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韩巍  席酉民 《管理学报》2012,9(12):1725-1734
简要梳理了英语世界针对领导的"反思-批判性"研究,结合现实经验和理论思考,提出一个由"文化、社会化、组织情境和互动"4个维度构成的中国本土领导分析框架,并围绕"领导与组织成员的互动"归纳了4种领导类型。一方面,"机会型领导"和"幻觉型领导"是有效解释中国组织领导现象的关键构念;另一方面,期望中国本土的领导研究更多从"社会干预"的角度,积极反思文化资源、社会化过程及组织互动,唤醒领导者、组织成员个体的"责任意识",以规避并扼制"机会型领导、幻觉型领导"在社会组织实践中泛滥。  相似文献   

对文化概念和主流文化模型进行总结与评述,指出当前静态、片段式的概念界定的不足以及各模型间的共性特点和相关局限。梳理和分析现有文献,发现当前研究在内容上主要集中于领导力原型、领导风格、特定领导行为和相关领导要素4个方面;在研究方法上偏爱实证研究中的量化研究,对理论研究和质性研究的作用有所忽视;在研究策略上主要遵循"西方领导理论—本土文化背景—本土化解释与修正"的研究路线,不能对本土特有的领导要素进行很好的诠释。此外,提出厘清文化边界、完善和开发文化模型、机理探究、引入时间维度、构建基于本土文化的领导理论是未来基于文化领导研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

伊双清 《领导科学》2012,(11):33-35
领导理论总体上可以分为三大类:领导特质理论、领导行为理论和领导权变理论。领导特质理论,也称"伟人理论",是最早研究领导问题的理论。该理论按历史和管理又可以分为传统领导特质理论和现代领导特质理论,其主要区别在于传统  相似文献   

在现代领导学100多年演进历史中,先后经历了特质理论、行为理论和情境理论三个阶段,人们对于领导魅力的理性认识也随之不断深化。本文结合现代领导学发展的各个阶段,揭示领导魅力理论相应呈现出的理论演进过程。一、领导发生学:特质理论与领导魅力领导特质理论是指从领导者的性格、智力、生理和社会因素等方面确认领导者特有或者应有品质的理论,也称素质理论。从20世纪初期到20世纪三四十年代,是领导特质理论十分盛行的时期。在这一时期,领导特  相似文献   

领导理论是组织行为学中研究的重要领域,经历了特质理论、行为理论和权变理论三个主要阶段。21世纪各种领导理论的新进展和应用大大拓展了领导者的内涵和范围。本文介绍了共享领导这种新的领导趋势,提出共享领导的必要性和原则。  相似文献   

基于社会交换的领导力本质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导科学的研究在20世纪循序渐进地经历了领导特质论、领导风格论、领导权变论和领导力理论四个阶段。这些理论在一定程度上揭示了领导职能的特点,为领导科学理论发展作出了重要贡献。但是,它们对于领导行为的研究仍然是有欠缺的,简要分析如下。  相似文献   

徐立国  席酉民  葛京  宋合义 《管理学报》2012,9(10):1430-1438
基于对中国本土领导的界定与分析,提出中国本土领导研究的一种框架及操作,即从"领导如何成长、如何发挥作用及领导的本质"3个开放性问题出发,基于质性研究策略,采用以问题导向的探索性建构主义扎根理论方法,对中国本土领导数据进行搜集与整理。借鉴POPPER的4段式科学研究逻辑,对数据进行分析,不断地对问题进行诠释,并发现新的问题,从不断的循环中建构构念,发掘潜在的扎根理论,与现有领导理论进行对比,最终形成中国本土领导理论。  相似文献   

创业型领导作为创新创业和领导力领域的交叉点,能适应新型商业环境,是初创企业应对不确定性环境的有效领导方式。在既有成果中,主要有四个视角的创业型领导模型:基于不同文化背景、特质论的创业型领导五维度模型,基于综合评价的创业型领导四维度模型,基于核心目标的创业型领导单维度模型。创业型领导的影响机制主要体现在组织层面和员工个体层面上。未来应加强基于企业生命周期理论、员工个体行为视角、中国本土化视角的创业型领导研究。  相似文献   

罗玉亮 《领导科学》2012,(26):61-62
领导文化是指领导者群体或个体在领导实践中形成并通过后天学习和社会传递得到发展的,关于领导活动的过程、本质、规律、规范、价值以及方式方法等方面内容的综合反映形式,是客观领导过程在领导者心理反应上的积累或积淀,是领导者开展领导活动和从事领导行为的内驱动力和精神导向(据百度百科).领导文化作为文化存在于特定领域中的一种样式,具有内化功能、规范功能、导向功能和调适功能,对领导行为会产生重要的影响.领导文化也可以称为官场文化,即仅在官场中存在的一种特殊的文化现象,其中一部分是"显在"的,还有一部分是"潜在"的,也被称为官场"潜规则".  相似文献   

<正>在传统的管理学典籍中,相较于领导行为理论和权变理论,领导特质理论往往被视为过时、无用甚至是"有害"的理论。然而,20世纪80年代以来,随着管理环境的复杂性和不确定性前所未有的增强,领导特质越来越凸显出其在影响领导有效性时的关键作用,这也引发了学者们不断对领导特质理论进行新的审视并产生新的  相似文献   

We present a follower-centric model of leadership that integrates multiple levels of analysis, and includes emotional contagion as a key meso-level process. In our model, leadership at the individual level is manifested in terms of the leader's favoritism toward members and affective displays. Drawing upon affective events theory, we argue that member perceptions of a leader's behaviors and member attributions of insincerity result in negative emotions. Through a process of emotional contagion, the negative emotions then spread to other individuals in the group. These are in turn reflected in the group's affective climate and trust climate, and also in the quality of leader-member and team-member relationships. In the end, this results in organizational-level disapproval of the leader and cynicism towards the leader. Included as moderators in the model are task interdependence, the temporal context, reward systems, emotional labor requirements, organizational culture, and power distance. We conclude with a discussion of boundary conditions, and implications of our model for research, theory, and practice.  相似文献   

Drawing on the general aggression model and theories of victimization and temperamental goodness-of-fit, we investigated trait anger and trait anxiety as antecedents of petty tyranny: employing a multilevel design with data from 84 sea captains and 177 crew members. Leader trait anger predicted subordinate-reported petty tyranny. Subordinate trait anxiety was associated with subordinate-reported petty tyranny. The association between leader trait anger and subordinate-reported petty tyranny was strongest among low trait anger subordinates supporting the theory of temperamental goodness-of-fit—or rather misfit—in dyads. Hence, leader anger-generated petty tyranny seems to constitute itself both as an average leadership style and as behavior targeting specific subordinates, in this case low trait anger subordinates. In addition, anxious subordinates report more exposure to such abusive leadership behaviors irrespective of levels of trait anger in the captain. The practical implications are above all the needs for organizational and individual management of leader trait anger.  相似文献   

We conducted the current multi-cultural, multi-level study with three objectives in mind. First, we examined the association of transformational leadership and leader effectiveness across two different cultures, the United States (U.S.) and Korea, with three followers' attitudes toward their leader (trust in the leader, loyalty, and value congruence) as moderators of this association. Second, we conceptualized followers' collectivistic orientation as a personal value, regardless of their nationality, and tested its moderating effect on the leadership–effectiveness association. Finally, we employed a multi-level approach throughout to examine whether transformational leadership processes, and in contrast individualized leadership, operated at different levels of analysis across different countries. Results from WABA and regression analyses indicated that transformational leadership operated at the individual level of analysis in both samples and was effective across different cultures. Specifically, followers' attitudes served as moderators of the transformational leadership–effectiveness association only in the U.S. sample, while collectivistic orientation had a significant moderating effect in both samples. Results from WABA also indicated that individualized leadership operated at the dyadic level for the U.S. sample and at the individual level for the Korean sample. Several theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Contrary to the previous leadership theories, which focus on specific and narrow aspects of leadership such as employee characteristics, leader’s authenticity, or boundary spanning, the bounded leadership theory is a broad and complex concept. It takes simultaneously many constraints, which are related to activities on an individual, team, organization, and stakeholder level. This study applies the bounded leadership theory to analyze the leadership constraints as the mediator of the relationship between leadership competencies and effectiveness. Our findings show that leaders’ competencies are not enough for them to be effective. Specific competencies enable leaders to overcome the set of constraints and then to increase their effectiveness.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(4):557-576
Organizational scholars have long been concerned with identifying traits that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders. Although there has been renewed interest in the role of emotions in leadership, there is currently no quantitative summary of leader trait affectivity and leadership. Thus, the current paper meta-analyzed the relationship between leader trait affectivity and several leadership criteria, including transformational leadership, transactional leadership, leadership emergence, and leadership effectiveness. Results show that leader positive affect is positively related to leadership criteria, whereas leader negative affect is negatively related to leadership criteria, and regression analyses indicate that leader trait affect predicts leadership criteria above and beyond leader extraversion and neuroticism. Additionally, mediational analyses reveal that the relationship between leader trait affect and leadership effectiveness operates through transformational leadership. Taken together, these results contribute to the literature on emotions and leadership by highlighting the role of leader affect as a meaningful predictor of leadership.  相似文献   

Individual differences have been a part of leadership research since the days of trait theory. There has been an upsurge in interest in the topic due to recent theoretical and methodological advances. Also, there is increasing interest in measuring individual leader differences using nontraditional methods such as the quantitative analysis of archival data. We describe a general methodology for developing and validating measures of leader individual differences based on computerized language analysis of archival data. Two empirical examples focusing on narcissism among Fortune 100 CEOs illustrate the methodology. We summarize prospects and problems of computerized content analysis of archival materials.  相似文献   

Leader distance: a review and a proposed theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of leader distance has been subsumed in a number of leadership theories; however, with few exceptions, leadership scholars have not expressly defined nor discussed leader distance, how distance is implicated in the legitimization of a leader, and how distance affects leader outcomes. We review available literature and demonstrate that integral to untangling the dynamics of the leadership influencing process is an understanding of leader–follower distance. We present distance in terms of three independent dimensions: leader–follower physical distance, perceived social distance, and perceived task interaction frequency. We discuss possible antecedents of leader–follower distance, including organizational and task characteristics, national culture, and leader/follower implicit motives. Finally, we use configural theory to present eight typologies (i.e., coexistence of a cluster or constellation of independent factors serving as a unit of analysis) of leader distance and propose an integrated cross-level model of leader distance, linking the distance typologies to leader outcomes at the individual and group levels of analysis.  相似文献   


This paper describes and experimentally demonstrates the main tenets of an operant theory of leadership. Leadership is characterized in the current paper as involving problem solving operant behavior (Cerutti, 1989; Skinner, 1969) in a social context (Skinner, 1953). The theory was assessed under two experimental analogs modeled from generic formal organizational bureaucratic leader-follower role relations. Under a minimal leadership contingency (MLC) leaders and followers in N = 4 dyads interacted via button pressing and trigger pulling responses, respectively, and they received feedback on counters located on response panels in their separate rooms. Under the MLC every leader button press added a point worth money to one of the follower's counters but the leader received no points worth money based on follower responses. A leadership contingency (LC) was identical to the MLC except that for every 19th follower trigger pull the leader received a point worth money. As anticipated, high rates of leader-follower interaction evolved in all dyads under the LC and appreciably lower rates occurred under the MLC as leader button pressing extinguished under the MLC with repeated exposures to the two contingencies presented in ABABAB fashion. Results were discussed in terms of the theory and data as they may be related to assessment and maintenance of leader-follower interactions and performance in OBM lab and field experiments.  相似文献   

Organisations nowadays try to be ambidextrous, that is, to balance exploitation and exploration, at the level of the organisational unit, or even at the individual level. Recent studies found that important drivers for contextual ambidexterity are a high level of empowerment and an orientation towards continuous improvement (CI) and innovation. It is, therefore, to be expected that empowering leadership and leader commitment to CI are associated with contextual ambidexterity. However, literature about the relationships between empowering leadership, committed leadership for CI and contextual ambidexterity is scant. Based on two separate survey studies, we validated both the relationship between empowering leadership and contextual ambidexterity, and the mediating effect of committed leadership for CI in the organisational unit level and the individual level. The managerial implications of this research is that organisations that want to facilitate contextual ambidexterity should not only empower employees so that they can decide more independently on how to organise their time and make choices when they conduct exploratory activities and when they perform exploitative activities. Management must also act as committed ambassadors for CI, as CI functions as an integration mechanism to create both alignment and adaptability, and hence contextual ambidexterity.  相似文献   

We explore how formal managers' centralities in both positive and negative networks predict followers' perceptions of their leadership. By incorporating social networks and social ledger theory with implicit leadership theories (ILTs), we hypothesize that formally assigned group leaders (managers) who have more positive advice ties and fewer negative avoidance ties are more likely to be recognized as leaders by their followers. Further, we posit that managers' informal networks bring them greater social power, an important attribute differentiating leaders from non-leaders. We conducted two survey-based studies in student and field teams to test the hypotheses. Based on nested data in both studies, we found support for our hypotheses. These results remain robust across the two studies even though they used different designs (cross-sectional versus longitudinal), different samples (field versus students) across different countries (United States versus India), and a host of control variables at both the leader and follower levels. We find that managers who are central in the advice network are socially powerful and are seen as leaders by individual followers. In contrast, managers who are avoided by followers lack informal social power are not seen as leaders. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our findings and the ways in which our theory and results extend ILTs and social network theory.  相似文献   

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