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This paper is about the philosophical and methodological foundation of artificial intelligence (AI). After discussing what is a good "working definition", "intelligence" is defined as "the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its environment with insuffcient knowledge and resources". Applying the definition to a reasoning system, we get the major components of Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) , which is a symbolic logic implemented in a computer system, and has many interesting properties that are closely related to intelligence. The definition also clarifies the difference and relationship between AI and other disciplines, such as computer science. Finally, the definition is compared with other popular definitions of intelligence, and its advantages are argued.  相似文献   

Telegrams are an advanced means of communication. Even with the advent of the telex, telegrams play an important role in news transmission, information exchange, intercourse in public affairs, and foreign trade in particular. Therefore in the era with the motto of "Time is Money and Efficiency Means Life", it is necessary for us to know the characteritics and composition of a telegram.  相似文献   

Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

System dynamics shows how the structure and policies in a system produce change through time. System dynamics deals with the internal processes that produce good and bad behavior in social, economic, and environmental systems. In a system dynamics study, one builds a computer model that acts out the behavior of the real system being represented. The computer model is then used to understand  相似文献   

Analysis of Regional Distribution of Plague of Locusts of Shandong in Ming Dynasty…………LI Qing - yong( 1 )
The plague of locusts of Shandong in Ming Dynasty is frequent, and is accompanied in the Ming Dy- nasty, spreading in Qilu and showing the characteristic that distinguish from propriety degree of Shandong region distribution. The plague of locusts of Shandong is the most serious in the Jinan Fu, relative lighter in the Qingzhou Fu, Yanzhou Fu, Dongchang Fu, Dengzhou Fu, and the lightest in the Laizhou Fu. The plague of the locusts in the central region of Shandong is most serious, relative lighter in the western region of Shandong, and the lightest in the eastern region of Shandong.  相似文献   

Vietnam,a close neighbor of China,was influenced by the Chinese Culture for generations.In history,Vietnam had been under the administration and protection of ancient Chinese imperial court for a long period of time.The first Chinese emperor in Vietnam,who can be traced far back to Qin and Han dynasty,is referred to as the oldest emperor worldwide, His name was Zhao Tuo,  相似文献   

As the oldest and most frequently used conventional expressions,Chinese proverbs usually represent the way of thinking of the Chinese people.Metaphors,one typical type of Chinese proverbs,try to establish a relation of equality between two relatively dissimilar entities, such as time and money.The ability to understand and to use figurative language is related to one's social competence and professional achievement.In order to reveal the mechanism of proverb processing,the current study takes a close look at the nature of semantic properties and their inter-relationships in Chinese proverbs.522 Chinese sentential proverbs(the two clauses of the proverb are of the same syntax,e.g.,“人活脸,树活皮”)were presented to 360 university students.They were asked to rate the familiarity(1 for least familiar, 7 for most familiar), predictability(1 for least predictable, 7 for most predictable),agreement(1 for least matched between the two clauses,7 for most matched between the two clauses),degree of being understandable(1 for least understandable,7 for most understandable),and imaginability(1 for least imaginable,7 for most imaginable)based on a 7-point Likert Scale,as well as age of acquisition(AOA).Correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on these ratings. The results show a significant positive correlation between familiarity and each of the rest semantic properties,which are consistent with the findings of the previous work.A significant negative correlation between age of acquisition and each of the rest semantic properties is also observed in the current study.However,no significant correlation is found between familiarity and degree of being understandable,which might be due to the low rating of familiarity and the wide dispersity.In order to further reveal the inter-relationships of semantic properties, hierarchical regression analyses are carried out and show that familiarity,imaginabiltity,agreement,and age of acquisition significantly predict the degree of being understandable,while familiarity and age of acquisition significantly predict the predictability of proverbs. Our results demonstrate that familiarity and age of acquisition are two important factors which influence our understanding of Chinese proverbs. In addition, the semantic consistency between two clauses of a Chinese sentential proverb and degree of imagination also play an important role in understanding idiomatic strings.Imaginability is related to the theory of″Dual Coding,″which argues that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel.The mental codes corresponding to these representations are used to organize incoming information that can be acted upon,stored,and retrieved for subsequent use.Both visual and verbal codes can be used when recalling information.The ability to code a stimulus in two different ways increases the chance of remembering that item compared to if the stimulus is only coded one way.Our results suggest that the processing of a Chinese proverb partially relies on the accessibility to visual code of a proverb which is primarily affected by culture. Therefore, Chinese culture could influence the understanding of Chinese proverbs. Specifically,in the creating process,a number of concrete concepts are used to express the abstract inter-relationships through their similarity,e.g.,the relationship between a person(人)and his/her reputation(脸)is similar to that between a tree(树)and its bark(皮).In other words,the reputation of a person is as important as the bark of a tree.In order to successfully understand the Chinese proverbs,it is important to learn about the deeper meanings of″face″and″reputation″in Chinese culture.That explains why the comprehension of a proverb is significantly associated with one's culture understanding.Based on the current study,more studies should be conducted with a focus on the understanding process of proverbs,which will help reveal the mental mechanism of Chinese and preserving Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

SummaryAfter describing the economic institutions for agriculture and industry in China before 1978, this paper points out the reasons for and the key elements of economic reform. It then discusses the major issues currently being deliberated by the leading economic reform officials regarding reform of the price system, the administrative structure of state-owned enterprises, the banking system and macroeconomic control mechanisms, and foreign trade and investment. Finally future prospects of the reform and of China's economic development will be indicated.The transformation of the economy of the People's Republic of China from a planned to a more market-oriented economy is perhaps the most significant development in world history during the last quarter of the twentieth century what was the Chinese economic system like before 1979? why were reforms introduced? what are their essential elements? what are the important issues currently addressed by the reform officials? what are the future prospects? These are the questions to be answered in this paper. The Chinese economy is a complicated entity with many dimensions. Space permits discussion of only those aspects pertinent to the transition to a more market-oriented economy.  相似文献   

竞争政策与多边贸易体制下的中国贸易政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以竞争政策为主线 ,论证了竞争政策与入世后中国贸易政策的选择与发展之间的关系。提出这样几个观点 :(1)以开放促竞争 ,将中国独特的比较优势转化为竞争优势 ;(2 )竞争政策是入世后中国贸易政策选择与发展的出发点 ;(3)竞争政策并不排斥贸易保护 ,中国应该选择实施以竞争政策为基石的适度贸易保护政策 ;(4)以竞争政策作为中国贸易政策的出发点有利于消除“发达国家”、“不公平贸易行为”等“灰色”影响。  相似文献   

反倾销税是WTO反倾销协议允许使用的保护受倾销损害的国内产业的措施。反倾销税通过提高进口价格限制进口,对国内进口竞争产业发挥保护作用。贸易转移效应和直接投资效应在一定程度上降低反倾销税的保护效果。反倾销税通常会损害消费者福利,并且对进口国的整体利益产生负面影响。反倾销已经演变成实施贸易保护主义和进行贸易报复的工具。应该慎用反倾销措施,并积极推进完善多边反倾销规则。  相似文献   

“即发侵权”理论在商业秘密保护中具有很重要意义,本文通过对“即发侵权”的认识,突破了“即发侵权”应用的局限性,提出了商业秘密“即发侵权”引入禁令救济的必要性,并对禁令在“即发侵权”中的适用提出了自己的见解。   相似文献   

世界贸易组织《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》第39条对商业秘密保护作了专门规定。中国作为WTO成员国,虽然已初步形成了商业秘密法律保护体系,但与Trips相比较还存在一定的差距。我国应该以Trips制定的保护水平为标准,进一步明确商业秘密的保护范围和保护期限,准确界定侵犯商业秘密的行为类型。增设政府主管部门保护商业秘密的义务,增设商业秘密保护中的竞业限制规定和惩罚性赔偿责任,  相似文献   

美国贸易保护的政治经济周期实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年金融危机以来,以美国为代表的贸易保护主义开始抬头,出口导向型的中国深受其害。回顾已有的文献,采用状态空间模型检验美国的边际进口倾向,描述美国贸易保护的周期性;通过对经济周期和政治周期的分析解释了美国贸易保护的周期性变化;然后运用案例分析的方法,验证了"轮胎特保案"中美国政治经济周期与贸易保护之间的关系。认为,对美国贸易保护的防范必须加强对美国经济周期和政治周期的研究,把握两种周期交织在一起所引发的贸易保护的周期性波动,加强国际协调,转变我国经济发展方式。  相似文献   

2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,贸易自由化和环境保护两大潮流融合交汇 ,并逐渐成为世界范围内的焦点。贸易与环境之间具有不可分割的内在联系。我国加入 WTO后 ,要实现环境保护和贸易自由“双赢”目标 ,就必须采取完善现行的经济体制和法制体制等应对措施 ,以使我国的环境与贸易体制与 WTO的基本原则相衔接 ,促进国民经济的更快发展  相似文献   

鸦片战争前后 ,地主阶级改革派人士针对外贸领域出现的新情况、新问题 ,提出了严禁鸦片贸易 ,实施区别对待的外贸政策和许多具有保护贸易色彩的主张和观点 ,为近代“商战”思想的产生准备了充分的思想原料 ,标志着近代贸易保护意识开始萌芽。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》(以下简称《非遗法》)对民族医药的保护体现着知识产权行政保护的制度逻辑,但在后非遗时代,如何提升民族医药可持续发展能力,并实现经济发展方式转变已成为需要研究的问题,对民族医药非物质文化遗产(以下简称“非遗”)知识产权行政保护的制度逻辑、内在要求与保护目标进行分析与理论总结。研究认为,非物质形态的民族医药文化表现形式是知识财产,从法律属性中受知识产权制度调整,但现有法律在民族医药文化与民族医药文化表现形式的权利归属、权利内容以及在民族医药的非遗保护等方面均存在司法保护不足的问题;为提升民族医药文化财产的传承与发展的质量,以及参与市场的竞争力,民族医药需要从“文化遗产”单一结构向“文化遗产、文化产品和服务、知识产权”三位一体的财产结构转变,并形成货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权贸易等多种创新发展方式,利用新载体与新传播方式进行跨界发展,积极开发文化衍生产品和服务,推动民族医药文化表现形式资源与其他资源跨界整合集聚,用跨界发展实现财产结构转变;后非遗时代对民族医药知识产权行政保护工作的重心应该由“保存、保护”向“知识产权促进”转移,提升民族医药自主知识产权的研究和运用能力,适时制定地方性民族医药单行条例,打造和保护民族医药品牌,推动民族医药知识产权贸易与融资。  相似文献   

随着低碳经济的发展,一些发达国家借此推行"碳壁垒"的贸易保护主义,对山东外贸发展带来不利影响。山东外贸增长方式具有粗放、高碳的特点,必须采取措施,降低产业中间链的碳排放,扶持低碳新兴产业发展,推动加工贸易转型升级,推进贸易市场多元化,以使山东外贸出口产品符合资源、环保等方面的国际标准,增强其国际竞争力。  相似文献   

规模经济贸易学说解释了许多传统贸易理论所不能解释的新贸易现象,从五个方面体现出其重要的理论价值。根据规模经济贸易学说,应考虑采用“战略性贸易保护”政策,从培育规模经济出发,把产业政策与出口贸易政策更好地结合起来,开掘和利用各种外部和内部的、静态和动态的规模经济形式,提升我国在国际贸易格局中的地位。  相似文献   

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