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Daniel Cortese's book, ‘Are we thinking straight: Thepolitics of straightness in a lesbian and gay social movementorganization’ examines the political strategies of theUSA organization, the Straight and Gay Alliance (SAGA), andits efforts to promote ‘safe schools’ for lesbian,gay, bisexual and trans youth (LGBT). The book's main focusis on how SAGA deploys the involvement of ‘straight’or heterosexually-identified individuals as part of SAGA's publicpolitical agenda. As a national organization with numerous localchapters across the United States, SAGA encourages parents,teachers and students to work together to ensure that schoolsactively protect LGBT students from homophobic  相似文献   

At first glance, this book is about a narrow and technical aspectof today's development agenda – how to raise finance tohelp achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However,as Tony Addison and George Mavrotas put it in their chapter,‘mobilising finance in the right way can be a tremendousforce for good. The roads that the poor travel down, the marketsthat they access, and the schools that their children attendare all – in one way or another – the products ofdevelopment finance’ (p. 68). Approached in this way,the subject of this book gets to the heart of achieving equitableand sustainable development and, in its 11 chapters, the bookdoes indeed examine  相似文献   

From the outset, Britha Mikkelsen is careful to identify thelimitations of this rather detailed and extensive book (345pages). We are appropriately cautioned that it does not tryto do everything: it is a ‘guide’ ‘to a varietyof field study methods from which the reader may combine her/hisown mixture to suit the problem, time and resources available’(p. 23); ‘it is not a cookbook for the study of all developmentissues’ (p. 28) and it can be read selectively; and ‘itdoes not replace more elaborate texts, but will serve as a supplementto the basic methodology texts of sociology, anthropology...’(p. 46). Despite these protestations, it is a  相似文献   

This book is a deeply personal treatise connecting experienceto the very tangible social constructs around Dis-Ability. We are writing as what Masefield calls TAP s – temporarilyable people – with experience of working in communitydevelopment and community arts: his own life exemplifies this.Masefield was a respected and successful theatre director andcommunity arts manager when, at forty-four, he developed a debilitatingand devastating myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which renderedhim speechless and almost immobile. Indeed, one of the mostpowerful parts of the book is where he describes his own transitionfrom able to disabled like ‘trying to run a car on a torchbattery’. A very useful ‘way in’ to all ofthis  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the potential of new InformationCommunication Technologies as a means of furthering a children’s‘community of interest’. A ‘community of interest’is taken from Raymond Williams’ concept of people formingcommunities not around place but around specific ‘interests’.I wish in this paper to explore the forms and tensions of achildren’s ‘community of interest’ that mightbe facilitated around ICTs in general and the Internet in particular.The paper draws on community development literature around thepotentials and use of ICTs as a means of developing communities.The paper highlights these potentials but also investigatesthe obstacles that a children’s online ‘communityof interest’ may confront.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that ‘another world is possible’,as the negative 1990s came to an end and with them the notionthat there is no alternative. But there has been little attemptto date to flesh out what that alternative might be, to concretisethe vision to put it that way. This book is both  相似文献   

The publication is a welcome addition to the limited sourcesof literature available to community-based practitioners generallyand particularly to those working in rural areas. ‘NoOverall Control’ aims to explore the reality of communitydevelopment in rural Britain, through a series of stories thathighlight the conflicts and tensions that appear to be a featureof rural change. The book starts with an outline of the issues, policy contextand the increasing though still underdeveloped research basearound community activity and community involvement in ruralareas. It then takes a micro level  相似文献   

As someone who fears all religions, reviewing a book on faith-baseddevelopment is a particular challenge for me. I am among thosewhom the editor of this book charges with seeing religion ‘aspart of the problem rather than as part of the solution.’(p. 167). So I ventured into this book with trepidation. My more basic fears were laid to rest, however. Among the storiestold from across the developing world, and from religions suchas Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Mayan, the Bahá'ífaith, and various versions of animism, is a great deal of honesty.The stories  相似文献   

Since the time of the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910(views on when it finished vary between 1917 and 1940) Mexicohad been ruled by the same, single political party, the PRI(the Partido Revolucionario Institucional, meaning the ‘InstitutionalRevolutionary Party’), until it finally lost a presidentialelection in 2000 to the right-wing Party of National Action,after seventy-one years in power. The PRI had stayed in powerthrough a mixture of ‘clientelism’, ‘populism’,‘corruption’ and the rigging of elections and helda tight control on the whole of Mexican society. In its effortsto bring about social change, from the 1990s onwards Mexicansociety began to concentrate its efforts on challenging thedominance held by the PRI at the national, federal level. Adebate on the ‘transition to democracy’ took offin both academic circles and social and civil organizationslooking for ways to create a new and different kind of relationshipbetween government and society. It was in that context that,as with many other civil organizations in Mexico, we in IMDEC1considered how we might best open up more spaces for the cultureand practice of democracy and motivate citizens to activelycampaign on those issues impacting on their daily lives. Theissue, however, was how to engage this participation differently,in a more festive atmosphere, breaking with formal traditions,in such a way that people would feel better motivated to becomeinvolved in actively addressing the problems that surroundedthem. In this article, I want to share an experience, whichtook place between April and August 1994, before the local electionsof that year, based on a Campaign for Education in DemocraticCitizenship.  相似文献   

‘A New Deal’ argues that engaged or participatoryart practice can be shown to be central rather than marginalto the meaning and value of art in the ‘story’ ofhuman society, but only if we take a long view and change theposition from which we read and understand received history.It also argues that new models of art and institutional practiceare needed in the present, which foreground and validate participation,engagement and commonality – the reconnection of artistand community within social space. These new models are neededif we are to generate the new art forms that emancipate ratherthan disempower the citizen and which are not defined by thecul de sac of commodity and consumerism.  相似文献   

The continuing struggle over the meaning and purposes of ‘community’is at the centre of this issue of the Journal. Practitionersand theorists of community development have for some time beencautious about the global resurgence of government interestin the concept and its potential for mobilization in the pursuitof a range of policies, including the re-invigoration of democracy.Typically the concern is the extent to which such policies thatpromote ‘community’ benefit the disadvantaged, excludedand minority groups or whether they signal a withdrawal of publicprovision and government abdication of responsibility for themeeting of basic needs and the incorporation of activists andorganizations concerned with social justice. Alternatively thereare those that continue to see the potential in such inclusivestrategies or those that promote ‘community’ provision  相似文献   

In ‘The Defence of Poetry’ 1821, Shelley claimedthat ‘poets are the unacknowledged legislators of theworld’. This has been taken to suggest that simply byvirtue of composing verse, they exert some exemplary moral power,in a vague unthreatening way. In fact, in his earlier politicalessay, ‘A Philosophic View of Reform’, he had writtenthat ‘Poets and philosophers are the unacknowledged’,etc. The philosophers, he was talking about, were revolutionary-minded:Thomas Paine, William Godwin, Voltaire and Mary Wollstonecraft. In addition, Shelley was, no mistake, out to change the legislationof his time. For him, there was no contradiction between poetry,political philosophy and active  相似文献   

This article analyses the ways in which ‘community’,one of the most important yet ill-defined concepts in SocialSciences, has been ‘appropriated’ in the discourseof the UK's New Labour government. It argues that the highlystrategic ways in which the term is used leads to associatedmeanings that neglect the intrinsically complex nature of theconcept and risk essentializing group identities, thus adverselyaffecting the most deprived sections of society.  相似文献   

Publication of these conference papers on the theme of communitydevelopment in the ‘new’ Europe comes at a particularlysignificant moment as the people of different ‘old’European nation states  相似文献   

In a context in which ‘community empowerment’ isvirtually government policy, it is hardly surprising that thereis almost no area of social policy that is immune from the communitytreatment. Of course, this is not new, despite the zeal withwhich each new initiative is ‘rolled out’. In fact,sometimes it seems that policy development needs to reinventthe wheel of community every decade or so. The question, therefore,is what this ideological recycling of community tells us: first,about the meaning of the term itself; second, about its contemporarysignificance within the wider politics of the state. This articleargues that we need to draw on those historical and theoreticalresources which help us to think our way through to the contemporarycontext. Only an active and engaged recognition of the politicsof community will enable us to get to the root of the problematicyet promising nature of community development.  相似文献   

Locating an appropriate starting point for this review is nosimple task. Part of the difficulty is that the book breaksimportant new territory for New Zealand and Australian studentsand, possibly, students and practitioners at the internationallevel because of the strong and explicit connection betweensocial problems and the work of community and social workersas social change agents. It also attempts to make direct connectionsbetween theory and practice and the unequivocal preference forcommunity-based responses, arguments and solutions. There isa good body of material that focuses on different dimensionsof social problems and a significant body of material on socialwork intervention and practice. The authors' purpose is clear. As they note on the back cover,the book is intended for students and practitioners ‘whowish to develop their reflexive practice’. The developmentof this practice is, the authors  相似文献   

This book deals with an important subject. Regrettably, it doesnot do so in a wholly successful way. The author's general purposeis to steer a path between a normative–ethical approachto the topic and a political–scientific one, and the mainmethodological stance adopted is a version of discourse analysis.Drawing, in particular, on the work of Laclau and Mouffe, sheexamines two discursive ‘moments’ in European developmentdiscourse, or two different ways of justifying European developmentpolicy – responsibility and efficiency. The first, atleast in the early stages of European policy, entailed a paternalisticsense of European concern for its former colonial possessions,while the latter legitimizes  相似文献   

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