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Hierarchical multiple regression is used to examine whether student school engagement predicts grade point average (GPA) and fear-based truancy among 315 sexual minority youth aged 13 to 24 years. Results indicate that student school engagement is a significant predictor of GPA, and this relationship is strongest in the presence of a gay–straight alliance. Having an adult ally at school is associated with a decrease in fear-based truancy, while student school engagement predicts a decrease in fear-based truancy only for youth who have higher levels of subjective fear at school. Implications for future research and for practice among school-based helping professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives. The purpose of this study is to assess if students enter charter schools at an academic disadvantage compared to students who make other types of school‐choice decisions, such as transferring between district schools, from a charter to a district school, or staying in the same school. We assess the demographic and academic characteristics of students prior to choosing to attend a charter school in comparison to students who made other types of school‐choice decisions and broaden the operational definition of a “disadvantaged” student when exploring differences between charter and district students to include academic achievement prior to entering a school. Methods. The analysis is conducted with student‐level panel data and a progressive series of ANCOVA models that were estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. This methodology allows for a comparison of the mean differences in academic achievement among students who made different types of school‐choice decisions while controlling for student‐level covariates. Results. Students who transferred from district to charter schools had the lowest levels of prior academic achievement compared to students who made other types of choice decisions. Conclusions. When Arizona charter authorizers face the deluge of renewal decisions that are approaching, the quality of education available to the next generation of charter school students is at stake. Renewal decisions will impact what choices are available going forward and, given the comparative academic disadvantage of charter school students prior to entering, those decisions should take into consideration the starting point for students entering charter schools.  相似文献   

老年人日常照料的角色介入模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏传玲 《社会》2007,27(3):114-114
本文在总结国内外老年人照料研究的基础上,提出老年人日常照料的角色介入模型,其核心是三个规律:即(1)成本命题:一个角色介入老年人日常照料的成本越大,其介入照料的概率就越低;(2)邻近命题:与被照料者的地理和社会邻近度越高,照料角色介入的可能性就越高;(3)责任命题:对被照料者的责任感越高,照料者介入的可能性就越大。由此三个命题所延伸出的六个假设,通过多元正态概率模型对2000年“中国城乡老年人口状况一次性抽样调查”的原始数据进行分析,结果显示,多数假设得到数据的支持。这一研究结果对厘清老年人照料的社会化和家庭照料之间的关系及其理性的公共政策选择,提供了新的视角和理论依据。  相似文献   


The authors discuss transference enactments that occur during cross-cultural supervision. Previous research has shown that few mental health professionals willingly talk about race during supervision and that White supervisees experience significant difficulty when directly engaged in discussions about race. They introduce a new phenomenon, “stereotypical” transference enactments, as a means for understanding the countertransference Black female clinical supervisors experience during clinical supervision of White supervisees. The findings indicated that effective cross-cultural supervision should address the intersectionality of race and gender to enhance the development of multicultural clinical skills. The clinical and educational challenges are discussed by using two case vignettes.  相似文献   

Objective. Using cross‐sectional and panel data, this article estimates to what extent the association between students' choice of academic discipline and their sociopolitical attitudes is due to socialization and selection effects. Methods. This is done on the basis of seven incoming cohorts of students and one panel of students. Changes in the panel are controlled for contextual influences by comparing them to a control group. Results. Both selection and socialization effects are observed. The first are, however, much stronger than the second. Conclusions. Although the literature, and particularly the more popular literature, highlights socialization effects, these turn out to be very modest. Future research should address the questions of how and why students select academic disciplines in a way that establishes strong relations between those disciplines and their sociopolitical attitudes.  相似文献   

学生学业评价是大学教育评价的重要内容,对提高高校教学质量有着重要价值。但在高校现行的大学生学业评价体系中,还存在一系列的问题,影响了高校学生学业质量的评价。该文以山西农业大学农业经济管理学院为主要研究对象,分别从评价理念、评价体系、评价结构等方面阐述了如何推动以实践能力为导向的大学生学业评价体系改革。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore cultural differences in children's perceptions of friendship quality and in the predictors of the subsequent continuation of their relationships. Participants were third and fourth-grade children in Florence, Italy, and Toronto, Canada. A total of 184 dyads of children who indicated that they were friends near the beginning of the school year completed questionnaires regarding the quality of their relationships. Among the Italian children, especially the girls, a higher proportion of friendships remained intact at the end of the school year than among the Canadians. Positive aspects of relationship quality at the first data collection point were associated with future friendship status, but earlier conflict within the dyad was unrelated to the continuation of friendship. The levels of conflict reported by the children were lower in the Italian sample than in Canada.  相似文献   


Child care programs (including Head Start, prekindergarten [pre-K], and other center-based care) can differ, with patterns of use based on their location. Yet little research has examined how Head Start and pre-K programs affect children's academic school readiness, including vocabulary and reading skills at school entry, in the South as compared to other regions. To examine this further, secondary data (n = 2,803) collected in the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study were examined. Overall findings suggest, regardless of region, that Head Start and pre-K participants had higher academic skills at school entry than did their counterparts. In addition, when Head Start was compared to other center-based care and pre-K was compared to other care arrangements, both had larger effects on improving academic skills in the South compared with in other regions. These findings imply that Head Start and pre-K programs should target children who otherwise would receive nonparental non-center-based care. Future research should focus on why the effects of Head Start and pre-K vary between the South and other regions.  相似文献   

高校学业困难学生问题,事关人才培养质量,对个人、家庭、学校和社会都是巨大的损失,开展学业困难学生帮扶工作意义重大,不仅是现实需要,也是育人之责.该文尝试在积极心理学的视角下,以积极心理学的主要理念为指导,首先对高校学困生现状进行了分析,然后从积极心理学三方面的核心内容出发,从培育积极情感体验、塑造积极心理品质以及营造积极的组织环境三个方面,探讨对学业困难学生的帮扶策略,以增强教育效果,帮扶学生走出学业困境.  相似文献   

采用贝尔宾团队角色问卷,对社工专业、非社工专业共460名学生进行调查,并根据调查结果进行差异检验和聚类分析。结果发现:社工专业学生团队角色均衡型显著少于非社工学生,对凝聚者、实干家维度的倾向性显著高于非社工专业。讨论认为社工学生的专业认同以及社工专业教育的专业方法和价值伦理教学三重路径共同塑造了学生的团队角色倾向。  相似文献   

The lagging achievement of many U.S. Latinos is staggering. Latinos have the highest high school dropout rate. Further, second- and third-generation Latinos in the United States perform less well than do recent immigrants. These statistics belie the hopes and aspirations for upward mobility, a better life, and the deep value for education that are tightly held by many Latino immigrant families. Understanding this paradox between the aspirations of Latino families and their academic outcomes is the focus of this article. The experiences of Latino children in U.S. schools, the incongruence between the cultural worldviews of U.S. schools and Latino families, and the interactions and expectations for partnerships between families and schools are integrated and applied to the question of why Latino students are not reaching their potential, despite goals for achievement and significant parental sacrifice and investment.  相似文献   

刘建 《南亚研究》2011,(1):137-151
泰戈尔曾对十月革命表示赞赏。1930年,他不顾年迈体衰,前往苏联访问。他对苏联在文化、农业和教育等领域的成就的充分肯定,源于他对一个理想社会的追求和对英国殖民统治的痛愤。他访苏的主要目的,在于以苏联的教育为借镜来从根本上改变印度社会。他在看到苏联的光明面的同时,也对它的致命弊病提出诚挚而坦率的批评。他的意见是明智的、深刻的和富于哲理的。从一定意义上说,诗人虽然对苏联始终怀有真情和善意,却理性地预见到苏联可能由于这些弊病而灭亡。苏联政府不曾听取他的意见,却始终将他当做朋友,从未对他提出任何反批评或予以负面评价。苏联之行对泰戈尔人生最后阶段的思想和创作产生了重大影响。他的《俄罗斯书简》以及他与苏联官方及友人的众多通信,是研究他与苏联(俄罗斯)关系的重要文献。本文为纪念泰戈尔诞辰150周年而作,系国内第一篇涉及泰戈尔与苏联关系的论文。  相似文献   

在过去的25年中,中国的学术出现了空前的繁荣,但学术著作质量不佳,其原因是我们一直未能形成良好的学术风气,建立起真正的学术标准。因此,只有真正理解学术一词的意义,以此为标准进行学术工作和学术评价,才能有高水平的学术。  相似文献   

学术道德检讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘明 《浙江学刊》2005,(3):105-112
学术界承担着为民族立德、立言的历史使命,当下界内及社会的忧虑即学术道德的蜕化.本文认为危机来自学术权力腐败和学术造假两个方面,前者的为害更为深重,强调须将检讨的重点向前者转移.分析了学术道德两种不同类型蜕化的表现形式及其特征,着重说明防范与控制学术权力腐败的难点所在.并对近年来学术规范讨论中关于整饬道德的取向提出质疑.  相似文献   

In different cultures, the norms that enable women and men to conduct themselves in a particular way and to play particular roles in the family and society (gender roles) can differ quite widely. When it comes to gender roles that are permitted in a given culture, ideas about them that are formed by representatives of other cultures, countries, and ethnoses are called gender stereotypes. In order to indicate that what is referred to is how gender roles are perceived by representatives of the same culture (which is to say, about themselves), the term that is used is gender autostereotypes.  相似文献   


Missing data (item nonresponse) is prevalent in survey research and likely regardless of the researcher's efforts. Problems associated with missing data include but are not limited to low statistical power, biased results, and limited external validity. The present study compared online (n = 125) and classroom (n = 74) data collection methods to determine the extent of missing data between the two cohorts. The total sample consisted of 199 master's of social work and bachelor's of social work students, each of whom were asked to respond to 91 survey items (the majority of which pertained to research in social work practice). A logistic regression model demonstrated a significant relationship between the total number of completed survey items and the data collection methods. The study shows an empirical association between the classroom data collection method and the lower levels of missing data. Study limitations are discussed, and recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

The authors reviewed the conflict of interest policies of 9 academic medical centers in the United States and interviewed members of the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Conflict of Interest Committees (COICs) at those institutions. They found that many institutions used processes for reporting and managing conflicts of interest that were more decentralized than the processes described in their policies. Also, most institutions had no clear and comprehensive policy to guide investigators regarding disclosure of conflicts of interest to potential research participants. Considerable differences in understanding of conflict of interest policies were observed between IRB and COIC officials.  相似文献   

Review: Child Care and Culture: Lessons from Africa , by Robert A. LeVine, Suzanne Dixon, Sarah LeVine, Amy Richman, P. Herbert Leiderman, Constance H. Keefer, and T. Berry Brazelton.  相似文献   

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