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In recent years the reported successes of Japanese production systems, particularly the just-in-time approach to inventory control, has caused managers to focus more of their attention on efficient decision-making procedures for determining production schedules that minimize inventory costs. One such potential area of attention is the economic lot-scheduling problem (ELSP), which occurs in a variety of manufacturing environments where machining operations are prevalent. The economic lot-scheduling problem addresses the determination of lot sizes for N products with constant demand (and cycled through one machine with a given production rate) to minimize setup and inventory costs. The most successful solution approaches to the ELSP have been based on the concept of a basic period that is of sufficient length for the production of all items, even though each item might not be produced during each repetition of the basic period. This paper proposes a heuristic approach to the solution of the ELSP (referred to as the method of prime subperiods), which is an extension of the basic period approaches. The procedure is described and demonstrated via an example and then tested using a set of six example problems previously employed in the literature related to the ELSP. The results indicate as good or superior performance by the proposed method of prime subperiods.  相似文献   

Abstract. The traditional approach in the study of inventory systems is to give more importance to items whose demands are either large or very difficult to forecast, discounting the importance of inventory items with small demand. The objective of this paper is to present a simple and practical heuristic to the slow-moving items problem. First we provide insight into previous work in this area and also give a brief outline of classical models in stochastic inventory theory. Then we present the proposed approach and detail the heuristic. We summarize the paper with an analysis of the simulation results and finish with the conclusions that are drawn from the results.  相似文献   

Two factors that their influence on the demand has been investigated in many papers are (i) the shelf space allocated to a product and to its complement or supplement products and (ii) the instantaneous inventory level seen by customers. Here we analyze the joint shelf space allocation and inventory decisions for multiple items with demand that depends on both factors. The traditional approach to solve inventory models with a state‐dependent demand rate uses a time domain approach. However, this approach often does not lead to closed‐form expressions for the profit rate with both dependencies. We analyze the problem in the inventory domain via level crossing theory. This approach leads to closed‐form expressions for a large set of demand rate functions exhibiting both dependencies. These closed‐form expressions substantially simplify the search for optimal solutions; thus we use them to solve the joint inventory control and shelf space allocation problem. We consider examples with two products to investigate the significance of capturing both demand dependencies. We show that in some settings it is important to capture both dependencies. We consider two heuristics, each one of them ignores one of the two dependencies. Using these heuristics it seems that ignoring the dependency on the shelf space might be less harmful than ignoring the dependency on the inventory level, which, based on computational results, can lead to profit losses of more than 6%. We demonstrate that retailers should use their operational control, e.g., reorder point, to promote higher demand products.  相似文献   

The current deregulated transportation environment has fostered wider freight rate differentials based on shipping weight. As a result, grouping inventory items for the purpose of consolidating inbound replenishment orders can be cost-effective. The pressure in some industries for just-in-time delivery of small lots has also created new opportunities for consolidation of orders. The objective of this research is to identify inventory-transport conditions where a consolidation strategy has cost-reduction potential. Logistics cost generated by ordering an ensemble of items consolidated into groups is compared to those generated by two independent, item reorder strategies. Using data from 150 ensembles, the cost-reduction potential of consolidating was correlated with characteristics of the individual inventory items in an ensemble, a dominant group of items in the ensemble, and the ensemble itself. Finally, response functions were derived and used to test the external validity of the results. For this purpose we used 25 randomly selected inventory ensembles obtained from a retail merchandising firm.  相似文献   

A product has been formally denned as being subject to sudden obsolescence if its lifetime is negative exponentially distributed. Using an approximate model, Masters suggested that the traditional method of incorporating obsolescence cost as a component of inventory holding costs in the economic order quantity (EOQ) model was appropriate-for products subject to sudden obsolescence, provided that the obsolescence cost component was computed properly. Unfortunately, current practice of the EOQ model seriously underestimates the costs of sudden obsolescence. An exact model demonstrating that Masters' model also underestimated true lifetime costs and overestimated the optimal order quantity has been presented. Neither of these models addressed quantity discounts. Furthermore, with their cost-minimization focus, these models fail to identify situations when minimized costs exceed expected revenues. We extend Joglekar and Lee's model to focus on maximizing profits, rather than minimizing costs. This model answers such questions as whether to stock the product at all, whether to accept a quantity discount offer, and what order quantity to use. Numerical examples and sensitivity analyses suggest that Masters' model provides a significant improvement over the traditional model in moving toward true optimality. However, they also illustrate situations where both the traditional and the Masters' model accept a quantity discount that deserves to be rejected and stock a product that should not be stocked. In such situations, it seems important that a retailer uses the profit-maximization model presented here.  相似文献   

The multiple criteria ABC analysis is widely used in inventory management, and it can help organizations to assign inventory items into different classes with respect to several evaluation criteria. Many approaches have been proposed in the literature for addressing such a problem. However, most of these approaches are fully compensatory in multiple criteria aggregation. This means that an item scoring badly on one or more key criteria could be placed in good classes because these bad performances could be compensated by other criteria. Thus, it is necessary to consider the non-compensation in the multiple criteria ABC analysis. To the best of our knowledge, the ABC classification problem with non-compensation among criteria has not been studied sufficiently. We thus propose a new classification approach based on the outranking model to cope with such a problem in this paper. However, the relational nature of the outranking model makes the search for the optimal classification solution a complex combinatorial optimization problem. It is very time-consuming to solve such a problem using mathematical programming techniques when the inventory size is large. Therefore, we combine the clustering analysis and the simulated annealing algorithm to search for the optimal classification. The clustering analysis groups similar inventory items together and builds up the hierarchy of clusters of items. The simulated annealing algorithm searches for the optimal classification on different levels of the hierarchy. The proposed approach is illustrated by a practical example from a Chinese manufacturer. Furthermore, we validate the performance of the approach through experimental investigation on a large set of artificially generated data at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Management goals in distribution inventories are often expressed in terms of the maximum percentage of aggregate sales that should be back ordered. This paper compares several strategies for allocating total inventory investment to each item stocked in order to meet such goals. Computational results are given from a wholesale distribution inventory. The results show that multi-item strategies (which consider the interactions between items) require substantially less investment to meet management goals than strategies that treat each line item independently. All models in this research are approximations based on the assumptions commonly used in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a geometric programming approach for determining the inventory policy for multiple items having price discount and a limit on the total average inventory of all the items. An example is solved to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Joglekar and Tharthare [6] presented an alternate approach for minimizing total inventory carrying and ordering costs of a vendor and the purchaser(s). This approach permits the vendor and the purchaser(s) to rationally select their operating policies. Joglekar and Tharthare claimed that their approach is more economical than the joint lot-size approach. In this note we identify some conceptual issues in their approach and demonstrate the superiority of the joint lot-size approach with the help of an example.  相似文献   

针对单周期环境下考虑交叉销售的多产品库存决策问题,在市场需求不确定条件下,建立了带有预算约束的交叉销售多产品库存鲁棒优化模型。针对不确定市场需求,采用支持向量聚类(SVC)方法构建了满足一定置信水平的数据驱动不确定集。进一步,运用拉格朗日对偶方法将所建模型等价转化为易于求解的线性规划问题。最后,通过数值计算对比分析了SVC不确定集下及传统不确定集下的零售商利润绩效,并评估了SVC数据驱动鲁棒优化方法导致的绩效损失,进而分析了预算及交叉销售系数对零售商利润绩效的影响。结果表明,SVC数据驱动鲁棒优化方法具有良好的鲁棒性,能够有效抑制需求不确定性对从事多产品销售的零售商利润绩效的影响。特别地,需求分布信息的缺失虽然会给零售商带来一定的绩效损失,但损失值很小,表明文中提出的基于SVC的数据驱动鲁棒优化方法可以为管理者在需求不确定性环境下制定库存策略提供有效决策借鉴。  相似文献   

Red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets are examples of perishable items with a fixed shelf life. Recent studies show that transfusing fresh RBCs may lead to an improvement of patient outcomes. In addition, to better manage their inventory, hospitals prefer to receive fresh RBCs and platelets. Therefore, as well as minimizing outdates and shortages, reducing the average age of issue is a key performance criterion for blood banks. The issuing policy in a perishable inventory system has a substantial impact on the age of issue and outdate and shortage rates. Although several studies have compared the last in first out (LIFO) and the first in first out (FIFO) policies for perishable products, only a few studies have considered the situation of blood banks where replenishment is not controllable. In this study, we examine various issuing policies for a perishable inventory system with uncontrollable replenishment, and outline a modified FIFO policy. Our proposed modified FIFO policy partitions the inventory into two parts such that the first part holds the items with age less than a threshold. It then applies the FIFO policy in each part and the LIFO policy between the parts. We present two approximation techniques to estimate the average age of issue, the average time between successive outdates and the average time between successive shortages of the modified FIFO policy. Our analysis shows in several cases that where the objective function is a single economic function, or it is formulated as a multiobjective model, the modified FIFO policy outperforms the FIFO and LIFO policies.  相似文献   

既往有关库存水平影响需求条件下的库存问题研究中,通常对终端库存水平是否存在货架与零售商仓库库存水平的区别未作深入探讨。本文的研究认为,现实中许多零售商拥有仓库,其现有库存水平包括仓库库存和货架库存两部分,而影响需求的仅为与货架展示能力相关的库存,因此有必要对二者的需求影响效应进行区分。在明确这一区别的前提下,本文首先建立了供应商管理库存情况下库存水平影响需求问题的一般库存模型,给出零售商的最优订货策略;并考虑货架的容量限制,给出零售商启用仓库的判断条件。由于仓库库存仅在能够影响货架展示能力的条件下才能够影响消费需求,本文还进一步讨论了在零售商拥有仓库时,区分货架与仓库的库存水平影响需求条件下的最优库存与订货决策。这对于经营不同特征商品的零售商在进行是否需要拥有仓库,以及拥有仓库条件下的库存决策具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

顾客对缺货数量和等待时间的敏感度影响着部分短缺量拖后率。基于此,根据顾客对缺货数量和等待时间的敏感度以及成本结构,对部分短缺量拖后下不同补货策略的适用范围进行了研究,得出以下结论:(s,S)连续性检查策略适用于单位缺货和丢单成本较高的库存系统;(t,S)周期性检查策略和(t,s,S)混合策略适用于单位缺货和丢单成本较低的库存系统;在单位缺货和丢单成本较低的库存系统中,当顾客对缺货数量较敏感时,(t,s,S)混合策略的运作成本更低,否则(t,S)周期性检查策略更适用,而顾客对等待时间的敏感度对补货策略适用范围的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Multi-criteria inventory classification groups inventory items into classes, each of which is managed by a specific re-order policy according to its priority. However, the tasks of inventory classification and control are not carried out jointly if the classification criteria and the classification approach are not robustly established from an inventory-cost perspective. Exhaustive simulations at the single item level of the inventory system would directly solve this issue by searching for the best re-order policy per item, thus achieving the subsequent optimal classification without resorting to any multi-criteria classification method. However, this would be very time-consuming in real settings, where a large number of items need to be managed simultaneously.

In this article, a reduction in simulation effort is achieved by extracting from the population of items a sample on which to perform an exhaustive search of best re-order policies per item; the lowest cost classification of in-sample items is, therefore, achieved. Then, in line with the increasing need for ICT tools in the production management of Industry 4.0 systems, supervised classifiers from the machine learning research field (i.e. support vector machines with a Gaussian kernel and deep neural networks) are trained on these in-sample items to learn to classify the out-of-sample items solely based on the values they show on the features (i.e. classification criteria). The inventory system adopted here is suitable for intermittent demands, but it may also suit non-intermittent demands, thus providing great flexibility. The experimental analysis of two large datasets showed an excellent accuracy, which suggests that machine learning classifiers could be implemented in advanced inventory classification systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a simple method to determine the inventory policy of multiple items having varying holding cost using a geometric programming approach. The varying holding cost is considered to be a continuous function of the order quantity. The EOQ inventory model with constant holding cost and the classical EOQ inventory model without constraints are derived.  相似文献   

针对具有学习行为的双渠道供应链问题,本文研究了两种分销渠道并存下的最优库存策略。有限计划期内,分销商通过传统销售和在线销售来满足下游顾客的需求。两种分销渠道下的销售单价为时变不减线性函数,当系统中各周期的生产订购固定成本以一定的概率具有学习效应行为时,分别建立了非变质产品生产存贮问题的混合整数约束优化模型以及易变质产品存贮问题的无约束混合整数优化模型,所建立模型的目标为极大化分销商总利润函数。对于这两类模型,通过分析其最优解的性质,利用将生产订购次数松弛为连续变量的技巧证明了最优解存在的唯一性。给出了最优策略的求解方法并比较了两类模型最优利润函数值的大小。最后通过数值算例对上述模型进行了验证,数值结果表明当供应链系统中存在学习效应行为时,该系统能够获得更多的利润。  相似文献   

This paper presents and solves a model for the multiple supplier inventory grouping problem, which involves the minimization of logistics costs for a firm that has multiple suppliers with capacity limitations. The costs included in the model are purchasing, transportation, ordering, and inventory holding, while the firm's objective is to determine the optimal flows and groups of commodities from each supplier. We present an algorithm, which combines subgradient optimization and a primal heuristic, to quickly solve the multiple supplier inventory grouping problem. Our algorithm is tested extensively on problems of various sizes and structures, and its performance is compared to that of OSL, a state-of-the-art integer programming code. The computational results indicate that our approach is extremely efficient for solving the multiple supplier inventory grouping problem.  相似文献   

血液是一种典型的易变质物品。本文以国内某大型医院的血液库存系统为对象,依照其运作流程,基于该系统运行的历史数据建立了一个离散事件系统仿真模型对这一系统进行研究,得到了该系统的最优订货点。本文的研究有助于血液库存管理措施的制定与改进,对其它易变质物品库存系统的管理也有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a geometric programming approach for determining the inventory policy for multiple items having varying order cost, which is a continuous function of the order quantity, and a limit on the total average inventory of all items. Our model is a generalization of that of Gupta and Gupta for unrestricted single-item order quantity model with varying order cost and assumes the same order cost function. This cost function relates well to real-life situations since it increases as the order quantity increases and, at the same time, it is easy to handle when deducing previous work as special cases of our model since it is easily reducible to a constant. An example is solved to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Scientific techniques for inventory management typically are applied to systems containing many items. Such techniques require an estimation of the demand variance (and mean) of each item from historical data. This research demonstrates a significant potential for improvement in system cost performance from using least-squares regression fits of a variance-to-mean functional relation instead of the standard statistical variance estimate. Even when there is a moderate degree of heterogeneity among items and when the form of the variance-to-mean relation is misspecified, substantial cost savings may be realized. The cost of statistical uncertainty may be reduced by half. The research also provides evidence that system cost is fairly insensitive to the number of items used to fit the regression. This paper provides the underlying reason why a regression-derived variance estimator yields lower cost: it is less variable than the usual individual item variance estimator.  相似文献   

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