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以个体特征、家庭禀赋、征地政策和社区环境为维度,对影响个体行为的"内在因素—外部环境"模型进行拓展,并以此构建被征地青年颓废的Le YD理论模型及影响因素测量量表。运用二项Logistic回归模型对375名被征地青年个体行为状态的调查数据进行实证分析,结果表明:文化程度等四个变量对被征地青年颓废具有显著负影响,家庭经济地位等三个变量作用相反;非双亲家庭、纯货币补偿方式和非城镇中心安置区的被征地青年更容易颓废。要避免陷入颓废困境,需要被征地青年及其家庭、地方政府和所在社区的共同努力。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

In Venezuela, mortality related to nutritional deficiencies was low with a total of 178 cases in 1973 and 391 cases in 1981, affecting mainly children under the age of 12 months. In 1988 the System of Nutritional Surveillance (SISVAN) reported that the majority of hospital admissions with serious nutritional deficit were those with inadequate weight-height ratio: 37.0% of children under 1 year of age in 1988 and 46.4% in 1989. In 1988 SISVAN reported a decrease in the weight-height deficit in children under 10 years of age: 28,609 children in 1988 and 28,548 in 1989; whereas the age group from 2 to 6 years was the most affected by such deficit. Overall, however, there had been a slowdown in the improvement in child nutrition with the increase of grave malnutrition according to 1988 and 1989 data. 1990 and 1991 data showed an improved situation as a result of better use of state medical services by families and the milk program, indicating a decrease of the weight-height ratio deficit in children under 10 years of age: 18.0% in the first trimester of 1990 and 14.0% in 1991, along with the reduction of grave deficit from 0.9% in 1990 to 0.6% in 1991. Feeding as a determinant aspect of nutrition deals with the precarious nature of existing supplies, the diminution of acquisitive capacity, and the habits of consumption. The initiatives of the state for overcoming the situation include the basic basket of foodstuffs, direct subsidies to the low income population, and programs that fight nutritional deficiencies of children, such as the Expanded Maternal-Child Nutrition Program (PAMI). Households of daily care constitute the regional initiatives and the ability of the state to maintain these programs. The responses of urban centers before this initiative included a successful experiment, the center of education and nutritional recovery, and the child survival program.  相似文献   

邓杰 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):129-135
象征是超越现实提升影像艺术品质的重要途径。象征的本质是对物象原型进行主观化的建构而形成的具有某种指向性的"联想的整体",以达到发现和表述世界意义的目的,从而形成具有符号意义的价值影像。象征的原型也许是很日常化的,但因此会更有普遍性和深刻性。影响象征的因素最主要是传统文化心理,突破艺术家自身的感觉防卫系统,构建开放式的思维结构是提升象征品级的关键所在。  相似文献   

史文 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):102-109
中华民族再次面临为西方列强所肢解瓜分、亡国灭种的空前危机 ,为了回应救亡图存、变法谋求之现实社会的迫切需要 ,中国国家观也因之发生了质的变化———从传统王朝观向近代国家观的转变 ,这种转变主要表现为对近代资产阶级国家理论的思考与探索 ,以及国家主权意识和独立意识的萌生与发展。  相似文献   


Barry Reay (ed.), Popular Culture in Seventeenth Century England (1985), 319 (Croom Helm, £19#lb95).

David Underdown, Revel, Riot and Rebellion: Popular Politics and Culture in England 1603–1660 (1985), xii + 324 (Oxford University Press, £17#lb50).

Gary Stuart De Krey, A Fractured Society: The Politics of London in the First Age of Party, 1688–1715 (1985), xvi + 304 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25#lb00).

Gary Kates, The Cercle Social, the Girondins and the French Revolution (1985), xiv + 325 (Princeton University Press, £35#lb00).

John Belchem, Orator Hunt, Henry Hunt and English Working‐Class Radicalism (1985), xii + 304 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25#lb00).

William H. Sewell, jun., Structure and Mobility: The men and women of Marseille, 1820–1870 (1985), xvi + 377 (Cambridge University Press, £32#lb50).

Angela V. John, Unequal Opportunities: Women's Employment in England 1800–1918 (1986), 289 + index (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £25#lb00 hardback, £6#lb95 paperback).

Patricia Hilden, Working Women and Socialist Politics in France, 1880–1914: A Regional Study (1986), x + 307 (Oxford University Press, £25#lb00).

Kathy Peiss, Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn‐of‐the‐Century New York (1986), xi + 244 (Temple University Press, Philadelphia, $24#lb95).

Richard J. Evans and W. R. Lee (eds), The German Peasantry: Conflict and Community from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries (1986), xiii + 305 (Croom Helm, £22#lb50).

W. F. Bynum, Roy Porter and Michael Shepherd (eds), The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry, 2 vols (1985), xiv + 316; xiv + 283 (Tavistock Publications, £19#lb95 each volume.).  相似文献   

吴井泉 《学术交流》2008,2(1):144-150
20世纪40年代以延安诗学为主流的现实主义诗学理论建构,主要是在西方和前苏联现实主义文学理论的浸润下,尤其是从"左联"革命诗学和毛泽东的<讲话>中汲取灵感和理论资源而生成的.它既发挥了革命诗学的"理知主观"之长同时又吸纳了"客观写实"之优点,其理论构成主要呈现出以下几方面特点:一是诗中的人物或抒情主人公为一种特殊的文学典型,其身上凝聚着两极对立中的审美偏移倾向;二是主观的楔入,现实主义诗学内在张力的凸显;三是对情感的肯定与认同,呈现出现实主义诗学的"浪漫主义"色彩.其诗学的主体核心部分即训谕性也就是主观的人文理解要远远偏重于客观的真实性.这是延安诗学与其他的现实主义诗学的迥异之处.  相似文献   

Media Images of the Poor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a comprehensive overview of research that has examined the content and prevalence of stereotypic media images of the poor. Research examining televised images and print media are reviewed. An analysis of media framing as well as classist, racist, and sexist imagery is provided. Additionally, to assess media depictions of the poor in the wake of welfare reform, 412 newspaper articles about poverty and welfare published during a 3-month period in 1999 were content analyzed. Although most articles were neutral in tone and portrayed the difficulties facing welfare recipients and the poor sympathetically, they did little to contextualize poverty or illuminate its causes. These findings are discussed in terms of their context and political function.  相似文献   

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