究.研究结果表明,供应链伙伴特性不仅对信息共享水平有显著的直接影响,而且还以伙伴关系为中介变量而间接地影响到信息共享水平;供应链伙伴特性中的文化相似性、资源互补性等维度对伙伴关系及其信任、承诺等维度均有显著的正向影响;伙伴关系中的信任、承诺等维度对信息共享水平及其作业信息、财务信息、策略信息等维度均有显著的正向影响.研究结果表明,不仅需要重视对供应链伙伴特性的分析与评估,尤其是对供应链伙伴的文化相似程度与资源互补性等方面进行评估,而且还要善于同供应链上下游企业建立重要的战略伙伴关系.  相似文献   

长期合作期望下的供应链非对称信息甄别研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
首先构建了一次交易供应链协调问题中基于一般性假设下非对称信息甄别的供应链次最优(Second-best)协调模型,论证了系统最优协调不可得,之后将供应链一次交易关系拓展至长期合作关系,提出了关于供应链协调问题的"长期合作期望"这一研究立足点,在此基础上通过考察两类具体子问题,揭示了长期合作背景下供应链上下游企业之间的重复主从博弈对信息非对称时的供应链协调问题的影响:若代理人(零售商)私有信息具有跨期关联、且事后不可验证,则将造成信息甄别的棘轮效应;若私有信息在事后有可能被识别,则在委托人(制造商)的触发战略(Trigger Strategy)激励下供应链Pareto最优协调能否达到取决于事后被识别的概率、零售商的信息租金、对称信息下自身的收益以及无伙伴关系时的保留效用之间的数量关系.论文给出了上述各个结论相应的定量分析与描述.  相似文献   

综述了国内外70余篇供应链伙伴关系相关文献,从关系管理基础理论、关系现状调查分析、关系组建研究、关系持续研究、信任关系五个方面,分析了供应链伙伴关系管理的研究进展;总结了现有研究中需强化的内容;进而,提出了供应链伙伴关系管理中一个新的研究课题--供应链伙伴关系维系管理,并展望了该课题中急需进行深入研究的方向.  相似文献   

Conflict thrives and grows in the increasingly competitive and uncertain health care environment. Conflict impacts health care organizations' performance in several areas: (1) patient grievances and health plan member disputes; (2) internal employee and management disputes; and (3) payer, provider, and vendor disputes. "Grief Budgets," the hard costs and soft costs due to disputes that are poorly handled and conflicts that are ignored, detract from an organizations health mission and erode its bottom line. This article offers a strategy to solve conflict at an early stage in all three areas, with measurable results that strengthen profits and improve customer service by instilling a mediation-based conflict resolution culture throughout the organization. Mediation is non-adversarial, neutral, proactive, and collaborative. It is also confidential and always protects the future relationship between the parties. The challenge, therefore, is to strategically implant mediation into the health care organization's structure, to intercept and solve conflict early on. The article provides an overview of the steps needed to install a dispute resolution program.  相似文献   

Considering the effects of globalisation, the increase of production and energy costs, and the introduction of advanced technologies, companies need to change their way of doing business if they want to stay competitive. One way of doing this is to establish collaborations with suppliers, distributors and retailers, in order to exchange products efficiently and create value for customers. Nevertheless, the structure of the collaboration must be designed carefully and some coordination mechanisms must be implemented to support this way of doing business. In this article, we first analyse: why companies work together, how they should build their partnership, and which strategies they can implement to facilitate coordination of supply chain activities. We then report a case study of collaboration in the forest industry that shows the benefits of implementing coordination mechanisms as well as the necessity of using incentives to better share these benefits.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which formal governance mechanisms such as contracts and equity ownership affect interfirm coordination and partnership performance. We analysed data from a survey of 301 Korean firms to show that interfirm coordination partially mediates the relationship between contract completeness, defined as the extent to which a contract specifies task operations and contingencies, and partnership performance. Furthermore, we find that more complete contracts can attenuate the negative effects of equity ownership on coordination, and that this effect is particularly strong when partner tasks are interdependent and relational norms are weak.  相似文献   

Strategies of conflict management. Coaching, supervision and organisational development in comparisonHow do different kinds of professional consultants engage in conflict management and what do they concentrate on most in their consulting work? This article explores and compares the approaches of professional coaches, supervisors and organisational consultants, focussing on the central differences and commonalities of the consulting approaches that emerge from three case studies of conflict resolution. Whereas coaching, relying on the idea that conflicts in a business are best addressed by leaders and a top-down strategy, trains executives in conflict resolution, supervision and organisational consulting emphasize a participatory model that involves all the affected parties in conflict resolution. The author considers the various consequences these approaches have for those seeking help, as well as the substantive and methodological differences become evident in the course of consulting sessions.  相似文献   

The implementation of the government supervision of the quality of the project is an international practice. The basic form of government supervision of engineering quality is government supervision on the quality behavior of the engineering main bodies and its results by the competent government department entrusted. Its essence is a dual principal-agent process. The frequent accidents of the engineering quality reflect the loss and failure of the government law enforcement supervision of the engineering quality to some extent. Its root lies in the lack of endogenous power in the law enforcement supervision of the project quality government supervisors in the law enforcement supervision. Therefore, the incentive coordination mechanism of the government supervision based on the multi-level interest distribution is worth explored. In views of the multi-level management system which is formed by the government departments, government quality supervision organizations, quality supervision team (or group) for the government supervision of engineering quality. The benefit distribution function between every party is constructed, and the game model of the multi-level incentive and coordination for the government supervision in engineering quality is built. To solve and deduce from the first stage of the cooperative game and the second stage of the non-cooperative game, the cooperative game can obtain the reward coefficient: . The coordination degree of the best effort can be obtained by the non cooperative game. The result shows that:the coordination degree of government engineering quality supervisor is related to the coordination costs, and had nothing to do with fixed costs. The benefit distribution coefficient not only depends on the efforts of the quality government monitors, but also on the efficiency of other parties' efforts. The quality supervisors of the project will also focus on the coordination with other parties when enhancing their management capabilities to improve the overall performance of project quality government supervision. The strategy of the incentive coordination mechanism for the supervision and cooperation of the project quality government is:the government quality supervision team should set up the supervisory team properly, improve the coordination efficiency and reduce the cost of supervision-coordination to maximize the value of self-motivation. Quality supervision team (or group) should establish the partnership to improve the coordination efficiency for achieving the maximization of their own incentive value.The model and conclusion of incentive synergy mechanism based on multi-level benefit allocation mechanism are researched. It can provide theoretical support and practice reference for the market governance and supervision of general public goods.  相似文献   

本文在建立冲突与协调概念的基础上,运用效用理论构造了描述工程建设中业主和承包商就合同所涉及的投资,工期和质量等条款的效用函数及其性质。建立了业主和承包商具有不同威慑力的总效用最大化的合同订立模型,并导出了遵循牛顿力学第三定律的合同订立协调求解方程。在此基础上分别建立了合同变更与合同索赔的数学模型,以及遵循牛顿力学第三定律的协调求解方程。本文的研究结论还可用于工程合伙建设各方之间的利益冲突协调和商务活动中合同订立,合同变更和合同索赔事件的处理。  相似文献   

通过关键链项目缓冲监控可以防止缓冲在项目执行阶段被浪费,并保证项目的工期,有效的监控方法有利于提升项目的整体绩效。为了克服统一缓冲监控方法的不足,在保证项目工期的基础上,本文考虑成本因素对项目的影响,提出了一种基于工序成本和工期敏感度的差别动态缓冲监控模型。该模型考虑工序异质性将工序划分为成本敏感型工序和工期敏感型工序,根据工序的综合感知效用进行缓冲监控分配,并结合敏感度对不同类型的工序设置不同的监控基准点和纠偏措施。仿真结果表明,差别监控相对于统一的监控模式有利于实现项目工期和成本的双优化,验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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