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肖兆权 《领导科学》2003,(12):32-33
进入新世纪,人力资源已经成为一个国家经济和社会发展最重要的战略资源。抓住机遇,迎接挑战,走人才强国之路,是增强我国综合国力和国际竞争力,实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略选择。为了全面落实中央制定的《2002~2005年全国人才队伍建设规划纲要》,建立科学规范的党政领导干部选拔任用机制,形成朝气蓬勃、奋发有为的党政领导干部队伍,迫切需要组织部门用现代人力资源管理与开发的理论来指导、实践当前的干部工作。我们的党政领导干部是公共管理的人才,是我国经济、社会事业发展中的战略性人才。他们是“三支人才队伍”中的佼佼者,对他们的素质…  相似文献   

党政后备干部作为党政领导干部的重要后备力量,历来是党政干部队伍建设中社会各界普遍关注的重要群体。随着近年来各级党委、政府领导班子换届工作的全面展开,竞争性选拔干部力度不断加大,大批"70后"、"80后"年轻后备干部迅速走上党政领导干部岗  相似文献   

胡锦涛在党的十八大报告中指出,"深化干部人事制度改革,建设高素质执政骨干队伍","建设一支政治坚定、能力过硬、作风优良、奋发有为的执政骨干队伍",使之"各尽其能、才尽其用"。党政领导干部胜任力模型的构建是党政部门适应社会形势发展、深化干部人事制度改革的客观需要。通过构建胜任力模型,党政部门能够准确地了解党政领导干部必须具备的能力素质,从而通过培训等相关措施,提高党政领导干部的能力素质,  相似文献   

实行党政领导干部引咎辞职、责令辞职制度,是完善党政领导干部考核体系,加强对党政领导干部监督管理的有效举措,是深化干部人事制度改革,推进干部工作科学化、制度化建设的迫切需要.  相似文献   

机关干部竞争上岗是公开选拔党政领导干部的主要方法。近些年来,在党政机关得到了较好的落实,在公务员队伍中产生了积极的影响,得到了社会各界的广泛认同。对竞争对象进行绩效评价是竞争上岗工作成败的关键,绩效评价越精确、越全面、越公正、越民主,竞争上岗工作就越成功。  相似文献   

胡月星 《领导科学》2012,(14):28-30
党的执政能力是由党的领导组织能力和干部队伍整体能力素质共同构成的。加强党的执政能力建设,一个重要方面是抓好党政领导干部队伍自身建设。领导干部队伍的胜任力是衡量干部队伍是否适应党的执政力要求的重要指标。现代领导科学研究表明,领导胜任力是领导者在履行职责时所应具备的知识、观念、技能、能力、价值观、动机、个性、态度等关键特征的综合体。对领导胜任力的考核评价将是干部培养教育和选拔考核的重要依据。本文将结合当前党政领导干部能力建设的客观需要,就胜任力理论及其在领导干部能力素质考核评价中的应用作一些初步探索与思考。  相似文献   

一、实行领导班子职数动态管理的必要性 领导班子职数的动态管理是选拔党政领导干部活动之前的准备工作,也是一个新的探索。其主要依据是《党政领导干部选拔任用工作暂行条例》和《深化干部人事制度改革纲要》。  相似文献   

10月28日,中共中央办公厅印发<关于建立促进科学发展的党政领导班子和领导干部考核评价机制的意见>.与此相配套,中央组织部制定了<地方党政领导班子和领导干部综合考核评价办法(试行)>、<党政工作部门领导班子和领导干部综合考核评价办法(试行)>、<党政领导班子和领导干部年度考核办法(试行)>.  相似文献   

党政领导干部选拔任命的责任制度是防止用人失误和严肃处理干部选拔任用工作中出现违规违纪行为的重要保障制度.目前,在我国党政领导干部选拔任命过程中,仍然存在着违规违纪行为,为此必须加强党政领导干部选拔任命的责任制度建设,为深化人事制度改革做出贡献.本文将具体介绍当前我国实施党政领导干部选拔任用工作责任追究制存在的问题和实施原则,并据此提出建立健全党政领导干部选拔任用责任制度的具体措施,以期为干部队伍建设提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

公开竞争选拔党政领导干部制度自20世纪80年代推广施行以来,已经成为我国干部人事制度的重要组成部分.长期以来,在领导干部竞争选拔实践环节中,如何通过民主的环节和科学的程序、方法,让干得好的人考得上、能力强的人选得上、作风实的人出得来、选上的人群众满意,一直是领导干部竞争选拔工作的难点.如何选、如何考涉及竞争选拔的科学程序和方法,尊重群众的意见、让群众满意则是公共权力民主化的目标.从领导干部竞争选拔实践来看,科学化与民主化二者相互联系、相互促进,共同服务于选贤任能的终极目标.但是,这并不意味着竞争选拔的科学化和民主化在逻辑上存在必然的因果关系,即坚持了民主化就保证了科学化,或者做到了科学化就实现了民主化.相反,在某些领域和环节,竞争选拔的科学化和民主化之间具有张力,二者之间经常发生激烈的冲突,甚至存在某种程度的对立.  相似文献   

Does Islamic political control affect women's empowerment? Several countries have recently experienced Islamic parties coming to power through democratic elections. Due to strong support among religious conservatives, constituencies with Islamic rule often tend to exhibit poor women's rights. Whether this reflects a causal relationship or a spurious one has so far gone unexplored. I provide the first piece of evidence using a new and unique data set of Turkish municipalities. In 1994, an Islamic party won multiple municipal mayor seats across the country. Using a regression discontinuity (RD) design, I compare municipalities where this Islamic party barely won or lost elections. Despite negative raw correlations, the RD results reveal that, over a period of six years, Islamic rule increased female secular high school education. Corresponding effects for men are systematically smaller and less precise. In the longer run, the effect on female education remained persistent up to 17 years after, and also reduced adolescent marriages. An analysis of long‐run political effects of Islamic rule shows increased female political participation and an overall decrease in Islamic political preferences. The results are consistent with an explanation that emphasizes the Islamic party's effectiveness in overcoming barriers to female entry for the poor and pious.  相似文献   

Hospice care is available nearly everywhere. Yet some physicians aren't aware of its role in end-of-life care. Explore what hospice care provides and how patients and their families may benefit.  相似文献   

领导预期与实际效果产生偏差,主要表现为预期目标无法达成、预期效果没有实现、预期进度没有跟上等。组织环境变化、信息传递阻塞、行动方案不合理和决策执行不到位等是造成这一问题的主要原因。应通过提升环境感知能力、疏通信息传输通道、优化决策方案制订和强化组织执行能力等来纠正偏差。  相似文献   

A great deal of controversy exists these days concerning the role of the global corporations with very little agreement. Many charges and claims are made, often unsubstantiated and contradictory. The situation is complex due to the many different issues and points of view. This paper identifies some of the problems, issues, and perspectives and then suggests that the key question concerns the net effect of the global corporation. Unfortunately, the answer to that question still depends on a person's point of view. Therefore, it is concluded that it would be a mistake to simplify any discussion of the role of the global corporation and that we need a generally accepted set of guidelines for ethical behavior of the global corporation. This background is then used to introduce the other papers in this special issue of the Journal of International Management.  相似文献   

人确实可以分成老实人与不老实人,而且在做人上,老实人确实更让人放心,人们在感情上也更容易接受老实人.但是,老实人并非十全十美,不老实人也并不一定都是奸人和坏人.一般情况下,老实人与不老实人只是为人处事的风格不同和个性上有差异,因而不能简单地将之作为政治上取舍评判的标准.用人在坚持德的根本标准的前提下,关键是要因才使用,便之各尽其长、各得其所.汉高祖和汉文帝在历史上都是以雄才大略和辉煌功业彪炳于世的,他们对老实人与不老实人的使用方法及其效果能给我们一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

农村实行税费改革特别是免征农业税后,对乡镇党委政府的工作重心提出了新的要求。最近,我深入到全县16个乡镇、30多个村,采取集体座谈、个别走访等形式,就乡镇党委政府如何在新的政策背景下实现职能转换进行了调查。通过调查,我认为,税费改革后,乡镇党委政府的工作必须有退亦有进,做到审势而退、乘势而进。审势而退乡镇党委政府要突破传统的思维定式和工作模式,从税费征收、行政干预农业生产和主导农村社会事务等领域退出来。一要从直接从事税费征收中退出来。受计划经济体制积弊的影响,长期以来,税费本应是由经营户按照相关政策自主交纳的,…  相似文献   

This paper addresses governance reforms of the last three and a half decades and looks into the future. This is done in three parts. The first part presents a birds-eye view of the massive literature on governance and governance reforms with a focus on the good, the bad, and ugly sides, then in part two argues for an alternative concept or theory of “sound governance” with characteristics and dimensions that overcome the deficiencies of other models of governance. As a consequence of reforms, the third part examines the past and explores the future of public organizations via “going home” as a conclusion with possible scenarios, challenges, and opportunities.  相似文献   

党的十七大明确提出,要以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程.领导班子思想政治建设是党的建设的首要任务,进一步研究领导班子思想政治建设如何适应新形势的发展需要,使领导班子思想政治建设符合与时俱进的要求,显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a study of the evolution of accounting regulation within one country in the context of that country's historical development, the origins and motivations of the legal system and the state, and the subsequent outcomes in terms of accounting rules and regulations. The case in point is Greece. However, the paper neither describes specific regulatory practices in a systematic manner nor rules that exist for the preparation of the financial statements. It is concerned instead with the relationship between the state and corporate accountability.In the context of accounting regulation, Greece has recently attracted attention in the research literature. Papas (1993) and Ballas (1994) were among the first to describe to an international academic audience various institutional aspects of corporate accounting in Greece while Neal (1997) has attempted to describe the social and economic forces that have shaped its development. However, this study offers new insights into the institutional framework of accounting and in particular the relationship of the state to accounting regulation.  相似文献   

领导观的重塑与和谐社会的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张江山 《领导科学》2006,(10):43-44
领导观是对领导这一社会现象的根本看法,它并不能代替决策、用人、协调等具体的领导活动,但它是领导工作的灵魂,贯穿于领导实践的全过程。构建和谐社会作为党在新的历史时期作出的具有深远意义的社会发展战略,是一项涉及经济、政治、文化等各个领域的社会系统工程,需要物质文明、精神文明和政治文明的协调发展。其中,作为政治文明和精神文明的领导观在构建和谐社会中有着特殊的作用,它直接影响着领导效能的高低、领导成本的大小,并关系到整个社会精神风貌和社会效益的好坏。因此,重塑适应和谐社会需要的领导观,无疑是构建和谐社会的题中应有…  相似文献   

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