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现代女性在和谐社会建设中的特殊作用表现为:女性是和谐家庭的建设者、女性是经济建设的重要力量、女性在环境维护方面起着关键性作用、女性的优势品质为和谐社会建构提供持久精神动力、中国女性特殊的性别文化诉求成为和谐社会发展的动力。  相似文献   

中国性别理论研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
庄渝霞 《学术交流》2005,(6):126-128
透视中国现代性别理论研究,其成果主要集中在对妇女历史的重构、造成女性从属性根源的探索、当代中国妇女地位变化研究、性别平等研究、方法论研究等五个方面。  相似文献   

解红晖 《社会工作》2008,(24):54-56
现代女性在和谐社会建设中的特殊作用表现为:女性是和谐家庭的建设者、女性是经济建设的重要力量、女性在环境维护方面起着关键性作用、女性的优势品质为和谐社会建构提供持久精神动力、中国女性特殊的性别文化诉求成为和谐社会发展的动力。  相似文献   

付秀莹的新作《他乡》通过叙述"芳村的女儿"翟小梨从乡村来到省城、后来扎根北京的"迁移"史,书写一代知识女性的精神性别成长过程.小说借由翟小梨的"失语状态",洞察到性别权力关系在日常生活中的运作.翟小梨试图以身体作为反抗的武器,但却再一次陷入男性话语织就的牢笼.为了获得作为个人和作为女性的双重成功,翟小梨选择回归家庭,但她的精神性别成长尚未完成.小说对现代女性精神性别成长的反思具有启发意义.  相似文献   

张慧 《社会》2004,(4):44-46
在人们的心目中,男性给人的印象是粗犷、刚强的,而女性则应该是柔弱、细腻的。然而随着文明社会的演进,逐渐消磨了男人粗犷的本性;和平的环境,抑制了男人的刚强和威风。当科技发展帮助女性逾越了性别的体力障碍后,现代社会越来越多的发展机会使女性变得理性、智慧、独立而又果断。男女的性别内涵彼此交织混杂,传统的性别特征正趋于淡化与互渗。  相似文献   

"计划生育"作为一项人口政策,除了产生直接的人口后果外,还会带来广泛的社会影响。"独生女"家庭内部平等意识的增长、家庭性别教育的转向,对女孩期望的提高以及父女间的频繁互动等,对于培养独生女一代现代性别意识、提高女性素质,促进女性独立、健康发展都产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

女性之间的暴力行为在历史和现实中一直都非常普遍,但由于种种原因并未引起人们足够的关注和重视.女性攻击同性时,通常会选择亲密关系之中的弱势同性,所采用的攻击方式主要为语言攻击和间接攻击.性侮辱与容貌丑化是女性同性攻击中最常见的两个主题,攻击形式绝大多数为非组织化的个体攻击.父权制社会男尊女卑的社会制度和重男轻女的性别观念,现代社会女性之间社会竞争的加剧,独生子女生育制度下的女性性别观念重塑等,是女性同性暴力产生的社会文化根源.  相似文献   

近年来兴起的女性服务,是否促进了女性发展和性别平等?本文从社会性别的视角出发,回顾了女性服务在价值取向、需求分析、介入手法等三个方面的要求,并以妇女为本、女性的三重角色、战略性社会性别需求、外化问题、互助小组、集体方式、男性参与和女性参与等八项标准来考察77个女性服务项目,以理论的透镜对我国女性服务的经验和不足进行总结和反思,探索社会性别视角下女性服务的广东经验.研究发现,女性服务的项目设计普遍缺乏社会性别理念,项目给女性带来的效果也是值得商榷的.本文认为,女性服务的使命就在于实现性别平等从而真正改善女性福祉,而女性服务设计的核心在于社会性别理念,这正是对社会工作者性别敏感度的考验.要让服务真正有利于女性,必须培养社会工作者的性别意识,并建立有社会性别意识的资助和评估机制.  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的到来,老龄人口增多,老年人在家中养老必将长期存在,对老年人的家庭照料越来越重要。而由于社会性别意识的影响,社会规范把家庭照料的责任更多的赋予给了女性,现代女性面临强烈的角色冲突和巨大压力。必须加强对女性家庭照料者的社会支持,缓解她们的照料压力。  相似文献   

新时期女性主义小说创作论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金文野 《学术交流》2005,(8):154-158
新时期以来的女性主义小说创作,侧重通过女性人格的主体性建构来张扬女权意识,追求性别平等。在这种主体人格的建构当中,女作家笔下的女性形象纷纷从扁平走向立体,从单纯走向复杂,由被动走向主动,由欲望对象走向欲望主体,成为有个性、有思想、有追求的与传统女性判然有别的真正意义上的现代女性,从一个侧面折射出女性解放和女权发展的新景观。  相似文献   

就业是女性获得发展的重要方式,近年来女性就业中的非平等性越来越引起社会的关注。女性(尤其是高学历女性)就业弱势不仅大大影响妇女群体的整体素质及其可持续发展,而且必将制约整个社会文明的发展。本文揭示了女性就业弱势状况及原因,并对其解决途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

宋桂珍 《学术交流》2006,(2):168-170
《呐喊》、《彷徨》塑造了一系列女性形象,深刻反映了鲁迅先生对女性问题的关注和他的妇女观。他站在广大被压迫妇女的立场上,感同身受地体察到了她们的悲惨处境,批判了造成妇女悲剧命运的封建制度和伦理道德,反对男尊女卑,主张男女平等。同时,也以“怒其不争”的态度,针砭了女性的麻木和愚昧,希望她们能自醒自爱,走向彻底的解放。  相似文献   

Despite gains in women's status, successful leaders are more likely to be men than women. The styles that successful leaders set tend to be masculine. Female leaders face a paradox: If they emulate a masculine leadership style, their male subordinates will dislike them. If they adopt a stereotypically warmand nurturing feminine style, they will be liked, but not respected. Two experiments found that female leaders who are mindful can escape this paradox. In an experiment, college-aged men perceived a woman who was masculine and mindful to be a better leader than a woman who was masculine and mindless. A second experiment replicated that result with middle-aged businessmen.  相似文献   

李大钊的妇女解放理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李大钊是中国马克思主义妇女解放理论的奠基人 ,他运用唯物史观分析了妇女地位低下的根本原因 ,探索了妇女解放的目标、任务、条件和途径。他支持各地妇女运动的开展 ,亲自参加和指导妇女争取自身解放的活动 ,从而为我国的妇女解放事业作出了独特的贡献  相似文献   

This article explores the lives of two Andamanese women, both of whom the British called “Tospy.” The first part of the article takes an indigenous and gendered perspective on early British colonization of the Andamans in the 1860s, and through the experiences of a woman called Topsy stresses the sexual violence that underpinned colonial settlement as well as the British reliance on women as cultural interlocutors. Second, the article discusses colonial naming practices, and the employment of Andamanese women and men as nursemaids and household servants during the 1890s–1910s. Using an extraordinary murder case in which a woman known as Topsy-ayah was a central witness, it argues that both reveal something of the enduring associations and legacies of slavery, as well as the cultural influence of the Atlantic in the Bay of Bengal. In sum, these women's lives present a kaleidoscope view of colonization, gender, networks of Empire, labor, and domesticity in the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Mental Health and Domestic Violence: 'I Call it Symptoms of Abuse'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr Cathy Humphreys, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: c.f.Humphreys{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary Research evidence now clearly shows a direct link between women'sexperiences of domestic violence and heightened rates of depression,trauma symptoms, and selfharm. A research project based in Women'sAid outreach services provides further evidence of women's experiencesof severe emotional distress. However, their experiences ofmental health services were often found to be negative. A numberof practices within the medical model of mental health wereunhelpful including: the lack of recognition of trauma or provisionof trauma services; making the abuser invisible through focusingon the woman's mental health reified from her experiences ofabuse; blaming the victim; offering medication rather than counsellingsupport; the negative, consequent effects on child contact andchild protection proceedings if the woman is labelled with mentalhealth problems. Alternatively, women found services, oftenin the voluntary sector, helpful when they provided the followinginterventions: helping women name domestic violence; activelyasking about the abuse; attending to safety planning; respondingto women's specialist needs; and actively working with womento recover from abuse experiences. Support for her childrenwas also seen as very helpful. Implications for practice includethe commissioning of further services in the voluntary sector,addressing the inadequate response within the medical model,and increasing the sensitivity of responses to women's emotionaldistress across all sectors.  相似文献   

Nursing is considered a woman friendly profession; however, career advancement in nursing, as in other fields, is predicated on masculine models of promotion, making mobility difficult for working mothers. To learn more about how women negotiate caregiving responsibilities at home and at work, focus groups were conducted with 26 ethnically and socioeconomically diverse registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and aides. Three themes emerged from these discussions: tension between the value nurses assigned to paid caregiving and societal devaluation of this work; "costs" of paid caring and emotional labor on family life; and the presence of both obstacles to and opportunities for career advancement. Caregiving experiences were shaped by professional status. Implications for women's well being and career advancement are discussed.  相似文献   

韩开绯 《学术交流》2004,(4):157-159
《妻妾成群》中苏童对姨太太的描写,暗示生命的浮躁、萎谢,反映了女性身陷绝境而不自觉的意识状态、行为方式以及在男性压抑下生存的悲哀。在《大红灯笼高高挂》中,张艺谋侧重反映女性的一种叛逆,但最终也未能挣脱男性笼罩下的圆圈。苏童采用了"井",有一种神秘的象征,也带有颇浓的宿命色彩;张艺谋则代之以红灯笼,它作为一种载体既存在于故事中,又与人物的命运相关。红灯笼是陈家宅院里欢娱、恩宠、情爱、荣耀的象征,它代表着全部的"幸福";反之,封灯则意味着凄清、黑暗、孤寂,象征着所有的不幸。  相似文献   

This study examines gender differences in gender role attitudes and attitudes to abortion in a sample of 141 undergraduate students. Religion and religiosity were treated as covariates. Using the short version of Spence and Helmreich's (1978) Attitudes to Women Scale (AWS) taken from Spence and Hahn [Spence, J. T., & Hahn, E. D. (1997). The Attitudes Toward Women Scale and attitude to change in college students. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21, 17–34] and the abortion attitudes scale developed by Stets and Leik [Stets, J. E., & Leik, R. K. (1993). Attitudes about abortion and varying attitude structures. Social Science Research, 22, 265–282], we found that females have more liberal attitudes to women and show stronger approval for women's autonomy in abortion decision-making. Given the low internal consistency of this three-item subscale, responses to the individual items were analyzed. More males than females feel that the father should have the right to prevent the mother from having an abortion. Most of the students indicate that the woman should have to tell the father before having an abortion and most disagree that the abortion is entirely a woman's decision. There were no gender differences on the moral acceptability and availability subscales. The overall results reflect somewhat conservative attitudes to women, and seemingly contradictory findings on the abortion issue in this sample of university students. Although they endorse the availability of abortion, at the same time they find it morally unacceptable and show weak support for women's autonomy in this decision. The implications of these findings for the advancement of women's rights in this country are discussed.  相似文献   

In Sweden in 2007, 11,047 people, out of a population of around nine million were living under at-risk conditions requiring protective measures for their safety. Sixty per cent were women, most of them hiding from men who had battered them and were still threatening and stalking them. In this research and intervention study, a group of women in hiding were given different kinds of support and 23 women were interviewed. These women struggle to make a living, work or study, and their finances are extremely strained. Their social networks/interactions are nonexistent. Living under constant threat and insecurity has an adverse impact on the women's health. The community is obliged, for economic and security reasons, to support battered women. There are still severe shortcomings with regard to security. One recommendation is the institution of personal protection officers, i.e. specially trained social service caseworkers able to support the woman once protection measures have been decided.  相似文献   

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