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This study evaluates the effectiveness of individual grief counselling using music-based intervention for women who had unresolved forgiveness/grief issues due to the loss of a loved one. Each individual (N = 21) completed the 12 bi-weekly grief counselling sessions, in which the pretest and posttest data were collected. The results suggest that music-based intervention made a positive impact on the individuals who had current unresolved forgiveness/grief issues and depression symptoms. A strong positive correlation was observed between their perception of unresolved forgiveness/grief issues and their depression levels. Implications for evidence-based social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the global changes in how work is conceptualized, organized and performed [8], it is critical that graduating occupational therapists have an up-to-date knowledge of work and work practice. This article briefly explores the relative dearth of work practice courses in current occupational therapy curricula and presents the rationale for developing a model for teaching and learning about occupational therapy work practice. It introduces a client-centered and occupation-focused model developed for an undergraduate work practice course and describes the use of the model in a specific course. The model identifies eight common work-related areas of concern - values clarification, vocational exploration, vocational choice, job search, starting work, maintaining work, returning to work and leaving work. Occupational Therapy tools, techniques and programs which may be useful in addressing these concerns; and the environmental factors that influence therapist and client in addressing work issues are also part of the model. The article concludes with examples of topics and issues which could be explored using this teaching and learning model.  相似文献   

Opiate abuse and dependence have become important concerns for college healthcare providers. The passage of the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 and the approval of the combination buprenorphine/naloxone for office-based treatment of opiate dependence have increased the options available for college students and their healthcare providers. The authors review the pharmacology of buprenorphine/naloxone and discuss how it can be implemented in college health practice. They also present a case report.  相似文献   

There is growing agreement that child and youth services have been slow to implement evidence-based practice (EBP). A variety of interrelated barriers and facilitators of EBP implementation have been recognized and investigated. Key categories include the attitudes of providers, the characteristics of client populations, the characteristics of usual practice, organizational factors, and resource availability. Implementation scientists are investigating these factors, seeking to bridge the gap between clinical science and practice. Much of this work has been conducted in the context of behavioral health services for children and young people. This paper provides a purposeful review of this research from the perspective of decision-makers in agencies serving young people with multiple and complex psychosocial needs. It is argued that major barriers to EBP may be mitigated if ways can be found to transcend the oppositional construction that has characterized the discourses of EBP versus practice wisdom. A conceptual approach to such integration is offered. New lines of implementation research are offering opportunities for practical action by decision-makers consistent with this integrative approach.  相似文献   

Although the concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) eludes precise definition, it is used as a trademark label to ensure that practice is based on science and thereby effective and of high quality. Proponents of EBP have proposed that both education and practice in social work should be transformed according to the principle of EBP. They attribute critical opposition to EBP to a lack of knowledge of what EBP is. In this article, we endeavour to clarify the concept and present results from a survey among social workers (N?=?2060) from Norway. The survey results show that although many have heard of the concept, few have precise knowledge about it. However, the more educated social workers are (master’s level), the clearer their opinions, both critical and non-critical. The results are discussed in relation to neo-liberal governance and development of social work.  相似文献   

In Human Factors and Ergonomics Science (HFES), it is difficult to identify what is the best approach to tackle the workplace and systems design problems which needs to be solved, and it has been also advocated as transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary the issue of "How to solve the human factors and ergonomics problems that are identified?". The proposition on this study is to combine the theoretical approach for Sustainability Science, the Taxonomy of the Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) discipline and the framework for Evidence-Based Medicine in an attempt to be applied in Human Factors and Ergonomics. Applications of ontologies are known in the field of medical research and computer science. By scrutinizing the key requirements for the HFES structuring of knowledge, it was designed a reference model, First, it was identified the important requirements for HFES Concept structuring, as regarded by Meister. Second, it was developed an evidence-based ergonomics framework as a reference model composed of six levels based on these requirements. Third, it was devised a mapping tool using linguistic resources to translate human work, systems environment and the complexities inherent to their hierarchical relationships to support future development at Level 2 of the reference model and for meeting the two major challenges for HFES, namely, identifying what problems should be addressed in HFE as an Autonomous Science itself and proposing solutions by integrating concepts and methods applied in HFES for those problems.  相似文献   

The disciplines of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy both play an important role in providing services in the area of Occupational Health and Ergonomics. This article will explore Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy professional guidelines in these two areas. For purposes of this article, Occupational Health and Ergonomic guidelines affecting therapists in Australia, The Netherlands, Canada and the United States will be discussed. The article will illustrate how the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy organizations of several countries not only have existing Occupational Health and Ergonomic guidelines, position statements or like documents, but are also partnering with other organizations to make an impact on healthy workers and work environments. The information provided is not meant to be all-inclusive, but provide a look into professional responses to these expanding areas of practice.  相似文献   

La théorie sociale classique et contemporaine s'est beaucoup preoccupee de la question de la mobilité occupationnelle. Selon les sociologues fonctionnalistes, la modernisation de la société a entraîné la professionnalisation, laquelle a permis à diverses occupations déjàétablies ou emergentes au sein du secteur des services d'acquérir plus d'autonomie dans l'organisation de leur travail. La tradition critique, par ailleurs, soutient qu'une déprofessionnalisation est en cours, caractérisée par une perte d'autonomie et resultant du plus grand nombre d'emplois tributaires de l'État et des corporations. Cette seconde interprétation caractérise aussi la théorie féministe, qui met l'accent sur la domination masculine d'occupations traditionnellement artisanales et féminines. Ma recherche sur les sage-femmes de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador me permet d'établir un portrait plus précis du degré d'autonomie dont jouissaient les sage-femmes dans des conditions pré-modernes. A ce titre, la thése de la déprofessionnalisation peut aider à comprendre la situation actuelle des sage-femmes, mais elle donne une vue déformée de la situation des sage-femmes du passe-dont les pratiques indépendantes tendent àêtre idéalisées par cette littérature. En effet, bien que libres de tout controle bureaucratique, les sage-femmes traditionnelles etaient bien peu autonomes dans la plupart des aspects de leur travail. The issue of occupational autonomy has been widely debated among classical and modern social theorists. Functionalist sociologists have maintained that professzonatization, a n outcome of modernization, has allowed established and emerging service occupations increasing freedom to organize their work activities. Critical sociologists, by contrast, have argued that employment by state and corporate organizations has involved a loss of autonomy, a deprofessionalization, for service workers, and this perspective has been shared by feminists, who stress the male dominance of traditionally autonomous female craft work. Research on Newfoundland and Labrador midwifery makes it possible to form a better picture of the degree of autonomy midwives actually enjoyed under premodern conditions of practice. While the deprofessionalization thesis may help to illuminate the situation of contemporary midwives in large complex organizations, it gives a misleading view of the lay midwives of the past, whose independent practice this literature tends to glorify. Although free of contemporary forms of bureaucratic control, traditional lay midwives lacked autonomy in most areas of their work.  相似文献   

Evaluating effectiveness is of primary concern to social work practice; resources will always be limited, and those using services deserve the best. But what is effectiveness, and how should it be measured? This paper explores the challenge of measuring effectiveness in social work by examining two small-scale evaluations of services (statutory and voluntary) in Scotland. Both evaluations used a mixed method approach and both were conducted in a climate of funding cuts. It will be argued that evaluating effectiveness sits uncomfortably between new public management (NPM)’s imperative for measurement and efficiency within a market economy and agencies’ own need to reflect on their practice and respond to the views of their service users. Such processes force agencies into a continual cycle of monitoring and review that may, paradoxically, impede organic change and development. It is suggested that an alternative, critical paradigm in evaluation offers a positive way forward.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes, from a cross-national perspective, some commonly used models of evidence-based practice and relates them to social work practice with children and families. We first identify concepts and dimensions central to an analysis of the outcomes of social work practice. We then present and discuss key components of social work practice that any evidence-based model must take into account. Finally, we provide some examples of strategies that may be useful to practitioners and policy makers across nations and cultures in order to build a solid knowledge-base for effective social work practice.  相似文献   

This article describes the effect of a province-wide vision of evidence-based and outcome-based services for children and youth and the challenges of implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) and evidence-based treatment (EBT) approaches within group care settings. The paper is based on the results of a survey of group care settings in the province of Ontario, Canada, which was designed to understand the factors affecting the use of EBP and EBT. The critical roles of policy, access to research, and organizational structure as they affect the frontline workforce were explored. The results identified key differences between programs who implemented an evidence-based approach and those who are struggling to do so. Differences in case management practices as well as organizational factors affect the program's ability to use an evidence-based approach.  相似文献   

This work studies biomechanical hazards to which the workforce of Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia Industrial (Inmetro) is exposed. It suggests a model for ergonomic evaluation of work, based on the concepts of resilience engineering which take into consideration the institute's ability to manage risk and deal with its consequences. Methodology includes the stages of identification, inventory, analysis, and risk management. Diagnosis of the workplace uses as parameters the minimal criteria stated in Brazilian legislation. The approach has several prospectives and encompasses the points of view of public management, safety engineering, physical therapy and ergonomics-oriented design. The suggested solution integrates all aspects of the problem: biological, psychological, sociological and organizational. Results obtained from a pilot Project allow to build a significant sample of Inmetro's workforce, identifying problems and validating the methodology employed as a tool to be applied to the whole institution. Finally, this work intends to draw risk maps and support goals and methods based on resiliency engineering to assess environmental and ergonomic risk management.  相似文献   

A chronically ill child is financially, emotionally, and physically demanding on the family system. Although researchers have identified a plethora of risks, stressors, and needs of the families with a chronically ill child, there is a scarceness of evidence-based interventions in the existing literature. The purpose of the authors in this study was to critically analyze current treatment and identify the gaps in the available research. Findings revealed that there is a lack of support for empirically tested interventions that can help parents, siblings, and families of chronically ill children. The issues raised within this literature review bring attention to the need for shifts in research from exploratory to evidence based in order to successfully achieve more effective care.  相似文献   

While the prevention and management of work-related injuries are major areas of practice for Australian occupational therapists, there has been little research on occupational therapy's contribution in these areas. This study examined the characteristics of current Australian occupational therapy practice in the work arena. A postal questionnaire was sent to 355 occupational therapists employed in work practice from six of the eight state or territory Occupational Therapy Associations. The questionnaire enquired about demographic details, service provision in the prevention, assessment and rehabilitation areas and further education needs in these areas. The responses of 125 (35%) therapists were analysed and show the services commonly offered in prevention, assessment and rehabilitation. The most commonly offered services included job analyses, workplace assessment and suitable duties programs. The results also indicate high levels of service provision in the workplace. In presenting the findings of the survey, current trends in international and Australian occupational therapy work practice are discussed along with suggestions for directions in future education, practice and research.  相似文献   

Hip protectors seemed to be the only non-pharmacological intervention to effectively prevent hip fractures in high-risk populations. In contrast, recently published trials did not find hip fracture reduction through hip protector interventions. An updated Cochrane review concluded that the device is ineffective for community-dwelling elderly and of uncertain effectiveness for institutionalised elderly. However, some primary studies used suboptimal implementation of hip protectors, which has led to low adherence and ineffectiveness of the intervention. Shortcomings in implementation techniques have not been assessed by the Cochrane review. Therefore, reviewers should explicitly assess whether the intervention was well planned and competently administered. As a checklist cannot adequately assess individual, study-specific implementation flaws, we suggest narrative expert review and feedback to the authors of the primary study.  相似文献   

In recent years, several states have been developing or adopting casework practice models in an effort to shape the thinking and behavior of front line child welfare workers with a commitment to improving the safety, permanency and well-being outcomes of vulnerable children in their care (Antle, Christensen, Barbee & Martin, 2008; Christensen, Todahl & Barrett, 1999; Courtney, 2009; Folaron, 2009). This article presents one framework for approaching the organizational changes that need to be made in order to support a practice model. The Getting to Outcomes” Framework (Wandersman, 2009) is a useful approach for ensuring that all areas to support practice change are addressed.  相似文献   

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