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言语行为在语用学研究中占据了核心地位.从文化语用学的角度对不同文化背景上的交际行为进行对比研究我们就会发现,由于文化的迁移,在跨文化交际中言语的言外行为与言后行为往往不能圆满完成,语用失误的出现使表达意图与理解,话语与效果出现矛盾.为使交际能顺利进行,在英语教学中有必要引入与言语和行为有关的语用策略的学习.  相似文献   

在跨文化交流中,谦逊被看作为礼貌的表现.谦逊与民族文化有着密切联系,体现出不同民族文化的特色,遵循着不同的民族礼貌规范;不了解谦逊的含义及其背后的民族文化,就会导致跨文化交际失误.  相似文献   

外语教学的目的是实现跨文化交际,在外语教学中除了掌握扎实的语言基础之外,还要拥有广博的双重语言文化知识及对其差异的认识.在交际过程中必须注意语用能力的培养,减少和避免语用失误,以实现语言交流的最终目的.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步与发展,世界各国之间的交流日益增强。我们日常生活中的交际也涉及到了很多跨文化方面的内容。在交际的过程中,交际双方如果不了解彼此间的文化差异,就很可能导致交际失败。言语交际的成功涉及到很多因素,尤其是语际语用学中的间接言语行为理论、礼貌原则、语言迁移理论等都对跨文化交际的成败起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

间接言语行为是言语交际中一种复杂的语言现象,作为教师,要掌握间接言语行为理论及其特点、分类以及间接言语行为在英语交际中的重要性,并在英语教学中教会学生使用间接言语行为.  相似文献   

以言语行为理论为依据,通过分析请求言语行为在英汉两种语言中的差异,从社会、语言、文化三个层次,探讨了英汉请求言语行为存在差异的深层文化因素.  相似文献   

本文从不同的观点论述了跨文化交际的普遍问题及一般策略。  相似文献   

培养跨文化交际意识 提高跨文化交际能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言学习是以交际为目的的。为达到此目的,我们不但要学习语言本身,而且更应该了解以文化为基础的交际形式。本文初步总结了中西方文化在语义、语用中的若干文化差异,以加深学生对语言本质的理解。同时建议教师以几种方式对学生进行文化意识的渗透。  相似文献   

跨文化语用能力是跨文化交际双方进行得体交际的关键所在.语言不会脱离各自的文化而存在,所以跨文化语用能力表现出强烈的民族色彩.在跨文化交际中,如果不注意这些表现在语言和文化上的民族差异,就会产生语用失误.跨文化语用能力不仅可以体现在词典编纂中,也可以体现在语言教学中.只有提高跨文化语用能力,交际双方才能减少语用失误,从而进行有效的交流.  相似文献   

在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。  相似文献   

Kumaravadivelu教授提出的后方法理论是外语教学的最新成果,后方法理论提出的"特殊性"、"实用性"和"可能性"三个参数和十个宏观策略,启发英语教学的思维。本文试图通过后方法理论对民族高职院校英语教学的指导,使教师突破困境,理论和实践合理的互换。  相似文献   

The ways in which targeted communities experience hate speech is an important, but often neglected, component of the debate over the legitimacy of hate speech laws. This article reports on data drawn from interviews conducted with 101 members of Indigenous and minority ethnic communities in Australia regarding their experiences of hate speech. We give voice to targets’ experiences of face-to-face and more widely broadcast hate speech, and outline the constitutive and consequential harms they claim to have suffered. We assess these against the alleged harms of hate speech in the literature, finding a close correlation between targets’ reports and the literature.  相似文献   

本文以语言学家和社会学家的研究成果为基础,依照心理学、交际学和伦理学,从社会语言学的角度对男女交际中的语言形式展开了研究,分析了男女之间存在的语言差异.文章指出男性和女性在语言方面所存在的差异是造成跨性别文化交际的障碍.同时也简要分析了造成差异的几方面原因及这一研究在跨性别交往中的重要性.  相似文献   

Emotions matter, particularly in experiences of migration. This article explores how emotions are involved in everyday intercultural encounters and the role of emotions in generating cosmopolitan sociability in the context of migration. The article is based upon qualitative research with 80 Chinese 1st and 1.5 generation migrants in New Zealand. We focus on ‘contact zones’ as social spaces where migrants have uneven opportunities to encounter cultural others and where ‘emotional dissonance’ can emerge through unsuccessful intercultural exchanges. In order to generate a sense of comfort and familiarity in such conflicted spaces, migrants need to invest in ‘emotional labour’ to engage in more cosmopolitan sociability as an attempt to transform ‘contact zone’ to ‘comfort zone’. Through this article we argue that emotions can both promote and encourage, but also undermine and limit the capacity to perform cosmopolitan sociability and build intercultural relations.  相似文献   

浅议英语学习中的文化差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东西方文化存在着很大的差异,对西方文化不了解,势必造成英语学习的障碍乃至交际的失误。  相似文献   

Despite extensive research examining the correlates of unintended fertility, it remains a puzzle as to why racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to experience an unintended birth than non-Hispanic whites. This paper focuses on sexual literacy, a potential precursor of unintended fertility. Analyses use a unique dataset of unmarried young adults aged 18?C29, the 2009 Survey of Unmarried Young Adults?? Contraceptive Knowledge and Practices, to examine beliefs regarding pregnancy risks, pregnancy fatalism, and contraceptive side effects. At the bivariate level, foreign-born Hispanics hold more erroneous beliefs about the risk of pregnancy than other groups, and non-Hispanic blacks are more likely to believe in contraceptive side effects than non-Hispanic whites. Both foreign-born Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to hold a fatalistic view toward pregnancy. Race-ethnic differences are attenuated for pregnancy misperceptions and fatalism in multivariate models controlling for sources of health information, sexual and fertility experiences, and sociodemographic characteristics. However, non-Hispanic blacks remain more likely than non-Hispanic whites to believe there is a high chance of reduced sexual desire and serious health consequences when using hormonal contraceptives. These differences may contribute to race-ethnic variation in contraceptive use and, ultimately, unintended fertility.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of immigrants in Canada’s labor force, studies of immigrants to Canada have devoted insufficient attention to how country of birth and race are related to job satisfaction. Using data from a general population telephone survey of English-speaking workers in Toronto (n = 659), we investigate job satisfaction differences between white Canadian-born workers and immigrants born in the Caribbean, the Philippines, South Asia, China, Portugal, the United States, and the UK. Each of the immigrant groups is racially homogenous, and most of the groups are composed of (non-white) visible minorities. We find that the contrasts between Canadian-born whites and workers born in the Philippines and China remain substantial, and statistically significant under one-tailed tests, after age, gender, job type, income, job demands, job control, job support, workplace discrimination, job-related stress, and perceived unfairness at work are all controlled. We argue that social comparison theory offers the most compelling explanation for the persistence of group differences in job satisfaction after controls.  相似文献   

This article offers an explanation for the limited uses of participatory communication in development by taking an institutionalist perspective that examines prevalent notions about communication and organizational uses in international aid institutions. The argument is that institutional goals and dynamics determine the use of disciplinary and theoretical approaches. The selection of specific communication approaches is not primarily based on their analytical or normative value, but rather, on institutional factors and expectations. Institutional dynamics undercut the potential contributions of participatory communication in three ways. First, bureaucratic requirements favor the use of informational models over participatory approaches to communication. Standard institutional procedures inside development agencies, donors and governments perpetuate understandings and uses of communication as a set of technical skills to disseminate messages. Second, the weak status of communication as a field of study and practice in development organizations undermine the prospects for expanding the understanding of communication that do not fit prevalent institutional expectations. As long as technical experts in public health or other fields expect communication to be ‘the art of messaging,’ communication staff lacks autonomy to make decisions and incorporate participatory approaches. Third, the institutional predominance of a technical mindset also limits the uses of participation thinking. The prioritization of technical perspectives decouples ‘development’ programs from local processes of participation and change.  相似文献   

This study investigated the associations among goal-striving stress, racial related stressors, and mental health. Goal-striving stress was defined as the discrepancy between aspiration for and achievement of a better way of life, weighted by the subjective probability of success, and the level of disappointment experienced if those life goals were not realized. Data are from the National Survey of American Life’s African American (N = 3,570) and non-Hispanic white (N = 891) adult samples. Regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between goal-striving stress and five mental health outcomes: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, psychological distress, and depressive symptoms. After controlling for socio-demographic factors, a personal problems checklist, and racial discrimination, goal-striving stress was significantly related to all mental health measures such that as goal-striving stress increased, mental health worsened. Additionally, the relationship of goal-striving stress to mental health was found to be conditional upon race. Specifically, goal-striving stress had a stronger effect among white Americans than African Americans. Goal-striving stress was associated differentially with lower levels of mental health for black and white Americans. Racial differences in the impact of goal-striving stress suggest a need for analyses exploring resilience and coping in relation to the impact of goal-striving stress on black–white differences in mental health.  相似文献   

广西壮族自治区城市化的区域差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化水平是一个地区综合实力的反映.目前,对广西壮族自治区各区域城市化水平差异的研究十分贫乏,本文结合广西壮族自治区城市化的实际情况,选取了较客现的城市化指标,对这些指标通过因子分析和聚类分析,然后将各地市城市化发展状况进行分类,在分类的基础上,定性与定量相结合地对不同城市化类型的特征及城市化水平的区域差异的原因进行了分析,以便为全区城市化战略提供决策参考.  相似文献   

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