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Nina Toren 《Gender Issues》2009,26(2):152-166
Ethnicity, gender and class are the major factors of social inequality and have been studied extensively leading to a large literature pertaining to each one of them. The issue of the intersection of ethnicity, gender and class has been introduced into the social sciences by feminist critical theory. Intersection theory postulates that minority groups are discriminated against on the basis of more than one characteristic which are “inextricably tied” leading to complex forms of inequality in various social domains. This study examines the intertwined effects of these factors as they are experienced and narrated by Mizrachi women (19) who are employed in universities and colleges. Although the intersection approach is generally supported by the data it was found that under certain conditions ethnicity, gender and class may be separated. One type of decomposition is when one identity encroaches upon another or others; the second is the separation of diverse identities assigning them to different life areas. These change processes do not support stereotypical dichotomies between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi, women and men and so on, and enable the creation of new hybrid identities.
Nina TorenEmail:

Nina Toren   is professor of sociology in the School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, and a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in New York. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession, Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective, Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case, and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations and women in nontraditional occupations. She was Chair of the Committee of Women’s Representation in the Civil Service, and the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Academia.  相似文献   

This article examines female crime rates in twenty-seven countries over the past thirtyfive years. The results show that there has been an overall increase in total crime rates for all of the countries, and that the more economically advanced and industrialized countries have higher crime rates than the less developed nations. All countries also experienced an increase in the percent of all crimes committed by women. The percentages of violent crimes committed by women—specifically homicide and robbery—were consistently low across countries and increased only slightly over time. The percentages of property and financial crimes committed by women—specifically theft and fraud—were consistently higher than the percentages for violent crimes, and have increased more substantially over time. In addition, an analysis of the most recent data revealed a positive and significant relationship between women's overall crime rates and the countries' economic development. In those countries in which women occupy a higher status, as measured by formal years of schooling and representation in the labor force, we found some positive and significant correlations with the arrest rates for theft and fraud. There were also some strong negative relationships between female arrest rates for homicide and their status in society.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 1974–75Israel Fertility Survey and the 1987–88 Study ofFertility and Family Formation to examine the changingdeterminants of abortion among Jewish women in Israel. Over the course of socioeconomic development, someeconomic and cultural variables (e.g., education,employment, and ethnicity) lose their explanatorypower whereas others become increasingly important forunderstanding variation in the practice of abortion. This article argues that the relationship betweenthese variables and abortion is mediated by a varietyof external and macro-level factors including socialnorms, the availability of contraceptive technology,and laws governing access to abortion.  相似文献   

法释[2012]21号中剥夺性犯罪被害人精神损害求偿权的规定违宪违法,刑法与民法功能分野下刑罚的施加无法冲抵被害人的精神损害,该损害的量化可以阻却水闸效应的发生。性犯罪中适用精神损害赔偿有其法律基础,同时也是合乎法律逻辑和借鉴比较法主流经验的恰当结论。其适用可以通过刑事附带民事诉讼解决,数额相对统一的同时还应当体现对成年妇女、未成年妇女和14周岁以下幼女权益的区别性保护。精神类疾病可以作为确定精神损害赔偿数额的参考要素,但不能成为赔与不赔的认定标准。  相似文献   

This study describes and accounts for gender differences in earnings among the foreign-born in Israel and how these differences vary by origin countries. It expands on an earlier study that examined the effect of being foreign-born and female on employment status. I address three major questions: Do earnings corroborate the “double disadvantage” of immigrant women relative to both native-born women and native and foreign-born men? How do gender differences in earnings evolve with the prolongation of tenure in the new country? Does the combined effect of nativity status and gender act similarly among all foreign-born groups? Results of OLS regressions from the 1995 population census indicates that, everything else being equal, immigrants, including immigrant women, out-earn native-born men. The effect of tenure, by single year, shows that immigrant men and immigrant women follow very similar trajectories but the latter achieve similarity to native-born men much sooner. A detailed analysis reveals important stratification by country of birth. All the immigrant women who out-earned native men and native women originated in America or Europe. By contrast, all immigrant women who are at a disadvantage relative to native-born men are from Asia or Africa. The most common pattern, in which immigrant women earn as much as native-born men do but out-earn native-born women, characterizes immigrants from both Asia–Africa and Europe–America. The results are discussed in reference to three working hypotheses—“absorption climate,” “immigration motivation,” and “socio-cultural norms”—and in close connection with observations from the investigation on employment status.  相似文献   

《唐律》对共同犯罪作了细致、完备的规定,很多内容对我们今天的刑法理论和实践都有着一定的借鉴意义。《唐律》中的共同犯罪,是指二人以上共同实施犯罪的行为,对共同犯罪人以区分首从为原则,而且,将共犯与身份密切联系在一起;共同犯罪还存在共谋共同正犯、事后共犯、陷害教唆等。  相似文献   

近年来,因对失独群体利益诉求的满足程度有限,失独群体的信访维权事件日益增多。失独群体的利益诉求与政府部门满足程度存在的差距,反映出政府部门对失独群体诉求的回应能力不强。了解失独群体的利益诉求,加强政府部门的回应能力建设,是满足失独群体合理利益诉求,实现社会和谐稳定的重要举措。  相似文献   

The present paper seeks to re-evaluate explanations for the apparently high level of Jewish fertility in Israel. We suggest that previous explanations, based on ethnic origin or religiosity, are sociologically incomplete, and substitute well established empirical correlational associations for theoretically grounded explanations. We argue that Israel's high fertility stems, directly, from the form and salience of nationalist sentiments in the Israeliconscience collective, which in turn derives from Israel's special position in the Middle East and in the world-economy. Using voting returns from Israel's proportional vote elections, we classify census statistical areas by religiosity and their support for radical nationalist parties. We show that area-level fertility is a function of nationalist support and the area standard of living, and that once these are controlled the effect of religiosity is insignificant. We therefore conclude that the statistical association between fertility and religiosity in Israel is spurious, and that much of the religiosity recorded in fertility surveys is an expression, in consciousness and in the mode of daily living, of a strongly felt nationalist sentiment.  相似文献   

制度作为人类社会关系的规范化、客观化存在,它一方面内化了人类的价值追求并规范着人们的行为,另一方面人们又可以根据一定的价值目标和价值原则去改革和创新制度.正义作为社会关系的合理化,乃是制度的首要价值,也是制度创新的价值支点.但从更根本的意义上来看,制度和正义的真正主题是人,人追求正义并按照正义的标准去改造社会制度和社会关系,都是为人性的完善或实现人的自由全面发展创造条件,因为人本质上是一种社会性存在.制度创新作为人类理性地选择自己生存秩序和发展路径的过程,本质上就是通过完善社会藉以完善自身的过程.人是社会发展的最终目的,是否与人的发展要求相适应乃是判断社会关系和社会制度正义与否的最终依据.  相似文献   

社会公正不光指结果公正也包括程序公正。城市边缘群体———农民工遭受歧视的症结主要出在程序的操作上。我们对理想的结果公正的追求 ,需要用对程序公正的尊重加以调节。公正需要而且可以在实践中把握。我们在追求结果公正的过程中首先必须尽可能地实现程序公正  相似文献   

行政执法职务犯罪:类型、逻辑与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政执法职务犯罪是一种严重的腐败形式,主要类型有徇私型、交易型、占有型、渎职型和滥用型,其犯罪过程有其权力逻辑、制度逻辑和利益逻辑因素。预防和治理行政执法职务犯罪,应当创新执法体制,改进执法方式,强化执法责任。  相似文献   

《弗兰肯斯坦》中女性形象丰富、寓意深刻,折射出这部作品所蕴藏的玛丽.雪莱极具洞察力的、极具远见性的女性观,其中包括对十九世纪初西方女性的生存状况、女性的奴化与反抗意识以及对女性出路的深刻反思。  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展和财富积累加速,社会公正问题日显突出。通过对政府未能运用财政税收制度实现社会公正的原因进行深入分析,指出中国政府目前基本上不具备“数目字管理”能力是造成这一问题的直接原因。就财政税收而言,政府的这一能力主要取决于纳税人对公民身份的认同、权力与义务的对等和自愿纳税观念的养成。只有在此基础上,才有可能实现由强制征税到自愿纳税的转换,并落实以税收为中心的社会公正。  相似文献   

波伏瓦以哲学理性反思和批判女性的生存状态,探求女性解放的道路。她认为,不存在“永恒的女性气质”,女性的“内在性”是历史的产物,也能够历史性地加以克服。实现经济独立、摆脱爱情依附是女性克服内在性的重要条件,实现自由是女性解放的目标。解放了的女性应当在平等中求差别,与男性建立情同手足的兄弟关系。  相似文献   

Between March 1994 and July 2001, welfare rolls fell an amazing 59 percent from their historic high of 5.1 million families. How much of this decline was the result of welfare reform and how much was the result of other factors, such as the strong economy? What were the effects of the decline on low-income families? About a quarter billion dollars is being spent on studies and surveys designed to answer these and other questions. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to get more than a modest amount of the information sought.  相似文献   

Tradition and transition: Family change in Israel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes recent family change in Israel. Two opposing forces affect this process—factors resisting change and attempting to preserve traditional patterns, and factors producing and driving change. The former are mainly religion, familism, and the political situation; the latter are mainly global cultural influences and the need to adapt to changing environments. As a consequence the magnitude of change as measured by rates of marriage, divorce, fertility, and new family formations lags behind similar transformations in other Western developed countries. An empirical study in Israel shows that a majority of married women and mothers perceive of both family and work in the labor market as highly important and combine them in practice. Their occupational aspirations and achievements are, nevertheless, limited by strong traditional norms of familism. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession; Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective; Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case; and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations, and women in nontraditional occupations.  相似文献   

正义的问题一直被广泛关注,那种以目前国家难以实现诸如教育资源平等一类的问题为出发点,认为强行正义会使人们的处境变差,以目前不能实现正义而否认正义应该实现这一问题的说法是站不住脚的。其实,制度正义可以增强政治合法性,达致社会稳定,进而实现社会和谐,不能以目前不能实现正义而否认正义这一社会制度的首要价值。无论是现在还是未来,人们仍然会为争取正义而努力。  相似文献   

文章以《刑法典》中关于罪刑关系的规定为主线,分析了当代关于犯罪、刑罚和刑事责任相互关系理论研究的不足,提出了以刑事责任为核心的新的犯罪概念及罪责刑的相互关系,并对新的刑事立法提出设想。  相似文献   

公平正义是社会主义的本质属性,是保证社会持久效率的必要条件,也是实现社会和谐的基本前提。在我国改革开放进入矛盾高发期的今天,只有正视社会不和谐因素,化解矛盾,并从制度上保证公平正义的实现,才能使构建社会主义和谐社会的任务真正落到实处。  相似文献   

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