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新创企业的成败很大程度上取决于战略决策绩效,具有决策权力的高管团队在创业情境下的认知和行为过程对战略决策绩效具有重要影响。本文结合创业研究和高管团队研究的现有成果,以122家新创企业为研究对象,从内部团队过程和外部团队过程两个维度考察高管团队的团队过程对战略决策绩效的影响,并从认知的视角分析新创企业高管团队认知需要和认知能力对团队过程与决策绩效关系的调节作用。研究结果表明,新创企业高管团队的内部团队过程和外部团队过程与决策的质量和满意度均有显著的正相关关系,且认知需要和认知能力对这种关系具有调节作用,在认知需要和认知能力较高的情况下,内、外部团队过程对决策质量和满意度的正向影响更强。  相似文献   

ESG已成为推动国家经济高质量发展的助推器,但有关ESG责任履行影响因素的研究仍方兴未艾。以2010—2020年A股上市公司相关数据为样本,考察高管团队稳定性对企业ESG责任履行的具体影响及作用机制。研究发现,高管团队稳定性正向影响企业ESG责任履行;通过作用机制检验,发现高管团队稳定性可以通过降低管理者的短视,进而促进企业ESG责任履行;在异质性分析中,发现高管预期任期、股权激励水平、媒体关注度会正向调节高管团队稳定性与企业ESG责任履行之间的关系。  相似文献   

刘新民  王垒 《南开管理评论》2012,15(2):101-107,127
本文以上市公司2005-2009年间高管更替数据为研究样本,引入了高管团队重组和战略连续性作为中介变量,探讨了不同高管更替模式对企业绩效的影响路径。研究结果表明,上市公司高管强制更替外部聘任对高管团队重组有正向影响,对战略连续性有负向影响,对企业绩效有负向影响,其中高管团队重组和战略连续性在强制更替外部聘任与企业绩效之间起到中介效应;上市公司高管强制更替内部聘任对高管团队重组影响不显著,对战略连续性有正向影响,对企业绩效有正向影响,其中战略连续性在强制更替内部聘任与企业绩效之间起到中介效应;另外,高管团队重组对企业绩效有负向影响,战略连续性对企业绩效有正向影响。  相似文献   

本文探索性地研究了转型环境中董事间非正式关系影响董事会战略决策的过程机制。利用与中国上市公司协会合作调查获取的上市公司董事会决策过程相关数据并结合上市公司数据库数据,考察了中国文化背景下,董事会非正式层级对决策过程的影响机理。研究发现,董事会非正式层级会增加决策过程中的政治行为、降低程序理性。在对政治行为和程序理性进一步细分后发现,董事会非正式层级通过提高董事的自我意识、个体影响从而增加政治行为,通过降低决策过程中信息搜寻、信息加工而降低程序理性。本文的研究揭示了转型环境中董事会非正式层级所具有的分化、竞争的功能,在一定程度上打开了董事会决策过程的"黑箱",丰富了董事会决策过程研究,为转型环境下公司治理行为研究做出贡献,亦对中国公司治理实践具有启示作用。  相似文献   

在领导力与商业模式创新交叉研究方兴未艾的今天,针对谦卑型领导与商业模式创新交叉研究较少的现状,本研究基于高阶理论,引入高管团队创造力和高管团队决策力为中介变量,创新的外部支持为调节变量,探讨了谦卑型领导对成熟企业商业模式创新的影响及中介机制和边界条件。研究发现,谦卑型领导正向影响成熟企业的商业模式创新,正向影响高管团队创造力,负向影响高管团队决策力;高管团队创造力和高管团队决策力共同在谦卑型领导与商业模式创新之间起部分中介作用。其中,高管团队创造力在谦卑型领导与商业模式创新之间表现为积极的传递作用,高管团队决策力在二者之间表现为消极的传递作用;创新的外部支持水平越高,谦卑型领导对高管团队创造力的正向作用越强,对高管团队决策力的负向作用越弱,同时高管团队创造力的中介作用越强,高管团队决策力的中介作用越弱。本研究解释了谦卑型领导对商业模式创新影响的复杂作用机制及其潜在的负面影响,为具有谦卑特征的领导者推动成熟企业的商业模式创新提供了理论启示。  相似文献   

本研究基于锦标赛理论讨论了中国高管团队薪酬差距的影响因素,高管薪酬差距与公司绩效的关系,并利用2006年我国440家沪市A股上市公司年报数据进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,公司董事长总经理两职兼任会显著扩大高管团队薪酬绝对和相对差距,国有股比例的提高会对高管薪酬绝对与相对差距产生显著抑制作用。企业绩效、企业规模对高管薪酬绝对差距产生显著正向影响,但对相对薪酬差距的影响并不显著。分析结果发现高管团队薪酬差距对公司绩效的正向影响作用显著,锦标赛理论得到支持。本研究同时显示,团队薪酬水平对公司绩效的影响大于团队薪酬差距的影响,体现出目前高管更为关注的仍然是薪酬水平,这也为高管薪酬设计提供了新的管理启示。  相似文献   

以高管团队沟通为中介变量,研究高管团队管理自主权对高管团队决策效果的动态影响。以MBA学员为样本,进行模拟实验并收集数据,并以PLS结构方程模型进行数据分析,结果显示:高管团队管理自主权与团队沟通、高管团队沟通与团队决策效果、高管团队管理自主权与团队决策效果均存在显著的正向相关关系,高管团队沟通在高管团队管理自主权与团队决策效果之间具有显著的中介作用,且随着时间的推移,上述四种作用关系呈现出越来越强的相关趋势。  相似文献   

当前,团队断裂带理论已成为学术界研究团队多样性构成和效能的一个重要基础。相关研究成果表明,高管团队多样化程度越高,团队断裂问题越容易出现。实证结果显示:变革型领导对提升企业绩效具有显著的正向影响;同时,社会分类断裂带对变革型领导与企业绩效关系具有显著的负向调节作用,而信息认知断裂带对变革型领导与企业绩效关系具有显著的正向调节作用。因此,企业要注重实施变革型领导,在组建和优化高管团队时,要努力降低高管团队社会分类断裂带水平,努力提升高管团队信息认知断裂带水平,这有利于更加显著地发挥变革型领导对提升企业绩效的积极作用。  相似文献   

高管团队薪酬差异与企业绩效关系是公司治理和人力资源管理领域的热点议题之一,但已有的研究结论并不一致.本研究基于锦标赛理论和社会比较理论,以992家上市公司为样本,运用阶层线性模型研究二者之间的关系及行业特征的调节作用.结果发现:(1)高管团队垂直薪酬差异与企业绩效呈正相关关系;(2)高管团队垂直薪酬差异与水平薪酬差异对企业绩效具有交互作用;(3)行业内高管薪酬差异程度对高管团队垂直薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层负向调节作用,同时对水平薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层正向调节作用;(4)行业内技术密集性对高管团队水平薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层正向调节作用.本研究为不同行业特征下的企业进行合理的高管团队薪酬结构设计提供了借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

在公司创业过程中,高管团队内部的构成及其运作状况会导致不同的创业战略导向,不同的产业经营领域和企业所有制也会产生差异性影响效应。本文选取2006-2010年我国中小企业板上市公司为研究样本,实证考察了创业型企业高管团队垂直对差异对创业战略导向的直接影响,以及产业环境和企业所有制如何对两者关系产生调节影响。层级多元回归分析结果表明,除教育背景测量指标外,高管团队年龄、性别和职业经历垂直对差异均对创业战略导向产生显著正向影响。分组多元回归分析结果表明:高管团队垂直对差异在动态型产业环境的影响效应大于稳定型产业环境;高管团队垂直对差异在国有企业的影响效应大于非国有企业。本文的结论对于创业型企业高管团队构建、创业战略导向结构设计,以及新业务产业经营领域和企业所有制选择等具有积极的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

Anger is one of the most frequently experienced emotions. However, the extant research on the impact of anger has predominantly focused on its effect on decision making in simple decision tasks. Strategic decision making differs significantly from such tasks, as it is characterized by complexity, ambiguity, and a high information load. To better understand the impact of emotions on strategic decision making, we investigate the effect of anger on decision quality and decision speed. To do so, we carry out a strategy field experiment with 52 executives in which we use participants’ psychophysiological skin conductance response. In line with psychological research on non-strategic decisions, we find that anger negatively influences decision quality in strategic decision making. However, in contrast to predictions made by research on non-strategic decisions, we find no increase in decision speed among angry participants. We thus extend extant theory by suggesting that anger impacts the quality of strategic decisions but does not affect important process characteristics such as decision speed.  相似文献   

Strategic issue analysis is proposed as a method for resolving the strategic issues that are an important part of strategic management. The SIA process is one in which a strategic issue information model is developed using a joint manager-analyst teamwork approach. The issue models and supporting data then provide the basis for strategic decision making. The approach has numerous advantages over other approaches— both more and less formal—for resolving the strategic questions that must be addressed in any comprehensive planning process.  相似文献   

This paper aims to critique the process of corporate‐owned, high‐tech start‐up strategizing through an inductive, longitudinal, case study of ‘UK‐Research‐Tech’. Insights are given through the combined ‘dialectical–paradox’ concept, thereby focusing on where ‘dialectic’ and ‘paradox’ theorizing overlap. This linked iterative, ‘dialogical–dialectic’ research approach also reflects chief executive officer/top management team (CEO/TMT) start‐up dynamics over time. These foci fill important gaps that impede better understanding of dialectical, dialogical and paradoxical forces within strategic decision‐making. As an interpretative tool, they illuminate CEO/TMT strategizing and changing interrelationships affected by broader, volatile, techno‐economic contexts and parent‐company influences on ventures. In this case study, it was found that the CEO's relatively autocratic, parent‐framed approach combined with TMT members' contradictory reactions to create ‘dialectical–paradox’ oppositional forces, eventually only resolved through ‘eleventh hour’ business strategy changes to rescue the venture. This research contributes to more nuanced understandings of corporate‐constrained ventures during early business development from start‐up strategic decisions at parent‐company level to subsequent conditions of more independent dynamic equilibrium. The ‘dialectical–paradox’ conceptual lens contributes an innovative critique of processes affecting strategic decision‐making dynamics. Another important contribution is the empirically inspired conceptual model, developed for use both to guide subsequent case‐study research analyses and as a reflective tool for CEO/TMT strategic decision‐making, especially within corporate‐inspired start‐ups.  相似文献   

Two major themes in the upper echelon decision making literature are the efficacy of the CEO and the composition of the top management team (TMT). Little research has examined their intersection. This study addresses the call to reveal the social processes within TMTs, by focusing on CEO-TMT member interaction in decision making. Drawing on video ethnographic data of two TMTs, we explore the patterns of interactions between CEOs and TMT members in their strategic decision making meetings. Through an analysis of 20 issue discussions, we identify five “constellations”, a team level construct capturing the core relational dynamics that are created through mutual CEO-TMT member influence during a team's discussion of a strategic issue. We explain how these constellations unfold and their implications for the processes and outcomes of TMT strategic decision making. We then elaborate how our findings contribute to the TMT and upper echelon literatures, as well as our understanding of team politics.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102142
A longstanding debate in the strategic decision-making literature has focused on whether top management teams (TMTs) can effectively balance speed and comprehensiveness when making important decisions. In our research, we build on early insights and pivot from considering whether TMTs can engage indecision-making that balances these tensions to focus instead on when certain types of TMTs are able to achieve such balance. We employ a novel configurational analytical approach and a theoretical framework built from role theory to examine the CEO-TMT interface in a new way. In so doing, we are able to identify specific CEO-TMT constellations that support decision-making that is both fast and rigorous. Using a unique primary dataset and an abductive, configurational approach grounded in fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), we identify six specific leader-team configurations that each facilitate decision processes characterized by rigorous intra-team debate, meaningful reconciliation of divergent ideas, and fast decision speed (which we describe as strategic decision-making balance). The range of CEO-TMT configurations that emerge from our analyses contribute new theory and findings for the strategic decision-making and interface literatures more broadly, as well as the specific research streams on executive gender, humility, and TMT structure.  相似文献   

Managers use many decision making tools when developing a firm’s strategic direction. Ideally, such tools yield a good solution for an acceptable amount of application effort. This paper presents the results of an experimental research project that compares the effectiveness of a theory-based strategic decision making tool, theVRIO-framework, with two alternative decision making heuristics for predicting the stock-market performance of different companies. First, we assess how the predictions of theVRIO-framework contrast with decisions based on “gut feeling” using the forecasts derived from a recognition-based decision making tool, theRecognition Heuristic. Secondly, theVRIO-framework’spredictive power is compared to predictions derived fromAnalyst Ratings. Our results suggest that the predictions of theVRIO-framework are superior to those of theRecognition Heuristic and theAnalyst Ratings, supporting the practical usefulness of resource-based theory. We conclude that resource analysis is important to strategic decision making and discuss the implications of our findings for future research and management practice.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the strategic decision‐making process literature, with a specific focus on the effects of context. Context refers to the top management team, strategic decision‐specific characteristics, the external environment and firm characteristics. This literature review also develops an illustrative framework that incorporates these four different categories of contextual variables that influence the strategic decision‐making process. As a result of the variety and pervasiveness of contextual variables featured within the literature, a comprehensive and up‐to‐date review is essential for organizing and synthesizing the extant literature to explicate an agenda for future research. The purpose of this literature review is threefold: first, to critically review the strategic decision‐making process literature to highlight the underlying themes, issues, tensions and debates in the field; second, to identify the opportunities for future theory development; and third, to state the methodological implications arising from this review.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on the role of real options theory in business strategy and organizational decision‐making. It analyses and critiques the decision‐making and performance implications of real options within the management theories of the (multinational) firm, reviews and categorizes the organizational, strategic and operational facets of real options management in large business settings. It also presents the views of scholars and practitioners regarding the incorporation and validity of real options in strategy, international management and business processes 1 . The focus is particularly on the decision‐making and performance attributes of the real options logic concerning strategic investments, governance modes and multinational operations management. These attributes are examined from both strategic and operating perspectives of decision‐making in organizations, also with an overview of the empirical evidence on real options decision‐making and performance.  相似文献   

The value of planning, particularly strategic planning, has long been recognized by both the military and business. Recently, the military has made significant contributions in the area of strategic decision making through the use of war games. Business managers may be able to expand their strategic decision-making judgment by employing the wargaming technology developed by the military. If the wargaming concept is embraced by business, it must serve, as it does in the military, as an aid to decision-making rather than as the decision itself.  相似文献   

反映在结构因素、关系因素和认知因素三个维度上的高管团队内部社会资本为决策信息的交换和共享提供了机会、意愿和能力,有利于团队内部形成建设性的冲突模式,促进决策效果的提高.本文以团队冲突为中介变量,建立了高管团队内部社会资本与决策效果的关系的理论框架,提出了研究命题,并对企业高管团队内部社会资本的培育提出建议.  相似文献   

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