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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 140 毫秒
NESARC Finds Time Lag of 10 Years Between Alcohol use Disorder and Treatment Dually Diagnosed Prove Challenging to State Service Systems Utah Rolls Out $8 Million in New Funds for Treating Drug Offenders House Committee says ‘Yes’ to Block Grant, ‘No’ to Penalty Chantix may Work for Alcoholism, Too: Animal Study Briefly Noted State Watch Grants and Funding Resources Business Coming up  相似文献   

Longer Stays Mean Better Outcomes? The Relationship Isn't That Simple Tobacco Hits Lowest Rate Since Survey Began 33 Years Ago Utah Offender Treatment Program Facing Immediate Cuts Using Public Relations to Get Your Treatment Program Noticed Alkermes Moves New Oral Drug for Alcohol Dependence Into Clinical Trials Briefly Noted State Watch Names in the News Business Resources Call for Submissions Coming up  相似文献   

New Treatment Money for West Virginia Providers under Justice Reinvestment Act OTPs Confront Price Challenges as They Diversify Drug Options Documentary Trailer Outrages W.Va. Town SUDs Mentioned at White House Meeting on Mental Health $26.9 Million Increase for SA Services in Texas Budget NIAAA Study Shows Varenicline Reduces Alcohol Consumption BFC and Hazelden Pursue Alliance State News Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Pushes SBI to Address Baby‐Boomer Drug Use Prosecutor Leadership, Coordination Contribute to S.D. Reentry Strides Drug Could Increase Drinking but Reduce Other Problems NIAAA's Drug Development Goes Beyond Alcohol Problems ADAW Wins Journalism Awards for Parity and State Budget Watch Stories Illinois Treatment Providers Have Backlog of Unpaid Claims Congratulations! Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Trauma Center Alcohol Screening Rule to Take Effect This Fall Higher Salaries Key to Filling Counselor Workforce Gap Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Abuse and Dependence NAADAC Demographics Louisiana Agency Builds Influence of Faith‐Based Providers in State Using Urine Specimens from Parolees/Probationers to Create a Statewide Drug Monitoring System Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Washington State Coalition Urges Regulatory Control of Illegal Drugs Drug Court Programs Reduce Recidivism, but Yield Mixed Results on Relapse Washington State Coalition Cites Incarceration, Prevalence Data to Bolster Stance Risky Injection Practices Established at Onset of Use Missouri Advocates Struggle to Raise Alcohol Tax Call for Applicants Business Notes Resources Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

SAMHSA Report: States Will Bear More of Substance Abuse Treatment Cost Burden Maryland Counties Seek Efficiencies to Assist in Closing Treatment Gap Untreated Sex Addiction Can Lead to Relapse to Alcohol/Drug Use House Committee Report Charges ONDCP was Used for Political Purposes $1‐Billion National Youth Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Found Ineffective Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Sequestration: Waiting for the Cuts to Start Center Expands Outpatient Limit but Sees Residential Surviving State‐by‐State Cuts Study Finds CMHCs Reduce Readmissions Cigna Joins ABHW, Pledging to Expand Network NAADAC and IC&RC to Collaborate N.H. Releases Five‐Year Plan to Target Alcohol and Drug Abuse Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Issues Core Principles for Field in Health Care Reform Counties Mull Local Factors in Deciding Whether to Privatize Treatment Operations NIDA Reminder to Treatment: Counseling is Part of MAT New York State Tells Counties to Improve Access and Efficiency All Eyes on Alcohol Tax in New Jersey Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Marijuana: The New Alcohol? Voices from the Legalization Debate Providers in Some States Scramble to Hire Qualified Licensed Staff State Initiatives to Prevent Fatal ODs Include Naloxone and 911 Shumlin Targets Heroin, Beefs up Addiction Treatment N.J. Case Equates Methadone Treatment by Pregnant Woman with Child Abuse State News Coming up  相似文献   

Treatment Expansion in Washington State Funded by Medicaid Cost Offsets Study Finds No Harm in Religious use of Peyote; Supreme Court Impact Possible Treatment Expansion in Washington State Thumbs Up for Parity Recommendations, Down for Merging SA and MH Issues Older Problem Drinkers Medicating Pain with Alcohol Use of Alcohol to Manage Pain Among Male Non‐Problem and Problem Drinkers, Ages 55 to 65 Years Offender re‐entry Bill Gets Strong Support in Hearings State Prison Population and Substance Abuse SAMHSA Presenting Forums on New Medication for Opioid Addiction Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Bringing Addiction Treatment Into Primary Care: Calif. Experiments With Integration Interdisciplinary Care Seen as Crucial to Managing Pain in Recovering Patients Fully Integrated Program in Tennessee CSAT Pushing Field Toward Electronic Health Records Family Outreach Tip: Saturday Education for Children Researcher to Use Cell Phone Technology to Assess Drug, Alcohol Use Briefly Noted State News Business Coming up  相似文献   

Congress Heads into Home Stretch for Parity Legislation Oxford Houses Thrive Under Radar of Addiction Community Background on Parity Legislation Budget Battle: SAMHSA Speaks Out – Will Congress Listen? Manicures, the RCSP, and the Budget Alcohol/Drug Screening by Computer Helpful: Psychiatric Study Idaho Governor Backs off on Treatment Cuts State Watch Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Provider Organizations Weigh Merits of Giving the Media Access to Patients Second Chance Act to Add $110 Million a Year for Treatment and Other Services Alcohol Problems Highest in Rural Western/Midwestern States SAMHSA Reports Show ‘tween’ Drug of Choice is Inhalants Caron CEO on Medical Leave After DWI Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Regardless of Drug, IDUs More in Need of Services Than Non‐IDUS Provider Seeks Broader Funding Base in Order to Expand Offender Services Neurontin Added to Naltrexone May Benefit Alcohol Treatment FDA on Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Trials New Legislative Director of SAMHSA on Future Plans: Listening Pharma News Coming up  相似文献   

Field Struggles to Hold on to BG‐Funded Residential Treatment in Face of ACA Murder at New York Treatment Center Shines Spotlight on Facility Safety GOP Control of House May Mean Changes, or At Least Delays, for ACA Mass. Voters Opt to Repeal Alcohol Tax, Killing Dedicated Fund Alcohol and the Workplace: The Elephant in the Room Caron Offers Free Substance Abuse Training for Pediatric Residents Briefly Noted State News Business Coming up  相似文献   

SUDs a Core Benefit in Both Health Care Reform Bills, But Hard Work Ahead CSAT Head: Data on Alcohol and Suicide Should Put All Providers on Notice Minnesota Governor to Cut Chemical Dependency Treatment Rates Is Health Care Reform Possible Without Workforce Development? United Nations Report Calls for Increase in Treatment Access DOJ Appropriations Bill Includes Increases for Drug Courts, No MH Merger Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Recovery Coaches — New Standards for Volunteers Only? Programs Treating Offenders Should Provide Specialized Services Oregon Audit Finds Not Treating Offenders Costly West Virginia Launches Database to Let CPS Scan Drug Arrests Drug Tests for Welfare Vetoed by North Carolina Governor Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

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