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This study explores the reactions of 202 randomly selected clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) to a variety of ethical dilemma situations which examine what family therapists are doing in their work when confronted with these difficult situations. Eight of the issues studied have been discussed in the literature and eight are included in the AAMFT's Ethical Principles for Family Therapists (1984). In addition to showing how clinical members responded to dilemmic vignettes that reflect these dilemmas, results indicated that family therapists are facing these dilemmas, have a high rate of consensus of what they would and would not do in each situation and almost all the situations were seen as being ethically significant by the majority of respondents.  相似文献   

DSM-III-R has gained popularity in many segments of the mental health field. Family therapists have generally not found its approach to assessing problems to be helpful in the planning of therapy, yet, are often forced to use it due to the requirements of third-party payers. This raises several ethical and practical concerns, e.g., the incompatibility of orientations between DSM-III-R and family therapy, the stigma associated with diagnosing, being asked to misrepresent diagnoses to third-party payers, and the competency of some family therapists to make DSM-III-R diagnoses. Short- and long-term strategies to deal with these ethical dilemmas are also presented.  相似文献   

Family therapy, and marital and family problems, are mariginalized in the larger fields of mental and physical health care, which is a misfortune both for family therapy and for other mental health professions. The early family therapists, who had multidisciplinary backgrounds, attempted toestablish a new, nondisciplinary paradigm and also tried to expand the perspectives of the more traditional mental health disciplines. More recently, family therapists have exerted greater effortsto establish marriage and family therapy as a differentiated, autonomous profession. These alternatives each involve dilemmas for the family therapy field. The positive side of becoming a distinctive profession is greater internal strength and clear professional identy; the downside is the threat of increased marginalization in rlation to the other professions, a tendency toward intellectual isolation, and hence restricted opportunities for invigorating new challenges. Family therapy now needs to develop new modes of interchange, collaboration, and selective integration with otherhealth care professions. Such interchange will be beneficial both to family therapy and to other professions.  相似文献   

Family therapists are expected to engage in ethical and responsible research, while maintaining rigorous ethical standards and adhering to federal regulations that require protection for research participants. We present a short historical overview of the significant events and ethical controversies leading to the formulation of current regulations in human subject research and review. Federal regulations and guidelines, including issues of informed consent, special populations, and conflict of interest are reviewed. A short list of recommendations to assist family therapists in staying abreast of contemporary research protocol is provided.  相似文献   

Family therapists have an ethical responsibility for public participation, to work toward creating a better society. Serving the public interest and developing laws to promote the profession and the public good can be achieved through policy advocacy and political participation. Political and policy work are important but overlooked aspects of family therapy, which is significant given the consequences differing policies have for clients and the profession. This paper reports on results from a random, national survey of licensed family therapists’ (N = 174) advocacy actions. Findings indicate family therapists have overarching policy concerns yet lack proactive legislative and activist engagement. The exploration of therapists’ actions and beliefs presented in this paper, serves as a springboard for therapists’ movement into the public arena. Video abstract accessible by clicking here .  相似文献   

Narrative psychiatry identifies meaning‐making as a primal force in our lives and guides family therapists and psychiatrists in cultivating narratives of resilience that support safety and wellbeing when working with families in which a member is dealing with intense mental and emotional experiences and may be at risk of causing violence. These contexts are fraught with implications about power, control, identity, and ethical responsibilities of care for those consulting with us and for the wider community. Offering benefits distinct from pathology‐focused psychiatric practice, narrative psychiatry applies the practices of narrative therapy in psychiatric contexts, focusing on strengths and meaning and honouring how values, intentions, and commitments compel and constrain our actions. Illustrated by case conversations, this paper describes five key practices of narrative psychiatry, including emotional attunement, understanding the person without the problem, externalising problems, creating narratives of resilience, and collaborative treatment planning. It shows how narrative psychiatry facilitates risk reduction through helping a person identify values and narratives that support non‐violence and strengthening abilities, relationships and resources that help them stay true to this commitment. Practical ways that family therapists and psychiatrists can use conversations about resources, including medicines, to deconstruct damaging discourses and generate narratives of resilience are described. Discussion is offered about how narrative psychiatry can support clinicians in ethically negotiating clinical dilemmas in which the preferences of the person or family are in conflict with the clinician's ethical and legal duty to protect life.  相似文献   

Family therapy discourse has given little recognition to either the specificities of the settings in which family therapy is employed or to the specificites of our clients. Clients are frequently constituted into the culturally subordinate position of ‘other’ to the therapist. This paper examines the ethical imperatives of the position therapists occupy in relation to their others.  相似文献   

The majority of the literature on conversion therapy has focused on clients' experiences and rationales for seeking such therapy. This study sought to explore differences in the beliefs and clinical competence of therapists who practice and believe in the ethics of conversion therapy and those who do not. The sample for this study included 762 family therapists who were members of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Data were collected using electronic surveys that assessed participants' negative beliefs about and perceived clinical competence with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals. Results indicate that those who believe in the ethics of and/or practice conversion therapy report statistically higher levels of negative beliefs about LGB individuals and lower levels of clinical competence working with LGB clients. Implications for clinical practice and organizational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Family therapy understands the benefits of therapeutically supported dialogue amongst family members when there are challenging themes and topics that need to be discussed. This paper is an attempt to explore ways that family therapists can work with family members who are thrust into therapy rather than ‘voluntarily’ signing up for it. It applies ideas from the drug and alcohol field such as Stages of Change theory and Motivational Interviewing. The paper explores how these ideas and approaches might help family therapists to formulate a concept of resistance and to make helpful dialogue more likely. They are applied to families experiencing sibling sexual assault, where they become involved with a legal response that necessitates a therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

This study is an empirical assessment of the goals of family therapists. A list of goals was developed based on a theoretical clustering of the family therapy literature into the dimensions of communication, cohesion, and adaptability. Three hundred ten clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) responded to a questionnaire about their use of these goals in family therapy. The findings indicate that the goals employed by this sample seem to reflect ideas from the literature which are not the property of any one “school” of family therapy. The goals that were rated and ranked highest included encouraging family members to relate caringly, responsibly, and creatively in negotiating their differences. Goals that were rated and ranked lowest included the more advanced or technical communication skills and some cohesion goals that may be interpreted as related to institutional aspects of family life.  相似文献   

As our population ages, increasing numbers of social workers and other therapists will provide counseling to women who are caregivers of frail elders. These female caregivers often face complex ethical dilemmas in caring for a frail elder. Furthermore, these dilemmas are compounded by domestic violence in the caregiver/frail elder relationship initiated before the onset of caregiving. Illustrated with case examples, this article presents an ethical decision-making model based on an empowerment framework for helping practitioners work with caregivers who face difficult dilemmas impacted by domestic violence. Implications for strengthening clinical practice with these caregivers are discussed.  相似文献   

Family therapists can learn a great deal that would be of utility to them in their clinical work from normal families grieving over the death of an infant. When a baby dies, families begin a long and difficult journey, a search for security and meaning in a world that for them has gone insane. The researcher discusses 10 probing, extremely difficult questions family members commonly pose in the aftermath of an infant death and offers guidelines that could be helpful to family therapists hoping to be of service to families in the process of healing and growing through this tragedy.  相似文献   

The Family Court in New Zealand has become the crucible for the mixing of legal and mental health professionals. Low key workshops convened by family therapists for multidisciplinary groups have made successful use of family therapy models and expertise to provide a base for the conciliation and mediation alternative to the adversary system so common in law and in earlier family litigation. Enhanced cross-disciplinary understanding and morale appear to have accompanied the more formal learnings in family therapy, and the programme as detailed is included as one possible structure on which such experiences might be offered by other therapists in other places.  相似文献   

Marital and family therapists who are perceived by the community as having a strong spiritual orientation face unique and difficult challenges. Clients who seek their help often bring a mix of expectations that can create a situation in which the therapist may struggle with multiple roles, some not of his or her choosing. These expectations are especially challenging when one spouse views him-or herself as "spiritually one-up" and wants the therapist to form a spiritually based coalition against the other partner. This paper describes the various dilemmas that therapists may face when clients perceive them as having spiritual expertise and presents strategies that can be used for avoiding these dilemmas. A case study illustrates the use of these approaches.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and psychometric properties of a 17-item instrument intended to reflect the degree to which family therapists conceptualize the process of family therapy from a feminist-informed perspective. Items were adapted from those generated by 37 feminist-informed family therapists in a previous study. Factor analysis results on 383 subjects reflect a unidimensional scale. The Feminist Family Therapy Scale had a Cronbach Alpha of 83 and was found to discriminate between (a) self indentified feminists and nonfeminists, (b) women and men, and (c) subjects scoring higher on Scanzoni's (1975) Sex Role Modernity Scale and those scoring lower. Additional psychometric data are reported, and possible uses of this scale are discussed.  相似文献   

Dimensions which should be part of a family theory are developed by drawing from ‘Integrative Family Therapy’, a theory incorporating the concepts, hypotheses, and techniques of American family therapists. The family theories of seven family therapists (Minuchin, Haley, Zuk, Friedman, Speck, Boszormenyi-Nagy, Rubinstein) are described and compared with one another. Their limitations are shown and thereby the characteristics of approaches of family therapy are indicated. Their contribution to a more encompassing ‘Integrative Family Theory’ is shown.  相似文献   

This article is based on a qualitative research project about how the professional lives of family therapists affect their private relationships. The overarching research question was: How does your professional work as a family therapist affect your private relationships? To answer this question, semi‐structured qualitative interviews were conducted with four therapists from two different Family Counseling Services. Through the use of interpretative phenomenological analysis, three main findings were identified: (1) family therapists’ knowledge and values are a basis for interpersonal encounters; (2) participants describe resonance in relation to clients’ stories; and (3) therapists can be challenged in managing confidential knowledge particularly where they belong to the same communities as clients. The study also explores societal expectations and discourses that accompany the role of therapist, which can affect therapists’ freedom of movement in their private lives. These issues are discussed in relation to family therapy theory and relevant research.  相似文献   

Secondary trauma, a relatively recent topic that has emerged in the field of social work, includes the emotional and psychological effects that working with traumatized clients has on therapists. Secondary trauma can seriously impact therapists' personal and professional well-being. Trauma therapists face major ethical dilemmas if their reactions to being traumatized enter into the therapeutic relationship, exposing clients to psychological harm or possibly re-traumatization. As many graduate programs in social work and social service agencies are still unaware of this phenomenon, recommendations are made for how to introduce the topic as priority and how to cope with and prevent secondary trauma.  相似文献   

This is the first report on a program of research designed to identify the most important characteristics of the beginning marriage and family therapist. The paper first surveys the literature in family therapy, social work, and psychology and finds that, although these factors are discussed for beginning psychotherapists, no set of skills are derived empirically. This study recruited all available members of the American Family Therapy Association (AFTA) and Approved Supervisors of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) who were experienced educators and trainers of family therapists. After nominating the most important generic-type characteristics for beginning family therapists, the participants rated the items, yielding a list of not only the most important skills, but also personal traits of beginners based on mean scores of the ratings. The final section of the paper discusses the implications of these findings and notes the current and future activities of the research program.  相似文献   

This article describes a procedure for training family therapists in the clinical application of circular questioning as developed and implemented at the Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic at the University of Iowa. A pragmatic taxonomy of circular questions is presented; instructional handouts designed to facilitate the use of these questions within the trainee's initial interviews are included.  相似文献   

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