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In this paper, two control charts based on the generalized linear test (GLT) and contingency table are proposed for Phase-II monitoring of multivariate categorical processes. The performances of the proposed methods are compared with the exponentially weighted moving average-generalized likelihood ratio test (EWMA-GLRT) control chart proposed in the literature. The results show the better performance of the proposed control charts under moderate and large shifts. Moreover, a new scheme is proposed to identify the parameter responsible for an out-of-control signal. The performance of the proposed diagnosing procedure is evaluated through some simulation experiments.  相似文献   

In this article, new two-sided control charts with runs rules, suitable for the monitoring of exponential data, are proposed and studied. The proposed schemes are suitable to identify changes (upward or downward) in the mean of an exponential distribution. Also, they have the desired in-control performance as well as unbiased performance. Guidelines for the most effective scheme in practice are provided, along with comparisons with other competitive schemes. Finally, the practical application of the proposed schemes is also discussed.  相似文献   

The quality characteristics, which are known as attributes, cannot be conveniently and numerically represented. Generally, the attribute data can be regarded as the fuzzy data, which are ubiquitous in the manufacturing process and cannot be measured precisely and often be collected by visual inspection. In this paper, we construct a p control chart for monitoring the fraction of nonconforming items in the process in which fuzzy sample data are collected from the manufacturing process. The resolution identity – a well-known theorem in the fuzzy set theory – is invoked to construct the control limits of fuzzy-p control charts using fuzzy data. In order to determine whether the plotted imprecise fraction of nonconforming items is within the fuzzy lower and upper control limits, we also propose a ranking method for a set of fuzzy numbers. Using the fuzzy-p control charts and the proposed acceptability function to classify the manufacturing process allows the decision-maker to make linguistic decisions such as rather in control or rather out of control. A practical example is provided to describe the applicability of the fuzzy set theory to a conventional p control chart.  相似文献   

In profile monitoring, some methods have been developed to detect the unspecified changes in the profiles. However, detecting changes away from the “normal” profile toward one of several prespecified “bad” profiles is one possible and challenging purpose. In this article, control charts with supplementary runs rules are developed to detect the prespecified changes in linear profiles. A control chart is first developed based on the Student's t-statistic in t test, and two runs rules are then supplemented to this chart, respectively. Simulation studies show that the proposed control schemes are effective and stable. Moreover, the control schemes are better than the existing alternative charts when the number of observations per sample profile is large. Finally, two illustrative examples indicate that our proposed schemes are effective and easy to be implemented.  相似文献   

Exponential smoothing technique is used to obtain centrality and dispersion control charts for an Inverse-Gaussian(IG)process. The centrality and dispersion control charts use linear combinations of IG and chi-square random variables, respectively. Simulation results are used to verify the approximate distribution of the linear combinations. A method for choosing the “best” value for the weighting constant is presented. An example illustrates the computations that are involved in finding the control limits.  相似文献   

Conventional Phase II statistical process control (SPC) charts are designed using control limits; a chart gives a signal of process distributional shift when its charting statistic exceeds a properly chosen control limit. To do so, we only know whether a chart is out-of-control at a given time. It is therefore not informative enough about the likelihood of a potential distributional shift. In this paper, we suggest designing the SPC charts using p values. By this approach, at each time point of Phase II process monitoring, the p value of the observed charting statistic is computed, under the assumption that the process is in-control. If the p value is less than a pre-specified significance level, then a signal of distributional shift is delivered. This p value approach has several benefits, compared to the conventional design using control limits. First, after a signal of distributional shift is delivered, we could know how strong the signal is. Second, even when the p value at a given time point is larger than the significance level, it still provides us useful information about how stable the process performs at that time point. The second benefit is especially useful when we adopt a variable sampling scheme, by which the sampling time can be longer when we have more evidence that the process runs stably, supported by a larger p value. To demonstrate the p value approach, we consider univariate process monitoring by cumulative sum control charts in various cases.  相似文献   

Statistical control charts are widely used in the manufacturing industry. The Shewhart-type control charts are developed to improve the monitoring process mean by using the double quartile-ranked set sampling, quartile double-ranked set sampling, and double extreme-ranked set sampling methods. In terms of the average run length, the performance of the proposed control charts are compared with the existing control charts based on simple random sampling, ranked set sampling and extreme-ranked set sampling methods. An application of real data is also considered to investigate the performance of the suggested process mean control charts. The findings of the study revealed that the newly suggested control charts are superior to the existing counterparts.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose new cumulative sum (CUSUM) control charts using the ordered ranked set sampling (RSS) and ordered double RSS schemes, with the perfect and imperfect rankings, for monitoring the variability of a normally distributed process. The run length characteristics of the proposed CUSUM charts are computed using the Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed CUSUM charts are compared in terms of the average and standard deviation of run lengths with their existing competitor CUSUM charts based on simple random sampling. It turns out that the proposed CUSUM charts with the perfect and imperfect rankings are more sensitive than the existing CUSUM charts based on the sample range and standard deviation. A similar trend is present when these CUSUM charts are compared with the fast initial response features. An example is also used to demonstrate the implementation and working of the proposed CUSUM charts.  相似文献   

The Shewhart R control chart and s control chart are widely used to monitor shifts in the process spread. One fact is that the distributions of the range and sample standard deviation are highly skewed. Therefore, the R chart and s chart neither provide an in-control average run length (ARL) of approximately 370 nor guarantee the desired type I error of 0.0027. Another disadvantage of these two charts is their failure in detecting an improvement in the process variability. In order to overcome these shortcomings, we propose the improved R chart (IRC) and s chart (ISC) with accurate approximation of the control limits by using cumulative distribution functions of the sample range and standard deviation. Simulation studies show that the IRC and ISC perform very well. We also compare the type II error risks and ARLs of the IRC and ISC and found that the s chart is generally more efficient than the R chart. Examples are given to illustrate the use of the developed charts.  相似文献   

Multivariate exponential weighted moving average and cumulative sum charts are the most common memory type multivariate control charts. They make use of the present and past information to detect small shifts in the process parameter(s). In this article, we propose two new multivariate control charts using a mixed version of their design setups. The plotting statistics of the proposed charts are based on the cumulative sum of the multivariate exponentially weighted moving averages. The performances of these schemes are evaluated in terms of average run length. The proposals are compared with their existing counterparts, including HotellingT2, MCUSUM, MEWMA, and MC1 charts. An application example is also presented for practical considerations using a real dataset.  相似文献   

A control chart for monitoring process variation by using multiple dependent state (MDS) sampling is constructed in the present article. The operational formulas for in-control and out-of-control average run lengths (ARLs) are derived. Control constants are established by considering the target in-control ARL at a normal process. The extensive ARL tables are reported for various parameters and shifted values of process parameters. The performance of the proposed control chart has been evaluated with several existing charts in regard of ARLs, which empowered the presented chart and proved far better for timely detection of assignable causes. The application of the proposed concept is illustrated with a real-life industrial example and a simulation-based study to elaborate strength of the proposed chart over the existing concepts.  相似文献   

Statistical process control tools have been used routinely to improve process capabilities through reliable on-line monitoring and diagnostic processes. In the present paper, we propose a novel multivariate control chart that integrates a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, a bootstrap method, and a control chart technique to improve multivariate process monitoring. The proposed chart uses as the monitoring statistic the predicted probability of class (PoC) values from an SVM algorithm. The control limits of SVM-PoC charts are obtained by a bootstrap approach. A simulation study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed SVM–PoC chart and to compare it with other data mining-based control charts and Hotelling's T 2 control charts under various scenarios. The results showed that the proposed SVM–PoC charts outperformed other multivariate control charts in nonnormal situations. Further, we developed an exponential weighed moving average version of the SVM–PoC charts for increasing sensitivity to small shifts.  相似文献   

In industry, process monitoring is widely employed to detect process changes rapidly. However, in some industrial applications observations are censored. For example, when testing breaking strengths and failure times often a limited stress test is performed. With censored observations, a direct application of traditional monitoring procedures is not appropriate. When the censoring occurs due to competing risks, we propose a control chart based on conditional expected values to detect changes in the mean strength. To protect against possible confounding caused by changes in the mean of the censoring mechanism we also suggest a similar chart to detect changes in the mean censoring level. We provide an example of monitoring bond strength to illustrate the application of this methodology.  相似文献   


Non-normal processes are common in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to defining bootstrap process capability index (PCI) control charts to monitor the performance of in-control skew normal processes. We use a bootstrap method to calculate phase I control limits of the corresponding PCI control charts. The β-risk curves of the associated PCI control charts will be used to assess the performance of the PCI control charts. We use Monte-Carlo simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed PCI control charts. A numerical example to illustrate the implementation of the proposed control charts.  相似文献   


Generally weighted moving average (GWMA) control charts have been validated for effective detection of small process shifts, and perform better than exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts. These charts are available based on single sampling; however, repetitive sampling charts have received less attention. Here, a GWMA control chart based on repetitive sampling (namely an RS-GWMA chart) is proposed for enhancing detectability of small process shifts. Simulations show that the proposed RS-GWMA chart with large design and small adjustment parameters outperforms existing hybrid EWMA (HEWMA) control charts based on repetitive sampling. An in-silico example is considered for demonstrating the applicability of the proposed RS-GWMA chart.  相似文献   

Recently statistical process control (SPC) methodologies have been developed to accommodate autocorrelated data. A primary method to deal with autocorrelated data is the use of residual charts. Although this methodology has the advantage that it can be applied to any autocorrelated data it needs time series modeling efforts. In addition for a X residual chart the detection capability is sometimes small compared to the X chart and EWMA chart. Zhang (1998) proposed the EWMAST chart which is constructed by charting the EWMA statistic for stationary processes to monitor the process mean. The performance of the EWMAST chart the X chart the X residual chart and other charts were compared in Zhang (1998). In this paper comparisons are made among the EWMAST chart the CUSUM residual chart and EWMA residual chart as well as the X residual chart and X chart via the average run length.  相似文献   

Some control charts have been proposed to monitor the mean of a Weibull process with type-I censoring. One type of control charts is to monitor changes in the scale parameter because it indicates changes in the mean. With this approach, we compare different control charts such as Shewhart-type and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts based on conditional expected value (CEV) and cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart based on likelihood-ratio. A simulation approach is employed to compute control limits and average run lengths. The results show that the CUSUM chart has the best performance. However, the EWMA-CEV chart is recommendable for practitioners with its competitive performance and ease of use advantage. An illustrative example is also provided.  相似文献   


The design parameters of the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) control chart may be chosen according to economic and/or statistical considerations. The economic model proposed for the design of the'MEWMA chart assumes a Markovian process failure mechanism following an exponential distribution. We'assess the sensitivity of the resulting economic design for the MEWMA to deviations from this assumption. In particular, the generalization, from an exponential to a Weibull distribution of process failure, is used to study the selection of MEWMA chart parameters given process cost and time information. We conclude that the quality of the resulting design (in terms of expected cost) is not substantially affected by mis-specification of the distribution of process failure.  相似文献   

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