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城镇化的终极目标是消除贫困,实现人类的共同发展。贫困本质上是多维的,是可行能力被剥夺的状态,而不仅仅是收入低下。可行能力的绝对剥夺往往取决于其在交往人群中的相对收入,即收入不平等程度。文章从理论上阐释了多维贫困与收入不平等的关系,接着分析了中国城镇化进程中多维贫困的特征事实以及改革开放以来收入不平等的历史演化及趋势,并提出了提升居民可行能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

实施区域中心城市带动,建设辽宁中部城市群,是促进区域经济协调发展、构建和谐辽宁的重大举措。以沈阳为中心的辽宁中部城市群,是连接辽东半岛开放型经济和辽西沿海城市群的重要枢纽,也是环渤海沿东北地区城市化水平较高、经济较发达的城市密集地带,区位优势明显,产业基础雄厚,经济关系密切,极具发展活力。鞍山作为辽宁中部城市群经济区和辽东半岛开放型经济的重要连接带,在建设中部城市群经济区中负有重任。我们要做好“三篇文章”:一是加快经济隆起。充分发挥鞍山比较优势和后发优势,打造全国乃至世界精品钢材基地,努力发展得更快更好一些…  相似文献   

This article selects a fast growing economy, China, under Deng Xiao-ping's economic reforms, as a case example for exploring the use of the median income-linked international poverty line in measuring third world poverty. Those third world countries which have a fast growing economy have the prospect of increased income inequality. Henceforth, the widening income inequality justifies a comparable poverty measurement which takes into account the relation between economic affluence and income distribution.  相似文献   


How social workers define and assess poverty is a matter of economic and social justice. Recent conceptual and measurement advances point to a multidimensional definition of poverty which captures material, social, and political deprivations. Using data from a survey, this article describes how nephrology social workers assess poverty among older adults living with a chronic kidney disease (N = 52). Results suggest respondents already conceive of poverty as a multidimensional experience, support awareness-raising about poverty, and primarily assess poverty by employment status, income, access to transportation, and education. Opportunities to expand poverty assessment in future work are promising.  相似文献   

目前我国城镇职工基本养老保险基金当期收支总体上"收大于支",运行状况良好。但部分省份的城镇职工基本养老保险依然存在当期"收不抵支"现象,并且该统筹地区出现的养老金缺口呈现出扩大趋势,一定程度上影响了现行企业养老保险制度的持续健康运行。本文在总结分析这些省份城镇职工基本养老保险基金"收不抵支"问题产生原因的基础上,进一步提出解决该问题的思路与对策。  相似文献   

Debates about how to set minimum income standards for health and general well-being are very current in Britain. Family budget standards remain popular but the results can be criticized for being little more than abstractions. They are to an extent 'artificial' and this raises questions about their 'real adequacy'. Another way to operationalize adequacy of income, in a lived sense, is to consider the household income levels at which a specified, desirable, healthy standard of living is in fact achieved, indicated here by diet and nutrition. Data are taken from the United Kingdom's Expenditure and Food Survey; the sample has been restricted to an older population, and three years of data (2002–5) provided a combined sample of 4,300 households. The study findings and semi-normative poverty lines are critically discussed in relation to the national UK policy context as well as the international research literature on poverty measurement.  相似文献   

Objective . This article examines poverty among working families with children using a refined experimental poverty measure based on recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Poverty and Family Assistance. Methods . Using data from the 1998 Current Population Survey, this research constructs an experimental poverty measure that takes into account noncash government benefits as well as job-related expenses, elements not included in the current official measure of family income. Results . We find that current statistics based on the official poverty line understate the extent of economic hardship, particularly among full-time working families with children, because expenses, such as child care costs, tend to outweigh noncash benefits, such as food stamps, that these families may receive. Furthermore, without the recent expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit, poverty among full-time working families would be even higher. Conclusions . These findings highlight challenges faced by many families, especially those with adults moving off welfare and into the labor market.  相似文献   

With only one academic year in which to develop a communityproject, social work students can hardly gain the experiencethey need in this field, while providing their clients witha suitable service. The present study investigates the relationshipbetween implementation of the marketing approach and the successfulexecution of a community project. Four aspects of this issueare probed: adherence to the programme implementation plan,the programme’s effectiveness, its contribution to theorganization it is intended to serve, and client empowerment.Participants were 146 social work students at a university inIsrael; the findings show a statistically significant connectionbetween the market variables and each of the project’ssuccess variables. On the multivariable level, all the successvariables proved to be clearly influenced by different marketvariables. The application of a marketing approach by socialwork students undergoing their training in community practiceis discussed.  相似文献   

Prior studies have suggested that higher public pensions are associated with lower income inequality among the elderly, whereas the reverse is true for private pensions. Van Vliet et al. ( 2012 ) empirically test whether relative shifts from public to private pension schemes entail higher levels of income inequality among the elderly using panel data from the OECD SOCX and the EU‐SILC databases. Contrasting earlier empirical studies using either cross‐sectional or time‐series data, they do not find evidence that shifts from public to private pension provision are associated with higher levels of income inequality or poverty among the elderly. The aim of the current article is to extend the analysis of Van Vliet et al. by: (1) adding additional countries; (2) adding additionally available years; and (3) using revised OECD SOCX data. In contrast to Van Vliet et al., we find that a greater relative importance of private pensions is associated with higher levels of income inequality and poverty among the elderly. A central explanation of the difference in conclusions stems from the revision of OECD SOCX data.  相似文献   

Policymakers in the UK and beyond have sought to promote interventions to encourage social capital‐building among disadvantaged groups. One specific concern is that those with limited access to social capital/social network relationships will be at greater risk of experiencing both unemployment and poverty. By analyzing longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we seek to identify significant relationships between poverty and the likelihood of entering employment, and different measures of ‘sociability’ and social isolation. Crucially, we discuss if and how measures of sociability/social isolation are associated with jobseekers' varying chances of exiting and re‐entering work and how this varies with their experience of poverty. These issues are important because if sociability impacts on the likelihood of entering employment from a state of worklessness, then policymakers need to understand how cycles of social and labour market exclusion are associated with the rates of entering employment in order to develop effective interventions to improve jobseekers' employability and combat poverty. Following an analysis of BHPS data, we identify lessons for policy for combating long‐term unemployment and promoting social inclusion.  相似文献   

This article explores two questions: (1) Does knowledge about poverty and exposure to poverty affect the perceptions of policymakers about how to deal with the problem? (2) Does policymakers’ trust in members of society affect their perceptions regarding ways of dealing with poverty? Based on interviewees with 103 policymakers in Israel, the findings reveal that knowledge about poverty and trust in the members of society have an effect on policy perceptions. The result may have a theoretical contribution to the policy theory at the individual level and practical implications for policy entrepreneurs.  相似文献   


The New York State Talent Development Consortium at the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) mandated developmental disability programs to train and evaluate direct service providers (DSPs) on seven core competencies. Utilizing community-based participatory research (CPBR) – an approach where clients, providers, and researchers share their knowledge and experience to identify study areas, formulate research questions, and use results to improve practice – a needs assessment was conducted by a New York-based developmental disability program to inform a training curriculum. Six focus groups were conducted from a purposive sample of 14 DSPs, and 19 managers/supervisors. Staff identified skills that corresponded with six out of seven competencies. Staff recommended hands-on training on: appropriate communication to deal with individuals with severe disabilities; professionalism; person-centered care; and education on terminology in behavioral health plans, medication, and mental health illnesses. Empowering DSPs through CBPR allows for a training curriculum catered toward staff needs, which may be well-received and utilized. The CBPR process employed may be beneficial to other agencies within the intellectual and developmental disabilities field, particularly at a time when the demand for nonlicensure providers such as DSPs is increasing, and there is a need to train them to render quality and effective services.  相似文献   

许多多 《社会》2017,37(4):90-118
社会分层和流动研究发现,在接受过大学教育的人中,社会经济地位的代际相关性降低,甚至是消失了。这一发现被看做大学教育促进社会流动的有力证据,但其作用机制往往被简单地归因于学生的高度选择性或者劳动力市场中大学文凭的符号效应,大学教育过程本身对学生人力资本提高的作用却被忽略了。本文利用一个对大学生群体为期五年的追踪调查数据,试图证明大学教育自身对家庭背景影响的削弱作用,来自于为不同社会阶层出身的学生提供一个公平开放的学习锻炼环境,帮助他们,特别是那些来自弱势家庭的学生,提高自身的非认知能力,以应对毕业后的工作。  相似文献   

The absolute, arbitrary, single-dimensional definition of poverty used by The Australian Government's Commission of Inquiry Into Poverty in its Interim Report of March, 1974, is inconsistent with a commitment to bring about a change in the structure of Australian society and to correct the excessive degree of economic inequality. Because of the significance of the conceptualization of poverty to the well-being of the majority of Australians, the commission is urged to perceive the problem of poverty as a problem of inequality and to apply a relative poverty line to the income data in their first main report.  相似文献   

在我国社会主义市场经济的发展过程中,特别是面对我国已加入WTO的新形势,如何认识先进文化的前进方向和怎样代表先进文化的前进方向,文化怎样应对来自国际的挑战,在理论和实践中有几个关系需要认真研究和正确处理.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze whether and to what extent welfare generosity moderates the risk of income poverty and material deprivation among disadvantaged groups, that is, people with ill health, low education and lack of employment. The data are based on the 2009 European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (cross‐sectional) surveys. The analyses comprise 27 and 28 European countries, including 292,874 and 302,343 individuals between 18 and 64 years of age. Multi‐level analyses demonstrated that welfare generosity moderated the risk of both material deprivation and income poverty. With few exceptions, the risk decreased among disadvantaged groups in absolute terms. Among individuals who experienced the combinations of limiting long‐standing illness and either low education or non‐employment, the absolute inequalities in material deprivation decreased with increasing welfare generosity. Also, the absolute inequalities in income poverty among individuals who experienced the combination of limiting long‐standing illness and low education were lower in more generous welfare contexts. Results indicated lower absolute levels of both material deprivation and income poverty among disadvantaged individuals in generous welfare states. However, for material deprivation the results were more substantial and consistent than for income poverty. Taken together, these findings support the view that generous welfare states reach the worst‐off and are successful in buffering material deprivation and income poverty and, hence, in reducing social inequalities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (MLSG) system in urban China was established in the 1990s. As a national income benefit program, this system has huge regional differences as a result of regional variation in economic development and the methods used to calculate the benefit. This article uses a consumption expenditure percentile method to measure and evaluate the benefit level of the MLSG system. The analysis shows that the consumption expenditure replacement rates in central cities are decreasing, but in prefectural-level cities, by contrast, they are increasing. The regional differences in replacement rates when comparing central cities are considerable and are even larger among cities at a prefecture level. Per-capita consumption expenditure is positively correlated with minimal living standards but negatively correlated with the replacement rate. Such variation in the value and operation of the MLSG system suggests an urgent need to implement a national unified scheme. The article proposes a single approach to calculating Minimum Living Standard benefits using a consumption expenditure replacement rate that would allow for local differences while providing national cohesion.  相似文献   

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