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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Adolescent Painkiller Use May Increase Risk of Addiction, Heroin Use Women's Component of NASADAD Offers Guidance Document for State Systems Parity Bill Attached to Tax Extender Bill Treatment Funds in Illinois Caught in Apparent Stalemate Substance Abuse: A 12‐Step Primer for Change No Drug Abuse, Underage Drinking or Smoking Allowed on YouTube Briefly Noted State Watch Names in News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Treatment Expansion in Washington State Funded by Medicaid Cost Offsets Study Finds No Harm in Religious use of Peyote; Supreme Court Impact Possible Treatment Expansion in Washington State Thumbs Up for Parity Recommendations, Down for Merging SA and MH Issues Older Problem Drinkers Medicating Pain with Alcohol Use of Alcohol to Manage Pain Among Male Non‐Problem and Problem Drinkers, Ages 55 to 65 Years Offender re‐entry Bill Gets Strong Support in Hearings State Prison Population and Substance Abuse SAMHSA Presenting Forums on New Medication for Opioid Addiction Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Off‐Label Use of Buprenorphine for Pain Worries Officials Growing Number of Programs Add Legitimacy to Sex Addiction Treatment Painkillers, Tranquilizers Account for Rise in Drug Use by Troops Addiction Drug Market ‘Underexploited,’ Should Focus on Cure, Says Report CAARR Responds to From the Field Article on Calif. Licensing Bill Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

NDIIC to Help States Upgrade Behavioral Health IT With Open‐Source System New Research Illustrates Breakthrough in Primary Care Screening for Drug Use Union Plan in Rhode Island Must ‘Approve’ MH/SA Programs Federal Government Establishes Safe Harbor for Office Visit Cost‐Sharing Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Pushes SBI to Address Baby‐Boomer Drug Use Prosecutor Leadership, Coordination Contribute to S.D. Reentry Strides Drug Could Increase Drinking but Reduce Other Problems NIAAA's Drug Development Goes Beyond Alcohol Problems ADAW Wins Journalism Awards for Parity and State Budget Watch Stories Illinois Treatment Providers Have Backlog of Unpaid Claims Congratulations! Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Report: States Will Bear More of Substance Abuse Treatment Cost Burden Maryland Counties Seek Efficiencies to Assist in Closing Treatment Gap Untreated Sex Addiction Can Lead to Relapse to Alcohol/Drug Use House Committee Report Charges ONDCP was Used for Political Purposes $1‐Billion National Youth Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Found Ineffective Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

What Went Wrong with Healthcare.gov and Why Private Investment's Interest in Field Remains Highly Intense Pregnant Woman Arrested after Disclosing Drug‐Use History FDA Proposes Rescheduling Hydrocodone to Schedule II of CSA Recovery Voting Bloc Growing State News Coming up  相似文献   

How Process Improvements Can Help the Bottom Line New Jersey Leaders Seek to Lift Barriers to Successful Reentry for Addicts The Five Key Principles of NIATx Change Diversify Funding to Increase Agency Admissions SAMHSA: 40% of Underage Drinkers Obtained Alcohol from Adults Use Free Technology to Improve Admissions and Outcomes Health‐Education‐Labor Spending Bill Delayed Briefly Noted State Watch Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Reports Highlight Challenges of Combating Substance Use in Workplace Top Risk Factor for Post‐Treatment Overdose is Previous Overdose Odyssey House Starts Construction on Housing Project for SPMI We can't Deliver a Science Without Skilled Workers… Are We Up to the Challenge? Medicaid Payments for Treatment: TEDS House Committee Approves Parity Bill Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

N.Y. Announces Residential, Outpatient Expansions as Part of Drug Law Reform Washington Merges Divisions and Revamps for Person‐Centered Care NSDUH: Drug Use Down, But Treatment Access Still Limited Two Treatment Giants Expand, Set to Enter New States President Obama Tells Congress There Will be Reform Joint Commission Requests for Comment on SBIRT Measures Briefly Noted State News Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Providers Temper Hopes for Health Reform, but Predict Other Progress with New Leader Policy Experts Expect Federal Drug Policy Shift Toward Demand Reduction Study of Young Adults Shows Risks of Short‐Term Suboxone Parents Receptive to SBI in Pediatrician Offices SAMHSA Study: SBIRT Reduced Illicit Drug Use 67.7 Percent Briefly Noted State Watch Business Coming up  相似文献   

Field Making Peace with Use of Psychiatric and Anti‐Craving Medications New Billing Codes may Boost Physician Screening and Referral to Treatment California Senate Backs Bill to Combat Opiate Overdose Deaths Wisconsin Governor's Stand Calls Attention to Tobacco Spending Two New Blending Team Products from NIDA Briefly Noted State Watch Business Grants and Funding Coming up  相似文献   

Recession: It's Not Over for the States Hawaii's Substance Abuse Director Aims to Preserve Funding for Services Solutions for Treatment Providers MOE Requirements for SAPT Block Grants Report: Most Inmates Need Treatment, Few Get It Provider Fund Helps Patients Defray Costs SECAD: Mee‐Lee Urges Providers to Treat Whole Patient Treatment Can be Provided by EAP, But EAP Can't be a ‘Gatekeeper’ Alcohol Use Lower, Drug Use Higher, Among Blacks Than Average Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Tight Economy Favors Cutting Prison Spending: Will Treatment Benefit? Oklahoma's Certified Counselors Face Loss of Payment for Core Services NASADAD Selects Morrison as Executive Director Acadia Hospital Expands Program to Two Tracks, One for Long‐Term Recovery Comparison of Selected Substance Use Disorder Provisions in Health Reform Legislation Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Krokodil Media Frenzy Presents Misinformation When Complaints are Lodged Online, Don't Fail to Respond Study: Buprenorphine to Naltrexone Taper Effective for Some E‐Cigarette Use More than Doubles among Teens according to CDC States Rethinking Drug Testing for Welfare or Unemployment Teenagers in Child Welfare at Greater Risk of Substance Abuse Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Private Programs Use More Charity Care and Start Cutting Some Costs OASAS Vows to Serve Current Clients in Parolee Programs Losing N.Y. Funding Report Stresses Need to Add Primary Care Component SAMHSA Recognizes Organizations for Evidence‐Based Interventions NIAAA Grant to Study ‘Smart Phone’ Technology for Aftercare Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

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