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A general theory is presented for residuals from the general linear model with correlated errors. It is demonstrated that there are two fundamental types of residual associated with this model, referred to here as the marginal and the conditional residual. These measure respectively the distance to the global aspects of the model as represented by the expected value and the local aspects as represented by the conditional expected value. These residuals may be multivariate. Some important dualities are developed which have simple implications for diagnostics. The results are illustrated by reference to model diagnostics in time series and in classical multivariate analysis with independent cases.  相似文献   

The assumption that all random errors in the linear regression model share the same variance (homoskedasticity) is often violated in practice. The ordinary least squares estimator of the vector of regression parameters remains unbiased, consistent and asymptotically normal under unequal error variances. Many practitioners then choose to base their inferences on such an estimator. The usual practice is to couple it with an asymptotically valid estimation of its covariance matrix, and then carry out hypothesis tests that are valid under heteroskedasticity of unknown form. We use numerical integration methods to compute the exact null distributions of some quasi-t test statistics, and propose a new covariance matrix estimator. The numerical results favor testing inference based on the estimator we propose.  相似文献   

We consider several procedures to detect changes in the mean or the covariance structure of a linear process. The tests are based on the weighted CUSUM process. The limit distributions of the test statistics are derived under the no change null hypothesis. We develop new strong and weak approximations for the sample mean as well as the sample correlations of linear processes. A small Monte Carlo simulation illustrates the applicability of our results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a matrix normal dynamic linear model when the variance and covariance matrices of its error terms are unknown and can be changing over time. Given that the analysis is not conjugate, we use simulation methods based on Monte Carlo Markov chains to estimate the parameters of the model. This analysis allows us to carry out a dynamic principal components analysis in a set of multivariate time series. Furthermore, it permits the treatment of series with different lengths and with missing data. The methodology is illustrated with two empirical examples: the value added distribution of the firms operating in the manufacturing sector of the countries participating in the BACH project, and the joint evolution of a set of international stock-market indices.  相似文献   

Classical multivariate methods are often based on the sample covariance matrix, which is very sensitive to outlying observations. One alternative to the covariance matrix is the affine equivariant rank covariance matrix (RCM) that has been studied in Visuri et al. [2003. Affine equivariant multivariate rank methods. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 114, 161–185]. In this article we assume that the covariance matrix is partially known and study how to estimate the corresponding RCM. We use the properties that the RCM is affine equivariant and that the RCM is proportional to the inverse of the regular covariance matrix, and hence reduce the problem of estimating the original RCM to estimating marginal rank covariance matrices. This is a great computational advantage when the dimension of the original data vector is large.  相似文献   

Yo Sheena † 《Statistics》2013,47(5):371-379
We consider the estimation of Σ of the p-dimensional normal distribution Np (0, Σ) when Σ?=?θ0 Ip ?+?θ1 aa′, where a is an unknown p-dimensional normalized vector and θ0?>?0, θ1?≥?0 are also unknown. First, we derive the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimator. Second, we propose a new estimator, which dominates the REML estimator with respect to Stein's loss function. Finally, we carry out Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the magnitude of the new estimator's superiority.  相似文献   

In the analysis of stationary stochastic process, one has to deal with covariance matrix of Toeplitz (or Laurent) structure. Such structure has a feature that not only the elements on the principal diagonal but also those lying on each of the parallel sub-diagonals are equal as well. The present investigation is on the problem of large sample testing of the Toeplitz pattern of the population covariance matrix. Apart from usual application of likelihood ratio and Rao’s efficient score criteria, some heuristic two-stage tests are suggested. The results of Monte Carlo experiment are reported for the size of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

The prediction distribution of future responses from a multivariate linear model with error having a multivariatet-distribution and intra-class covariance structure has been derived. The distribution depends on ρ, the intra-class correlation coefficient. For unknown ρ, the marginal likelihood function of ρ has been obtained and the prediction distribution has been approximated by the estimate of ρ. As an application, a β-expectation tolerance region for the model has been constructed.  相似文献   

This paper provides Bartlett corrections to improve likelihood ratio tests for heteroskedastic normal linear models when the error covariance matrix is nonscaiar and depends on a set of unknown parameters. The Bartlett corrections are simple enough to be used algebraically to obtain several closed-form expressions in special cases. The corrections have also advantages for numerical purposes because they involve only simple operations on matrices and vectors.  相似文献   


The power of Pearson's chi-square test for uniformity depends heavily on the choice of the partition of the unit interval involved in the form of the test statistic. We propose a selection rule which chooses a proper partition based on the data. This selection rule leads usually to essentially unequal cells well suited to the observed distribution. We investigate the corresponding data driven chi-square test and present a Monte Carlo simulation study. The conclusion is that this test achieves a high and very stable power for a large class of alternatives, and is much more stable than any other test we compare to.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a new Bayesian approach for the analysis of linearly mixed structures. In particular, we consider the case of hyperspectral images, which have to be decomposed into a collection of distinct spectra, called endmembers, and a set of associated proportions for every pixel in the scene. This problem, often referred to as spectral unmixing, is usually considered on the basis of the linear mixing model (LMM). In unsupervised approaches, the endmember signatures have to be calculated by an endmember extraction algorithm, which generally relies on the supposition that there are pure (unmixed) pixels contained in the image. In practice, this assumption may not hold for highly mixed data and consequently the extracted endmember spectra differ from the true ones. A way out of this dilemma is to consider the problem under the normal compositional model (NCM). Contrary to the LMM, the NCM treats the endmembers as random Gaussian vectors and not as deterministic quantities. Existing Bayesian approaches for estimating the proportions under the NCM are restricted to the case that the covariance matrix of the Gaussian endmembers is a multiple of the identity matrix. The self-evident conclusion is that this model is not suitable when the variance differs from one spectral channel to the other, which is a common phenomenon in practice. In this paper, we first propose a Bayesian strategy for the estimation of the mixing proportions under the assumption of varying variances in the spectral bands. Then we generalize this model to handle the case of a completely unknown covariance structure. For both algorithms, we present Gibbs sampling strategies and compare their performance with other, state of the art, unmixing routines on synthetic as well as on real hyperspectral fluorescence spectroscopy data.  相似文献   

Asymptotic results are .presented- for estimating the parameters in variance-components models both with linear and with nonlinear regression functions.  相似文献   

For the problem of testing the homogeneity of the variances in a covariance matrix with a block compound symmetric structure, the likelihood ratio test is derived in this paper, A modification of the test that allows its distribution to be better approximated by the chi-square distribution is also considered, Formulae for calculating approximate sample size and power are derived, Small sample performances of these tests in the case of two dependent bivariate or trivariate normals are compared to each other and to the competing tests by simulating levels of significance and powers, and recommendation is made of the ones that have good performance, The recommended tests are then demonstrated in an illustrative example.  相似文献   

We study second-order properties of a two-stage fixed -size confidence region for estimating the mean vector μ in the Np(μ∑) population when some auxiliary information about the structure of ∑ is available. In the case when we do not have such nrior information regarding ∑. Mukhopauiiyay (199/ ) de rived second-order properties of the classical two stage fixed-size confidence region, when properly modified. It was assumed that the maximum latent root of ∑ was simple and bounded below by a known positive number. In this paper we allow the maximum latent root to have general multiplicity for the verification of the second order properties of the two-stage procedure incorpo rating ∑'s structural information. We also maintain the nominal confidence coefficient.  相似文献   

In this work, we propose the construction of a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test in censored data case, for Bertholon model which can analyse various competing risks of failure or death. This test is based on a modification of the Nikulin-Rao-Robson (NRR) statistic proposed by Bagdonavicius and Nikulin (2011a Bagdonavicius, V., Nikulin, M. (2011a). Chi-squared tests for general composite hypotheses from censored samples. Comptes Rendus Mathématiques: Series I 349(3–4):219223. [Google Scholar], 2011b Bagdonavicius, V., Nikulin, M. (2011b). Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test for right censored data. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 24:3050. [Google Scholar]) for censored data. We applied this test to numerical examples from simulated samples and real data.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of multivariate normality the likelihood ratio test is derived to test a hypothesis for Kronecker product structure on a covariance matrix in the context of multivariate repeated measures data. Although the proposed hypothesis testing can be computationally performed by indirect use of Proc Mixed of SAS, the Proc Mixed algorithm often fails to converge. We provide an alternative algorithm. The algorithm is illustrated with two real data sets. A simulation study is also conducted for the purpose of sample size consideration.  相似文献   

We obtain an asymptotic expansion of the confidence coefficient for an ellipsoidal confidence region on the elements of a normal covariance matrix. This leads to simultaneous confidence intervals on all linear functions of the elements of this matrix, which are compared with those of Roy (1954).  相似文献   

We Consider the generalized multivariate linear model and assume the covariance matrix of the p x 1 vector of responses on a given individual can be represented in the general linear structure form described by Anderson (1973). The effects of the use of estimates of the parameters of the covariance matrix on the generalized least squares estimator of the regression coefficients and on the prediction of a portion of a future vector, when only the first portion of the vector has been observed, are investigated. Approximations are derived for the covariance matrix of the generalized least squares estimator and for the mean square error matrix of the usual predictor, for the practical case where estimated parameters are used.  相似文献   

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