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Based on both economic and sociological theory, the effects of supervisory control and organizational support on the frequency and effort of individuals in contributing their personally held valuable knowledge to a “best practices-lessons learned, repository-based” knowledge management system (KMS) were compared. Supervisory control, as expected, had significant impact on frequency, but it also had unexpectedly significant influence on effort. When system variables—usefulness and ease of use—were controlled for, the organizational support measure had little effect on either outcome. These results provide greater support for economic-agency-theory motivators of knowledge sharing and lesser support for organizational support motivators than has been previously believed. They also emphasize the important impact of systems variables in motivating KMS use. Since the study was conducted in a government (joint civilian–military) organization, the organizational type may significantly influence the results. However, since the result is contrary to the conventional wisdom that suggests that a “knowledge-sharing culture” is all-important, at the very least, this study shows that the nature of the organization may moderate the relationship between the motivational approach and the outcomes.  相似文献   

Supply chain excellence has a real impact on business strategy. Building supply chains as flexible systems represents one of the most exciting opportunities to create value and one of the most challenging tasks for the policy makers. It requires integrated decision making amongst autonomous chain partners with effective decision knowledge sharing between them. The key to success lies in knowing which decision has more impact on the overall performance and this can be achieved by appropriate knowledge sharing. In this context, knowledge management (KM) can be used as an effective approach to achieve knowledge sharing and decision synchronisation in supply chains. Flexible supply chains (FSCs) are more complex and involve multiple autonomous players with varying technical cultures (affects knowledge mindsets), managerial background (affects decision knowledge) and supply chain management (SCM) exposures (affects knowledge sharing attitudes). Thus there is a need to develop demo models that can encourage chain managers towards collaborative knowledge sharing in the supply chains. This paper presents the application of one such model based on decision knowledge sharing (DKS) for improved supply chain management. A simulation model of a flexible supply chain based on DKS framework is developed for demo purposes. The key results are highlighted along with industry implications. The cost based performance of DKS at different levels of flexibility is studied. Thus a careful analysis of the chain with a focus on collaborative decisions is useful to ensure success. This paper addresses this interesting and challenging domain.  相似文献   

Drawing on social learning and self-determination theories, this study investigates the mediating effects of controlled motivation for knowledge sharing and moral identity in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. We conducted a field study with 337 full-time employees to test our hypotheses. Results supported the mediating effects of both controlled motivation and moral identity in accounting for the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. Our study is among the first to examine whether and why ethical leadership predicts employee knowledge sharing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on public organizations to contribute to research on knowledge management processes, a field that until recently has focused primarily on private entities. Specifically, we analyse the mediating role of knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption in the relationship between the internal networking created in university research groups and innovation ambidexterity. Based on six hypotheses, the conceptual model is tested through a structural equations model with mediation effects. The data analysed come from 249 directors of Spanish public university research groups. The results show that the internal networking formed in university research groups has a positive and significant relationship to knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption, but we obtain different results for the relationship between knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption in the presence of innovation ambidexterity. Only knowledge absorption has a positive and significant influence on innovation ambidexterity. The most interesting results involve the mediating role of knowledge absorption in the relationship between internal networking and innovation ambidexterity. These results support the conclusion that directors of university research groups should promote development of knowledge absorption processes in order to stimulate innovation ambidexterity and thus to achieve ambidextrous innovative performance.  相似文献   

人际信任对知识转移的影响机制:一个整合的框架   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
如何促进知识在组织中有效转移,已成为众多企业管理者和理论研究人员关注的热点。本文对相关研究文献的观点进行综合分析,将人际信任对知识转移产生促进作用的途径(提高知识转移的意愿和降低知识转移的难度)和作用的方式(直接作用和间接作用)作为两个不同的维度,构建了一个逻辑框架。该框架揭示了人际信任是通过四种不同类型的作用模式来促进知识转移的。通过对这四种作用类型的成因与产生条件的分析,本文将过去各种孤立存在的观点联系起来,从而为人们理解、研究人际信任如何促进知识转移提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

This study examined the underlying process through which transformational leaders provide an influence on employees’ knowledge sharing intention by concentrating on mediating roles of psychological empowerment and employees’ commitment to organizations. The direct and indirect impacts of transformational leadership on knowledge sharing were explored. In order to test the proposed hypotheses, structural equation modelling analysis was conducted with a sample of 426 full-time employees in South Korea. The results of this study showed a significant direct effect of transformational leadership on psychological empowerment and organizational commitment, which in turn had a significant influence on employees’ knowledge sharing intention. Transformational leadership had only an indirect effect on knowledge sharing intention among employees. These results bring out the importance of mediating roles of employee’s attitudes, especially organizational commitment, for promoting knowledge sharing intention among employees.  相似文献   

Building on theories of differentiated leadership and knowledge sharing, this study investigated the influence of dual-level transformational leadership on three group climates, leader–member exchange (LMX), and knowledge sharing. Using data from 275 employees of 71 work groups in five companies, we found that group-focused leadership and individual-focused leadership both facilitated knowledge sharing while the three group climates and LMX acted as mediators at the group level and individual level, respectively. In addition, our analysis showed an interesting finding in Chinese organizations: an innovativeness climate and a fairness climate contributed to an affiliation climate, which in turn promoted knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

如何从矫正制度性缺失来破解我国环境污染较难根治且易于反复之谜是我国当前亟待解决的问题之一。本文尝试从行业和企业两个维度,基于中介效应模型,以产能过剩偏向性为视角来廓清中国环境污染治理之殇,并以顶层设计为抓手来明晰环境污染治理之道。研究发现:(1)产能过剩与环境污染的关系依赖于产能过剩在行业和企业维度上的偏向性,产能过剩是影响我国环境污染的重要原因,不同维度产能过剩的偏向性能够对环境污染产生较为显著的影响;(2)产能过剩偏向于污染密集型行业主要通过能源结构锁定效应和产业结构固化效应而加剧环境污染,产能过剩偏向于国有企业主要通过技术结构低端化效应而影响环境污染;(3)产能过剩偏向性作用于环境污染的路径不仅存在显著的市场化程度的调节效应,还存在着严重的区域异质性、水平异质性和阶段异质性。文章为推进制度变革、优化存量产能和有效治理环境污染提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

联盟合作存在知识流失风险,企业必须在共享知识和保护知识的平衡中抉择。本研究对213家参与联盟合作的企业进行问卷调研,通过调节效应分析,实证研究联盟合作中信任在知识流失风险影响知识保护过程中的外在影响。研究结果表明,知识流失风险是企业进行知识保护的重要依据,而合作伙伴间的信任可以在一定程度上降低企业的知识保护行为,但信任并不能完全消除知识保护的必要性。针对研究结论,本文提出了相应的管理对策及研究展望。  相似文献   

This study uses the conservation of resources theory to examine the influence of a leader's destructive behaviors by investigating how emotional exhaustion resulting from abusive supervision affects employees' knowledge-sharing behaviors. Using a moderated mediation framework, this study suggests that organizational justice moderates the positive relationship between abusive supervision and employees' emotional exhaustion and attenuates the negative indirect effect of abusive supervision on employees' knowledge-sharing behaviors. The results of this study, drawn from a sample of 202 dyads comprising full-time employees and their immediate supervisors, support most of its hypotheses. The implications and limitations of the study, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

Improving alliance performance is a critical issue that both managers and researchers have attempted to resolve. Recently scholars have suggested that firms can use alliance commitment and process controls to improve alliance performance. Yet research has only found weak support for these direct effects. In this paper we examine the mediating role of process controls on the relationship between alliance commitment and alliance performance. When tested on samples of SMEs we find support for our theoretical predictions. We then discuss the managerial implications of using commitment and process controls in SME international alliances.  相似文献   


While ‘knowledge mobility’ presents significantly different challenges for SMEs and MNCs, it is strongly influenced by two common factors: the type of knowledge to be integrated and the configuration of the operations network. Here, SMEs and MNCs are required to make critical decisions about ‘levels’ of collaboration and knowledge sharing with network partners. A Knowledge Mobility Configuration (KMC) framework was developed, tested and refined using five case studies indicative of a growing shift towards information and knowledge-intensive activities. In terms of contribution, there has been limited empirical research to-date into the determinants of successful knowledge transfers in MNC-SME network contexts. The network configuration element of the KMC framework provides insights on how such networks evolve, and how specific knowledge mobility profiles may evolve over time. This more nuanced approach may be used as a basis for a proactive and differentiated approach to knowledge mobility and integration across SME and MNC networks.  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of exposure to work-related violence and in particular, focuses upon the role of fear (of violence) as a mediating variable. The sample comprises UK public house licensees-individuals who manage public houses and hold the licence permitting the sale of alcoholic drinks on the premises. Questionnaires were sent to 479 licensees and a response rate of 51% was achieved. Each questionnaire measured exposure to a range of violent assaults, fear of violence, general well-being, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Based upon a final sample of 242 pub licensees, regression analyses showed that as the severity of the violence to which licensees were exposed increased, so fear of becoming a victim and symptoms of impaired well-being increased, while job satisfaction and organizational commitment decreased. Hierarchical analyses showed that fear of violence fully mediated the negative impact of exposure upon each of these other variables. It is argued that the management of fear appraisals should be integrated into organizational responses to work-place violence.  相似文献   

企业网络中的信任机制及信任差异性分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在网络式组织日益凸现的今天,信任被认为是企业之间合作的基础性建构,相互信任既是网络成员间互利互惠的需要,更是网络健康成长必不可少的行为路径和治理机制。本文对已有的信任观点做了比较、评价之后,在认知、情感以及行为三个维度上重新构建了信任理解的框架,并探讨了信任与合作、人际信任与组织间信任之间的关系;在对信任进行了净功能分析的基础之上,系统地讨论了信任差异性问题。  相似文献   

Trust in leadership: A multi-level review and integration   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
Leaders have been argued to play a key role in determining organizational effectiveness across all levels (e.g., individual, team, unit) that exist within organizations. A key component in a leader's ability to be effective within such environments is the degree to which subordinates and co-workers trust him/her. Therefore, it is not surprising that researchers and practitioners alike are interested in identifying the mechanisms through which trust in leadership can be developed as well as those factors which moderate this relationship [e.g., Gillespie, N. A., Mann, L. (2004). Transformational leadership and shared values: The building blocks of trust. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19, 588–607; Kouzes and Posner, 1995; Roberts, K. H., O'Reilly, C. A. (1974). Failures in upward communication in organizations: Three possible culprits. Academy of Management Journal, 17, 205–215; Whitener, E. M. (1997). The impact of human resource activities on employee trust. Human Resource Management Review, 7, 389–404]. Despite this, research that has addressed the factors that foster trust in leaders and the outcomes of this trust has been disjointed and, as yet, no comprehensive model has been presented to systematically examine these factors. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be to present an integrative model of trust in leadership.  相似文献   

促进组织间隐性知识共享是一个企业取得成功的关键.隐性知识和人与人之间传染病的传播途径非常相似,主要是通过人与人之间的直接接触进行传播的.文章受传染病动力学建模思想的启发,针对有人员相互流动的两个组织,并考虑员工的引入和离职,构建了两组织间的隐性知识传播动力学模型,给出区分实现组织间隐性知识共享与否的阈值,并对模型进行数值仿真以验证所得理论结果的正确性.从理论性定量研究的角度说明,在两组织间适当进行人员流动能有效促进组织间隐性知识共享,而如果人员流动不合理则会起到抑制作用.  相似文献   

供应商参与创新中信任关系影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选取我国一些制造业企业作为实证研究的对象,探讨企业间人际信任、企业间信任、参与质量、参与绩效之间的关系。本研究表明:(1)企业间人际信任对企业间信任有直接正向影响;(2)企业间人际信任对参与质量有直接正向影响;(3)企业间信任对参与质量有直接正向影响;(4)参与质量对参与绩效有直接正向的影响。该实证研究对于人们正确理解企业间人际信任、企业间信任、参与质量与参与绩效之间的关系有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

Working collaboratively with internal and external partners (suppliers, customers and internal stakeholders) has been at the epicentre of product design. Knowledge sharing has been well recognised in this context. However, there is limited research that has addressed the role of social media/Web 2.0 in facilitating knowledge sharing for sense- and decision-making within product design. To address this gap, this study draws on the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and two vignettes that relate to ‘collaborative co-design’ and ‘collaborative design-to-order’. We illustrate the role of social media/Web 2.0 in building knowledge sharing capabilities for sense- and decision-making for internal and external partners during product design. Limitations and further research into the use of social media/Web 2.0 are also discussed.  相似文献   

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