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Presence of detection limit (DL) in covariates causes inflated bias and inaccurate mean squared error to the estimators of the regression parameters. This paper suggests a response-driven multiple imputation method to correct the deleterious impact introduced by the covariate DL in the estimators of the parameters of simple logistic regression model. The performance of the method has been thoroughly investigated, and found to outperform the existing competing methods. The proposed method is computationally simple and easily implementable by using three existing R libraries. The method is robust to the violation of distributional assumption for the covariate of interest.  相似文献   

We propose a semiparametric estimator for single‐index models with censored responses due to detection limits. In the presence of left censoring, the mean function cannot be identified without any parametric distributional assumptions, but the quantile function is still identifiable at upper quantile levels. To avoid parametric distributional assumption, we propose to fit censored quantile regression and combine information across quantile levels to estimate the unknown smooth link function and the index parameter. Under some regularity conditions, we show that the estimated link function achieves the non‐parametric optimal convergence rate, and the estimated index parameter is asymptotically normal. The simulation study shows that the proposed estimator is competitive with the omniscient least squares estimator based on the latent uncensored responses for data with normal errors but much more efficient for heavy‐tailed data under light and moderate censoring. The practical value of the proposed method is demonstrated through the analysis of a human immunodeficiency virus antibody data set.  相似文献   

The structure of the variance of linear functions of two variables is used to show that the correlation coefficient lies in the range [-1, 1]. It also allows the role of the correlation coefficient in linear regression to be described.  相似文献   

In this article, a general class of estimators for the linear regression model affected by outliers and collinearity is introduced and studied in some detail. This class of estimators combines the theory of light, maximum entropy, and robust regression techniques. Our theoretical findings are illustrated through a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

Before biomarkers can be used in clinical trials or patients' management, the laboratory assays that measure their levels have to go through development and analytical validation. One of the most critical performance metrics for validation of any assay is related to the minimum amount of values that can be detected and any value below this limit is referred to as below the limit of detection (LOD). Most of the existing approaches that model such biomarkers, restricted by LOD, are parametric in nature. These parametric models, however, heavily depend on the distributional assumptions, and can result in loss of precision under the model or the distributional misspecifications. Using an example from a prostate cancer clinical trial, we show how a critical relationship between serum androgen biomarker and a prognostic factor of overall survival is completely missed by the widely used parametric Tobit model. Motivated by this example, we implement a semiparametric approach, through a pseudo-value technique, that effectively captures the important relationship between the LOD restricted serum androgen and the prognostic factor. Our simulations show that the pseudo-value based semiparametric model outperforms a commonly used parametric model for modeling below LOD biomarkers by having lower mean square errors of estimation.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problems of constructing confidence interval for a Weibull mean and setting prediction limits for future samples. Specifically, we construct upper prediction limits that include at least ll of mm samples from a Weibull distribution at each of rr locations. The methods are based on the concept of generalized variable approach. The procedures can be easily extended to the type II censored samples, and they can be used to find approximate inferential procedures for type I censored samples. The proposed methods are conceptually simple and easy to use. The results are illustrated using some practical examples.  相似文献   

As known, the least-squares estimator of the slope of a univariate linear model sets to zero the covariance between the regression residuals and the values of the explanatory variable. To prevent the estimation process from being influenced by outliers, which can be theoretically modelled by a heavy-tailed distribution for the error term, one can substitute covariance with some robust measures of association, for example Kendall's tau in the popular Theil–Sen estimator. In a scarcely known Italian paper, Cifarelli [(1978), ‘La Stima del Coefficiente di Regressione Mediante l'Indice di Cograduazione di Gini’, Rivista di matematica per le scienze economiche e sociali, 1, 7–38. A translation into English is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4809 and will appear in Decisions in Economics and Finance] shows that a gain of efficiency can be obtained by using Gini's cograduation index instead of Kendall's tau. This paper introduces a new estimator, derived from another association measure recently proposed. Such a measure is strongly related to Gini's cograduation index, as they are both built to vanish in the general framework of indifference. The newly proposed estimator is shown to be unbiased and asymptotically normally distributed. Moreover, all considered estimators are compared via their asymptotic relative efficiency and a small simulation study. Finally, some indications about the performance of the considered estimators in the presence of contaminated normal data are provided.  相似文献   

Summary. We provide a new definition of breakdown in finite samples, with an extension to asymptotic breakdown. Previous definitions centre on defining a critical region for either the parameter or the objective function. If for a particular outlier configuration the critical region is entered, breakdown is said to occur. In contrast with the traditional approach, we leave the definition of the critical region implicit. Our proposal encompasses previous definitions of breakdown in linear and non-linear regression settings. In some cases, it leads to a different and more intuitive notion of breakdown than other procedures that are available. An important advantage of our new definition is that it also applies to models for dependent observations where current definitions of breakdown typically fail. We illustrate our suggestion by using examples from linear and non-linear regression, and time series.  相似文献   

Random coefficients may result in heteroscedasticity of observations. For particular situations, where only one observation is available per individual, we derive optimal designs based on the geometry of the design locus.  相似文献   

The relationship between the concentration ellipsoid of a random vector and its planes of support is exploited to provide a geometric derivation and interpretation of existing results for a general form of the linear regression model. In particular, the planes of support whose points of tangency to the ellipsoid are contained in the range (or column space) of the design matrix are the source of all linear unbiased minimum variance estimators. The connection between this idea and estimators based on projections is explored, as is also its use in obtaining and interpreting some existing relative efficiency results.  相似文献   

In this article we suggest multivariate kurtosis as a statistic for detection of outliers in a multivariate linear regression model. The statistic has some local optimality properties.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating the Pearson correlation coefficient when one variable is subject to left or right censoring. In parallel to the classical results on the Pearson correlation coefficient, we derive a workable formula, through tedious computation and intensive simplification, of the asymptotic variances of the maximum likelihood estimators in two cases: (1) known means and variances and (2) unknown means and variances. We illustrate the usefulness of the asymptotic results in experimental designs.  相似文献   

Interval-censored data arise due to a sequence random examination such that the failure time of interest occurs in an interval. In some medical studies, there exist long-term survivors who can be considered as permanently cured. We consider a mixed model for the uncured group coming from linear transformation models and cured group coming from a logistic regression model. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is developed for a full likelihood approach. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted. The approach is applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hypobaric decompression sickness data.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the use of implied probabilities (Back and Brown, 1993) to improve estimation in unconditional moment conditions models. Using the seminal contributions of Bonnal and Renault (2001 Bonnal, H., Renault, E. (2001). Minimal Chi-Square Estimation with Conditional Moment Restrictions, Document de Travail, CESG, September 2001. [Google Scholar]) and Antoine et al. (2007 Antoine, B., Bonnal, H., Renault, E. (2007). On the efficient use of the informational content of estimating equations: Implied probabilities and euclidean empirical likelihood. Journal of Econometrics 138(2):461487.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), we propose two three-step Euclidian empirical likelihood (3S-EEL) estimators for weakly dependent data. Both estimators make use of a control variates principle that can be interpreted in terms of implied probabilities in order to achieve higher-order improvements relative to the traditional two-step GMM estimator. A Monte Carlo study reveals that the finite and large sample properties of the three-step estimators compare favorably to the existing approaches: the two-step GMM and the continuous updating estimator.  相似文献   


The most important factor in kernel regression is a choice of a bandwidth. Considerable attention has been paid to extension the idea of an iterative method known for a kernel density estimate to kernel regression. Data-driven selectors of the bandwidth for kernel regression are considered. The proposed method is based on an optimally balanced relation between the integrated variance and the integrated square bias. This approach leads to an iterative quadratically convergent process. The analysis of statistical properties shows the rationale of the proposed method. In order to see statistical properties of this method the consistency is determined. The utility of the method is illustrated through a simulation study and real data applications.  相似文献   

Researchers in statistical shape analysis often analyze outlines of objects. Even though these contours are infinite-dimensional in theory, they must be discretized in practice. When discretizing, it is important to reduce the number of sampling points considerably to reduce computational costs, but to not use too few points so as to result in too much approximation error. Unfortunately, determining the minimum number of points needed to achieve sufficiently approximate the contours is computationally expensive. In this paper, we fit regression models to predict these lower bounds using characteristics of the contours that are computationally cheap as predictor variables. However, least squares regression is inadequate for this task because it treats overestimation and underestimation equally, but underestimation of lower bounds is far more serious. Instead, to fit the models, we use the LINEX loss function, which allows us to penalize underestimation at an exponential rate while penalizing overestimation only linearly. We present a novel approach to select the shape parameter of the loss function and tools for analyzing how well the model fits the data. Through validation methods, we show that the LINEX models work well for reducing the underestimation for the lower bounds.  相似文献   

This article considers the notion of the non-diagonal-type estimator (NDTE) under the prediction error sum of squares (PRESS) criterion. First, the optimal NDTE in the PRESS sense is derived theoretically and applied to the cosmetics sales data. Second, we make a further study to extend the NDTE to the general case of the covariance matrix of the model and then give a Bayesian explanation for this extension. Third, two remarks concerned with some potential shortcomings of the NDTE are presented and an alternative solution is provided and illustrated by means of simulations.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the expected sojourn time in a Markov renewal process under the data condition that only the counts of the exits from the states are available for fixed intervals of time. For analytical and illustrative purposes we concentrate on the two-state process case. We present least squares and method of moments estimators and compare their statistical properties both analytically and empirically. We also present modified estimators with improved properties based upon an overlapping interval sampling strategy. The major results indicate that the least squares estimator is biased in general with the bias depending on the size of the sampling interval and the first two moments of the sojourn time distribution function. The bias becomes negligible as the size of the sampling interval increases. Analytical and empirical results indicate that the method of moments estimator is less sensitive to the size of the sampling interval and has slightly better mean squared error properties than the least squares estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a method to estimate the two parameters of the discrete stable distribution. By minimizing the quadratic distance between transforms of the empirical and theoretical probability generating functions, we obtain estimators simple to calculate, asymptotically unbiased, and normally distributed. We also derive the expression for their variance–covariance matrix. We simulate several samples of discrete stable distributed datasets with different parameters, to analyze the effect of tuncation on the right tail of the distribution.  相似文献   

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