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This study examined the nature and psychosocial correlates of peer victimization in a clinical sample of children with Learning Disabilities (LD). A total of 303 patient charts were searched at a university child psychiatry clinic, and 77 participants met LD diagnostic criteria. Data collected included the Child Behavior Checklist (which contains items assessing peer victimization), Conners Parent Rating Scale, Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, and Children’s Depression Inventory. Peer victimization was positively correlated with parent reports of withdrawal, anxiety, depressive symptoms, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, and disruptive behavior. Children with LDs who had comorbid psychiatric diagnoses reported a significantly higher amount of peer victimization than children without a comorbid psychiatric condition. Implications of this study regarding the role of peer victimization and healthy psychological adjustment among children with LDs are discussed.  相似文献   

Harry Stack Sullivan's concept of interpersonal psychiatry has been recognized as a landmark in the American psychoanalytic movement, in particular his influence on the development of object-relations theory. He is an influential figure in interpreting the inner experiences of persons with schizophrenia. Psychotic experiences represent a failure of one's self-system and the dissociation dynamism. Delusions and hallucinations are experiences in lost control of self-awareness. The person regresses to dreams or experiences from infancy and childhood in facing spontaneous conflicts and anxiety in interpersonal transaction. As a result, the tripartite self-system is fractured. In this paper, the writer applies Sullivan's concept in interpreting the inner psychotic experiences of a client with schizophrenia. Its implication for clinical social work practice is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article forms a reflexive account of the trials, pains and joys of the launch of a hearing researcher into 'Deaf Culture' - the unique world of British Sign Language (BSL) users. Three resources of reflexive data are utilised; the researcher's experiences of learning BSL with other hearing signers; participant observation data from a Unit for Deaf people with psychiatric problems and finally, experiences of interviewing members of a national organisation of Deaf people. These experiences reflect the assumptions and preconceptions the hearing world holds concerning Deaf people and the remarkable ways in which the latter rationalise them and attempt to subvert them. The intellectual issues addressed here concern the role and status of researchers within foreign settings, the problems of enculturisation and the physical and social effects experienced whilst undertaking this type of research.  相似文献   


Community care has been associated with a particular vision of interpersonal relations reflecting the demands of a market economy of welfare. It is argued that individualised notions of citizenship significantly effect how social actors respond to issues such as dependence, independence and interdependence, with consequences that locate unacceptable attributes within failed individuals'. This gives rise to a number of possibilities for collusion between workers, carers and older people who require services, and forms the basic triangle for interpersonal relations within community care policy. The parallel rise of elder abuse as a recognised social problem is considered in this light and three forms of collusive alliance, based on life-task, family solidarity and heroic defence are explored in greater detail. The paper concludes by examining the possibility of interdependence as a guiding principle which can be used to contain each actor's perspective, whilst contributing to the development of non-abusive relationships.  相似文献   


The rapid growth and increasing visibility of ethnic and racial groups has vigorously challenged social work to educate students for ethnic-competent practice in cross-cultural settings. This article examines an approach to teaching effective intervention involving ethnic and racial groups and helping students integrate cultural factors and society's concerns into clinical practice. Pedagogical issues and classroom processes of teaching culturally sensitive and competent interpersonal practice are discussed. Implications are drawn for culturally sensitive education and issues are raised for critical examination.  相似文献   

This article suggests that ‘race’ and psychiatry are inextricably linked and as such ‘mental illness’ constitutes a precondition of black people's psyche. Postmodernist and poststructuralist analysis are used to question the way in which mental health problems have been socially constructed in western psychiatry. In order for health and social care workers to effectively respond to racism within psychiatry and community care provision it is necessary for them to understand the relationship that exists between and informs ‘race’ and psychiatry.  相似文献   

As the nature of the earth's ecological crisis becomes increasingly dire and impossible to ignore and as global concern continues to increase, social work, with its investment in issues of justice and its commitment to a person-in-environment perspective, needs to more aggressively evaluate its place in this crisis. This paper presents a study designed to explore US social work students' attitudes, interests in, and practices related to the environment, as well as their perceptions of the place for environmental issues in the social work curriculum. This study's findings suggest that social work students' attitudes toward the environment are generally consonant with those of the US population, and that there is strong interest in enhancing the amount and scope of exposure to environmental issues in the social work curriculum. A sizable majority of all social work students surveyed view environmental justice as an important aspect of social justice and a viable area of concern for social workers, and they expressed an interest in seeing more content on environmental justice in social work education. Suggestions for integrating this content into the curriculum via inter- and trans-disciplinary, and service-learning approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Children organise self‐protectively in response to anxiety‐provoking or dangerous parental behaviours. When children's self‐protective responses are extreme and persist over time, they may come to the attention of health professionals in the guise of emotional, behavioural or somatic symptoms. A parallel phenomenon is that harmful parental behaviours may be embedded in the emotional processes of the inter‐generational family unit, reflecting the parents' own experiences of comfort and danger, as well as the particular manner in which these experiences have been integrated into the parents' current functioning. Using a case study of a three‐year‐old girl with medically unexplained urinary retention, the article explores how information about attachment relationships and unresolved parental loss or trauma can inform our understanding of implicit, anxiety‐driven processes within the family, and to facilitate family interventions and symptom alleviation. The case shows that the Dynamic‐Maturational Model of attachment has significant applications in the areas of family therapy theory and practice, psychosomatic medicine and consult‐liaison psychiatry.  相似文献   

Bourdieu held that the state in modernity has become the primary agent of consecration, ‘the legitimation and naturalization of social difference’, a function formerly performed largely by religion. After clarifying the role of ‘religion’ in Bourdieu's work, this paper brings two empirical issues into dialogue with his ideas: social fragmentation in late-modernity, and the relation between temporalization and social structures in medieval and early-modern charity. His view that religion is anachronistic, that it was left behind by modernization misses its continuing, even increasing, importance. He overemphasized the centrality and authority of the state in modernity and distinguished too sharply between pre-modern gifting and modern market relations. Once these limitations are mitigated, Bourdieu's analysis can be redirected to account for the importance of religion as an agent of consecration globally today.  相似文献   

Living in gendered societies makes it necessary to take into account the specific ways in which social problems and social issues affect the lives of women and men, girls and boys. Not only are social problems and social issues very often gender biased; this is also true for the professions dealing with these problems and issues, and for the training programmes for professions like social work. Sociological analysis of society and philosophical understanding of a good life are permeated by gender-specific perceptions -- often without those involved being aware of them. Furthermore, social policies reinforce gender-specific biases because they are based on gender-specific (i.e. male) standards. Gender as an analytical category has been brought into scientific and public discourse by feminist theoreticians and activists making women -- and thus also men -- visible with regard to structure and subject issues. The development of gender theory and research highlights the significance of gender arrangements to understand social phenomena and to support gender-equality ways of thinking and policies. At the same time, men and women are not only confronted with gendered structures, but via socialization processes and personal development they also reproduce these gender differences in their daily lives by 'doing gender'.  相似文献   

Narrative psychiatry identifies meaning‐making as a primal force in our lives and guides family therapists and psychiatrists in cultivating narratives of resilience that support safety and wellbeing when working with families in which a member is dealing with intense mental and emotional experiences and may be at risk of causing violence. These contexts are fraught with implications about power, control, identity, and ethical responsibilities of care for those consulting with us and for the wider community. Offering benefits distinct from pathology‐focused psychiatric practice, narrative psychiatry applies the practices of narrative therapy in psychiatric contexts, focusing on strengths and meaning and honouring how values, intentions, and commitments compel and constrain our actions. Illustrated by case conversations, this paper describes five key practices of narrative psychiatry, including emotional attunement, understanding the person without the problem, externalising problems, creating narratives of resilience, and collaborative treatment planning. It shows how narrative psychiatry facilitates risk reduction through helping a person identify values and narratives that support non‐violence and strengthening abilities, relationships and resources that help them stay true to this commitment. Practical ways that family therapists and psychiatrists can use conversations about resources, including medicines, to deconstruct damaging discourses and generate narratives of resilience are described. Discussion is offered about how narrative psychiatry can support clinicians in ethically negotiating clinical dilemmas in which the preferences of the person or family are in conflict with the clinician's ethical and legal duty to protect life.  相似文献   

This paper considers some political and ethical issues associated with the ‘academic intellectual’ who researches social movements. It identifies some of the ‘lived contradictions’ such a role encounters and analyses some approaches to addressing these contradictions. In general, it concerns the ‘politico-ethical stance’ of the academic intellectual in relation to social movements and, as such, references the ‘theory of the intellectual’ associated with the work of Antonio Gramsci. More specifically, it considers that role in relation to one political ‘field’ and one type of movement: a field which we refer to, following the work of Peter Sedgwick, as ‘psychopolitics’, and a movement which, since the mid- to late-1980s, has been known as the ‘psychiatric survivor’ movement—psychiatric patients and their allies who campaign for the democratisation of the mental health system. In particular, through a comparison of two texts, Nick Crossley's Contesting Psychiatry and Kathryn Church's Forbidden Narratives, the paper contrasts different depths of engagement between academic intellectuals and the social movements which they research.  相似文献   


The debate continues to rage in the medical community and amongst policy makers. This debate centers on a new disease mechanism commonly known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Magill and Suruda (1998) grouped the theories of etiology of MCS into four broad categories: physical, stress, misdiagnosis, and illness belief. A new name for this illness has recently been advanced as well, toxin-induced loss of tolerance (TILT). Problems with chemical sensitivity are especially troubling for workers and their employers. Employees seeking relief under the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) are requesting accommodations based on their reactions to chemicals. Employers are beset with claims for accommodations in the workplace, disability claims, and worker's compensation claims. Courts are trying to make sense of chemical sensitivity with respect to accommodations in the workplace. Court decisions regarding MCS issues are varied and oftentimes highly controversial. Primary social problems and mental health issues associated with chemical sensitivities are economic costs and loss of enjoyment of life by MCS sufferers. Economic costs are spread throughout the system; however, their major manifestations are lost worker production, increased demands on services, and the long-term costs associated with supporting a growing disabled subset of the population comprised of chemically injured workers. Social and mental health costs are seen in escalating cases of depression, divorces, behavioral acting out, isolation, anxiety attacks, and chronic medical problems.

Social workers are particularly well suited to advocate for accommodations in the workplace and for social policy change on behalf of those suffering from chemical sensitivity. Their training in systems and ecosystems theory makes them well aware of the importance of the environment on the individual. That training includes knowledge of utilizing strengths based approach to problem solving, and clinical training in mental health, which leads to empowerment for the client.  相似文献   

An unnecessary and unfortunate divide has existed historically within social work both in the United States and also in the United Kingdom between social reform or anti-oppressive practice, and direct social work practice or social care. In this article, the limitations of such a dichotomy will be explored, and ways that social work educators may more effectively integrate critical reflection approaches into their pedagogical practices will be identified. Building upon Denzin's methodological elaboration of C. Wright Mills' concept of private troubles–public issues, this article will discuss the usefulness of applying methods from critical, interpretive qualitative research to help social workers achieve critical consciousness in social work education and practice. This article will also address ways to help social work students overcome impediments to achieving critical consciousness, including the anxiety attendant upon changing one's belief systems. Finally, this article will describe the development of a concentration-year MSW elective, Transformative Social Work Practice, which sought to assist social work students in becoming more critically reflexive in their clinical work.  相似文献   

We investigate interpersonal risk assessment, that is how individuals use either their own or their partner’s monetary resources to offset the risk that affects them or their partner. The observed behavior is in line with the predictions of a simple piecewise linear model of social preferences. Overall, individuals opportunistically draw from others’ resources to offset risk; furthermore, they display higher levels of risk aversion when delegated to choose for others rather than when choosing for themselves. However, different social types differ in the assessment of interpersonal risk. Considering our results, we suggest that studies dealing with interpersonal risk assessment should not only focus on risk preferences, but also take into account social preferences.  相似文献   

Working‐class adolescents of French urban peripheries are key figures in a new social debate that reactivates the nineteenth century spectre of ‘dangerous’ classes to be controlled. Since the 1990s, French social counselling has privileged two modalities of response: taking account of suffering and government by listening and speech. We hypothesize that the contemporary moral economy allows for social interactions that go beyond social control and institutional domination. This is partly because professionals engaged in this moral undertaking may keep a critical distance, and partly because the concerned populations aren't necessarily devoid of resources to advance their interests or incapable of resistance. The concept of moral economy, coupled with the ethnographic method, is heuristic for fully comprehending the complexity of these issues and their stakes. Our fieldwork was centred on a French Adolescent Centre in an impoverished commune in Paris's periphery, from January 2010 through March 2011. These institutions were established in the early 2000s to respond to adolescent ‘suffering’ by crossing social work and psychiatry. Adolescents, parents, and other institutions (especially schools) solicit the professionally diverse staff for assistance, which in turn may take on cases and/or make referrals to other support institutions. By paying attention to all the scenes upon which the story of a counselled adolescent evolves, and bearing more general social evolutions in mind by applying the concept of moral economy, we can consider the multiplicity of seemingly contradictory processes as a whole. We see the destabilization of parents and their loss of symbolic capital, partly due to the norms of contemporary parenthood and partly due to the stigmatization of working‐class adolescence. But we also discern possibilities for expressing sentiments of injustice and humiliation, for increasing symbolic capital, and in some cases a reappropriation of the system, particularly in trajectories marked by a will for social ascension.  相似文献   

Masters level statistics is often not a course of choice for social work students. Teaching it in such a way that students' anxiety is reduced while facilitating their recognition of the importance of empirical knowledge in their social work practice and their need to have fundamental research skills, can be quite challenging. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a pedagogical tool used in a course on bivariate statistics that involves students throughout the semester in the process of developing and testing their own hypotheses regarding fluctuations in reported hate crimes/capita by states (as reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation). This technique provides continuity throughout the semester and is easily adapted to other issues equally important to social work. The data's unintuitive findings that disagree with most students' hypotheses also challenges students to consider methodological issues and the validity of the data. Because most students do not have a strong knowledge base of hate crimes, students often have to grapple with how their own preconceptions might bias their understanding of an issue and potentially their work with a client or client system. From an instructional standpoint, the method is contained and manageable, and the data are easily accessible.  相似文献   

Editor's Note. Occasionally, the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy will publish papers of major historical significance to the field of family therapy which, though written long before their appearance in the Journal, have remained unpublished and received little public circulation or attention. Such papers are those which, in the view of the Editor, would have been certain “classics” in the literature of family therapy had they been published when they were written, and which, despite their overdue appearance, are of significant enduring value. The first of these papers, by Dr. C. F Midelfort, appears here. Though essentially isolated from the family therapy movement that was soon to follow, Dr. Midelfort, in fact, published the first book on family therapy. The present article grows out of what was probably the first paper on family therapy ever presented at a psychiatric convention in the United States. In this paper, originally written almost exactly thirty years ago, Dr. Midelfort articulately presents a creative interweaving of an appreciation of the psychodynamics of family relationships with an ego-oriented family approach to severe psychiatric disturbance in one family member. It is an innovative presage of the flexible use of the principles of family dynamics, social psychiatry and biological psychiatry that has been “discovered” only very recently in family therapy with schizophrenics. The paper is introduced by Dr. John E. Bell, to whom the Journal is grateful for bringing it to light.  相似文献   

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