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Risk factors such as increased drug use, a growing number of STD patients, more tolerance for homosexuality and the public抯 lack of knowledge about AIDS prevention are making it possible for AIDS to spread in China. But these are not the only factors contributing to the spread of AIDS. Publicity, an effective way to control the spread of AIDS has encountered great difficulties. Li Baozhong, secretary general of the China Family Planning Association (CFPA), concluded these difficu…  相似文献   

High-risk groups in Beijing, China’s capital city, suchas sex workers, drug-takers who share needles andgay communities are being encouraged to takevoluntary counseling and tests (VCT) as part of aneffort to stem the spread of AIDS. Tens of thousandsof flyers have been distributed to disease controlcenters at district levels, and they will be handed tohigh-risk individuals by AIDS workers andvolunteers over the next few weeks.The move, according to the organizers, was desig…  相似文献   

According to a report published by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), an estimated number of 40 million people were living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2001. Sub-Saharan Africa, with less than 11% of the world‘s population, contains more than 70% of all HIV-infected people. But no region is unaffected:  相似文献   

In 2005, Shanghai, a mega city with a population of 16million, will map out its first regulation on HIV/AIDSprevention and control to protect the legal rights ofHIV/AIDS carriers.An thorough investigation has been conducted in 2004and a team of local legislative, medical experts,government officials and related members have reviseda draft regulation that will be submitted to theMunicipal People's Congress for review in March 2005.The regulation will highlight the legal rights ofHIV/AI…  相似文献   

A total of 114 provincial government officials and medical experts have gone to 38 villages in central China‘s Henan Province, the worst-hit province in China by HIV/AIDS. They intend to work and live in the villages for a year, Xinhua News Agency reported April 20.  相似文献   

正On July 5,2014,the Forum on New Urbanization and Social Integration of Migrant Population2014Symposium on Migrant Population Data Development and Sharing was held,jointly by Department of Family Planning and Service and Management for Migrant Population of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)and Social Transformation and Social Governance Collaborative Innovation Center of Renmin University of China,at School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China.  相似文献   

正May 15th is the International Day of Families.The United Nations has set the theme of this year for the Day as Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals.The theme for China is Health for Everyone and Happiness for Each Family.In order to do well in publicizing  相似文献   

Shenzhen, a prosperous city in southern China acrossfrom Hong Kong, reported 250 HIV cases in January-September 2004, a 136% increase over the sameperiod a year ago and 30.9% increase from 2003,according to the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control.Most Carriers Are Non-Permanent ResidentsOf the 250 cases, 95% were migrants coming from 21provinces, and only 12% had an education of seniormiddle school and above. In addition, 76.4% of thecarriers were male averaging 31 years of age.Close to…  相似文献   

The thematic publicity activity marking the 2013 World Population Day, jointly sponsoredby National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Family Planning Association (CFPA), was held on July 11, 2013 at Renmin University of China. Mine. Li Bin, Minister of NHFPC,  相似文献   

The income gap between the highest- and lowest-income groups in Beijing, China’s capital city, grew to 4:1 in 2004, up from 3:1 in 2003, according to a sampling survey of 2,000 urban households conducted by the Beijing Municipal Statistics Bureau. Among the most important factors affecting income levels were education and profession, the survey indicated. The survey suggested that in 2004, the per capita disposable income of Beijing residents was RMB15,638, up 12.6% from 2003. Low-income…  相似文献   

The purpose of the PO2 project is to improve the special health education on reproductive health and HIV/ AIDS prevention knowledge in classroom education in the rural junior high schools of China. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education(MOE)of China,the Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China carried out a baseline KAP survey on the subject  相似文献   

From January 19th to25th,2006,the NPFPC/UNDP HIV/AIDS prevention and safe mobility project held peer education training workshops in several pilot sites including the cities of Heihe,Heilongjiang Province,Yanji,Jilin Province and Dandong,Liaoning Province…  相似文献   

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are the biggest biological threat to modem China, according to experts.  相似文献   

Beijing, capital city of China, is taking a series ofsteps to improve schooling for children of migrantworkers, estimated to be in the millions. Traditionally,China’s education system required school-agechildren to attend school where they were born.Latest statistics released by the Beijing EducationCommission indicate that migrant children in thecapital city have reached 288,000, of whom 235,000are children of migrant workers. Of those, 214,000attended local public schools and the rest in …  相似文献   

课题一:AIDS/HIV基本知识 教学目标:让学生了解什么是艾滋病 情感目标:不恐惧艾滋病 教学重点.艾滋病传播途径.怎样预防 教学难点:医学名词HIV、AIDS  相似文献   

In an effort to take advantage of the extensive network of the provincial family planning authorities,mobilize public participation and improve interagency coordination in fighting HIV/AIDS,the provincial government of Henan,in central China,lays out five…  相似文献   

南非《国际在线》报道,肯尼亚把已婚青年排除在预防HIV/AIDS感染的项目之外,这增加了感染病毒的危险性。实际上,已婚的青春期女孩对HIV更易受到感染,因为她们更喜欢无保护的性行为,根据2004年人口理事会的研究,在南部和东部非洲57%已婚女孩有无保护性行为,而未婚的性活跃期女孩是5%。“在肯尼亚对已婚青年排除进行预防HIV/AIDS的宣教活动是一项危险的举动。”  相似文献   

China's 150,000 family planning staff members arebeing trained to handle a range of new populationissues including an aging society, HIV/AIDS, andreproductive health, officials said.  相似文献   

Monitoring on Conditions of the Disabled Persons in China 2010 Basic Living Statistics on Families with Disabled Persons The household size remained the same in general. In 2010,families with disabled persons had 3.33 members on average. Compared to 3.37 over the previous  相似文献   

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