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By use of the algebraic structure, we obtain an explicit expression for the characteristic polynomial of the information matrix of a partially balanced fractional 2m1+m2 factorial design of resolution V derived from a partially balanced array. For 4≤m1+m2≤6, A-optimal designs considered here are also presented for reasonable number of assemblies.  相似文献   

We present 111 2m fractional factorial designs of resolution V for 7 ⩽ m ⩽ 10. These designs are the best known to the authors with respect to the A-optimality criterion (as of October 1995).  相似文献   

Two-level regular fractional factorial designs are often used in industry as screening designs to help identify early on in an experimental process those experimental or system variables which have significant effects on the process being studied. When the experimental material to be used in the experiment is heterogenous or the experiment must be performed over several well-defined time periods, blocking is often used as a means to improve experimental efficiency by removing the possible effects of heterogenous experimental material or possible time period effects. In a recent article, Li and Jacroux (2007 Li , F. , Jacroux , M. (2007). Optimal foldover plans for blocked 2 m?k fractional factorial designs. J. Statsist. Plann. Infer 137:24342452. [Google Scholar]) suggested a strategy for constructing optimal follow-up designs for blocked fractional factorial designs using the well-known foldover technique in conjunction with several optimality criteria. In this article, we consider the reverse foldover problem for blocked fractional factorial designs. In particular, given a 2(m+p)?(p+k) blocked fractional factorial design D, we derive simple sufficient conditions which can be used to determine if there exists a 2(m+p?1)?(p?1+k+1) initial fractional factorial design d which yields D as a foldover combined design as well how to generate all such d. Such information is useful in developing an overall experimental strategy in situations where an experimenter wants an overall blocked fractional factorial design with “desirable” properties but also wants the option of analyzing the observed data at the halfway mark to determine if the significant experimental variables are obvious (and the experiment can be terminated) or if a different path of experimentation should be taken from that initially planned.  相似文献   

For a fixed number of runs, not all 2nm designs with resolution III or IV have clear two-factor interactions. Therefore, it is highly desirable to know when resolution III or IV designs can have clear two-factor interactions. In this paper, we provide a unified geometrical study of this problem and give a complete classification of the existence of clear two-factor interactions in regular 2nm designs with resolution III or IV and reveal the structures of these designs.  相似文献   

This article studies two-level strongly clear compromise plans. We derive some necessary conditions for the existence of four classes of two-level strongly clear compromise plans which allow the estimations of some specified main effects and two-factor interactions, with the assumption that the fourth- or higher-order effects are negligible. Also, some methods for constructing 2m ? p strongly clear compromise plans are introduced.  相似文献   

内蒙古财政厅发布消息:截至2010年5月15日,全区“一卡通”发放补贴资金61.92亿元,比2009年全年发放数多14.07亿元,涉及34类90项补贴资金,累计惠及1029万户城乡居民。在补贴资金发放数额方面,对种粮农民农资综合补贴、农村拆迁征地补助、退耕还林补贴排在前三位,分别为28.73亿元、10.33亿元、8.93亿元。从盟市发放资金数额看,鄂尔多斯市、通辽市、  相似文献   

For m–dependent, identically distributed random observation, the bootstrap method provides inconsistent estimators of the distribution and variance of the sample mean. This paper proposes an alternative resampling procedure. For estimating the distribution and variance of a function of the sample mean, the proposed resampling estimators are shown to be strongly consistent.  相似文献   

随着我国寿险保险公司现行缴费方式的灵活多样化,给精算工作增加了不少工作量,针对这一情况,文章讨论寿险中的年缴m次保费的一种近似估算法,给出了各种缴费方式下的转换系数与精度估计,在保持一定精度的条件下,通过模拟运算表明这种估算法是十分有用的,因而具有推广的价值。  相似文献   

Conditional logistic regression is a popular method for estimating a treatment effect while eliminating cluster-specific nuisance parameters when they are not of interest. Under a cluster-specific 1: m matched treatment–control study design, we present a new closed-form relationship between the conditional logistic regression estimator and the ordinary logistic regression estimator. In addition, we prove an equivalence between the ordinary logistic regression and the conditional logistic regression estimators, when the clusters are replicated infinitely often, which indicates that potential bias concerns when applying conditional logistic regression to complex survey samples.  相似文献   

对于大规模数据集,Nystr?m方法是一种较为有效的矩阵低秩逼近技术,旨在从原始数据矩阵中抽取部分列重构原始数据矩阵的低秩逼近矩阵。考虑到不同抽样方法对重构矩阵的精度有较大的影响,文章提出将不等概抽样Nystr?m方法与随机奇异值分解方法相结合,进而在矩阵重构过程中提高矩阵低秩逼近精度,并有效降低计算复杂度。研究结果表明,提出的Nystr?m方法在矩阵重构中具有较高的精确度,且可以极大地降低计算复杂度。  相似文献   

文根据100m跑身体训练的特点,利用线性回归模型对影响100m跑的主要因子实施统计控制;并对统计控制方法进行了研究,使之更为合理性,旨在为100m跑的训练实施有效的控制提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

文章综合运用数据包络模型中的C2R模型和C2GS2模型,选取我国东中西部电子商务物流配送的宏观统计数据,构建了物流投入与产出效率评价体系,并对我国电子商务的区域差异进行研究。研究显示:我国东部地区实现了物流配送技术的有效性与物流配送效率的最大化,中部地区处于物流配送技术的弱有效状态,西部地区物流配送技术与效率发展滞后。  相似文献   

Selection of the cell in a 2×2 -factorial design with the greatest mean is considered. A general class of ranking and selection procedures (RSP) is constructed to include methods based on the largest marginal cell means (SP1) or on the largest cell mean (SP3). Using the preference zone approach the minimum probability of a correct solution is found, In this paper a RSP which maximizes the minimum probability of a correct solution over the preference zone is found. In this way selection of the cell with the greatest observed mean is proven to be admissible.  相似文献   

枫桥镇农家户均存款突破2.2万元陆全楠金融机构最新统计数据显示,苏州新区枫桥镇经济水平稳步提高,1995年末,农村存款余额为2.85亿元,比上年末增长47.7%,其中,村民年末储蓄存款2.09亿元,比1994年末增长43.2%,户均存款突破2.2万元...  相似文献   

引言浙江省高校“2 2”选拔考试,是针对浙江省的大学生在本校学习两年后,符合一定条件可参加部分高校重点专业的选拔考试,成绩合格者可转入选拔学校完成本科学制后二年的学习,列入选拔学校的普通本科生管理。浙江省教育厅从2003—2006连续4年进行了“2 2”选拔考试的试点工作,选拔学校通过2  相似文献   

Compositional tables represent a continuous counterpart to well-known contingency tables. Their cells contain quantitatively expressed relative contributions of a whole, carrying exclusively relative information and are popularly represented in proportions or percentages. The resulting factors, corresponding to rows and columns of the table, can be inspected similarly as with contingency tables, e.g. for their mutual independent behaviour. The nature of compositional tables requires a specific geometrical treatment, represented by the Aitchison geometry on the simplex. The properties of the Aitchison geometry allow a decomposition of the original table into its independent and interactive parts. Moreover, the specific case of 2×2 compositional tables allows the construction of easily interpretable orthonormal coordinates (resulting from the isometric logratio transformation) for the original table and its decompositions. Consequently, for a sample of compositional tables both explorative statistical analysis like graphical inspection of the independent and interactive parts or any statistical inference (odds-ratio-like testing of independence) can be performed. Theoretical advancements of the presented approach are demonstrated using two economic applications.  相似文献   

针对传统的MGM(1,m)模型存在模拟精度和预测精度不高的问题,文章给出了改进的初值和背景值优化的MGM(1,m)模型。在模型初值的选取上,选取使得模拟值的平均相对误差达到最小的向量X(1)(i)作为初值;在模型背景值的构造上,提出结合辛普森3/8公式的动态序列模型来求解背景值的方法。最后以两组指数型数据序列为例建立了传统MGM(1,2)模型及改进后的模型,并进行数据模拟和预测。结果表明,改进后的MGM(1,m)模型的模拟精度和预测精度均有显著地提高,从而验证了模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with structural properties of the acceptance regions of uniformly most powerful unbiased tests (UMPU-tests) for one- and two-sided hypotheses for 2×2 tables as, for instance, the comparison of two proportions or testing for association. These tests can be considered as randomized versions of Fisher's exact tests. A series of monotonicity and unimodality properties will be proved. These properties are equivalent to a symmetry and convexity condition often required for powerful unconditional tests. Knowledge of such properties allows a fast and in some sense recursive calculation of the critical values of the UMPU-tests which is important if a repeated calculation of all critical values for different sample sizes or different levels is required. This is, for example, the case if the unconditional power has to be controlled over a certain subset of the alternative, or, if one is interested in powerful unconditional non-randomized tests generated by a UMPU-test. Our results also imply some useful properties of the two-dimensional unconditional power function. On the other hand, we found some less nice properties of the UMPU-tests, too.  相似文献   

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