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( 1 ) On the New Approach to Working Class Sharing the Achievement of the Reform Abstract: Reconstructing the social position of the working class as masters of their own country will not only relieve them of difficulties, but also make them rich and strong as soon as possible. It is proposed that the right of the working class should be protected in the reforming of state-owned enterprises, that the main part of the working class should be promoted to the medium-income class strategically, which is the key to the all-round realization of a well-off society and the inevitable choice of constructing the workers' shareholding system. Key Words: workers' share holding system; well-off society; reforming of state-owned enterprises  相似文献   

Although language study can be very interesting, it is admittedly about the most complex type of learning that a student can undertake, it is very important that we realize that language study is different from the study of science or mathematics and is more complex. Therefore the mechanical methods employed in the learning of multiplication tables, for example, may not be he most appropriate methods to use in teaching language. Real ability with language is the ability to communicate ideas. A student may know a lot of sentence patterns and rules of grammar and  相似文献   

“To be or not to be.”Of all famous words in the literature of theworld the six words spoken by Hamlet when he is thinking aloud are perhapsthe most famous.They are the best known words in the golden treasury ofliterature,for they have sunk into the heart and gripped the imagination of  相似文献   

Professor Xu Ping, male and Han nationality, was born in Shenyang of Liaoning Province in 1959, is a Communist Party member and became a teacher after he got the Bachelor and Master degrees of History in the History Department in Liaoning University from the year 1980 to 1987. From 1993 to 1994, he did research with the Institute of Social Sciences of Waseda University. He was exceptionally promoted as a professor in 1997, and in the same year he started working for his PhD degree in …  相似文献   

This paper aims to give some suggestions to improve the extensive reading teaching in normal college. The students are the center of the class. The class should emphasize communication. A teacher is a instructor, but also is a controller, a prompter,a participant and a resource.  相似文献   

There is, perhaps, no department of public life in the China of to-day more urgently in need of a thorough reform than the judicial system—if system it can be called. At the same time there is certainly no stall in the Augean stable of well nigh universal corruption, the cleansing of which would be so absolutely impossible without an entire change of the system of official life, which, in turn, can never improve until the Manchu or Tartar dynasty ceases to rule in China. As I shall presently show, there is no such thing as justice in China for any class of the community; lyack law, bribery, wholesale and sys-  相似文献   

By way of summary, can we formulate any, general rules concerning stress of compound words? As a result of this study, what ways may be pointed to for solving the difficulty? In the first place, the tendency towards stress seems to be different for the two main groups studied, compounds terminating in nouns and those terminating in adjectives. 55 percent of the compounds ending with nouns were single-stressed, 45 percent double-stressed, that is, for compounds ending in nouns, there is no strong tendency either way. 76 percent of the compounds ending, with adjectives were double-stressed and only about, 23 percent single-stressed; that is, for compounds with adjectives as the second component there is a strong tendency towards double stress. In the second place general rules are not much of a help in determining and learning the stress of individual compounds. One must learn the rule for each class of compounds. In classes where the rule for one form of stress is fixed, asfor double stress of compounds consisting of an adjective plus a past participle, the rule is indeed helpful. But such rules are not many. In the third place, a mastery of certain principles that determine stress is important, for instance, the principle that implied constrast tends to make a compouud single-stressed, even if the compound would otherwise be double-stressed, Also the principles that old recognized compounds would be single-stressed, and that compounds of adjective form when used attributively are single-stressed but when used predicatively, double-stressed. In the fourth place, it is wise to look up every newly-met compound in the dictionary and master its stress. Mastery of those compound words will help in determining the stress of, other newly-met compounds by the use of analogy. Awareness of this problem and attention to it are the first steps toward its solution. Finally,. may Ⅰtake the iiberty of setting forth a few points of advice for the Chinese student of English? Start studying the qnestion of the stress of compounds, master every compound you encounter, make lists of them; classify them and find the rules for each class for yourself inductively. These procedures will take you a long way towards the mastery of the stress of compounds.  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

一、你知道签证被拒的原因吗?大多数的学生都收到包括以下内容的信:This means you have residence in a foreign coun-try that you have no intention of abandoning; andsocial, economic, and other ties that would compelyour return after a temporary and lawful visit. UnderSection 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Actof 1952, as amended, a visa may not be issued to anyapplicant who is unable to overcome the presumptionthat he or she is an immigrant by demonstrating theabove factors to the satisfa…  相似文献   

The Difficult Transformation of Marx's New View of History in The German Ideology: Comments on Marx's Criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's View of History/Weng hanbing (School of Marxism, Southeast University, Nanjing 210018, China) Abstract: The German Ideology is very significant in the logical development of young Marx and the formation process and historical position of Marx's new view of history is an important research topic. Based on young Marx's criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's view of history, the paper discusses how Marx jumps out of the framework of Hegel's historical idealism through the study of economics. At the same time, Marx insists the logical belief from Hegel's view of history, which goes beyond the ideological method of bourgeois economics research. However, due to the limitations of Marx's economics research level and horizon, the construction of the new view of history and its methodology still bears a transitional nature. Key words : Hegel ; bourgeois political economics ; view of history  相似文献   

The Agricultural Educations Initiating and Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong
YUAN Peng - xin( 1 )
The agricultural education's initiating in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong is the result of the vari- ous kind of factors, such as Shandong local authorities, the regional gentry combined to participate in positively, and the background is that the Qing government carries on the educational reformation and ag- ricuhural technology falls behind. The agricultural education has the modern nature that is greatly differ- ent from the old The agricultural style education regardless of being in the education system education's development in Shandong that not only has opened and in the course content.  相似文献   

Yang Zhi-an, born in January 1963, now is a doctoral supervisor and postdoctorate co-adviser at the College of Economics, Liaoning University, majoring in finance. Meanwhile he also serves as the director of teaching affairs office of Liaoning University. In 2000, he was promoted to the rank of Professor.  相似文献   

Abstract:Jinggangshan spirit, a product of its historical conditions, is a great spiritual monument in the history of the Communist Party of China. It has abundant connotation but it core content is the creative spirit that includes two basic senses: pioneering spirit and combination of theory with practice. The Jinggangsgan creative spirit expired the Communist Party of China in leading the Chinese people to overcome all dangers and difficulties, win the victory of the New Democratic Revolution, and establish the socialist system. In today' s situation of reforming and opening up to the outside world and in the effort to build up socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, the Jing- gangshan creative spirit is still worth to inherit and carry forward.  相似文献   

China's modernization is carrying in a background of serious ecological problems . We must understand and treat seriously the growing trend of ecological deterioration. China's Current ecological problems arise from the nature of the performance of the industrial crisis, which shows the the historical inevitability of the ecologi- cal environment questions. We must strive to achieve the changes in modes of production, as well as development and construction of new industrialization which is a driving force in the new environmental protection and ecological construction. By 2020,  相似文献   

Introduction The factors of personality may be directly or indirectly related to learners' success in foreion language learning. A lot of research work has been devoted to elucidating what kinds of learner's characteristics appear to be related to success in learning a foreign language and in what way they are retatad. However,the results prove to be problematic. As a result,it is not easy for language teachers to evaluate and utilize the results of those in-  相似文献   

Historically, women have becn considered to be inferior to men. They have discriminated in one way or another. This unequal sexist phenomenon is reflected in language, too. Rccently, thcre has becn a noticeablc increase in the numberof articles and books on the subject of Language and Sexism. We have noticed sexism exists in language and women have a language of their own, which is different from and inferior to the language of men in socicty, This paper attempts to discuss such kind of inequality in English language.  相似文献   

Confucius and Official Book System (Ⅱ) :Confucius' Historical Contribution to Book Dissemination
Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many scholars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dicta- ted his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius views on ideas of public dissemination.  相似文献   

The analysis of test paper is greatly significant to the improvement of testing and English teaching. This paper evaluates a College English archievement test by examining its reliability and validity, both of which are of primary concern in testing. And item analysis is also conducted to find out the problems of the test itself. Based on the evaluation, the paper is to call for teachers' attention of enhancing the quality of arckievement test.  相似文献   

(1) Technology's Images, Matrix and Humanity's Freedom An Analysis of Bookchin's Technology Thought
Abstract: Bookchin points out that technology has traditional and modem images, which are respectively produced by their social matrixes. Therefore, to form technology towards liberation and realize humanity's freedom and nature's liberation, we need to go beyond both technology's traditional and modem images, remake the social structure and systems and recover ecological sensitivity. Bookchin's technology thought has complete theoretical logic and is of profound inspiring significance, but it falls into idealism in theory and utopianism in action.  相似文献   

Go to Buy What You Want Henry was a careless young man,He often made mistakes,It brought him a lot of trouble.For example,he fell over a chair in his girl friend's home once,and the chaair hurt a little boy'sdog,  相似文献   

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