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理智与情感》是英国作家简·奥斯丁的代表作,在这本书中,理智与情感被对立起来,理智和深刻的理性相联系,情感则与粗浅表面的感性联系在一起,理智与情感就好比是一把双刃剑。而时下在北京、上海等大都市的公司里,活跃着这样一群女性:她们具有典型的中国面孔,  相似文献   

康莉娜 《决策探索》2010,(22):43-44
网络社会构筑起了一个全球性、开放性、全方位的相互联系的空间,它是一个与现实社会相对的虚拟社会。在网络社会里人们从"与客观现实世界的互动"变为"与虚拟社会的情景对话",主要是通过网络来进行信息的沟通,从而实现人与人间接的交往,这种间接的交往行为所建立起来的情感联系与现实社会人与人之间进行直接交往所产生的情感联系有所不同,在网络社会里人与人之间的交往不像在现实社会中那样面对面进行,而是在虚拟社会隐匿环境下,互动的双方隐藏在信息或符号背后所进行的人际交往活动,这种人际交往活动突破传统人际交往影响因素的限制,建立起了一个更为民主、平等的人际关系.  相似文献   

后进生都存在这样或那样的矛盾心态,班主任只有了解后进生的矛盾心态才能对症下药,做好他们的转化教育工作。一、后进生常见的矛盾心态一是理智与情感的矛盾。后进生在很大的程度上是理智控制不住情感,意志脆弱,行为任性,经常陷入感情冲动状态,情绪起伏波动  相似文献   

<正>讲故事是领导力的一条黄金法则。哈佛大学著名教育学家和心理学家霍华德·加德纳说:"那些帮助个体思考和感受他们是谁,他们从哪里来,他们到哪里去的故事是领导者的文字军火库中最重要的单一武器。"动员群众解决难题,需要群众改变。而群众改变的最大障碍,不是理智,而是情感。讲道理只诉诸理智,而讲故事不仅诉诸理智,更打动情感。因此,领导者不仅要讲道理,更要讲故事来动员群众。讲故事跟人类一样古老。在漫长的人类历史中,  相似文献   

当激情、私情、焦虑、后悔等情感因素脱离理性因素的制约,在领导决策中占据主导地位时,领导就会出现理智与情感错位,造成决策偏误。可以情感调控、自律心理、自我认知、外部监督的思路抑制情感因素在领导决策中的偏误,使其发挥积极效应。  相似文献   

80后青年人,特别是女性,满怀激情和梦想踏入社会,在打拼人生的征程中,在追求真爱的道路上,都充满艰辛。她们涉及处女情结、情感出轨、家庭矛盾、婆媳关系、生儿育女等诸多突出问题,同时凸现她们错综复杂的情感迷城和波澜起  相似文献   

逯新华 《决策通讯》2001,(12):37-39
文化的命运联系着民族的命运,文化的强盛与衰弱体现着一个国家的国力,它像凝结剂,凝聚着国民意志的内在精神力量,渗透到经济组织和社会结构中,产生巨大的经济效益,成为决定综合国力的实力素质之一,在根本上是一个政治问题。  相似文献   

赵小平 《领导文萃》2010,(21):121-123
王岐山最喜欢《理智与情感》,您呢? 去年夏天在哥伦比亚大学,有个晚上7点的课,在新闻学院二楼东头大教室,是兰登书屋退休编辑罗伯特·戈特利布的,漫谈出版生涯50年。  相似文献   

人的情感与认识的关系问题一直是心理学领域内具有争议的理论问题,其实二者的关系是相互区别又相互联系的。情感与认识的关系具启示我们在初中思想品德课堂中要加强情感教育。  相似文献   

宋丽  赵晓天 《经理人》2005,(9):96-98
那些经常出现在各大媒体的商界明星总 会引起人们的好奇,我们希望知道他 们的成功之道、经营模式,甚至情感 世界……我们希望借鉴和学习他们的丰富经 验,在竞争已经激烈到不允许女性经理人有任 何闪失的职场中,我们已经无法接受摸着石头 过河的艰难,我们需要榜样,需要偶像,需要 标杆。胡雪岩、曾国藩、柳传志、张瑞敏、韦 尔奇、松下幸之助……当我们谈到商界明星, 这些人的名字便跃然于头脑中。那么,在女性 经理人的心中,谁是她们的商业偶像?她们获 得了怎样的启示和力量?她们又需要什么样的 商业偶像?  相似文献   

Mak MH 《Omega》2001,43(3):259-279
Despite the effort to provide an alternate way to dying, there seems to be little effort to examine the real situation of hospice care. For example, the patients' desired outcomes are seldom addressed. It is recently that studies began to investigate the features of "good death." However, work in eastern cultures, such as Chinese, remains scarce. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what it means to die a "good death" from the perspective of Chinese patients. Thirty-three Chinese hospice patients with terminal cancer were interviewed. Grounded in the analysis of qualitative data, seven elements that contribute to dying a good death emerged. Awareness of dying was identified as the foremost essential element of a good death. From the findings of this study, most respondents considered receiving a diagnosis of cancer as one of the significant points of psychological distress in the course of their illness. Half of the patients openly talked about their cancers and more than half of them discussed various issues related to death. That means, about one-third of the respondents talked about death and cancer with openness. These preliminary findings may reflect the progress of hospice work in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, 13 respondents did not mention the word "death" and 16 of them did not mention that they had cancer. They talked about their illness and future using the expressions that they preferred. It is important that health care professionals also respect people who show awareness of dying as much as those who do not present clear evidence of this awareness. Both groups of people can have a positive experience when they die.  相似文献   

Almost as worrisome as job tenure to survivors of corporate mergers is whether they will be able to work under a completely new set of assumptions. What effect will the merger of two different corporate cultures have on effectiveness, satisfaction and promotability? Even people who believe they know the partner's culture almost as well as their own are often surprised at what happens after a merger takes place. Find out what's likely to happen in a merger by asking a few key questions.  相似文献   

Two studies are presented of the ways in which middle-level leaders within enterprises in mainland China handle work events. A sample of Chinese managers reported much stronger reliance on widespread beliefs as a source of guidance than had been found in other nations in earlier studies. This effect was stronger in state enterprises than in joint ventures. In the second study, management of nine work events by Chinese leaders in joint venture hotels was investigated. Events were more frequently problematic when working with Western or Japanese partners than with ethnic Chinese. Respondents' reports of how they handled work events did not vary in relation to the overseas partner with whom they worked. However they did show awareness that agreement about how best to handle events does vary in relation to who is one's partner. The results are discussed in terms of the skills required of leaders working across cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

和合管理:探索具有中国特色的管理理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄如金 《管理学报》2007,4(2):135-140,143
在管理学对于经济社会发展的重要程度越来越大的今天,创新发展有中国特色的管理学便成为具有重大历史意义和现实意义的课题。“和合管理”就是立足于中华民族5000年的历史文化扬弃,以中国和合哲学思想为基本指导原则,以中国传统的和合管理为历史借鉴,贯彻“古为今用”和“洋为中用”的原则,结合今天中国改革开放和市场经济深入发展的实际,同时吸收西方管理理论和管理实践中的有益内容,从而探索具有中国特色的管理理论。  相似文献   

Collaboration across national boundaries has become increasingly prevalent over the last decade, yet the management literature remains remarkably unhelpful in answering questions about what happens when people across nations and cultures work closely together. We review the management literature that reports empirical studies of global work and conclude that few of these studies, despite their explicit focus on globally distributed work, meaningfully examine the intercultural aspects of these collaborations. We assume an intercultural lens to understand what gets lost by not examining the global in global work and conclude that the very process by which workers who reside in different countries confront, explore, and resolve cultural differences begs for more clarity. Further, we conclude that a more contextual and dynamic view of culture is necessary to shed light on these processes. We use two examples—social networks and technology use—to illustrate how cultural differences might generate different patterns of behavior, and consider the effect of these potential incompatibilities on global work and workers as they collaborate across national boundaries.  相似文献   

This paper examines task, relationship, and overload stress orientations of people in the high-context cultures of Russia and in the low-context cultures of Germany based on their government work experience. A Two-way ANOVA methodology is used for hypotheses testing in this research. As a result of the comparative, cross-national analysis of 462 responses, some significant differences were found between the two samples. Russians have higher scores on task and relationship orientations than German respondents. There is a marginally significant difference in the task scores between respondents who have government experience and those who do not. Respondents who have government experience are more task-oriented and experience more stress than those who do not have government experience. Finding reveals significant interaction between government experience and country in the task scores. Literature on German and Russian cultures is presented along with practical applications, suggestions, and implications for future studies.  相似文献   

中国情境下高绩效工作系统与企业绩效关系的元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用传统的定性综述方法对中国情境下高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的关系强度的研究,至今尚未得出一致结论.本文运用定量综述研究最重要的统计学方法——元分析,对中国情境下高绩效工作系统与企业绩效关系的53篇实证研究文献进行了合并,共获得8788个独立样本、316个效应值,总样本量达58946个.元分析结果发现:(1)高绩效工作系统对企业绩效存在显著正向影响(rz=0.419.p<0.001),并且它对非财务类绩效(创新绩效、人力资源管理绩效、组织运作绩效)的影响大于对财务类绩效(财务会计绩效、资本市场绩效)的影响;(2)高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的相关性在中国情境下比在西方情境下更大,并且高绩效工作系统对企业绩效影响程度大于单个实践对企业绩效影响程度的简单加总;(3)信息分享与沟通、绩效考核与管理两项高绩效工作实践在中国情境下与企业绩效高度相关,而在西方文化中与企业绩效的相关性并不显著,之前国内的定性综述结论中也认为信息分享与沟通对企业绩效的贡献不大.本文的研究结果可让中国情境下高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的关系研究得出定论,并为未来的高绩效工作系统相关研究指明方向.  相似文献   

The interpretation of strategic issues as threats or opportunities influences strategic actions and firm performance. The extant research identifies cultural differences as an important driver of strategic issue interpretation. Specifically, research from a socio-cognitive perspective shows that differences in cognitive styles across cultures lead to differences in the interpretation of strategic issues by East Asian and Western managers. Based on cross-cultural research on emotions and decision-making, we argue that cultural affordances also lead to differences in emotional experiences and behavioral consequences across cultures which affect the strategic issue interpretation of managers from East Asian and Western cultures in different ways. We theorize that Chinese managers are similarly affected by fear and happiness in their strategic issue interpretation, while German managers are only affected by fear. For German managers, this effect is moderated by issue framing, which is not the case for Chinese managers. A vignette-based decision experiment involving 194 German and 174 Chinese executives offers support for our hypotheses. These findings have implications for cross-cultural research on strategic issue interpretation and for cross-cultural research on strategic decision-making in general.  相似文献   

乐国林  陈春花 《管理学报》2011,(11):1575-1582
鞍山钢铁公司和华为公司的发展和成功模式凝练而成的2部企业宪法分别成为计划经济时代和市场经济时代的经典企业管理纲领,它们根植于中国经济的土壤和中国的管理情境,其成功经验和管理模式具有可参照性、可移植性。结合2个公司的成长轨迹,深入分析企业宪法内容,可以发现其蕴含的3个主要的中国本土管理元素:整体平衡的管理哲学、"集体主义"的组织行为和英雄领袖的魅力型领导,每个本土管理元素又包含着更多具体的中国式管理理念和方法。  相似文献   

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