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Evan Totty 《Economic inquiry》2017,55(4):1712-1737
This paper uses factor model methods to resolve issues in the minimum wage‐employment debate. Factor model methods provide a more flexible way of addressing concerns related to unobserved heterogeneity that are robust to critiques from either side of the debate. The factor model estimators produce minimum wage‐employment elasticity estimates that are much smaller than the traditional ordinary least squares (OLS) results and are not statistically different from zero. These results hold for many specifications and datasets from the minimum wage‐employment literature. A simulation shows that unobserved common factors can explain the different estimates seen across methodologies in the literature. (JEL C23, J21, K31)  相似文献   

The peculiar character of the problem of a rational economic order is determined precisely by the fact that the knowledge of the circumstances of which we must make use never exists in a concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently contradictory knowledge which all the separate individuals possess.  相似文献   

Efficiency wages are wages that exceed a worker's reservation wage. A standard explanation for such wages is "bonding": high wages increase the cost of being discharged for misbehavior and so help ensure worker honesty. A neglected alternative is "satiation": by decreasing the worker's marginal utility of income, the high wage decreases the benefit from misbehavior. Satiation, unlike bonding, applies even in a one-period model, but it relies on the misbehavior having a monetary benefit and on at least part of the punishment being nonmonetary.  相似文献   

We introduce and estimate a growth model involving non-neutral technical change characterized by the presence of input-enhancing factors that vary across countries and serve to offset (and potentially eliminate) diminishing returns to capital. Our empirical results, however, indicate that diminishing returns to capital proves too strong to be overcome by, say, capital-enhancing factors. Consequently, our model predicts a conditional convergence of output per worker across countries, with the speed of convergence being slower than that found in earlier models involving neutral technical change.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the degree of shortfall between the wages workers earn and what they could earn assuming perfect or costless information in the labor market. We use the stochastic frontier regression technique to estimate the degree of shortfall found in wages on an individual basis. The paper tests, in addition, a number of hypotheses supplied by search theory in this context. The results generally confirm the propositions from search theory and indicate that, on the average, worker wages fall short of worker potential wages by approximately 10 percent.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal relationship between wages and quits in U.S. manufacturing industries. Logit and regression models then relate causality test results to industrial characteristics. Once these relationships are identified, they can be used to predict the causality classification for each industry, based on the characteristics of that industry. This technique can help the researcher choose the appropriate theoretical model for analysis. One finding is that quits respond to wages in most industries, but not in industries with highly skilled workforces.  相似文献   

The observed wage gap between men and women is widely attributed to discrimination in the workplace. Yet within the context of the standard neoclassical framework, discrimination is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition. This paper presents a modified neoclassical model which supports equilibrium wage differentials and which has testable implications. The paper also surmounts a difficulty that has plagued many earlier assessments–separating prejudice from other explanations of the wage gap. By directing attention away from wages to other implied effects of discrimination, our model offers cleaner tests of the impact of prejudice in labor markets. Results of such tests are reported.  相似文献   

We measure the extent to which curbside access affects quantity recycled. We use novel data to distinguish between new recycling and material diverted from other recycling modes. We find that the marginal impact of expanding curbside programs on total recycled quantities is small, in part because curbside programs significantly cannibalize returns from drop-off recycling centers. Failure to account for cannibalization from other modes may substantially overestimate the benefits of curbside programs. We conclude with simple cost-effectiveness comparisons. Results suggest that incremental expansion of curbside access may not be cost-effective. ( JEL Q53, Q58, H72)  相似文献   

This paper extends the application of neoclassical production theory to include the effects of worker attitudes on productivity and cost of production, using data for the U.S. automobile industry. Behavioral indicators of worker attitudes are imbedded in a standard four-input translog cost function. The coefficients of the imbedded function are determined in estimation of the cost function simultaneously with its share equations. Hypotheses concerning the effects of worker attitudes on the cost function are tested, and the properties of the index of worker attitude that emerge from the estimation are examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the explicit loss born by workers who face constraints in their working hours by analyzing differences in actual and desired hours and wages. Men tend to be underemployed while women are evenly split between over- and underemployment. Losses in surplus are generally small, but 10% of underemployed men and women experience losses of more than 34% or 50% of surplus, respectively. The loss measure is also an important determinant in predicting labor market transitions, meaning increases in surplus losses generate a higher probability of changing from workers' present jobs or changing the number of hours. ( JEL J22, J41)  相似文献   

The rate of growth in real GNP g affects the aggregate saving rate positively in life-cycle saving models. This rate of growth effect is invariably estimated as the coefficient of g in the saving function. We show that other determinants of the saving rate influence the rate of growth effect. In other words, the rate of growth effect is not constant. Specifically, the real rate of return on financial assets and the population dependency ratio determine the timing of saving over the life cycle and, hence, alter the rate of growth effect. The dependency ratio also has an effect on the saving rate which is independent of g because it, together with the foreign saving rate, determines the level of saving over the life cycle.  相似文献   

Zhiqi Chen  Gang Li 《Economic inquiry》2018,56(2):1346-1356
We examine a merger between two competitors in a Bertrand‐Edgeworth model. We find that the effects of merger depend on the tightness of capacity constraints. The combination of two firms has no price effect if and only if the capacity constraints of all firms are binding both before and after the merger. However, a merger may turn a binding capacity constraint into a slack one, which results in higher prices. In an industry where excess capacity drives the premerger prices of all firms to the marginal cost, a merger may cause prices to rise even though aggregate capacity remains constant. (JEL L13, L40)  相似文献   

In this paper the Averch-Johnson thesis of a capital bias in regulated firms is examined empirically. This is accomplished by estimating a system of factor demand functions using individual plant data from the electric power industry. Results obtained do not provide support for the A-J effect and it is suggested that there are a number of reasons this could have been expected a priori. finally, the implied parameters of the production function are derived and presented; the values are in line with other estimates of the production function for the electric power industry.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of sex-differences in turnover on the wages and employment of women relative to men. Using data from the 1967 Survey of Economic Opportunity, it is estimated that at least two-thirds of the relative wage differential between men and women within occupations is accounted for by sex-differences in turnover and training. In addition, the relative number of women employed in an occupation varies inversely with the amount of on-the-job training, as measured by the rate of wage growth experienced by white males in the occupation. No attempt is made to compute possible biases arising from the interaction between market discrimination and sex-differences in labor force behavior.  相似文献   

Through a specific model, this paper explores a promising general framework for unified modelling of the size distribution of income and wealth. The specific model includes physical and human capital accumulation, factoral and size distribution effects, redistributive taxation, economic growth, and other distribution-related mechanisms. The main conclusion is that the general framework can accommodate a wide range of distributional phenomena and still remain analytically tractable. Specifically, the framework allows closed form analytic solution for the first two moments (mean vector and variance-covariance matrix) of the joint distribution over individuals of income, wealth, and other variables.  相似文献   

Four different types of equilibrium are possible within a two-player model of society where only armed self-enforcement of property rights is possible. The main underlying parameters are the total resource endowment and the initial distribution of this endowment between the players. The parameter space is partitioned into regions in which the respective types of equilibrium occur The equilibrium types involve positive arms expenditure by, respectively, neither player the richer player, and both players; the latter case involves a sub-type in which the poorer player's entire endowment is expended on arms. (JEL D30, D72, D74)  相似文献   

The theory of family paradigms provides an integrative framework for under-standing and systematizing the diverse ways that families organize and make sense of family life. Using formal methods of analysis based on logical and geometrical arguments, the priecise implications of models of family types can be investigated and compared. The paradigmatic framework can thus be refined and extended to form a more rigorous theoretical grounding for family typologies is explored and a miltidimensional model is derived the geometry of which is equivalent to, but more succinctly captures, the underlying structure of uariation in family para-digms. In Part II, the resulting model is interpredtd and explored in terms of implications for family theory, theory construction, and family therapy. Clarifying the basic dimensions of the paradigmatic framework also permits more precise exploration of interrelationships among related models of family types, which can be understood as reduced models derivable from the complete geometry of the paradigmatic framework.  相似文献   

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