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文章介绍了企业知识管理的基本内涵及其基本特征,突出了企业知识管理的重要性。在此基础上描述了企业知识管理的理论基础并简单介绍了企业知识管理的三种模型。最后提出了企业知识管理的一些对策和注意点。  相似文献   

知识经济与21世纪旅游企业管理策略初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨了知识经济将给旅游企业管理带来的新变化,分析了旅游企业知识管理的主要特征,提出了旅游企业实施知识管理的主要策略。作者认为,21世纪,知识管理将逐渐占据旅游企业管理的主导地位,旅游企业应积极实施知识管理,研究开发旅游信息,重视知识积累创新;建立旅游信息网络,提供知识共享环境;调整企业发展战略,建立新型知识企业;加强知识资本运营,注重结构资本积累;坚持以人为本战略,重视员工培训激励;设置企业知识主管,建立民主决策机制;加强企业文化建设,培育企业团队精神  相似文献   

企业知识资本管理模式初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于知识管理的基础概念,本文提出了企业知识资本管理的模式及其运作,认为企业知识资本管理的基础是建立知识管理的平台系统,重点突出企业内部知识资本的开发管理,以此作为企业知识资本管理的核心层面,增加核心层面的企业知识资本更新与增值的关键途径,即知识资本输出投资增值层面与外部知识资本整合输入层面。根据这一思路,本文尝试给出一种三层面结构的企业知识资本管理模型,包括设立知识资本管理部或CKO,企业内部知识资本的开发与管理,成立知识资本管理顾问公司,推广促进企业知识资本对外投资。  相似文献   

本文在界定知识管理内涵的基础上,介绍了知识企业的创新类型,并描述了知识企业的创新过程,最后提出了知识创新型企业的管理途径。通过创新型企业知识管理的有效实施,加强企业的创新意识,实现知识共享。  相似文献   

本文针对软件企业实施知识管理失败率高的现象,然后以一个具体企业案例,说明知识管理实施失败的原因,提出了对知识管理实施进行风险评估,是实施知识管理的前提,接着作者根据企业的案例,分析了可能导致企业知识管理失败的各种原因,给实施知识管理的组织提供参考。  相似文献   

企业的知识管理是企业适应知识经济时代竞争的必然要求,知识的转换是知识管理的关键,它决定了企业核心竞争力的培育和发挥.介绍了国外学者的知识转换模型,提出了一个新的模型,并解释了企业知识管理成功的必要条件,指出企业的技术创新和学习型企业的建立与知识转换有密切关系.  相似文献   

建立企业竞争优势的知识管理框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从知识的角度以及基于知识的企业理论出发,分析和论述了企业如何建立持续竞争优势的知识管理框架.同时分析和论述了为什么成功的企业知识管理需要一个知识共享型的文化以及企业建立和实施知识管理的步骤和如何确保知识管理战略成为企业长期持续竞争优势的基础.  相似文献   

企业知识管理战略变化的分析模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在分析企业知识管理战略更新过程的四个阶段的基础上,提出了企业知识管理战略变化的四阶段模型,以研究当前战略的惯性及其所受压力两种主要力量如何影响企业知识管理战略变化,并建立数学模型.运用计算机模拟程序对企业知识管理战略变化过程进行模拟并通过统计学原理分析,得出企业的管理知识水平、企业的技术知识的宽度、企业的主动性以及环境动态性是影响企业知识管理战略变化的四大主要因素.  相似文献   

知识管理作为知识经济时代的一种全新的管理方式,正被越来越多的企业重视并应用。本文从企业的角度出发浅议了知识管理的相关内涵和发展状况,对现代企业知识管理的发展提出了对策和建议,阐明了知识管理对企业的发展非常关键并有助于增强企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

知识管理水平的高低对企业立足于经济全球化发展的浪潮中,起到举足轻重的作用。本文通过案例分析引发对企业知识管理的思考,简要介绍了企业知识管理的类别,最后重点阐述了企业知识管理实施的步骤。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion on how to manage knowledge in organizations. Taking a perspective which acknowledges the importance of, but does not privilege, IT as the decisive element, it reports the results of a study investigating the process of establishing as opposed to conducting knowledge management. Based on a grounded theory approach to the analysis of the empirical data, a model of establishing knowledge management in organizations is developed. The model emphasizes how the organizational members make sense of the action and behavior of management, and how this understanding influences their own perceptions and actions in the process of establishing knowledge management. This leads to an understanding of knowledge management as an autonomous venturing process. The model is then used to suggest an explanation of why establishing knowledge management was not successful in the case which was investigated. Conclusions are provided on how the model can be further exploited for studying and improving the practice of knowledge management.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates tacit knowledge’s relevance in environmental management and explores how organisations can manage this knowledge. Through case studies it reveals how taking the tacit knowledge of employees into account can be particularly useful in three key areas of environmental management: the identification of pollution sources, the management of emergency situations and the development of preventive solutions. In order to take tacit environmental knowledge into account, firms must challenge the predominance of formal knowledge in the management of environmental problems and promote a climate of learning that encourages the recognition and sharing of employees’ experiences. The paper also presents a framework for the analysis of the creation, transfer and retention of tacit knowledge that is not limited to environmental knowledge management.  相似文献   

A highly contested issue in management science is its relevance to practice. Despite third parties’ potentially significant role in changing the interaction between divided parties, the long-standing literature on the relevance gap has paid third parties little systematic attention. Drawing on a boundary-spanning perspective, and the concept of brokerage in particular, we review how the consultant role is discussed as an intermediary third party between management science and management practice. Based on a systematic literature review of 133 articles, we identify different intermediary consultant roles linking management science to management practice. Our findings detail how the practices associated with intermediary consultant roles performed by academics or practitioners relate to several key relevance criteria, how management knowledge flows when including intermediaries and how intermediaries in different roles relate to different audiences. Based on the findings, we develop a third-party model of intermediary consultant roles and knowledge flows. The model indicates the theoretical significance of third parties in shaping the interaction and knowledge flows between management science and management practice and has theoretical implications for understanding the persistence of the relevance gap. Regarding practical implications, we suggest how management scientists could target third parties as new key practitioner audiences. Considering third parties, and thus moving away from a two-party view, opens up promising directions for further research on the roles and role shifts of various intermediary actors and on how different intermediary audiences may appreciate different types of academic knowledge.  相似文献   

Knowledge‐related and organizational learning processes in alliances have received much attention throughout the last 25 years. The field has generated a rapidly growing body of empirical evidence on how knowledge is managed in alliances. However, the sphere is highly complex, fragmented, incoherent, and heterogeneous in terms of the theoretical approaches applied. This paper presents an integrative and organizing framework for the empirical literature on knowledge management in strategic alliances. It illustrates how the knowledge management outcomes of knowledge creation, transfer and application are determined by four distinct sets of factors: knowledge characteristics, partner characteristics, partner interaction, and active knowledge management. Based on this framework, this review analyses and integrates empirical evidence in order to identify where findings converge and where results conflict. So far, research has focused strongly on singular interrelations between these four sets of factors and the transfer of knowledge. Conversely, the questions of how knowledge is created, retained, retrieved and applied and how the interplay of the different factors affects knowledge management in strategic alliances remain widely unexplored. The review concludes with a summary of the current state of the art in empirical research and discusses some promising avenues for future investigation.  相似文献   

基于业务流程技术的企业过程性知识获取方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
企业的知识管理正在成为人们关注的热点,本文针对如何获取企业中过程性知识的问题进行了研究。在讨论了知识分类及业务流程技术的基础之上,给出了利用业务流程技术获取企业过程性知识的方法。  相似文献   

We synthesize research from operations management, entrepreneurship, organizational science, and strategy to investigate the performance‐enhancing benefits of knowledge management activities throughout the entrepreneurial process of a high‐tech venture from idea conception to commercialization. We adopt a dynamic learning perspective of entrepreneurship to understand how knowledge management activities change throughout four phases of the venture's life cycle. We introduce a framework that identifies a set of knowledge‐based capabilities that enhance the entrepreneurial venture's success. In the context of the first phase, we discuss knowledge as a key driver of entrepreneurial alertness and creativity, both of which impact the quality and quantity of opportunities and innovations discovered. Second, we describe how knowledge enables the entrepreneur to make decisions under uncertainty such as determining which opportunity to pursue. For Phase 3 of the life cycle, we explore the challenges of managing knowledge during the development of the product or technology including the trade‐off between exploration and exploitation. In the final phase, we explore how knowledge impacts the market entry decision, survival, and the value captured at commercialization. We conclude the article with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

知识管理过程测量工具研究:量表开发、提炼和检验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识管理受到来自各领域学者和企业实践者的关注,知识管理过程的测量问题日显突出.本研究对知识管理过程进行详细分类和界定,提出一套针对知识的创造、组织、转移和应用四个基本过程的测量工具.经预测试、先导测试以及问卷调查等方式对该工具进行精炼,并实证检验了该量表的可靠性和有效性,最终确定的测量工具包括12个维度,共47个问题.最后对研究结论和意义作了解释.  相似文献   

管理学术与实践隔阂:和谐管理的桥梁作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理学术与实践各自自我循环的运作模式,使得二者之间存在较大的隔阂。从管理知识的形成与使用视角来看,原因包括两个方面:首先是管理知识的类型,目前学者们认为面向实际问题解决产生的模式2知识比传统学术研究产生的模式1知识更具实践价值,但分析发现模式1与模式2因其优劣互补而分别适应于不同的管理问题;其次是目前实践者对管理知识的消费偏好,据此给出了缩减管理学术与实践隔阂的整体思路及措施.和谐管理理论揭示了如何定位组织中核心问题以及解决问题的双规则机制,将其应用于上述措施,有助于促进管理学术与实践的有效对话。  相似文献   

We consider how historical developments led to an emphasis on positivistic research approaches in business schools, and we explain how alternative assumptions could be the basis for academic management knowledge. We then discuss the governance structures journals use to determine which articles to publish and how reviewer motivations may influence these processes. Given this academic research and publishing context, we argue that it is not surprising that management research relevant for management practice receives little support. We propose changes to encourage more innovative research that offers stronger ties between management research and practice.  相似文献   

从管理与文化的关系看中国式管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
彭贺 《管理学报》2007,4(3):253-257
有关管理与文化的争论不应再纠缠于文化是否影响管理,而应该去研究文化究竟如何影响管理实践,以及如何在管理理论中考虑文化要素。文化不仅对管理实践具有重要的影响作用,而且对管理理论来说更是建构地方性管理知识体系的基点。在中国的管理研究中,对文化的不同处理构成了3种研究途径:管理中国化研究、中国管理研究以及管理普适性研究。从当前中国实践的需求来看,中国管理研究是最为迫切需要的。中国式管理不仅存在,而且应成为中国学者研究的重要领域。  相似文献   

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