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流动和留守儿童的发展与环境作用 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
近年来,流动和留守儿童的心理发展问题一直受到社会的广泛关注.并成为心理学和教育学等研究领域的重要课题。本文结合目前关于环境与个体发展关系的相关理论以及课题组这几年来的研究成果,对流动和留守儿童的环境资源状况、心理发展状况以及环境对其心理发展的影响作用等进行了探讨。 相似文献
青春期留守儿童性安全问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对四川省1346名11—16岁儿童抽样问卷调查,以同龄的非留守儿童为比较对象,对青春期留守儿童的性安全状况进行了描述和分析。研究发现,留守儿童的“看黄”行为、边缘性行为明显多于非留守儿童,而获得抚养人给予的性安全教育及自我性保护指导方面明显低于后者。发生实质性交行为、遭受性侵害情况两者没有显著性差异。但留守儿童遭受这类伤害后从家庭、父母获得的情感支持远远低于非留守儿童。总体来说,留守儿童的性安全问题较非留守儿童严峻。 相似文献
缺失与弥补——关于家庭功能弱化影响留守儿童心理健康的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究基于家庭系统的视角采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表中文版(FACESⅡ-CV)对农村留守儿童的家庭功能状况进行调查分析.并与非留守儿童进行了比较。结果发现:农村留守儿童大多数都属于平衡型家庭.其次是中间型家庭.而极端型家庭只占较小的比例;农村留守儿童的家庭功能随着被留守时间的长短而变化。儿童被留守的时间越长,家庭功能得分趋于下降;6岁以前就被留守的农村儿童,其家庭亲密度较低;无论是家庭亲密度还是适应性,留守儿童都要显著低于非留守儿童。家庭经济状况和年龄、性别等人口学变量对农村留守儿童家庭功能没有显著的影响。这表明家庭成员之间的分离或共处时间和空间的减少.都会妨碍家庭成员相互间的情感关系和家庭系统的应对能力。鉴于此.笔者认为在家庭成员之间的分离不可避免的情况下。家庭成员就应该彼此多联系.在情感上相互支持,从而有针对性地弥补留守儿童家庭结构的变化所带来的家庭功能不足。 相似文献
近年来,对于留守儿童的研究已有不少,但关于留守儿童的基督教信仰状况及基督教信仰对留守儿童的影响的研究十分阙如。本文根据作者参与留守儿童服务期间的调查和观察,对留守儿童基督教信仰的动因及基督教信仰给他们的影响做了初步的描述和探讨,希望引起更多的人关心和研究影响留守儿童成长的信仰因素。 相似文献
Andrew Lockyer 《Children & Society》1994,8(1):55-68
SUMMARY. ‘Safeguarders’ within the Scottish Children's Hearings have until recently been a neglected resource. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Orkney Inquiry have served to raise their profile, such that the development of their role now has a place on the agenda for change in Scotland. Some difficulties in identifying their current role in courts and hearings are discussed, and some changes are proposed. It is argued that safeguarders must be advocates of children's views as well as representatives of their interests. In certain cases they may fill a gap which avoids the need to bring legal agents into hearings, which would undermine the system. 相似文献
Erik J. Porfeli Paul J. Hartung Fred W. Vondracek 《The Career development quarterly》2008,57(1):25-37
Vocational development research and interventions have focused primarily on adolescents and young adults. The lack of attention to career development antecedents in children has led to a serious neglect of this period of life when the foundation is laid for career choices and outcomes in later life. A harmful by‐product is the frequent preclusion of gender‐atypical occupational pathways by boys and especially by girls. To address this situation, the authors recommend identifying a core set of constructs that describe children's vocational development and developing sound instruments to measure them, leading to a longitudinal study ranging from childhood to early adulthood. 相似文献
Thinking styles define individuals' marked preferences in how they learn about or process information. This study considered the function of collecting and processing information in career exploration and decision making, and examined thinking styles as a predictor of career decision‐making difficulties (CDMD) and career exploration as a mediator of this relationship. Chinese college students (N = 463) responded to measures of thinking styles, career exploration, and CDMD. Results partially supported the contribution of thinking styles to career exploration and CDMD. Type I styles, characterized as more creativity‐generating, positively predicted career exploration and negatively predicted CDMD. Type II styles, characterized as more norm‐favoring, positively predicted CDMD. Partial mediation was supported in the link between Type I styles and lack of information through career environment exploration. The benefits of type styles should be highlighted for career guidance and counseling among Chinese college students and should be validated in different cultural contexts. 相似文献
This study of 668 children aged 8 to 13 from diverse socialbackgrounds suggests that children are, to a measurable extent,influenced by exposure to TV advertising for proprietary drugsbut that the net result is moderate dispositions rather thanstrongly favorable dispositions toward these products. Subgroupanalysis confirms the generality of these conclusions: somesubgroups appear to be more responsive to TV drug advertisingbut none show strongly favorable attitudes or behaviors towardproprietary drugs. 相似文献
Many Black parents consider racial climate and academic quality when thinking and making decisions about their children's schooling experiences. However, few studies have directly asked Black parents about the role they believe race will play in their children's schooling, if any. The authors interviewed 76 Black mothers (Mage = 34; SDage = 6.67) of children entering first grade (Mage = 6.13; SDage = 0.36), asking what role they believed race would play in their children's schooling. The authors found that mothers considered the racial composition of the school and the perspectives and behaviors of teachers and the administration to be important factors when assessing the role of race in their children's education. Mothers were also particularly concerned about the discrimination their sons may face because of their position as Black boys. Given these contextual factors, mothers considered themselves to be protective agents through their involvement in their children's academic lives. 相似文献
互联网技术主导下的新媒体环境为美国青少年的道德发展提供了新的生长土壤,对青少年的道德思维发展产生了重大影响。哈佛大学教育研究院凯莉·詹姆斯等人依据美国儿童发展心理学家科尔伯格的道德发展阶段理论,认为青少年在新媒体环境中存在三种道德思维方式:个人中心主义思维、道德思维、伦理思维,并据此要求父母与教育者应通力合作以促进青少年道德思维向更高品质发展。 相似文献
Although sadness in children is a normal and transient experience, research has not investigated how children manage sadness. Understanding normative sadness management has important implications for helping children who exhibit maladaptive forms of emotional expression. The Children's Sadness Management Scale (CSMS) was developed to assess children's inhibition, dysregulated-expression, and coping with sadness experience and expression. Using multiple informants, reliability and validity were established based on a community sample of 227 fourth- and fifth-grade children's self-report, maternal report (N = 171), and peer ratings of behavior (N = 227). A three-factor solution was supported with strong internal consistency for the Inhibition scale and moderately strong internal consistency for the Emotion Regulation Coping and Dysregulated-Expression scales. Findings indicate that the CSMS provides a reliable and valid measure of normative sadness management. 相似文献
Using social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 2000 ), this study examined the role of parents' and children's perceptions of parental support in adolescents' career choices. A total of 94 Italian adolescents (30 boys, 64 girls) and both of their parents (N = 188) participated in the study. The authors tested a fully mediated model between mothers' and fathers' perceptions of support and career choice through the indirect effect of adolescents' perceptions of parental support and career self‐efficacy. Results provided support for the model. Specifically, both mothers' and fathers' perceptions of support predicted their adolescents' career choice through the mediating effect of the youths' perceptions of parental support and career self‐efficacy. These results have important implications for practice and underscore that parents need to be involved very early on in their children's vocational development. 相似文献
Jennifer M. Jenkins 《Journal of marriage and the family》2000,62(3):723-736
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between anger‐based marital conflict and the development of an anger organization in children between the ages of 4 and 8 years old. Anger organization was defined as an adversarial approach to relationships demonstrated through (a) short‐term anger expressions during social interaction and (b) aggression in relationships. Seventy‐one children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, their mothers, and their teachers participated in the study. Mothers completed questionnaires on anger‐based marital conflict and on children's aggression. Sociometric ratings of anger and aggression were obtained from peers. Teachers supplied reports of children's aggression. Children's short‐term emotional expression and the circumstances that elicited emotions were observed during peer interaction. Anger‐based marital conflict was found to be strongly associated with peer, maternal, and teacher reports of aggression, but not with reports of internalizing symptomatology. Anger‐based marital conflict was also associated with short‐term anger expressions, but not with short‐term expressions of sadness. I argue that children develop an emotional organization in which anger predominates when they are exposed to high levels of anger‐based marital conflict. 相似文献
关于在青年社会学中导入角色理论的理论思考 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
社会学的青年研究如何从“青年学”中分化出来 ,青年社会学如何理论化 ,这些是我们正面对的课题。事实上 ,这也是各国社会学界的研究者们在不断思考、探索的问题。本文意在说明将角色理论 ,特别是“角色类别”概念导入青年社会学的理论意图 ,并尝试着提供一个运用角色类别概念考察中国青年问题的视角。一、角色类别 :一个视角“角色”(role)概念在社会学中被广泛运用 ,其理论的展开也呈现多种多样的面貌。通常 ,角色被看作为联结社会与个人所不可缺少的因素 ,亦即社会与个人的媒介。更有意见认为 ,“角色并不只是作为性格结构与社会结构… 相似文献
Janice Berry Edwards Maria Gomes Monique A. Major 《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(2):256-266
The current downward economic spiral has manifested in increased joblessness, unemployment, and new faces in the landscape of American poverty. More Americans are living in poverty, and vulnerable populations are experiencing psychological distress and despair. This paper addresses the psychological impact of the ongoing economic impasse. There is a call for policymakers, and practitioners to collaborate in facilitating youth and families to develop support strategies (of support) for sustaining them through these challenging times. Case examples illustrate how the economy impacts children and families. Relational/cultural theories and the life course perspective are used to understand the impact of the economy on vulnerable populations. 相似文献
儿童健康成长是中国社会的重要责任,当前,儿童成长环境中还存在一些不利于儿童成长的客观因素,比如家庭过度教育问题、教育机制导向问题、儿童安全问题、青少年犯罪及立法问题等。因此,必须加强儿童工作的力度,切实落实相关政策,为儿童的健康成长提供有利的保护。习近平总书记在2013年“六·一”前夕以一个大朋友身份来到北京市少年宫,向全国儿童祝贺节日的同时,勉励儿童既要学习书本知识,又要多学课外知识;既要勤于思考,又要培养创造精神。以此为契机,上海社会科学院青少年研究所举办了“儿童成长环境与社会责任”研讨会.就以上问题展开热烈讨论,并提出具体策略以供相关部门参考。 相似文献