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郭力 《求是学刊》2006,33(4):73-80
文章运用实证分析和比较分析的方法,对1992年以来黑龙江省与韩国的贸易合作进行了客观性的研究。评价了黑龙江省与韩国贸易合作的基本特点,分析了双方贸易规模小、速度慢的根本原因,在与其他省份的比较中,以国际贸易理论为依据,提出了推进黑龙江省与韩国贸易合作优化升级的新战略。  相似文献   

Emma Carmel 《Policy Studies》2013,34(2):238-253
This article assesses developments in European Union (EU) migration policy and practice and their implications for rights regulation in the Union, as revealed in this special issue and the wider literature. It identifies how rights are constituted in the complex and multivalent policy-making field of the EU. The article views rights as constituted in the process of migration governance. This governance analysis puts centre stage an assessment of the links between policy, policy-making and policy's social and political ordering effects. The article argues that the significance of the Union needs to be analysed against different aspects of rights regulation. The article adopts an analytical framework which discriminates between the discursive framing of migrants' rights, the specification of such rights in Union and member state policy, and the shaping of rights by actors in context at the local level. The article concludes that, first, the Union has begun to play a significant role in regulating mobility rights across its territory in ways which can undermine the substantive or normative rights accessible to migrants in practice. Second, its policy and legal role are politically significant as it asserts the role of the EU as a source of regulatory authority over the distribution of rights for citizens and non-citizens within its territory.  相似文献   

Trade and environment issues in APEC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The central argument of this article is that regional economic integration must be complemented by the creation of regional frameworks for environmental management. Beyond working to expand market access, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Mechanism (APEC) countries must cooperate to create conditions which provide incentives for sustainable resource and ecosystem use. In this way, trade and environmental policies can mutually reinforce each other. In one way or another, it is likely that environmental issues will be on the agenda. The crucial issue is how deep and broad will be the integration of trade and environmental concerns. This article suggests some guiding principles and innovative strategies.  相似文献   

When Social Health Insurance Goes Wrong: Lessons from Argentina and Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social health insurance (SHI) has gained popularity in recent years as a health‐care funding mechanism for developing countries in Latin America and beyond. This is reflected in a number of high‐profile conferences sponsored by international agencies, and a profusion of externally funded reform projects. This article assesses the potential of SHI to provide a sound model of health‐care financing, drawing on the experiences of Argentina and Mexico. It uses four criteria to assess the performance of SHI: coverage, equity, effectiveness and sustainability. The article begins by outlining key principles of SHI and comparing it to other models of health‐care financing. It then gives a comparative overview of four SHI programmes in Argentina and Mexico, before analysing their performance in greater detail. The article finishes by extracting lessons from this comparative analysis, both for the countries studied and for global debates on SHI.  相似文献   

This paper examines the macro-economic benefits of the Single Market in goods and services by simulating a counterfactual scenario in which tariffs and non-tariff barriers are reintroduced. In this counterfactual scenario, intra-EU trade flows are significantly reduced. Lower trade openness also means reduced market size and less competition. Using empirical evidence on the effect of the Single Market on firms’ mark-ups over marginal costs, we add these competition effects and arrive at a total estimate of around 9% higher GDP on average for the EU, but with a strong degree of heterogeneity across EU countries.  相似文献   

Under what conditions do sovereign governments agree to create a common policy institution? And what model of supranational policymaking may be preferable? To answer these questions, we introduce a policy game of two interdependent countries with reciprocal negative externalities created by shocks to a socially relevant variable. Depending on national preferences over policy options and their outcomes, both countries incur welfare losses if governments pursue non-cooperative policy choices. Then we examine what kind of supranational policy regimes may be endorsed by both governments according to the Pareto criterion. Two regimes are “technocratic” (they do not take national preferences into account), two are “political” (they do). One political regime that we call “union” aggregates the national preferences additively. The thrust of our analysis is that the technocratic regimes are dominated by non-cooperation, so that the single alternative is between the union and non-cooperation. Yet an important point is that the union is the Pareto-dominant regime only within a limited range of asymmetry between countries’ preferences. This result has notable implications for the debate on the reform of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) facing the challenge of further integration of member countries. Application to the EMU case is assisted by numerical simulations based on empirical parameters drawn from qualified external sources, which show that aymmetries in national attitudes towards policies that “Europe wants” may jeopardize the creation of a union in alternative to non-cooperation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to develop new international banking integration indicators together with their components: openness and regularity (balance) of the bilateral bank flows. We define the Standard of Perfect Banking Integration (SPBI), which characterizes the scenario attainable when bank flows are not geographically biased, and cross-border asset trade is not affected by home bias. We assess the gap between a hypothetical scenario of geographic neutrality and the current level of banking integration, along with both of its components. The empirical application to the banking systems of 23 countries over the 2003–2009 period enables us to conclude that the level of banking integration has advanced rapidly over the last few years and, according to our indicators, is close to 45% as of 2009, i.e., we are not halfway to the SPBI. However, notable differences among countries are both persistent and growing, and the integration level achieved for each banking system differs when either assessed from the bank inflows or outflows perspective.  相似文献   

Since the launch of the euro in 1999, the policy aspiration of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for monetary union has increased despite its convergence challenge. This study investigates the economic characteristics of ECOWAS for a successful and sustainable monetary union. We use cluster analysis for the period 1998–2018. The findings show that there is considerable heterogeneity in the economic characteristics of ECOWAS countries. This suggests that the countries are not yet economically ready for a regional wide monetary union. The study also revealed key variables, including inflation, exchange rate volatility, intra-regional trade, that clearly demarcate the two pre-existing monetary zones in the region. The study concludes that ECOWAS policymakers must enhance policy harmonisation and intra-regional trade.  相似文献   

This article provides a reassessment of the role of tax-financed social security. It outlines the relevant trends in developed and developing countries and discusses qualitative changes in the role and approach to tax-financed social security. It then assesses emergent forms of tax-financed social security in developing countries. It considers in particular their focus, scope, design and dynamics. It concludes that emergent tax-financed social security in developing countries holds the promise to make an impact on global poverty and vulnerability, and the main challenge is to ensure this contributes to the development of comprehensive social security systems.  相似文献   

One of the most striking trends over the past 20 years is the growth in the number of lone parent families in developed countries. This article provides an analysis of the structure of incentives in benefit systems for lone parents in a cross-national perspective, using data from a recent comparative study of the systems of support for families with children in 17 countries (the members of the European Union, Australia, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United States). The article compares the level of benefits for lone parents and takes into account the impact of housing costs, health costs, and education and preschool provision. It assesses the possible incentive effects of different systems through a comparison of the financial positions of lone parents not in paid employment, lone parents in the labour market and other family types.  相似文献   

This article discusses some concerns of the 1996 UN Summit on Social Development. Conference organizers identified the three key conference issues as poverty alleviation, social integration of the marginalized and disadvantaged, and expansion of productive employment. The goal of a "society for all" means dealing with the increasing differences between rich and poor countries, the survival of weaker economies in a competitive market system, wide variations in consumption patterns between countries, attainment of political stability while respecting ethnic identity, the rise in social problems among countries with a high human development index, and increasing joblessness. The Human Development Report for 1994 emphasizes human security. Social development is not the equivalent of human resource development nor a side issue of economic growth. The integration of ethnic groups poses social and political problems. There remains a question about what political system and culture would be best for social integration. Developed countries define poverty as the inability of people and government to provide resources and necessary services for people's productive activity. Poverty in developing countries is blamed on colonialism. Globally, developed countries control 71% of world trade. Sharing resources to meet basic needs throughout the world is not an operational ideal. The highest 20% of income earners receive 83% of the world income. The culture of poverty is the strategy used by the poor to survive. Welfare is not an end in itself but does enable the poor to improve their conditions. Development that focuses on productive employment is uncertain. Developed and developing countries do not share similar perceptions of human rights. There is a question as to who should set the priorities for social development. Sustainable social development is related to preservation of natural resources, control of population growth, and promotion of social security.  相似文献   

When does trade become a one-way relationship? We study bilateral trade balances for a sample of 18 European countries over the period from 1948 through 2008. We find that, with the introduction of the euro, trade imbalances among euro area members widened considerably, even after allowing for permanent asymmetries in trade competitiveness within pairs of countries or in the overall trade competitiveness of individual countries. This is consistent with indications that pair-wise trade tends to be more balanced when nominal exchange rates are flexible. Intra-euro area imbalances also seem to have become more persistent with the introduction of the euro, some of which is linked to labor market inflexibility. Reviewing the direction of imbalances, we find that bilateral trade surpluses are decreasing in the real exchange rate, decreasing in growth differentials, and increasing in the relative volatility of national business cycles. Finally, countries with relatively higher fiscal deficits and less flexible labor and product markets exhibit systematically lower trade surpluses than others.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, Latin America has pioneered structural pension reforms. This article focuses on a representative regional sample of seven Central American countries with diverse levels of development (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama) studying contributory and tax‐financed pensions as well as recent pension reforms. It comparatively assesses system performance regarding five social security principles: unity; universal coverage; adequacy of benefits; equal treatment, solidarity and gender equality; and financial sustainability. It also evaluates the impact of the world crisis on these pension systems, highlighting the differences between public and private pensions, and extracts lessons and suggests policies for the future.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the changing U.S. competitive position in high-technology products, and examines reasons for changes. It then inquires into the potential value of restrictive trade policies for promoting the U.S. interest in this sector, including mutual restrictions between the U.S., the EC, and Japan. The paper shows that the U.S. market share in most high-technology products, while still high, is declining. While industrial policy in other countries may have been a facilitating factor in this adverse development, the main explanation appears to lie in changing factor endowments, particularly the marked increase in the human capital/labor endowment ratios of Japan and Germany relative to that of the United States. When considering all the criteria relevant to trade policy, the differences between the high-technology industries bring into question the validity of lumping them into one sector for the purpose of strategic trade policy. Each industry needs to be treated separately. Their main common characteristic is intensity in human capital input. When they are viewed as one sector, a move to redress the declining U.S. lead calls for a domestic rather than a trade policy: massive U.S. investment in human capital and in research and development of the post-sputnik variety.  相似文献   

This article sets out to help provide a more detailed explanation for the narrower gender wage gap in Mediterranean countries. Two explanatory hypotheses are put forward and compared empirically using the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU‐SILC). The most widely accepted hypothesis is that gender wage gaps across countries are negatively correlated with gender employment gaps. The second hypothesis, however, is supported by evidence that the narrower wage gap in Mediterranean countries could be due to the differences in demand for labour in EU countries as a result ultimately of decisions by major corporations concerning the location of the activities in their value chain.  相似文献   

岳清唐  杨帆 《求是学刊》2005,32(1):63-69
核心-外围论一定程度上反映了在开放的经济中发达国家和发展中国家的关系.文章从贸易条件角度,对核心-外围论进行了实证分析,并使用包括净贸易条件、收入贸易条件和要素贸易条件,对我国贸易状况进行了具体分析.贸易结构是贸易条件的重要影响因素,而贸易结构是依附于生产结构的,经济或生产结构决定了贸易结构的合理程度.文章在此基础上分析核心-外围论在中国的适用性及其意义.  相似文献   

The Second General Conference of the UNIDO held in Lima in 1975 declared that the share of developing countries in total world industrial production should reach 25% by the year 2000. The model presented in this article has been constructed in order to investigate whether this target is consistent with other more generally accepted goals of development and is feasible within the area of production and trade possibilities.The model is a dynamic, multisectoral, multiregional input-output model. It focuses on the impacts and mutual consistency of targets of growth, regional income distribution, industrialization, consumption levels, and trade. In the empirical application three periods, three regions, and nine sectors have been distinguished to produce intersectorally, interregionally, and intertemporally consistent accounts for the main variables. Since the study is concerned with the maximum possible growth of industrial output of the developing countries, a linear programming approach has been used.The report is organized as follows. After an introduction, the second section describes the mathematical model. The third section contains a detailed explanation of the data basis and of the assumptions made to stimulate the model. The numerical results of the model are discussed in the fourth section, and the main conclusions are given in the fifth.  相似文献   

This paper examines prospective changes in employment associated with the expected expansion of trade in manufactured goods between the developed and developing countries over the next decade. It appears that, on balance, the developed countries would experience net employment creation as a result of this trade, and there would be only relatively small decline of employment in their import-substituting industries. In turn, the developing countries would gain employment through increased export that would further contribute to their economic growth, with favorable indirect effects on employment.  相似文献   

随着知识经济和经济全球化的快速发展,知识产权已经成为一种重要的国际贸易壁垒。知识产权贸易壁垒的形成有着深刻的国际政治经济根源:知识经济的发展使国际贸易日益呈现出知识化的发展趋势,而国际贸易的知识化导致贸易壁垒的知识产权化;美国霸权趋于衰落,为了维持霸权地位,美国试图运用自身的知识产权优势打压和遏制新兴国家崛起,以延缓霸权的衰落;由于世界上大多数的知识产权被发达国家的跨国公司所占有,因此,发达国家跨国公司在知识产权贸易壁垒的形成中发挥着重要作用;发达国家与发展中国家之间一直存在国际经济秩序的斗争,在知识经济时代,发达国家开始利用知识产权作为工具实现新的垄断,维护其对发展中国家的剥削和优势地位。  相似文献   

中韩贸易结构分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阴之春 《求是学刊》2006,33(3):69-74
文章从中韩两国的贸易商品构成入手,通过计算中韩产业间和产业内贸易指数指标,来分析中韩两国建交十多年来的贸易发展状况和贸易结构变化,从中发现:中韩两国的产业间贸易水平较低,而代表水平分工的产业内贸易水平则较高且增长很快,这种现象在占中韩贸易主体的工业制成品贸易中表现尤为明显;在产业内贸易中,代表相同质量产品的水平产业内贸易的份额要高于同一产业不同环节有差异产品的垂直产业内贸易。  相似文献   

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