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Extensive carcinogenesis data compiled by Gold et al. for 770 compounds tested in 2944 chronic bioassays in animals provided an opportunity to compare cancer rates across animal species for a wide variety of compounds administered by various routes of exposure. The comparisons in this paper are restricted to the most frequently tested species: rats, mice, and hamsters. When sufficient experimental data exist, Gold et al. provide estimates of the TD50 (the chronic dose rate expressed in mg/kg body weight/day which halves the actuarially adjusted percentage of tumor-free animals at the end of a standard lifetime experiment). Since the current practice generally is to base risk assessments upon the data set producing the highest cancer risk, the ratio of the minimum TD50's provides a measure of the relative potency between two species for each compound administered to animals by the same route. The geometric means of the ratios of minimum TD50's for rats:mice are 1/2.2 and 1/1.3 for diet and gavage, respectively. A mean ratio for rats: mice of 1/1.48 is obtained for compounds administered in the diet when the tumor site is the liver for both species. In general the minimum TD50 is lowest for the rat and highest for the hamster. Although limited data are available for inhalation studies, this route of administration resulted in the poorest agreement between rats and mice. In general, comparisons of minimum TD50's across the three rodent species are generally within a factor of 100 for a wide variety of compounds.  相似文献   

Human populations are exposed to environmental carcinogens in both indoor and outdoor atmospheres. Recent studies indicate that pollutant concentrations are generally higher in indoor atmospheres than in outdoor. Environmental pollutants that occur in indoor air from a variety of sources include radon, asbestos, organic and inorganic compounds, and certain particles (e.g., tobacco smoke). Some of the gases or vapors are adsorbed on suspended particulate matter, whereas others exist entirely in the gas phase or are distributed between the latter and a particle-bound state. Because of differences in chemical and physical properties, each class of carcinogens generally requires different sampling and analytical methods. In addition, a single indoor environment may contain a wide variety of air pollutants from different sources. Unfortunately, no single best approach currently exists for the quantitative determination of such complex mixtures and, for practical reasons, only the more toxic or the more abundant pollutants are usually measured. This paper summarizes the currently available monitoring methods for selected environmental pollutants found in indoor atmospheres. In addition, some possible sources for those pollutants are identified.  相似文献   

Smith  Jeffrey S.  Mendeloff  John M. 《Risk analysis》1999,19(6):1223-1234
For carcinogens, this paper provides a quantitative examination of the roles of potency and weight-of-evidence (WOE) in setting permissible exposure limits (PELs) at the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and threshold limit values (TLVs) at the private American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). On normative grounds, both of these factors should influence choices about the acceptable level of exposures. Our major objective is to examine whether and in what ways these factors have been considered by these organizations. A lesser objective is to identify outliers, which might be candidates for further regulatory scrutiny. Our sample (N=48) includes chemicals for which EPA has estimated a unit risk as a measure of carcinogenic potency and for which OSHA or the ACGIH has a PEL or TLV. Different assessments of the strength of the evidence of carcinogenicity were obtained from EPA, ACGIH, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. We found that potency alone explains 49% of the variation in PELs and 62% of the variation in TLVs. For the ACGIH, WOE plays a much smaller role than potency. TLVs set by the ACGIH since 1989 appear to be stricter than earlier TLVs. We suggest that this change represents evidence that the ACGIH had responded to criticisms leveled at it in the late 1980s for failing to adopt sufficiently protective standards. The models developed here identify 2-nitropropane, ethylene dibromide, and chromium as having OSHA PELs significantly higher than predicted on the basis of potency and WOE.  相似文献   

Comparison of Six Dose-Response Models for Use with Food-Borne Pathogens   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Food-related illness in the United States is estimated to affect over six million people per year and cost the economy several billion dollars. These illnesses and costs could be reduced if minimum infectious doses were established and used as the basis of regulations and monitoring. However, standard methodologies for dose-response assessment are not yet formulated for microbial risk assessment. The objective of this study was to compare dose-response models for food-borne pathogens and determine which models were most appropriate for a range of pathogens. The statistical models proposed in the literature and chosen for comparison purposes were log-normal, log-logistic, exponential, -Poisson and Weibull-Gamma. These were fit to four data sets also taken from published literature, Shigella flexneri, Shigella dysenteriae,Campylobacter jejuni, and Salmonella typhosa, using the method of maximum likelihood. The Weibull-gamma, the only model with three parameters, was also the only model capable of fitting all the data sets examined using the maximum likelihood estimation for comparisons. Infectious doses were also calculated using each model. Within any given data set, the infectious dose estimated to affect one percent of the population ranged from one order of magnitude to as much as nine orders of magnitude, illustrating the differences in extrapolation of the dose response models. More data are needed to compare models and examine extrapolation from high to low doses for food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

The paper applies classical statistical principles to yield new tools for risk assessment and makes new use of epidemiological data for human risk assessment. An extensive clinical and epidemiological study of workers engaged in the manufacturing and formulation of aldrin and dieldrin provides occupational hygiene and biological monitoring data on individual exposures over the years of employment and provides unusually accurate measures of individual lifetime average daily doses. In the cancer dose-response modeling, each worker is treated as a separate experimental unit with his own unique dose. Maximum likelihood estimates of added cancer risk are calculated for multistage, multistage-Weibull, and proportional hazards models. Distributional characterizations of added cancer risk are based on bootstrap and relative likelihood techniques. The cancer mortality data on these male workers suggest that low-dose exposures to aldrin and dieldrin do not significantly increase human cancer risk and may even decrease the human hazard rate for all types of cancer combined at low doses (e.g., 1 g/kg/day). The apparent hormetic effect in the best fitting dose-response models for this data set is statistically significant. The decrease in cancer risk at low doses of aldrin and dieldrin is in sharp contrast to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's upper bound on cancer potency based on mouse liver tumors. The EPA's upper bound implies that lifetime average daily doses of 0.0000625 and 0.00625 g/kg body weight/day would correspond to increased cancer risks of 0.000001 and 0.0001, respectively. However, the best estimate from the Pernis epidemiological data is that there is no increase in cancer risk in these workers at these doses or even at doses as large as 2 g/kg/day.  相似文献   

We present a critical assessment of the benchmark dose (BMD) method introduced by Crump(1) as an alternative method for setting a characteristic dose level for toxicant risk assessment. The no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) method has been criticized because it does not use all of the data and because the characteristic dose level obtained depends on the dose levels and the statistical precision (sample sizes) of the study design. Defining the BMD in terms of a confidence bound on a point estimate results in a characteristic dose that also varies with the statistical precision and still depends on the study dose levels.(2) Indiscriminate choice of benchmark response level may result in a BMD that reflects little about the dose-response behavior available from using all of the data. Another concern is that the definition of the BMD for the quantal response case is different for the continuous response case. Specifically, defining the BMD for continuous data using a ratio of increased effect divided by the background response results in an arbitrary dependence on the natural background for the endpoint being studied, making comparison among endpoints less meaningful and standards more arbitrary. We define a modified benchmark dose as a point estimate using the ratio of increased effect divided by the full adverse response range which enables consistent placement of the benchmark response level and provides a BMD with a more consistent relationship to the dose-response curve shape.  相似文献   

Because experiments with Bacillus anthracis are costly and dangerous, the scientific, public health, and engineering communities are served by thorough collation and analysis of experiments reported in the open literature. This study identifies available dose-response data from the open literature for inhalation exposure to B. anthracis and, via dose-response modeling, characterizes the response of nonhuman animal models to challenges. Two studies involving four data sets amenable to dose-response modeling were found in the literature: two data sets of response of guinea pigs to intranasal dosing with the Vollum and ATCC-6605 strains, one set of responses of rhesus monkeys to aerosol exposure to the Vollum strain, and one data set of guinea pig response to aerosol exposure to the Vollum strain. None of the data sets exhibited overdispersion and all but one were best fit by an exponential dose-response model. The beta-Poisson dose-response model provided the best fit to the remaining data set. As indicated in prior studies, the response to aerosol challenges is a strong function of aerosol diameter. For guinea pigs, the LD50 increases with aerosol size for aerosols at and above 4.5 μm. For both rhesus monkeys and guinea pigs there is about a 15-fold increase in LD50 when aerosol size is increased from 1 μm to 12 μm. Future experimental research and dose-response modeling should be performed to quantify differences in responses of subpopulations to B. anthracis and to generate data allowing development of interspecies correction factors.  相似文献   

Pregnant CD-1 mice were exposed to cortisone acetate at doses ranging from 20 to 100 mg/kg/ day on days 10-13 by oral and intramuscular routes. Multiple replicate assays were conducted under identical conditions to assess the reproducibility of the dose–response curve for cleft palate. The data were fitted to the probit, logistic, multistage or Armitage-Doll, and Weibull dose-response model separately for each route of exposure. The curves were then tested for parallel slopes (probit and logistic models) or coincidence of model parameters (multistage and Weibull models). The 19 replicate experiments had a wide range of slope estimates, wider for the oral than for the intramuscular experiments. For all models and both routes of exposure the null hypothesis of equality of slopes was rejected at a significant level of p < 0.001. For the intramuscular group of replicates, rejection of slope equality could in part be explained by not maintaining a standard dosing regime. The rejection of equivalence of dose-response curves from replicate studies showed that it is difficult to reproduce dose-response data of a single study within the limits defined by the dose-response model. This has important consequences for quantitative risk assessment, public health measures, or development of mechanistic theories which are typically based on a single animal bioassay.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of receptor-mediated gene expression that includes receptor binding of natural and xenobiotic ligands, protein synthesis and degradation, and metabolism of the xenobiotic ligand was created to identify the determinants of the shape of the dose-response profile. Values of the model's parameters were varied to reflect alternative mechanisms of expression of the protein. These assumptions had dramatic effects on the computed response to a bolus dose of the xenobiotic ligand. If all processes in the model exhibit hyperbolic kinetics, the dose-response curves can appear sigmoidal but actually be linear with a positive slope at low doses. The slope of the curve only approached zero at low dose, indicative of a threshold for response, if binding of the xenobiotic ligand to the receptor exhibited positive cooperativity (ligand binding at one site increases the affinity for ligand at another binding site on the receptor). Positive cooperativity in the rate-limiting step of protein synthesis produced dose-response curves which were "U-shaped" at low doses, also indicative of a threshold. Positive cooperativity in the metabolism of the xenobiotic ligand produced dose-response curves that increased more rapidly than linearly with increasing dose. The model illustrates the fact that response cannot be predicted from qualitative mechanistic arguments alone; any assessment of risk to health from xenobiotic chemicals must be based on a detailed quantitative examination of the kinetic behavior of each chemical species individually.  相似文献   

Estimates were made of the numbers of liver carcinogens in 390 long-term bioassays conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). These estimates were obtained from examination of the global pattern of p-values obtained from statistical tests applied to individual bioassays. Representative estimates of the number of liver carcinogens (90% confidence interval in parentheses) obtained in our analysis compared to NTP's determination are as follows: female rats—49 (23, 76), NTP = 30; male rats—88 (59, 116), NTP = 35; female mice—131 (105, 157), NTP = 81; male mice—100 (73, 126), NTP = 61; overall—166 (135, 197), NTP = 108. The estimator from which these estimates were obtained is biased low by an unknown amount. Consequently, this study provides persuasive evidence of the existence of more rodent liver carcinogens than were identified by the NTP.  相似文献   

The traditional multistage (MS) model of carcinogenesis implies several empirically testable properties for dose-response functions. These include convex (linear or upward-curving) cumulative hazards as a function of dose; symmetric effects on lifetime tumor probability of transition rates at different stages; cumulative hazard functions that increase without bound as stage-specific transition rates increase without bound; and identical tumor probabilities for individuals with identical parameters and exposures. However, for at least some chemicals, cumulative hazards are not convex functions of dose. This paper shows that none of these predicted properties is implied by the mechanistic assumptions of the MS model itself. Instead, they arise from the simplifying "rare-tumor" approximations made in the usual mathematical analysis of the model. An alternative exact probabilistic analysis of the MS model with only two stages is presented, both for the usual case where a carcinogen acts on both stages simultaneously, and also for idealized initiation-promotion experiments in which one stage at a time is affected. The exact two-stage model successfully fits bioassay data for chemicals (e.g., 1,3-butadiene) with concave cumulative hazard functions that are not well-described by the traditional MS model. Qualitative properties of the exact two-stage model are described and illustrated by least-squares fits to several real datasets. The major contribution is to show that properties of the traditional MS model family that appear to be inconsistent with empirical data for some chemicals can be explained easily if an exact, rather than an approximate model, is used. This suggests that it may be worth using the exact model in cases where tumor rates are not negligible (e.g., in which they exceed 10%). This includes the majority of bioassay experiments currently being performed.  相似文献   

The underlying assumptions of the Rai and Van Ryzin dose-response model for reproductive toxicological data are evaluated on the basis of existing experimental data. The model under consideration is unusual in its use of litter size to completely account for extra-binomial variation in the data by associating litter size with reproductive outcome. The experimental data show that controlling litter size is not sufficient to account for the litter-to-litter variability in responses. It is also shown that the two linear components of the Rai and Van Ryzin model are inappropriate. For the component which applies to the dam, the data suggest a strong nonlinearity, supported by rejection of the linear model via statistical hypothesis tests. In the component involving litter size, a relationship with dose is not apparent. The litter size parameters offer considerable potential for bias in estimation; bias which is at least partly masked by the model having good prediction characteristics due to the increased number of parameters. A simulation study is presented to illustrate how the Rai and Van Ryzin model can exaggerate litter size effects on the probability of response when the simulated data arise from a model involving a nonlinear dam component, common to this type of data, and no effect of litter size.  相似文献   

The excess cancer risk that might result from exposure to a mixture of chemical carcinogens usually must be estimated using data from experiments conducted with individual chemicals. In estimating such risk, it is commonly assumed that the total risk due to the mixture is the sum of the risks of the individual components, provided that the risks associated with individual chemicals at levels present in the mixture are low. This assumption, while itself not necessarily conservative, has led to the conservative practice of summing individual upper-bound risk estimates in order to obtain an upper bound on the total excess cancer risk for a mixture. Less conservative procedures are described here and are illustrated for the case of a mixture of four carcinogens.  相似文献   

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is a geological repository for disposal of U.S. defense transuranic radioactive waste. Built and operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), it is located in the Permian age salt beds in southeastern New Mexico at a depth of 655 m. Performance assessment for the repository's compliance with the 10,000-year containment standards was completed in 1996 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified in 1998 that the repository meets compliance with the EPA standards 40 CFR 191 and 40 CFR 194. The Environmental Evaluation Group (EEG) review of the DOE's application for certification identified a number of issues. These related to the scenarios, conceptual models, and values of the input parameters used in the calculations. It is expected that these issues will be addressed and resolved during the first 5-year recertification process that began with the first receipt of waste at WIPP on March 26, 1999, and scheduled to be completed in March 2004.  相似文献   

The exposure of employees of different contracting firms to chemical pollutants was assessed during the five-week biennial maintenance shut-down of an isocyanate (TDI) synthesis plant. This assessment was mainly based on personal sampling, but work-related constraints occasionally required that area samples be used instead. Many tasks were carried out during the shut-down procedure (dismantling of reactors, installation of insulation, refection of kilns, cleaning, painting, electricity, etc.), thereby causing the employees of the contracting firms to be exposed to different kinds of pollutants, including products used or manufactured in the process (solvents, TDI and its synthesis intermediates), and products specific to the contractors' activity (welding fumes, crystalline silica, mineral fibers of heat insulation). The highest level of exposure (mainly to TDI) was found for the mechanical engineering activities undertaken during the dismantling of reactors and for cleaning activities. It was demonstrated that there was much variability in day-to-day exposure levels, and occasionally in the exposure levels encountered during a given shift. Cases of concomitant exposure to TDI (mainly short-term exposures) and other pollutants due to simultaneous activities from different tasks in the same area (co-activity) were also observed. Both the need for, and limitations of personal protective equipment (mainly respiratory) are stressed. Special emphasis is put on the responsibility of the owner of the facilities in helping the contractors in the organization of a health and safety policy.  相似文献   

Risk perception has been largely examined in studies that have aimed to explain and predict preparedness behavior in the context of natural hazards. Findings from studies on the relationship between previous experience, preparedness, and risk perception in disaster situations have been inconsistent. Hence, the main goal of this work was to explore the influence of physical and emotional experience on risk perception regarding natural hazards. This study was conducted in a statistically representative sample of the city of Iquique, in northern Chile (n = 701), who completed a survey one month after the occurrence of an earthquake and tsunami (8.2 Mw). The survey assessed the experience and preparation actions of survivors in relation to this event. Using a structural equation model, we examined nine proposed relationships, six of which were significant. The final model had an adequate fit (χ² = 752.23, df = 283, comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.90, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.049). Direct experience showed the greatest influence on risk perception: while direct physical experience (i.e., the physical and material consequences associated with the earthquake) maintained a direct positive effect on risk perception, direct emotional experience (i.e., the fear of experiencing an earthquake) produced an indirect positive effect (through worry). Emotional experience, however, did not directly influence current preparedness and risk perception. Implications for understanding the relationship between risk perception and direct experience are discussed.  相似文献   

Various methods exist to calculate confidence intervals for the benchmark dose in risk analysis. This study compares the performance of three such methods in fitting nonlinear dose-response models: the delta method, the likelihood-ratio method, and the bootstrap method. A data set from a developmental toxicity test with continuous, ordinal, and quantal dose-response data is used for the comparison of these methods. Nonlinear dose-response models, with various shapes, were fitted to these data. The results indicate that a few thousand runs are generally needed to get stable confidence limits when using the bootstrap method. Further, the bootstrap and the likelihood-ratio method were found to give fairly similar results. The delta method, however, resulted in some cases in different (usually narrower) intervals, and appears unreliable for nonlinear dose-response models. Since the bootstrap method is more time consuming than the likelihood-ratio method, the latter is more attractive for routine dose-response analysis. In the context of a probabilistic risk assessment the bootstrap method has the advantage that it directly links to Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

以2002年陕西省的投入产出表为依据,编制2002年榆林能源化工基地的投入产出表,对2002年榆林能源化工基地的产业依存度状况进行分析;结合2006年榆林统计年鉴编制出2005年榆林能源化工基地的投入产出表,分析2005年榆林能源化工基地的产业依存度状况并与2002年的进行比较。结果表明:能源化工产业各部门之间的依赖关系越来越紧密,各行业对自身的依赖程度在增加,尤其是煤炭开采的独立性增强,与其他产业的关系密切。  相似文献   

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