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A client must rely on the integrity of the professional money manager through the stages of the investment process: research, recommendation of specific securities, selection of investments appropriate to the investor, trading of the securities, and reporting of how successful the decisions have been. Throughout this process, the investment manager may be confronted with conflicts of interest. The Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) is a nonprofit association of money managers that has developed a code of ethics and standards of professional conduct. Its code contains governing principles; its standards provide the minimum rules of conduct. The AIMR Standards work on the assumption that investors will be adequately protected if the appropriate processes are in place and they provide full disclosure. Since the late 1980s, AIMR has been leading an industry effort to include in the Standards guidelines for presenting a money manager's historical performance.  相似文献   

市场经济是建立在分工与产权分立基础之上的“自发扩展”的秩序,这一秩序内生出其伦理的基础:公正、诚信、自由。公正是排他性产权主体之间进行交易的前提,是市场秩序的基础;诚信是节约交易成本,提高市场机制本身的效率的内在需要;自由是市场运行的前提预设,是市场经济运行的政治保障。  相似文献   

大学校园的诚信缺失及其解决对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏洁 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):45-47
诚信是一种伦理德性,也是一种经济伦理原则和社会责任信念。但在现代社会功利、利益等因素的冲击下,大学校园的道德诚信出现了下滑,导致了“诚信缺失”,请“枪手”、考试舞弊、假文凭假学历等屡见不鲜。这与社会主义道德风尚、大学人文主义精神、大学生理想人格是相背离的。因此,我们不能忽视这一现象,要深入探究诚信缺失背后隐藏的经济的、伦理的、社会的、心理的原因,并从教育改革、提高个人素质、建立信用档案、加强法律机制的建设等方面寻找其解决对策,使诚信回归大学校园。  相似文献   

西方发达国家个人诚信制度及其运行机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诚信(honesty)是一种积极、良好的社会关系和互动状况,它的基本意涵是人们在社会交往过程中应诚实无欺、行为守信。诚信涉及到信用(credit)、诚实(sincerity)、信任(trust)、信誉(reputation)等一些重要方面的内容。在西方发达国家,个人信用制度的具体运作机制主要包括:个人信用登记机制、个人信用评估机制和个人信用风险机制。当前国际上,在信用体制方面主要有三种比较成熟的模式:市场化模式,以美国、英国为代表;中央信贷登记模式,以欧洲大陆一些国家如德国、法国、比利时等为代表;以银行协会会员制机构与商业性机构合作模式,以日本为代表。这三种模式各具特色,适合于不同的国情。  相似文献   

诚实信用原则是市场经济活动中所形成的一项法律化的道德规范,其本质上是一种为寻求市场利益公平的法律伦理,具有道德规范性、法律规范性和双重功能性等主要特征.作为一种基本的商业道德和合同法的基本原则,诚实信用原则贯穿于合同订立、合同履行、合同终止和合同解释等合同行为的全过程.  相似文献   

诚信是现代市场经济运行中一种重要的新的资本形态,是一个企业精神财富和生命所在。不守“诚信”,或许可“赢一时之利”,但一定会“失长久之利”。无诚信就无成功。财富品质的核心是诚信,诚信立业,诚信致富。诚信乃做人之根本,有诚信才有成功。  相似文献   

大学生诚信缺失的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温锋 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):42-44
大学生诚信缺失表现在思想、学习、生活等方面,不仅反映了当前大学生令人担忧的思想道德状况,同时折射出高校思想道德教育的不足。导致大学生诚信缺失的主要原因有社会消极因素的影响、学校教育的失误、制度建设的缺失等。在分析当前大学生诚信缺失的表现和原因的基础上,提出要重建大学生诚信道德,必须从以下几个方面着手:营造良好的社会信用环境,加强大学生诚信道德教育,发挥教师的诚信典范作用,建立大学生个人信用档案,从而将诚信道德教育和建设真正落到实处,切实提高当代大学生的诚信道德品质。  相似文献   

诚信缺失的原因及控制论下的对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
董原  孙柯 《社科纵横》2006,21(4):40-41
中国目前存在着严重的诚信缺失现象。据“中国诚信论坛”上的统计资料显示:中国因不诚信每年造成经济损失5855亿元。本文从社会学和经济学学科角度分析了诚信缺失的原因,并在控制论理论的指导下,提出了解决诚信缺失的对策。  相似文献   

邓凡 《社科纵横》2007,22(12):34-35
当前,我国正处在建设社会主义和谐社会的重要阶段,"诚信友爱"是和谐社会的内在要求。从目前我国的行政管理实践来看,构建"诚信政府"的理念还没有深入人心,而政府失信会影响全社会的信用体系建设。本文就构建诚信政府的重大意义作了分析,并且对政府诚信在经济、法制、道德等方面的作用作了论述。  相似文献   

黄瑾宏 《唐都学刊》2008,24(2):27-30
"诚"作为儒家伦理的核心范畴,不仅是道德准则,更体现为天道本体与人性的根源."诚"贯通天人,为儒家伦理道德价值提供了终极依据.内求于心的"诚之"工夫是达致天人合一的理想道德境界的修养途径.梳理"诚"的道德哲学的内涵对于诚信缺失的当代社会具有重要的道德启示.  相似文献   

主持人语:文学批评是针对文学现象的评说,它同文学创作同样古老.文学批评对文学创作分析总结,同时又影响文学创作的发展,二者相互依存,互动存在.文学批评有社会历史批评、审美批评、心理批评、语言批评等几种基本类型.批评理念的变化、批评视角的不同会产生不同的批评方法;对同一文学作品运用不同批评方法亦会得出不同的评判.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a survey designed to elicit probability judgements for different types of events: ‘pure chance’ events, for which objective probabilities can be calculated; ‘public’ events, about which there may be some discussion in social groups and the media; and ‘personal’ events, such as those relating to crime or accidental injury. Even among respondents deemed to be ‘well-calibrated’ in the domain of pure chance events we find limited sensitivity to the ‘temporal scope’ of public and personal events—this being especially marked for personal events. We discuss possible reasons and some implications for policy-related survey work.
Graham LoomesEmail:

Social workers who plan or administer programs are fundamentally concerned with meeting the needs of the clients served. The social work profession, while proficient at needs assessments, has paid insufficient attention to research into social bases of unmet service needs. This study is an examination of unmet needs of persons with HIV diagnosis. It utilizes the Health Behavior Model, within the framework of the ecological perspective. The study is presented as a case example to illustrate the value of this research methodology for administration, programming, and policy in the human services.  相似文献   

On the surface, J. S. Mill and Paul Feyerabend appear to hold differing views of scientific method. Mill attempts to frame a set of rules or canons for testing evidence based on rationality and inference, whereas Feyerabend, in his so-called “epistemological anarchism”, calls for abandoning any attempt to separate the good from the bad in science according to a fixed view of rationality. Yet, somewhat paradoxically, Feryerabend cites Mill as the originator of what he (Feyerabend) has to say in defense of epistemological anarchy. First, I argue that those aspects of Mill’s On Liberty that are suggestive of an anti-rationalist philosophy are entirely compatible with the theory of scientific method Mill offers in A System of Logic. Second, in the process of reconciling these two works of Mill, I hope to shed light on how we are to understand Feyerabend’s critique of methodological dogmatism.  相似文献   

自20世纪30年代以来,语义分析方法就在科学哲学的历史演进与传承中具有了重要的方法论意义,同时它也为科学实在论与反实在论的论争、相互借鉴与渗透提供了对话的平台。今天,当我们反观这一历史时,重新理解语义分析方法的重要性,认识语境化的语义结构对把握科学理论解释的基础地位,掌握确定和表达指称是对理论进行解释的语义分析的方法论核心,明确“二维”语义学分析是当前语义分析方法论研究的必然趋向,从而,在形式、内容、结构和体系上重建语义分析方法在科学实在论研究中的方法论地位,对推动当代科学实在论的发展具有极其重大的战略性意义。  相似文献   

This study compares discounting for money and health in a field study. We applied the direct method, which measures discounting independent of utility, in a representative French sample, interviewed at home by professional interviewers. We found more discounting for money than for health. The median discount rates (6.5% for money and 2.2% for health) were close to market interest rates, suggesting that at the aggregate level the direct method solves the puzzle of unrealistically high discount rates typically observed in applied economics. Constant discounting fitted the data better than the hyperbolic discounting models that we considered. The substantial individual heterogeneity in discounting was correlated with age and occupation.  相似文献   

This paper provides an efficient method to measure utility under prospect theory. Our method minimizes both the number of elicitations required to measure utility and the cognitive burden for subjects, being based on the elicitation of certainty equivalents for two-outcome prospects. We applied our method in an experiment and were able to replicate the main findings on prospect theory, suggesting that our method measures what it is intended to. Our data confirmed empirically that risk seeking and concave utility can coincide under prospect theory. Utility did not depend on the probability used in the elicitation, which offers support for the validity of prospect theory.
Olivier L’HaridonEmail:

曲伟 《学习与探索》2006,(1):256-260
曲伟(以下简称曲):感谢米亚斯尼科夫院士接受我们的采访。您是第一位接受我们采访的俄罗斯院士,我们想采访一批从事社会科学研究方面的俄罗斯资深院士,通过宣传他们先进的治学之道和丰富的科学研究经验,促进中俄高层学者的相互交流,展示俄罗斯院士的风采,学习院士的成功经验,推动我们的研究水平再上新台阶。采访内容将通过中国社会科学院院报和我院刊物,分期分批地加以刊登,在累计采访20位左右院士时出版一本图文并茂的访谈文集,也为2006年在中国举办的俄罗斯年献上一份礼物。请您谈谈对我们这一想法的意见。米亚斯尼科夫(以下简称米):您是…  相似文献   

徐小霞 《社科纵横》2005,20(1):125-126
神话原型批评具有人类学心理学的视野 ,其理论渊源和批评方法倾向之间具有衍生关系 ,传入中国后与我国本土文化密切结合、交融 ,从而实现了这一批评方法在中国的本土化和革新。  相似文献   

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