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Artificial intelligence procedures such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization and other procedures such as fuzzy clustering have been successfully used in the various stages of different fuzzy time-series forecasting approaches. Fuzzy clustering, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization are generally used in the fuzzification stage, and this simplifies the applicability of this stage and makes the fuzzy time-series approach more systematic. ANNs have also been applied successfully in the fuzzy relationship determination stage. In this study, we propose a new hybrid fuzzy time-series approach in which fuzzy c-means clustering procedure is employed in the fuzzification stage and feed-forward neural networks are used in the fuzzy relationship determination stage. This study also includes an empirical analysis pertaining to the forecasting of Index 100 for the stocks and bonds exchange market of Istanbul.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce a class of dynamic models for time series taking values on the unit interval. The proposed model follows a generalized linear model approach where the random component, conditioned on the past information, follows a beta distribution, while the conditional mean specification may include covariates and also an extra additive term given by the iteration of a map that can present chaotic behavior. The resulting model is very flexible and its systematic component can accommodate short‐ and long‐range dependence, periodic behavior, laminar phases, etc. We derive easily verifiable conditions for the stationarity of the proposed model, as well as conditions for the law of large numbers and a Birkhoff‐type theorem to hold. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to assess the finite sample behavior of the partial maximum likelihood approach for parameter estimation in the proposed model. Finally, an application to the proportion of stored hydroelectrical energy in Southern Brazil is presented.  相似文献   


Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is a relatively new method for time series analysis and comes as a non-parametric alternative to the classical methods. This methodology has proven to be effective in analysing non-stationary and complex time series since it is a non-parametric method and do not require the classical assumptions over the stationarity or over the normality of the residuals. Although SSA have proved to provide advantages over traditional methods, the challenges that arise when long time series are considered, make the standard SSA very demanding computationally and often not suitable. In this paper we propose the randomized SSA which is an alternative to SSA for long time series without losing the quality of the analysis. The SSA and the randomized SSA are compared in terms of quality of the model fit and forecasting, and computational time. This is done by using Monte Carlo simulations and real data about the daily prices of five of the major world commodities.  相似文献   

In this work we propose an autoregressive model with parameters varying in time applied to irregularly spaced non-stationary time series. We expand all the functional parameters in a wavelet basis and estimate the coefficients by least squares after truncation at a suitable resolution level. We also present some simulations in order to evaluate both the estimation method and the model behavior on finite samples. Applications to silicates and nitrites irregularly observed data are provided as well.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of statistical analysis of interval-valued time series data – two nonintersecting real-valued functions, representing lower and upper limits, over a period of time. Specifically, we pay attention to the two concepts of phase (or horizontal) variability and amplitude (or vertical) variability, and propose a phase-amplitude separation method. We view interval-valued time series as elements of a function (Hilbert) space and impose a Riemannian structure on it. We separate phase and amplitude variability in observed interval functions using a metric-based alignment solution. The key idea is to map an interval to a point in R2, view interval-valued time series as parameterized curves in R2, and borrow ideas from elastic shape analysis of planar curves, including PCA, to perform registration, summarization, analysis, and modeling of multiple series. The proposed phase-amplitude separation provides a new way of PCA and modeling for interval-valued time series, and enables shape clustering of interval-valued time series. We apply this framework to three different applications, including finance, meteorology and physiology, proves the effectiveness of proposed methods, and discovers some underlying patterns in the data. Experimental results on simulated data show that our method applies to the point-valued time series.  相似文献   

A simple statistic is suggested to examine if the assumptions on variances in a fitted time series model is valid or not. The properties of the statistic are discussed and examples are considered.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for the identification of autoregressive models for stationary invertible multivariate Gaussian time series. Model selection is based on either the AIC information criterion or on a statistic called CVR, cross-validatory residual sum of squares. An example is given to show that the forecasts generated by these models compare favorably with those generated by other common time series modeling techniques.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a fuzzy logic-based method is combined with wavelet decomposition to develop a step-by-step dynamic hybrid model to analyze and approximate one-dimensional physico-financial signals characterized by fuzzy values. Computational tests based on a well-known signal and conducted with the pure fuzzy model, the wavelet one and the new hybrid model, are developed and result in an efficient hybrid one.  相似文献   

Bayesian neural networks for nonlinear time series forecasting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, we apply Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) to time series analysis, and propose a Monte Carlo algorithm for BNN training. In addition, we go a step further in BNN model selection by putting a prior on network connections instead of hidden units as done by other authors. This allows us to treat the selection of hidden units and the selection of input variables uniformly. The BNN model is compared to a number of competitors, such as the Box-Jenkins model, bilinear model, threshold autoregressive model, and traditional neural network model, on a number of popular and challenging data sets. Numerical results show that the BNN model has achieved a consistent improvement over the competitors in forecasting future values. Insights on how to improve the generalization ability of BNNs are revealed in many respects of our implementation, such as the selection of input variables, the specification of prior distributions, and the treatment of outliers.  相似文献   

We study autoregressive models for binary time series with possible changes in their parameters. A procedure for detection and testing of a single change is suggested. The limiting behavior of the test statistic is derived. The performance of the test is analyzed under the null hypothesis as well as under different alternatives via a simulation study. Application of the method to a real data set on US recession is provided as an illustration.  相似文献   

We investigate the power-law scaling behaviors of returns for a financial price process which is developed by the voter interacting dynamic system in comparison with the real financial market index (Shanghai Composite Index). The voter system is a continuous time Markov process, which originally represents a voter's attitude on a particular topic, that is, voters reconsider their opinions at times distributed according to independent exponential random variables. In this paper, the detrended fluctuation analysis method is employed to explore the long range power-law correlations of return time series for different values of parameters in the financial model. The findings show no indication or very weak long-range power-law correlations for the simulated returns but strong long-range dependence for the absolute returns. The multiplier distribution is studied to demonstrate directly the existence of scale invariance in the actual data of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the simulation data of the model by comparison. Moreover, the Zipf analysis is applied to investigate the statistical behaviors of frequency functions and the distributions of the returns. By a comparative study, the simulation data for our constructed price model exhibits very similar behaviors to the real stock index, this indicates somewhat rationality of our model to the market application.  相似文献   

We focus our attention on the classification of fuzzy time trajectories with triangular membership function, described by a given set of individuals. To this purpose, we adopt a fullyinformational approach, explicitly recognizing the informational nature shared by the ingredients of the classification procedure: the observed data (Empirical Information) and the classification model (Theoretical Information). In particular, by supposing that the informational paradigm has a fuzzy nature, we suggest three fuzzy clustering models allowing the classification of the triangular fuzzy time trajectories, based on the analysis of the cross sectional and/or longitudinal characteristics of their components (centers and spreads). Two applicative examples are illustrated.  相似文献   

Time series of counts occur in many different contexts, the counts being usually of certain events or objects in specified time intervals. In this paper we introduce a model called parameter-driven state-space model to analyse integer-valued time series data. A key property of such model is that the distribution of the observed count data is independent, conditional on the latent process, although the observations are correlated marginally. Our simulation shows that the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm and the particle method are useful for the parameter estimation of the proposed model. In the application to Malaysia dengue data, our model fits better when compared with several other models including that of Yang et al. (2015)  相似文献   

This empirical paper presents a number of functional modelling and forecasting methods for predicting very short-term (such as minute-by-minute) electricity demand. The proposed functional methods slice a seasonal univariate time series (TS) into a TS of curves; reduce the dimensionality of curves by applying functional principal component analysis before using a univariate TS forecasting method and regression techniques. As data points in the daily electricity demand are sequentially observed, a forecast updating method can greatly improve the accuracy of point forecasts. Moreover, we present a non-parametric bootstrap approach to construct and update prediction intervals, and compare the point and interval forecast accuracy with some naive benchmark methods. The proposed methods are illustrated by the half-hourly electricity demand from Monday to Sunday in South Australia.  相似文献   

In some organizations, the hiring lead time is often long due to responding to human resource requirements associated with technical and security constrains. Thus, the human resource departments in these organizations are pretty interested in forecasting employee turnover since a good prediction of employee turnover could help the organizations to minimize the costs and impacts from the turnover on the operational capabilities and the budget. This study aims to enhance the ability to forecast employee turnover with or without considering the impact of economic indicators. Various time series modelling techniques were used to identify optimal models for effective employee turnover prediction. More than 11-years of monthly turnover data were used to build and validate the proposed models. Compared with other models, a dynamic regression model with additive trend, seasonality, interventions, and a very important economic indicator effectively predicted the turnover with training R2?=?0.77 and holdout R2?=?0.59. The forecasting performance of optimal models confirms that time series modelling approach has the ability to predict employee turnover for the specific scenario observed in our analysis.  相似文献   

SiZer (SIgnificant ZERo crossing of the derivatives) is a scale-space visualization tool for statistical inferences. In this paper we introduce a graphical device, which is based on SiZer, for the test of the equality of the mean of two time series. The estimation of the quantile in a confidence interval is theoretically justified by advanced distribution theory. The extension of the proposed method to the comparison of more than two time series is also done using residual analysis. A broad numerical study is conducted to demonstrate the sample performance of the proposed tool. In addition, asymptotic properties of SiZer for the comparison of two time series are investigated.  相似文献   


Series hybrid models are one of the most widely-used hybrid models that in which a time series is assumed to be composed of two linear and nonlinear components. In this paper, the performance of two types of these hybrid models is evaluated for predicting stock prices in order to introduce the more reliable series hybrid model. For this purpose, ARIMA and MLPs are elected for constructing series hybrid models. Empirical results for forecasting three benchmark data sets indicate that despite of more popularity of the conventional ARIMA-ANN model, the ANN-ARIMA hybrid model can overall achieved more accurate results.  相似文献   

The author considers serial correlation testing in seasonal time series models. He proposes a test statistic based on a spectral approach. Many tests of this type rely on kernel-based spectral density estimators that assign larger weights to low order lags than to high ones. Under seasonality, however, large autocorrelations may occur at seasonal lags that classical kernel estimators cannot take into account. The author thus proposes a test statistic that relies on the spectral density estimator of Shin (2004), whose weighting scheme is more adapted to this context. The distribution of his test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis and he studies its behaviour under fixed and local alternatives. He establishes the consistency of the test under a general fixed alternative. He also makes recommendations for the choice of the smoothing parameters. His simulation results suggest that his test is more powerful against seasonality than alternative procedures based on classical weighting schemes. He illustrates his procedure with monthly statistics on employment among young Americans.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of a Markov regime-switching log-normal (RSLN) model to capture the time-varying features of stock return and volatility. The model displays a better ability to depict a fat tail distribution as compared with using a log-normal model, which means that the RSLN model can describe observed market behavior better. Our major objective is to explore the capability of the model to capture stock market behavior over time. By analyzing the behavior of calibrated regime-switching parameters over different lengths of time intervals, the change-point concept is introduced and an algorithm is proposed for identifying the change-points in the series corresponding to the times when there are changes in parameter estimates. This algorithm for identifying change-points is tested on the Standard and Poor's 500 monthly index data from 1971 to 2008, and the Nikkei 225 monthly index data from 1984 to 2008. It is evident that the change-points we identify match the big events observed in the US stock market and the Japan stock market (e.g., the October 1987 stock market crash), and that the segmentations of stock index series, which are defined as the periods between change-points, match the observed bear–bull market phases.  相似文献   

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