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In a regression model with a random individual and a random time effect explicit representations of the nonnegative quadratic minimum biased estimators of the corresponding variances are deduced. These estimators always exist and are unique. Moreover, under normality assumption of the dependent variable unbiased estimators of the mean squared errors of the variance estimates are derived. Finally, confidence intervals on the variance components are considered.  相似文献   

We consider a two-way classification model with interaction and assume that the errors have a location-scale nonnormal distribution. From an application of the modified likelihood estimation, we obtain efficient and robust estimators of the parameters. We define F statistics for testing main effects and interaction. We analyze the Box-Cox data and show that the method developed in this paper gives accurate results besides being easy theoretically and computationally.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper suggests univariate and multivariate techniques for investigating interaction in nonreplicated factorial experiments. The tests can detect certain types of interaction, but they are not powerful against all possible alternative hypotheses. The two-way factorial experiment is discussed in some detail and an example is used to demonstrate the procedure. The procedure is compared to other tests for interaction. These comparisons show that the procedure can detect some types of interaction which other tests cannot. Likewise other tests can detect interaction this procedure cannot.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new data‐based prior distribution for the error variance in a Gaussian linear regression model, when the model is used for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging. For a given subset of variables in the model, this prior has a mode that is an unbiased estimator of the error variance but is suitably dispersed to make it uninformative relative to the marginal likelihood. The advantage of this empirical Bayes prior for the error variance is that it is centred and dispersed sensibly and avoids the arbitrary specification of hyperparameters. The performance of the new prior is compared to that of a prior proposed previously in the literature using several simulated examples and two loss functions. For each example our paper also reports results for the model that orthogonalizes the predictor variables before performing subset selection. A real example is also investigated. The empirical results suggest that for both the simulated and real data, the performance of the estimators based on the prior proposed in our article compares favourably with that of a prior used previously in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper a formula is developed for estimating the sampling variance of a genetic correlation estimated from analyses of variance and covariance. The formula holds provided the heritability estimate of neither character is zero. However, the development assumes a constant number of offspring per sire, k , and the effect of varying values of k is discussed briefly. The efficiency of experiments from which genetic parameters are to be estimated has also been investigated and optimum values of k are given for various combinations of phenotypic and genetic parameters.  相似文献   

Single‐index models provide one way of reducing the dimension in regression analysis. The statistical literature has focused mainly on estimating the index coefficients, the mean function, and their asymptotic properties. For accurate statistical inference it is equally important to estimate the error variance of these models. We examine two estimators of the error variance in a single‐index model and compare them with a few competing estimators with respect to their corresponding asymptotic properties. Using a simulation study, we evaluate the finite‐sample performance of our estimators against their competitors.  相似文献   

Saunders & Eccleston (1992) presented an approach to the design of 2-level factorial experiments for continuous processes. It determined sets of contrasts between the observations that could be well estimated, and then selected a design so that those contrasts estimated the parameters of interest. This paper shows that a well-estimated contrast must have a large number of changes of sign or level, and also be ‘paired’ in a particular sense. It develops an algorithm which constructs designs that must have a large number of changes of sign, evenly spread among the contrasts and optimal or near optimal. When such designs exist they are often preferable to those produced by the reverse foldover algorithm of Cheng & Steinberg (1991).  相似文献   

We consider a 2r factorial experiment with at least two replicates. Our aim is to find a confidence interval for θ, a specified linear combination of the regression parameters (for the model written as a regression, with factor levels coded as ?1 and 1). We suppose that preliminary hypothesis tests are carried out sequentially, beginning with the rth‐order interaction. After these preliminary hypothesis tests, a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1 ?α is constructed under the assumption that the selected model had been given to us a priori. We describe a new efficient Monte Carlo method, which employs conditioning for variance reduction, for estimating the minimum coverage probability of the resulting confidence interval. The application of this method is demonstrated in the context of a 23 factorial experiment with two replicates and a particular contrast θ of interest. The preliminary hypothesis tests consist of the following two‐step procedure. We first test the null hypothesis that the third‐order interaction is zero against the alternative hypothesis that it is non‐zero. If this null hypothesis is accepted, we assume that this interaction is zero and proceed to the second step; otherwise, we stop. In the second step, for each of the second‐order interactions we test the null hypothesis that the interaction is zero against the alternative hypothesis that it is non‐zero. If this null hypothesis is accepted, we assume that this interaction is zero. The resulting confidence interval, with nominal coverage probability 0.95, has a minimum coverage probability that is, to a good approximation, 0.464. This shows that this confidence interval is completely inadequate.  相似文献   

A test is derived for short‐memory correlation in the conditional variance of strictly positive, skewed data. The test is quasi‐locally most powerful (QLMP) under the assumption of conditionally gamma data. Analytical asymptotic relative efficiency calculations show that an alternative test, based on the first‐order autocorrelation coefficient of the squared data, has negligible relative power to detect correlation in the conditional variance. Finite‐sample simulation results confirm the poor performance of the squares‐based test for fixed alternatives, as well as demonstrating the poor performance of the test based on the first‐order autocorrelation coefficient of the raw (levels) data. The robustness of the QLMP test, both to misspecification of the conditional distribution and to misspecification of the dynamics, is also demonstrated using simulation. The test is illustrated using financial trade durations data.  相似文献   

In a stated preference discrete choice experiment each subject is typically presented with several choice sets, and each choice set contains a number of alternatives. The alternatives are defined in terms of their name (brand) and their attributes at specified levels. The task for the subject is to choose from each choice set the alternative with highest utility for them. The multinomial is an appropriate distribution for the responses to each choice set since each subject chooses one alternative, and the multinomial logit is a common model. If the responses to the several choice sets are independent, the likelihood function is simply the product of multinomials. The most common and generally preferred method of estimating the parameters of the model is maximum likelihood (that is, selecting as estimates those values that maximize the likelihood function). If the assumption of within-subject independence to successive choice tasks is violated (it is almost surely violated), the likelihood function is incorrect and maximum likelihood estimation is inappropriate. The most serious errors involve the estimation of the variance-covariance matrix of the model parameter estimates, and the corresponding variances of market shares and changes in market shares.

In this paper we present an alternative method of estimation of the model parameter coefficients that incorporates a first-order within-subject covariance structure. The method involves the familiar log-odds transformation and application of the multivariate delta method. Estimation of the model coefficients after the transformation is a straightforward generalized least squares regression, and the corresponding improved estimate of the variance-covariance matrix is in closed form. Estimates of market share (and change in market share) follow from a second application of the multivariate delta method. The method and comparison with maximum likelihood estimation are illustrated with several simulated and actual data examples.

Advantages of the proposed method are: 1) it incorporates the within-subject covariance structure; 2) it is completely data driven; 3) it requires no additional model assumptions; 4) assuming asymptotic normality, it provides a simple procedure for computing confidence regions on market shares and changes in market shares; and 5) it produces results that are asymptotically equivalent to those produced by maximum likelihood when the data are independent.  相似文献   

In multi-stage sampling with the first stage units (fsu) chosen without replacement (WOR) with varying probability schemes (VPS) unbiased estimators (UE) of variances of homogeneous linear (HL) functions of unbiased estimators (UE) Ti's of fsu totals Yi's based on selection of subsequent stage units (SSU) from chosen fsu's are derived as homogeneous quadratic (HQ) functions of alternative less efficient UE's, say of Ti';'s of Yi's. Specific strategies are illustrated.  相似文献   

Two‐phase sampling is often used for estimating a population total or mean when the cost per unit of collecting auxiliary variables, x, is much smaller than the cost per unit of measuring a characteristic of interest, y. In the first phase, a large sample s1 is drawn according to a specific sampling design p(s1) , and auxiliary data x are observed for the units is1 . Given the first‐phase sample s1 , a second‐phase sample s2 is selected from s1 according to a specified sampling design {p(s2s1) } , and (y, x) is observed for the units is2 . In some cases, the population totals of some components of x may also be known. Two‐phase sampling is used for stratification at the second phase or both phases and for regression estimation. Horvitz–Thompson‐type variance estimators are used for variance estimation. However, the Horvitz–Thompson ( Horvitz & Thompson, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 1952 ) variance estimator in uni‐phase sampling is known to be highly unstable and may take negative values when the units are selected with unequal probabilities. On the other hand, the Sen–Yates–Grundy variance estimator is relatively stable and non‐negative for several unequal probability sampling designs with fixed sample sizes. In this paper, we extend the Sen–Yates–Grundy ( Sen , J. Ind. Soc. Agric. Statist. 1953; Yates & Grundy , J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 1953) variance estimator to two‐phase sampling, assuming fixed first‐phase sample size and fixed second‐phase sample size given the first‐phase sample. We apply the new variance estimators to two‐phase sampling designs with stratification at the second phase or both phases. We also develop Sen–Yates–Grundy‐type variance estimators of the two‐phase regression estimators that make use of the first‐phase auxiliary data and known population totals of some of the auxiliary variables.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some interesting but scattered results that are known about correlation in bivariate Poisson distributions and processes and presents some new results. A particular concern in both contexts is with results and examples relating to negative correlation.  相似文献   


We consider the variance estimation in a general nonparametric regression model with multiple covariates. We extend difference methods to the multivariate setting by introducing an algorithm that orders the design points in higher dimensions. We also consider an adaptive difference estimator which requires much less strict assumptions on the covariate design and can significantly reduce mean squared error for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

When the infection rate associated with an epidemic appears to decline over time, one explanation is a constant level of infectiousness combined with heterogeneity among the susceptible population. In this paper we consider random effects models for such heterogeneity, particularly in discrete time. Maximum likelihood techniques are discussed as well as a more convenient approach based on martingale estimating equations. An application to data on a smallpox outbreak is considered.  相似文献   

Error rate is a popular criterion for assessing the performance of an allocation rule in discriminant analysis. Training samples which involve missing values cause problems for those error rate estimators that require all variables to be observed at all data points. This paper explores imputation algorithms, their effects on, and problems of implementing them with, eight commonly used error rate estimators (three parametric and five non-parametric) in linear discriminant analysis. The results indicate that imputation should not be based on the way error rate estimators are calculated, and that imputed values may underestimate error rates.  相似文献   

The procedure of Verbyla & Cullis (1990) is extended to cater for the analysis of repeated measures data in which either non-linear modelling of the treatment contrasts is required and or there are time dependent covariates. These extensions are illustrated via two agricultural data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate several tests for the hypothesis of a parametric form of the error distribution in the common linear and non‐parametric regression model, which are based on empirical processes of residuals. It is well known that tests in this context are not asymptotically distribution‐free and the parametric bootstrap is applied to deal with this problem. The performance of the resulting bootstrap test is investigated from an asymptotic point of view and by means of a simulation study. The results demonstrate that even for moderate sample sizes the parametric bootstrap provides a reliable and easy accessible solution to the problem of goodness‐of‐fit testing of assumptions regarding the error distribution in linear and non‐parametric regression models.  相似文献   

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