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An extensive and coherent body of social and psychological research has identified social ties and supportive relationships as important predictors of well-being and quality of life. This paper examines the relationships between structural and functional indicators of supportive relations and well-being in Greece at different levels of analysis based on results from three studies: (a) the European Social Survey (Study 1); (b) a cross sectional community study in Greece (Study 2); and (c) a social interactions study in Greece and the UK using an event sampling methodology (Study 3). Structural indicators of social support and life satisfaction and happiness in the first study were moderately associated. This finding was partly supported by results from the second study which revealed connections between some structural aspects of social support and well-being (happiness, anxiety, irritability) but not others. Functional aspects of social support and psychological indicators of well-being (happiness, anxiety, mental health) at the individual (Study 2) and social interaction (Study 3) levels were not associated. Cross-cultural comparisons of structural indicators of social support in Studies 1 and 3 revealed low frequency of social interactions. Also functional aspects of social support in everyday social interactions in Greece showed significantly lower levels in comparison to the UK. These findings suggest that structural and functional aspects of social support in Greece may not have the same palliative role as usually observed in the international literature and are discussed with particular attention to the level of analysis, the method, and the aspect of well-being being assessed.  相似文献   

Regarding educational differentials in divorce, similar trends have been reported across countries. Some report increasing educational differentials, while others identify an educational crossover pattern. The commonality is that education seems to play a role of stabilizing marriage more than ever before. Using data from the Women??s Marriage, Fertility, and Employment Survey, this study investigates the case of Taiwan by portraying the changing pattern of women??s educational differentials in divorce. There are three major findings. First, among previous marriage cohorts, women with relatively higher levels of formal education are significantly more likely to divorce. Second, the marital-dissolution rates for less educated women are rising faster than the corresponding rates for women with more education. Third, this trend does not stop at the catch-up point and eventually leads to a reversal in the association between education and divorce from positive to negative. In short, such educational differentials in divorce vary dramatically across marriage cohorts. A pattern of educational crossover in divorce has been displayed during the rapid social change in Taiwan. Other than William Goode??s argument raised a half-century ago, the marriage model transformation from specialization toward symmetry in the context of gender egalitarianization has to be taken into consideration in order to obtain a full understanding of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - While there are many cross-sectional studies that provide data on gambling behaviour and the characteristics of those who gamble, there are few large-scale population...  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey is the most commonly cited source for estimates of the insurance status of Americans, but there are concerns that the data may undercount participation in public programs such as Medicaid. Such a Medicaid undercount may result from survey respondents not acknowledging Medicaid coverage because they are unaware that they are enrolled in Medicaid, because they have not recently received health services, due to the stigma associated with receiving public assistance programs, or due to simple recall bias. This paper estimates the extent to which the Current Population Survey undercounts Medicaid participation in a single mid-Atlantic state, Maryland. We administered the Current Population Survey questionnaire to a random selection of known Medicaid participants. We find evidence that the Current Population Survey significantly undercounts Medicaid participation in Maryland and that much of the undercount could be corrected if the survey better identified the Maryland Medicaid program. We also find that recall bias may contribute to the undercount as well. There was no indication that stigma contributed to any undercount. Though not an aim of this study, we find that the Medicaid undercount may contribute to an over count of the number of uninsured.
Todd EberlyEmail:

浙江省大龄女童在健康照料、人际关系、教育等方面的同男童的差异已不复存在,个别指标显示大龄女童的生存环境甚至优于同龄男童,但农村大龄女童生存依然面临严峻形势:奶制品和肉/鱼类的需求满足度低,缺少父母的监护而面临较高的生存风险,接受优质教育资源的机会较为稀缺,家庭学习条件差、期望学历层次低,遭受老师忽视和体罚的风险高。分析显示,大龄女童在健康照料方面不受"代际"因素的影响,而在教育、营养供给、体罚等方面有明显的"代际"印记。提高大龄女童生存品质需重点关注低教育程度家庭大龄女童的"失学"问题,留守"大龄女童"的健康和安全问题,以及农村大龄女童遭受父母的体罚问题。  相似文献   

The accuracy of counts of U.S. racial/ethnic and immigrant groups depends on the coverage of the foreign-born in official data. Because Mexicans constitute by far the largest single national-origin group among the foreign-born in the United States, we compile new evidence about the coverage of the Mexican-born population in the 2000 census and 2001–2010 American Community Survey (ACS) using three techniques: a death registration, a birth registration, and a net migration method. For the late 1990s and first half of the 2000–2010 decade, results indicate that coverage error was somewhat higher than currently assumed but had substantially declined by the latter half of the 2000–2010 decade. Additionally, we find evidence that U.S. census and ACS data miss substantial numbers of children of Mexican immigrants, as well as people who are most likely to be unauthorized: namely, working-aged Mexican immigrants (ages 15–64), especially males. The findings highlight the heterogeneity of the Mexican foreign-born population and the ways in which migration dynamics may affect population coverage.  相似文献   

Poverty and disability are interrelated, but data that can disentangle to what extent one causes the other and vice versa is not available. However, data from Vietnam allows us to examine this interrelationship in a way not done previously. Using small area estimation techniques, we uncover three findings not yet found in the literature. First, disability prevalence rates vary significantly within a country even at the district level. Second, the poverty gap between people with and without disabilities also varies at the district level. And most importantly, the size of that gap lessens based on district characteristics that can be affected by policy. Districts with better health care and infrastructure, such as road and health services, show less of a link between disability and poverty, supporting the hypothesis that improvements in infrastructure and rehabilitation service can lessen the impact of disability on families with disabled members.  相似文献   

基于2008年安徽省CH市JC区的调查数据,通过与同年龄段已婚男性的对比,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的商业性行为、安全套使用情况及其影响因素进行分析。研究发现,在中国性别失衡背景下,男性婚姻挤压导致大龄未婚男性难以获取正常、稳定的性行为,商业性行为作为一种有效的替代和弥补方式,其发生率在农村地区的大龄未婚男性当中存在显著升高的可能性;相对于较高的商业性行为发生率而言,大龄未婚男性的安全套使用率处于较低的水平,使得大龄未婚男性的商业性行为具有高风险特征。  相似文献   

低生育水平下的生育成本收益研究——来自江苏省的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章应用江苏生育意愿与生育行为调查结果,研究符合二孩生育政策妇女的生育行为、生育计划和生育观念,主要从妇女的角度分析生育威本和生育收益,并应用多元统计分析方法重点分析生育成本对妇女生育计划的影响.研究发现,育龄妇女大多认为满足精神需求是最重要的生育理由,而第二个孩子的养育成本是主要考虑因素.在控制了年龄、受教育程度、居住地、户口性质、婚姻状况、生育观念等特征后,生育的经济成本和心理成本对妇女生育二孩的计划有显著影响.  相似文献   

利用贵阳市调查数据,对不同家庭结构中的老年人生活状况和生活满意度进行分析。文章假定:主干家庭中的老年人生活状况及满意度高于核心家庭,而核心家庭高于夫妇家庭和单身家庭。即:主干家庭>核心家庭>夫妇家庭>单身家庭(">"表示优于)。并从老年人对其生活状况(包括经济状况、生活照料、精神慰藉)和生活满意度的主观感受和评价来考察这一假定。结果发现:夫妇家庭中的老年人主观生活状况及满意度最高,单身老年人次之。新的次序变为:夫妇家庭>单身家庭>主干家庭>核心家庭。文章对此进行了解释。分析还发现,生活自由度可能是影响老年人主观生活评价的一个重要指标。  相似文献   


The study of European Identity has gradually become central to social sciences in the past decades. The enlargement of the European Union, as well as the economic crises from a decade ago called into question the very idea of Europe as a polity, the legitimacy of the European project and the homogeneity of the European culture. Although many analyses study European Identity, most research focuses on the definition and measurement of European Identity within the EU member states. Due to the interest in European Identity within EU borders on the one hand, and the lack of comparable data on the other, the European Identity of all Europeans is rarely explored. To address this gap, we investigate the common understanding of Europeanness among those living in Europe. We define European Identity as ethnic/cultural identity as opposed to civic identity and analyse the measurement equivalence of the scale tapping European ethnic/cultural identity fielded by European Values Survey in 2017 in 30 European countries. The results point out to a common understanding of Europeanness among those living in Europe, in ethnic terms, not in cultural ones. Methodologically, the analyses proved that the scale is suitable for cross-national comparisons among countries, but the comparability should be refrained to comparing means of the scale across countries. The mode of data collection does not impact on the comparability of the scale in four of the six countries that used mixed modes of data collection.


Ricciolini  E.  Rocchi  L.  Cardinali  M.  Paolotti  L.  Ruiz  F.  Cabello  J. M.  Boggia  A. 《Social indicators research》2022,162(3):1233-1260
Social Indicators Research - To achieve the UN 2030 Agenda Goals, and considering their complexity and multidisciplinary, Multi-criteria analysis appears to be a suitable approach to give a true...  相似文献   

In the modern globalized world, political participation is of paramount importance for balanced socio-economic growth and for human development. The Indagine Multiscopo sulle famiglie, a survey by Italian public institutions (ISTAT and CNEL), provides a wide range of data to evaluate specific aspects of Italian life. This work uses a set of data from the Indagine to analyse political participation in Italy at a regional level, by means of a composite indicator using parametric (Pena’s distance) and non-parametric (Mazziotta–Pareto Index) techniques. We have obtained a ranking that shows the level of political participation in different territorial contexts. The aim is to analyse the relation between Italian regions and the political behaviour of their communities: political discussions, participation in political meetings and marches, voluntary activity or donations to political parties and so on. The ranking is not correlated to voter turnout. We can assume that the politically engaged minority are unable to convince and involve the rest. At the same time, these small groups do not alter the general mistrust in parties and, generally speaking, in politics, which is spreading across Italy and also Europe.  相似文献   

The study investigates the health effects of subjective class position stratified by objective social position. Four types of subjective class were analysed separately for individuals with manual or non-manual occupational background. The cross-sectional analysis is based on the Swedish Level-of-Living Survey from 2000 and includes 4,139 individuals. The dataset comprises information on perceived class affinity and occupational position that was combined to conduct logistic regression models on self-rated health. An inverse relationship between self-rated health and the eight combinations of objective and subjective social position was found. Lower socio-economic position was associated with poor health. The largest adverse health effects were found for lower subjective social position in combination with lower occupational position. When the covariates education, father’s occupational position and income were added to the model, adverse effects on health remained only for females. Subjective social position helps to explain health inequalities. Substantial gender differences were found. It can be assumed that subjective class position captures a wide range of perceived inequalities and therefore complements the measure of occupational position.  相似文献   

The notion of Equality of Opportunity (EO) has pervaded much of economic and social justice policy over the last half century in conveying a sense of liberation from the circumstances that constrain an individual’s ability to achieve it, and it has been a cornerstone of many gender equality programs. However unequivocal pursuit of the so called “Luck Egalitarianism” imperative has met with many critics who question why individuals who are blessed with good circumstances would wish to be “liberated” from them. This has led to a more qualified pursuit of Equal Opportunity which adds an additional proviso—that no circumstance group should be made worse off by such a policy or decentralized private initiative. Indeed observed practices, by focusing on the opportunities of the poorly endowed in circumstance, do accord with such a qualified Equal Opportunity mandate. Here it is contended that, because of the asymmetric nature of such a policy or initiative, existing empirical techniques will not fully capture the progress made toward an EO goal. Hence a new technique is introduced and employed in examining progress toward such a Qualified Equal Opportunity (QEO) Objective in the context of the educational attainments of Canadian males and females born between the 1920s and the 1970s (In the early part of that century, females did not perform as well as males educationally, and were much more constrained by their parental educational circumstance). A QEO goal is generally found to cohere with the data with females becoming less attached to their parental educational circumstance, and indeed surpassing males in their educational attainments.  相似文献   

Kusunoki Y  Upchurch DM 《Demography》2011,48(4):1451-1472
We examine the relationship characteristics associated with contraceptive method choice within young people’s nonmarital sexual relationships, using data from retrospective relationship histories available in the third wave (2001–2002) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Data-reduction techniques produce a detailed multidimensional characterization of relationship commitment for nonmarital sexual relationships. We then use multilevel analysis to estimate associations between two key relationship characteristics—relationship commitment and couple heterogamy—and the type of contraceptive method used at last sexual intercourse within each relationship. Results indicate that for a given individual, contraceptive method choice varies across relationships as a function of these characteristics, even after we account for important individual and family characteristics and prior relationship experiences.  相似文献   

India faces a dual burden of increasing obesity and persistent underweight as it experiences the nutrition transition—the dietary and lifestyle changes that accompany globalization, economic development, and technological change. Yet, the nutrition transition is not solely a top-down process; rather, global forces converge with local practices at multiple levels of the social ecology. The family environment, a key site for the transmission of local customs and norms, remains largely unexplored in India. We examined the extent to which opposite-gender siblings and mother–child pairs were concordant or discordant in body weight, and whether domains of the family environment, specifically, food practices, food-related gender norms, and household resources, were associated with patterns of unhealthy weight within and between families. Multilevel dyadic analysis and logistic regression were conducted using survey data from a representative sample of 400 families in a Southern Indian city. We identified substantial clustering of weight among opposite-gender sibling pairs (ICC = 0.43) and mother–child pairs, as well as important patterns of discordance, including 11% of families experiencing a dual burden of underweight and overweight. Household resources, including mother’s education and income, were salient in explaining the distribution of body weight within and between families. Importantly, less examined domains of the family environment were also relevant, including food practices (e.g., grocery shopping frequency), and food-related gender norms (e.g., mother’s control of food served at home). Continued exploration of how global and local practices converge in households will be necessary to develop programming that effectively addresses India’s dual burden of unhealthy weight.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the political framing of population in policy discourse through an analysis of legislative documents. Semantic network analysis was conducted and results were interpreted through discourse analysis of the typical arguments identified. Policy texts were classified into three sets: population management, reproductive health and family planning, and anti-abortion and anti-FP. While the “population management” frame focuses on social and economic consequences of population growth, the “reproductive health” frame defines the problem from a health perspective. Both policies propose aggressive FP programs but each frame uses distinct political rhetoric and semantic approach in its arguments. The “anti-abortion and anti-FP” frame identifies two problems: rise in incidence of abortion and existing policy that prohibit health professionals from refusing patients information on contraception. By invoking a moral argument and anchoring on rights, these policies challenge the problem and solutions identified by the first two frames.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - The inequality between genders is a problem virtually in all countries. A comparison among 28 nations of the European Union together with a data set corresponding to a...  相似文献   

Life-table estimates indicate that one-quarter of U.S. women intend no more births by age 25, one-half by age 27, and three-quarters by age 30. The resulting long period at risk of unwanted fertility is argued to be an important underlying dimension of the revolution in attitudes to and practice of sterilization. Life-table estimates are then considered of the timing of sterilization after the last wanted birth. Almost one-quarter of all couples select sterilization within the first year after they have had the number of children they desire. Recent experience would imply that four-fifths of all couples will eventually use contraceptive sterilization. In order to examine the determinants of men's and women's sterilization, logistic regression is used with a polytomous dependent variable: sterilization of the woman, sterilization of the man, or no sterilization within four years of the last wanted birth. Covariates considered are age and parity at last wanted birth, year and duration of marriage at last wanted birth, wife's and husband's education, wife's and husband's religion, whether residence is in a central city, region, pill-use history and timing-failure histories before the last wanted birth, and unwanted birth. Large and significant effects are found for most of these variables, and these effects change in interpretable ways between early innovative behaviour and sterilization during the most recent period when it was widely accepted.  相似文献   

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