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This article considers the conceptualisation of the “external dimension” of the Bologna Process and debates around it in the light of the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration. The term began to be used in the early 2000s and referred to the articulation of possible relationships between the then emerging European Higher Education Area and the rest of the world. We analyse issues related to the drafting of the Bologna Global Strategy (2007), also by taking into account less well-known policy documents, and the reactions to the Bologna Process from various global regions. Further, we critically elaborate on the thesis of the “Bologna model” and its alleged “export” to the world. We argue that this thesis is controversial and that its background should be sought in dichotomies related to the Europeanisation process, in particular in the dichotomy of “means” versus “ends” as well as the “market” versus “cultural” mission of European higher education institutions.  相似文献   

The Bologna Process has inspired harmonisation strategies for higher education systems in other parts of the world. However, developments in other contexts are not much under review in the European debate. The present article describes the case of Southeast Asia and the attempt to promote harmonisation of its higher education systems. It further compares the processes in ASEAN and the European Higher Education Area to then discuss open questions for future comparative research. To do so the authors re-contextualise data from a study in ASEAN against the background of future research needs in the field of higher education harmonisation.  相似文献   

20 years have passed since the Bologna declaration which has deeply changed the Higher Education System not only in Europe but worldwide. This introduction gives a tour of the contributions contained in the special issue of the journal “innovation”. It argues that soft policies proved to be a mighty instrument for catching and focussing societal change and speeding it up. The worldwide shift towards policies of national interest might therefore also slow down processes of change and modernisation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the puzzle of the unlikeliness of the implementation of elements of the Bologna Process agenda in Europe and post-Soviet higher education systems. Following mainstream policy science theories, the policy initiative would be qualified as “prone to failure”, but surprisingly many governments took up the challenge to develop regulations and guidelines and to change the structures of their higher education systems. Looking at the adoption of Bologna process elements in various countries – east and west – I will be able to point at factors that contribute to explaining why and to what extent countries engaged with the process and hence to contribute to the literature on Europeanisation and policy adoption.  相似文献   


The present study explores the internationalisation of secondary schools. It focuses on the assessment of the intercultural competence (IC) of returnees who participated in an annual study-abroad programme offered by the Italian educational association Intercultura (a non-profit organisation). The precise aim of this research is to find possible assessment indicators of IC, specific to the context of student mobility in secondary schools. To reach this goal, a qualitative methodology was adopted; 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the returnees, their parents, friends, teachers and Intercultura volunteers. The findings suggest that the elements to be considered in assessing the IC of returnees should include, among others, curiosity towards people perceived as having different cultural backgrounds, interest in global issues, self-awareness, new understanding of home context, knowledge of host context, ability to make critical comparisons, adaptability and ethnorelative view.  相似文献   

The Bologna Process is a unique harmonisation process taking place outside the policy-making framework of the European Union. It aims at enhancing the comparability and compatibility of higher education structures and degrees across Europe, as well as to institutionalise quality assurance mechanisms. The aim of this article is to provide a condensed, up-to-date overview of the Bologna Process with regard to structural characteristics, before embedding it into a discussion on processes on voluntary policy convergence and to which extent we should be able to find this kind of policy harmonisation in the realm of the Bologna Process. Related to this are questions why this, in principle, completely voluntary process of policy harmonisation, has appealed to so many countries and why they might or might not feel committed to the implementation of its policies and tools.  相似文献   

There is no significant history of migration from Nepal to Denmark, but the post-conflict situation in Nepal and the expansion of an international, commercialised education market have resulted in a significant number of Nepalese students in Denmark. This article argues, first, that the current forms of student migration from Nepal must be examined within the context of broader class-based mobility practices and the consolidation of a relatively new middle-class in Nepal. Second, it examines the significance of education and educated status for people’s claims to belong to the middle-class in a transnational context where social status is at stake.  相似文献   


A professor shares his account of recovering from a near fatal bicycle accident in this article. The authors explore the professor/student relationship after this life-threatening accident. Using qualitative research methods, a purpose sample of students from a mid-size undergraduate social work program described their experiences of interacting with the professor after he returned to work. All the students in the sample took a course from the professor before the accident. All the students in the sample also knew about the severity of his injuries after the accident. Important themes of trauma emerged interwoven in the relationship between students and the professor. There are also important concepts mentioned in the article that look at the healing process that occurs between the students and the professor, where significant trauma has occurred in the life of a professor. Existing studies examine the professional/student relationship when the student experienced trauma. Administrators need to consider these important themes of trauma when a professor returns to work after a life-threatening accident.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the precarious situation concerning undergraduate public relations education in Spain, despite the existence of a Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. In addition to core subjects, which are set by the government and required on all university curricula, the Spanish system allows universities to complete their curriculum with other compulsory and elective courses. Given this freedom, universities have failed to come up with either the specific contents for public relations or for liberal arts, social sciences and business courses that will enable students to enter the profession. In light of the future restructuring of degrees through the Bologna Process, this situation is a serious threat to the continuity of public relations teaching in Spanish universities.  相似文献   

The present paper treats employability and the relevance of this concept with regard to the social professions in Luxembourg subsequent to the Bologna reform. Two studies were conducted to examine the employability of Bachelors in social and educational work in terms of their (a) rate of entry in to the labour market and (b) self-reports of practice proficiency as acquired at university. The results showed a high employment rate and further suggested that employability was perceived largely in terms of self-assessed knowledge and skills. The implications of a systematic follow-up of recently qualified practitioners are discussed as well as the need to adapt the curriculum more efficiently to the demands brought about by the evolution of the social professions.  相似文献   

This contribution provides empirical answers to the question of how teaching-specific competencies develop during participation in an international student exchange programme. The quantitative analyses of this quasi-experimental study suggest that, generally speaking, no specific developments occur during an exchange experience. These findings contradict the majority of existing literature. Possible reasons for this divergence are discussed. The interpretation of the results suggests future research should focus on the key question of pre-conditions for productive exchange experiences.  相似文献   

Intergenerational social mobility studies have largely explored the relationship between one aspect of parent background (e.g., education, income, occupational status, wealth, or neighborhood context) and the corresponding aspect of that parent's child once they reach adulthood. Studies examining these various measures have provided differing conclusions about the extent that social origins constrain attainment in the U.S. In contrast, the persistence of racial inequality in intergenerational mobility is one consistent finding. For instance, across various measures, research demonstrates Black individuals are more likely than White individuals to experience downward mobility, and less likely to exceed the socioeconomic standings of their parents. In this article, we argue that a more holistic measure of both origin and destination, one that combines the above-mentioned indicators, is necessary to advance our understanding of the extent that origin constrains future attainment. We summarize lessons gleaned from one-dimensional estimates, and from other approaches that either combine some dimensions of socioeconomic background or attempt to capture a more holistic background in other ways. We then make a recommendation for methodological interventions to accomplish this more holistic approach and conclude with research and policy implications.  相似文献   

When promoting intercultural learning in the context of study and placement mobility, intercultural educators are specifying what students should be learning. Research not only confirms the genuine impact of real-life intercultural contact on intercultural learning, but also shows how this impact can be enhanced through institutional support and the integration of intercultural learning into the curriculum. In this position paper, we propose a number of considerations that need to be taken into account in setting learning objectives for mobile students. Referring to research and policy documents mostly in relation to the European mobility context, we address consecutively what students are learning in study and placement mobility; what they say they want to learn; what they should learn for; and finally, what they should be learning. We conclude that intercultural educators should pay heed to what students are actually learning in study and placement mobility over a time span that transcends the current sojourn abroad. We also recommend that educators take steps to support students in mobilising the intercultural skills they acquired abroad for increased employability.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate earnings mobility in Austria from the angle of individual persons. Earnings mobility over time has two aspects: Positional changes and the volatility of earnings over time. Whereas the further is a positive outcome, more volatility as such can be seen as negative. We use Austrian data from tax authorities to find out how population characteristics are related to these two concepts of earnings mobility. Our main results concern initial positions: The higher up you are at the beginning, the more difficult is further positional advancement, moreover, in terms of volatility we see that those in the lowest quantiles of the earnings distribution face the highest volatility of earnings positions over time. *Rudolf Winter-Ebmer is also associated with CEPR, London and IZA, Bonn.  相似文献   

The relationship among religion, education and social mobility in Scotland is analysed statistically using the Scottish Household Survey of 2001 . The large sample size allows much greater statistical power for this purpose than any previous source, and thus allows a more reliable assessment of claims that the stratifying effect of religion in Scotland may have declined. The questions investigated are as follows. What are the religious differences in the distributions of class origins and class destinations, in the movement between these (absolute mobility), and in the association of these (relative mobility, or social fluidity)? Do changes in social fluidity across cohorts vary among people with different religious affiliation? Are there religious differences in the association of origins and education, in the association of education and destinations, or in the role of education in social fluidity, and do any of these vary over cohorts? The conclusions are that, in younger cohorts, there is no religious difference in social status, and that in older cohorts Catholics are generally of lower status than Protestants and the non‐religious. Social fluidity does not, however, vary among religious groups, even for older cohorts, and does not change over time. The reason for convergence in social status of religious groups over time is probably the equalizing of educational attainment among the groups: there is no evidence for any of the cohorts that the labour‐market rewards to education differ by religion.  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate memes about student issues. We consider the memes as expressions of a new networked student public that contain discourses that may fall outside the mainstream discourse on higher education. The paper is based on content analysis of 179 posts in the public Facebook Group ‘Student Problem Memes’, combined with a nine-month media watch and a discussion workshop with 15 students. Through self-deprecating humour, students create an inverse attention economy of competitive one-downmanship, where the goal is to display humorous failure instead of perfect appearance. Our analysis shows that students use humour to express, share, and commiserate over daily struggles, but also that the problems related to work/study balance and mental health, are experienced as a persistent feature of student living. We also analyse limitations of meme-based publics, emphasizing processes of inclusion and exclusion through specific vernaculars of visual and discursive humour where issues related to gender, race, orientation, class, and ability are sidelined in favour of relatable humour.  相似文献   

This piece reviews the historical accounts of Shaw Brothers Studio, targeting its presentation as a diaspora company whose commercialism was enhanced by political pragmatism, frugality, and agility. The studio's activities were constrained by twentieth-century geopolitics, but its behavior was also shaped by its show business competitors, new technologies, and emergent popular forms. Existing historical accounts tend to overstate the studio's diasporic qualities, especially compared to other firms. This essay argues that there are limits to the diaspora model and proposes a more complex understanding of the firm. Alternative factors are considered in the company's colonial stratagems, in both its earlier and later phases, and in its dealings with Hong Kong's left-wing studios and subsequent business in Taiwan. Finally, Shaw Brothers Studio's appropriation of Japanese and other Asian talent is significant to the diaspora model of Shaw Brothers Studio.  相似文献   

The study of multilingual landscapes promises to introduce a new perspective into theories and policies of multilingualism, and to provide essential data for a politics of language. However, the theorization of space and language underlying the notion of linguistic landscape is not able to capture the manifold complexities of (transnational) multilingual mobility that is characteristic of many late‐modern multilingual societies. Basing our argument on signage data from a contemporary South Africa in a dynamic phase of social transformation, we argue that more refined notions of space coupled to a material ethnography of multilingualism could provide a theoretically more relevant and methodologically refocused notion of (multilingual) linguistic landscape. Specifically, we take an approach to landscapes as semiotic moments in the social circulation of discourses (in multiple languages), and view signs as re‐semiotized, socially invested distributions of multilingual resources, the material, symbolic and interactional artifacts of a sociolinguistics of mobility.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which students' voices can be used to analyse the process of moving schools, at a time outside of those that young people normally change schools. The paper is based on a study in a secondary school and uses qualitative data collected by researchers and student co‐researchers. Two areas were raised by students as important about being at a new school: the perceived challenges and their perceptions of learning in a new environment. It is argued that to respond to issues that arise due to mobility, an engagement with students' views is necessary. Furthermore, this can facilitate policy‐makers, school leaders and educators in providing more effective support for those young people.  相似文献   

The following study was designed to determine the extent to which intercultural competence, as measured by the Intercultural Development Inventory, is impacted as a result of an overseas student teaching experience. Student teachers participating in an overseas student teaching experience from 8 to 15 weeks through the Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching were assessed prior to and at the end of the experience. Three groups were compared: an experience only group; one group with experience who were also sent reflective questions every 2–3 weeks; and a stay-at-home control group. Results suggest that overseas student teaching alone without a concerted effort to address intercultural growth is insufficient in bringing about a change in intercultural competence. Recommendations for program providers and schools of education are provided.  相似文献   

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