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Psychotherapeutic treatments are known to be effective in older adults with mental illnesses. Depression, anxiety, and complicated bereavement must be considered psychiatric illnesses, rather than normal consequences of aging. To improve the rate of psychotherapy use among older adults, stigma surrounding psychiatric treatment, as well as misconceptions that older adults are incapable of change, must be unlearned and eliminated.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorder is a recurrent, chronic mental illness that has a profound impact on the lives of patients and their families and may require extensive use of mental health services. Although bipolar disorder is often considered an illness of young people, the disorder is being recognized as more common in older adults than previously thought. Much more research needs to be done to understand the impact of aging on the course and treatment of bipolar disorder. Evidence-based interventions for treatment of this disorder in older adults must be developed. Mental health nurses can play a key role in enhancing medication adherence, implementing structured psychosocial interventions, and carrying out research to enhance diagnosis and treatment of older adults with bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

In an ideal world, inclusive products and services would be the standard and not the exception. This paper presents a systematic approach to an overlap between Visual Communication Design, Printed Colour and Inclusive Design, for older people, with the aim to develop of a set of research-based ageing and ergonomics-centred communication design guidelines and recommendations for printed material (analogical displays). The approach included an initial extensive literature review in the area of colour, older people and ergonomics issues and vision common diseases, communication design. The second phase was the implementation of an experiment to measure the different colour experiences of the participants in two sample groups (one in UK and another one in Portugal), using printed material, to find out the colours one should use in analogical communication material, being aware of the colour contrast importance (foreground versus background) and the difficulties experienced by older people to read and understand lettering, signs. As main contribution of this research project, we developed a set of guidelines and recommendations based on the reviewed literature and the sample groups' findings, trying to demonstrate the importance of these guidelines when conceiving a new communicational design project in a way this project will achieve vision comfort and understandability, especially for older people, in an inclusive design perspective.  相似文献   

Although the number of people older than 55 with schizophrenia is expected to double during the next 20 years, the research data on older adults with schizophrenia are limited. This appears to be because until the middle of the 20th century, it was assumed that mental illness in older adults was a part of the aging process and because older adults are often excluded from research investigations. Nursing research is needed to explore how people with schizophrenia learn to manage their problems as they age, as well as how those who are first diagnosed with schizophrenia in later life adapt to their illness. Mental health nurses need to be cautious in assigning premature labels to older adults with mental illness that may lead to unsubstantiated assumptions about levels of disability. Instead, nurses should realize individual potential regarding undiscovered strengths and should attempt to create interventions that recognize and foster personal development for older adults with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that personal networks influence health and illness, network recall remains a major concern. This concern is heightened when studying a population that is vulnerable to cognitive decline. Given these issues, we use data from the Social Network in Alzheimer Disease project to explore similarities and discrepancies between the network perceptions of focal participants and study partners. By leveraging data on a sample of older adults with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and early stage dementia, we explore how cognitive impairment influences older adults’ perceptions of their personal networks. We find that the average individual is more likely to omit weaker, peripheral ties from their self-reported networks than stronger, central ties. Despite observing only moderate levels of focal-partner corroboration across our sample, we find minimal evidence of perceptual differences across diagnostic groups. We offer two broad conclusions. First, self-reported network data, though imperfect, offer a reasonable account of the core people in one’s life. Second, our findings assuage concerns that cognitively impaired older adults have skewed perceptions of their personal networks.  相似文献   

Despite the sophisticated pharmaceutical agents and technologies available today, many people, including older adults, continue to experience chronic pain. Inadequately treated chronic pain can seriously affect one's quality of life. Health care providers are only beginning to understand the structural and functional changes that occur in older adults with chronic pain, but recent research suggests that nurses and other health professionals need to become aware of the unique needs of older adults who live with chronic pain. When health professionals lack specific knowledge of pain management in older adults, patients may suffer needlessly.  相似文献   

Health literacy is a critical goal for nurses to address. Consider the patient who stated: They told me I was taking double the medication I was supposed to. I had two bottles, and I was taking one from each bottle, but it turned out they were the same medication. But since I didnt know how to read. I didn't know. (University of Virginia Health Systems, 2003). Many older adults struggle daily to manage their health care problems; compounding these dificulties with low literacy skills can be devastating. They need our help.  相似文献   

Even though computers play a massive role in everyday life of modern societies, older adults, and especially older women, are less likely to use a computer, and they perform fewer activities on it than younger adults. To get a better understanding of the factors affecting older adults' intention towards and usage of computers, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) was applied as part of a more extensive study with 52 users and non-users of computers, ranging in age from 50 to 90 years. The model covers various aspects of computer usage in old age via four key constructs, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and facilitating conditions, as well as the variables gender, age, experience, and voluntariness it. Interestingly, next to performance expectancy, facilitating conditions showed the strongest correlation with use as well as with intention. Effort expectancy showed no significant correlation with the intention of older adults to use a computer.  相似文献   

Compulsive hoarding is a debilitating disorder that is only recently becoming understood. Hoarding has been studied primarily in the general population, with only a few researchers focusing on hoarding in older adults, even though the prevalence and severity of the disorder appears to increase with aging. Hoarding seriously affects the quality of one's life and can also cause safety and health problems for individuals and the community. Established treatments for hoarding are relatively new and often need to be extended over a long period of time. Nurses can play an important role in helping identify the problem of hoarding in older adults, determining the types of safety and health hazards that need to be addressed, and contacting the appropriate community agencies.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to provide preliminary evaluation of the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of a newly developed Tai Chi-based exercise program for older adults with Parkinson's disease (PD). Using a one-group pretest-posttest design, 17 community-dwelling adults (mean age 71.51 years) with mild to moderate idiopathic PD (Stage I, II, or III on the Hoehn and Yahr scale) and stable medication use completed a 5-day, 90-min/day Tai Chi exercise-evaluation program. Outcome measures included face-to-face exit interviews on appropriateness and safety and physical performance (i.e., 50-ft speed walk, up-and-go, functional reach). At the end of this brief intervention, exercise adherence was 100% and the program was shown to be safe. Exit interviews indicated that the program was well received by all participants with respect to program appropriateness, participant satisfaction and enjoyment, and intentions to continue. Furthermore, a significant pretest-to-posttest change was observed at the end of the 5-day program in all three physical-performance measures (p < .05). The results of this pilot evaluation suggest that Tai Chi is an appropriate physical activity for older adults with PD and might also be useful as a therapeutic exercise modality for improving and maintaining physical function. These preliminary findings warrant further investigation.  相似文献   


Self-neglect (SN) and frailty in older adults is associated with increased disability and mortality. Despite these commonalities, there have been no studies objectively assessing frailty in older adults who SN. This secondary analysis classified frailty in N = 37 older adults with Adult Protective Services validated SN using the Fried Frailty Phenotype (FFP) of weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, activity level, and walking speed. Overall, 3% were classified as robust, 62% as prefrail, and 35% as frail. Most (72%) were overweight/obese, with clinically significant decreases in activity level (60%) and walking speed (97%). Compared to the original FFP population, older adults who SN exhibit important differences in frailty phenotypes, and finding that the largest percentage of older adults who SN were prefrail may indicate a critical opportunity for intervening in this population to reduce future functional decline and mortality.  相似文献   

Screening for elder abuse in hospitalized older adults with dementia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When older adults with dementia are hospitalized for psychiatric treatment, which elder abuse screen to use is questionable. This article reviews screens to identify desirable characteristics. For clinician completion, the Elder Assessment Instrument and the Brief Abuse Screens for the Elderly are recommended. For the older adult, the brief Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test is suitable. The Modified Conflict Tactics Scale, which can be used by both the older adult and the nonprofessional caregiver, has many of the recommended characteristics. Research is necessary in the application of these screens within hospitals to detect elder abuse within this specialized population.  相似文献   

With aging comes a multitude of possible losses, including loss of health, spouse, friends, or independence. These losses can place older adults at risk for isolation and loneliness. Loneliness is of significant concern in older adults, as it can negatively affect their quality of life. An interpretive phenomenological study was conducted to explore the meaning of loneliness in 12 older adults living in the community. Selected excerpts from the participants reveal several themes, as well as the importance of maintaining meaningful connections and relationships with others to alleviate feelings of loneliness. Nurses can become more attuned to the problem of loneliness in older adults and the importance of helping their older clients maintain meaningful connections with others to reduce loneliness.  相似文献   

When adults move to smaller quarters in later life, family members become involved in the management and disposal of possessions-some cherished, some mundane. Interviews were conducted with 14 family members who had participated in a household disbandment by elders. This qualitative analysis describes the various tasks that were undertaken by family members; how family members asserted themselves in the process; how they were an outlet for possessions; the way that some possessions are shared; and implications for family's story about itself. Household disbandment is a field for all sorts of family practices that can be summarized along three continua that characterize (1) the receiving of goods, (2) the location of agency between elder and family members, and (3) family's self-understanding.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The characteristics of the mistreatment of older adults were investigated in a sample of 128 older adults identified as potential mistreatment cases in three community-based agencies in Quebec. Practitioners completed questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The study also examined: (1) difficulties in identifying mistreatment, (2) interventions and outcomes, and (3) reasons for the refusal of services. The major finding (with important implications for practice) was the association between type of treatment and perpetrator relationship to victim. The harm reduction model is suggested as a useful approach to guide interventions.  相似文献   

The response of calf-muscle strength, resting blood flow, and postocclusive blood flow (PObf) were investigated after 4 wk of low-load resistance training (LLRT) with and without blood-flow restriction in a matched-leg design. Ten untrained older individuals age 62-73 yr performed unilateral plantar-flexion LLRT at 25% 1-repetition maximum (1RM). One limb was trained with normal blood flow and the other had blood flow restricted using a pressure cuff above the knee. 1RM, isometric maximal voluntary contraction, and isokinetic strength at 0.52 rad/s increased (p < .05) more after LLRT with blood-flow restriction than with normal blood flow. Peak PObf increased (p < .05) after LLRT with blood-flow restriction, compared with no change after LLRT with normal blood flow. These results suggest that 4 wk of LLRT with blood-flow restriction may be beneficial to older individuals to improve strength and blood-flow parameters.  相似文献   

As the population of older adults with chronic illness continues to increase, it is imperative to implement patient education strategies that are designed to elicit information and help health practitioners understand the world of the older adult. This article describes how storytelling, grounded in the basic principles of gerogogy, serves as an effective teaching and learning patient education strategy for older adults with--or without--chronic disease.  相似文献   

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