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This paper presents an initial study of relative performance for a number of the labor tour scheduling heuristic methods proposed in the literature. These heuristic methods were classified as either linear programming (LP) based or construction. Each of the methods was applied to a tour scheduling problem, subject to a variety of labor demand requirements distributions, with the singular objective being the minimization of total labor hours scheduled. Statistical analysis revealed that effective tour schedule solutions were generated by both LP-based and construction methods. Since the performances of the Keith [13], Morris and Showalter [18], and Bechtold and Showalter [5] methods were superior, their solutions were also compared across a number of secondary criteria. An overall analysis of the performances of these three methods resulted in the identification of a number of important managerial and decision-making issues. We conclude that service operations management should consider integrating these heuristic methods into a decision support system. Finally, suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The dual problem of work tour scheduling and task assignment involving workers who differ in their times of availability and task qualifications is examined in this paper. The problem is presented in the context of a fast food restaurant, but applies equally well to a diverse set of service operations. Developing a week-long labor schedule is a nontrivial problem, in terms of complexity and importance, which a manager spends as much as a full workday solving. The primary scheduling objective (the manager's concern) is the minimization of overstaffing in the face of significant hourly and daily fluctuations in minimum staffing requirements. The secondary objective (the workers’ concern) is the minimization of the sum of the squared differences between the number of work hours scheduled and the number targeted for each employee. Contributing to scheduling complexity are constraints on the structure of work tours, including minimum and maximum shift lengths and a maximum number of workdays. A goal programming formulation of a representative problem is shown to be too large, for all practical purposes, to be solved optimally. Existing heuristic procedures related to this research possess inherent limitations which render them inadequate for our purposes. Subsequently, we propose and demonstrate a computerized heuristic procedure capable of producing a labor schedule requiring at most minor refinement by a manager.  相似文献   

Achieving minimum staffing costs, maximum employee satisfaction with their assigned schedules, and acceptable levels of service are important but potentially conflicting objectives when scheduling service employees. Existing employee scheduling models, such as tour scheduling or general employee scheduling, address at most two of these criteria. This paper describes a heuristic to improve tour scheduling solutions provided by other procedures, and generate a set of equivalent cost feasible alternatives. These alternatives allow managers to identify solutions with attractive secondary characteristics, such as overall employee satisfaction with their assigned tours or consistent employee workloads and customer response times. Tests with both full-time and mixed work force problems reveal the method improves most nonoptimal initial heuristic solutions. Many of the alternatives generated had more even distributions of surplus staff than the initial solutions, yielding more consistent customer response times and employee workloads. The likelihood of satisfying employee scheduling preferences may also be increased since each alternative provides a different deployment of employees among the available schedules.  相似文献   

Decision makers often face scheduling problems in which processing times are not known with certainty. Non-regular performance measures, in which both earliness and tardiness are penalized, are also becoming more common in both manufacturing and service operations. We model a managerial environment with task processing times (which include sequenceindependent set-up times) prescribed by three-parameter lognormal distributions. Upon completion, each task derives a reward given by a particular piecewise-linear reward function. The objective is to select a sequence of tasks maximizing the expected total reward. The relative generality of the problem renders many enumerative methods inapplicable or computationally intractable. To overcome such difficulties we develop efficient priorityinduced construction (PIC) heuristics which build up a complete schedule by inserting tasks (singly from a list) into a partial sequence of tasks. In each partial and complete sequence a period of idle time is permitted prior to the first task. Performance on realistic-sized problems is very encouraging, with cost penalties averaging less than one percent.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an optimization model for efficiently scheduling internal audits of multiple units within a business enterprise. The model determines an optimal mix of audit frequencies for the audit units given the risks and costs involved in the audit process. We also show one method for estimating the audit cost and loss functions needed as input to the model and demonstrate how to obtain a solution for the model. To illustrate the model's use, we solve a sample problem with eight audit units and examine the sensitivity of the solution to misestimation of the risk parameters. Our results indicate that the model is readily solvable on a personal computer, useful for choosing an efficient mix of audit frequencies and an overall audit budget, and relatively insensitive to misestimation of the risk parameters.  相似文献   

钢铁企业的炼钢连铸计划调度问题一直是学术界和企业界研究的热门课题.炼钢连铸生产计划调度系统是钢铁企业制造执行系统的重要组成部分,在企业的生产管理中起着承上启下的作用.本文首先简述了炼钢连铸计划调度理论的发展历程和生产工艺流程,并进一步描述了炼钢连铸计划编制的流程.针对炼钢连铸计划调度的现场要求,架构了炼钢连铸计划调度优化系统的功能模块,并较详细地说明了各功能模块的功能特点.该系统不仅能对静态调度计划应用多种优化方法进行编制,而且对复杂生产环境的各类响应事件可以做到快速响应,满足动态调度的要求,保证生产的稳定顺行.  相似文献   

Two heuristics based on branch and bound (B&B) are developed to solve closed-loop material requirements planning (MRP) lot-sizing problems that have general product structures and variable costs. A “look ahead method'’(LAM) heuristic allows for variable production/purchasing costs and uses a single-level B&B procedure to rapidly improve lower bound values; thus, LAM efficiently uses computer-storage capacity and allows solution of larger problems. The “total average modification'’(TAM) heuristic uses B&B, applied level by level, and modified setup and carrying costs to solve the variable production/purchasing costs MRP lot-sizing problem. LAM and TAM are tested on problems and compared to heuristics in the literature. TAM may be used to solve large MRP lot-sizing problems encountered in practice.  相似文献   

The problem of scheduling in a flowshop, where setup, processing and removal times are separable, is considered with the objective of minimizing makespan. Heuristic algorithms are developed by the introduction of simplifying assumptions into the scheduling problem under study. An improvement method is incorporated in the heuristics to enhance the quality of their solutions. The proposed heuristics and an existing heuristic are evaluated by a large number of randomly generated problems. The results of an extensive computational investigation for various values of parameters are presented.  相似文献   

Current research and practice in the field of production and inventory planning is dominated by hierarchical, material requirements planning-based methods. The objective of this research is to determine the merits of a major redirection for the design of manufacturing planning systems—a direction that more directly exploits the capabilities of modern computer technology. We test the relative performance of two fundamentally different classes of manufacturing planning systems: (1) those that make no use of sequencing and scheduling information in the planning of material deliveries (for example, traditional MRP-based systems), and (2) those that use sequencing and scheduling information to plan delivery of materials. We first derive an analytical expression for the expected benefit (in terms of flow time reduction) of using scheduling information for a single machine system. We then describe and test a simple heuristic for predicting the improvement that could be realized in more complicated multimachine systems, under certain conditions. Results from controlled simulation experiments, over a wide range of operating environments, suggest that although the value of scheduling information is influenced by the operating environment, it could be substantial.  相似文献   

This study revisits the traditional single stage, multi-item, capacitated lot-sizing problem (CLSP) with a new integrative focus on problem structuring. Unlike past research, we develop integrative cycle scheduling approaches which simultaneously address lot-sizing, capacity, and sequencing issues. Our purposes are to (1) explore the effect of sequencing on inventory levels, (2) examine the problem of infeasibility in the economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP), and (3) provide a simple methodology of generating low-cost cycle schedules in an environment with discrete shipping, dynamic demands, limited capacity, zero setup cost, and sequence-independent setup times. Our procedures are compared to benchmark cycle scheduling approaches in terms of both inventory cost and computation time under different demand scenarios, using the operating data from a flexible assembly system (FAS) at the Ford Motor Company's Sandusky, Ohio plant.  相似文献   

Legislators at the state and national levels are addressing renewed concerns over the adequacy of hospital nurse staffing to provide quality care and ensure patient safety. At the same time, the well‐known nursing shortage remains an ongoing problem. To address these issues, we reexamine the nurse scheduling problem and consider how recent health care legislation impacts nursing workforce management decisions. Specifically, we develop a scheduling model and perform computational experiments to evaluate how mandatory nurse‐to‐patient ratios and other policies impact schedule cost and schedule desirability (from the nurses' perspective). Our primary findings include the following: (i) nurse wage costs can be highly nonlinear with respect to changes in mandatory nurse‐to‐patient ratios of the type being considered by legislators; (ii) the number of undesirable shifts can be substantially reduced without incurring additional wage cost; (iii) more desirable scheduling policies, such as assigning fewer weekends to each nurse, have only a small impact on wage cost; and (iv) complex policy statements involving both single‐period and multiperiod service levels can sometimes be relaxed while still obtaining good schedules that satisfy the nurse‐to‐patient ratio requirements. The findings in this article suggest that new directions for future nurse scheduling models, as it is likely that nurse‐to‐patient ratios and nursing shortages will remain a challenge for health care organizations for some time.  相似文献   

Modelling the resource allocation decision process in a decentralized organization using mathematical programming decomposition approaches has proven intractable for all but the smallest of problems. In this paper three artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are integrated to model the resource allocation decision process, and the solution for a three-level decentralized organization is illustrated. The techniques are (1) the filtered beam search, which selects a list of potential projects at the subordinate level, (2) the world model, which describes the ordinate and superordinate's worlds and their decision-making processes, and (3) the blackboard model, which allows for global, but selective, storage of information. Benefits of the new approach include: several different mechanisms of managerial control may be modelled, the true information flow in an organization is more closely mirrored, and problems of a more realistic size are now viable. There are three primary ways in which the new model could be useful to management: The desirability and effects of different organizational structures can be modeled, the efficacy of various coordination mechanisms along the organizational structure can be examined, and a subset of projects from a wider list of possibilities can be selected. Also, an example is given showing how the model may be extended to scenarios with asymetric information and divergence of preferences, whereby subordinates have different objectives than their managers and where there is no way for managers to verify the truthfulness of their subordinates' responses.  相似文献   

Deterministic goal programs for employee scheduling decisions attempt to minimize expected operating costs by assigning the ideal number of employees to each feasible schedule. For each period in the planning horizon, managers must first determine the amount of labor that should be scheduled for duty. These requirements are often established with marginal analysis techniques, which use estimates for incremental labor costs and shortage expenses. Typically, each period in the planning horizon is evaluated as an independent epoch. An implicit assumption is that individual employees can be assigned to schedules with as little as a single period of work. If this assumption violates local work rules, the labor requirements parameters for the deterministic goal program may be suboptimal. As we show in this research, this well-known limitation can lead to costly staffing and scheduling errors. We propose an employee scheduling model that overcomes this limitation by integrating the labor requirements and scheduling decisions. Instead of a single, externally determined staffing goal for each period, the model uses a probability distribution for the quantity of labor required. The model is free to choose an appropriate staffing level for each period, eliminating the need for a separate goal-setting procedure. In most cases this results in better, less costly decisions. In addition, the proposed model easily accommodates both linear and nonlinear under- and overstaffing penalties. We use simple examples to demonstrate many of these advantages and to illustrate the key techniques necessary to implement our model. We also assess its performance in a study of more than 1,700 simulated stochastic employee scheduling problems.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two principles that have become increasingly important in the design of knowledge-based systems: domain-specific knowledge used to support opportunistic reasoning and hierarchical organization structure used to control and coordinate problem-solving activity. We propose a design framework that embodies these two principles and describe how this framework has been used to develop a knowledge-based job-shop scheduling system. This system, called OPIS 0, has undergone limited testing in an experimental environment modeled after an actual job shop. Its performance has been very good compared to ISIS and to the more traditional approach of constructing a schedule by dispatching jobs using the COVERT priority rule. The resulting design also shows potential for use in a decision support role.  相似文献   

The increased use of cellular manufacturing configurations designed to grapple with increasing competitive pressures is providing manufacturing managers and engineers with a broad variety of operational challenges. Many questions concerning the best procedures and policies for the day-to-day operation of manufacturing cells are still unanswered. The primary objective of this study is to compare the performance of traditional single-stage heuristics and the two-stage group scheduling heuristics that have exhibited superior performance in previous studies in a flow-through cell environment under a rigorous set of experimental conditions. Such a comparison is of great interest since each previous study has focused on proposing new heuristics and testing them against some particular baseline heuristic, often without comprehensive comparisons to the broad variety of previously proposed heuristics. Two single-stage heuristics and four two-stage heuristics are examined under sixteen experimental conditions (four experimental factors at two levels each). The experimental factors examined are shop load, due date tightness, setup to run-time ratio, and interarrival time distribution. Results vary by experimental condition and performance criteria, but in general, two-stage heuristics outperformed single-stage heuristics under all experimental conditions, as well as being relatively insensitive to changing experimental conditions. In addition, two of the two-stage heuristics displayed superior performance on all performance measures under most experimental conditions. Finally, the results indicated that interarrival time distribution does have a major impact on the performance of scheduling heuristics.  相似文献   

钢铁企业的计划与调度是企业高效组织,有序生产,保证产能、经济效益最大化的最核心的生产管理功能.计划部分需要考虑板型设计、物料计划、生产计划等,在详细的排产阶段需要设计热金属交付、连铸、轧制等时刻表甘特图.  相似文献   

Batch manufacturing firms are experiencing significant changes because of technological developments in work center design, such as flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and planning/control tools like computer-aided process planning (CAPP). These new developments provide production managers with some solutions to a number of complex problems. For example, numerical-controlled (NC) machine center installations are effective in providing quality parts because of tight tolerance specifications built into the equipment. However, these highly efficient centers create bottlenecks that constrain shop throughput, since production planners tend to rely too much on them. To help improve manufacturing planning, we introduce an important element to the batch production scheduling component of CAPP's mission—evaluating possible alternate routes. Production scheduling encompasses job route selection as well as machine center assignment (loading), job releasing, and setting due dates. In this paper, three routing strategies requiring different levels of shop floor information are tested and evaluated using computer simulation. Shop performance is measured by total cost and traditional measures of job flow time, lateness, and tardiness.  相似文献   

Lori S. Franz 《决策科学》1989,20(2):359-377
This paper presents a data driven modeling (DDM) approach to certain types of optimization problems. DDM relinquishes control of the completed model to the user department rather than the operations research (OR) staff. The approach emphasizes development of models that are dependent on data maintained and understood by the users. The data base consists of coded user rules which describe when changes will occur in the problem structure and data which captures the generalization of the problem. Both the rules and data can be updated by user department personnel. These data drive a matrix generator controlled by the rules which uses the data base as input to generate the specific model formulation. This DDM system is designed by OR consultants or staff to allow independence of use along with low-cost and minimal-effort maintenance. The DDM approach is illustrated with an application to a real-world medical scheduling problem.  相似文献   

In uncertain environments, the master production schedule (MPS) is usually developed using a rolling schedule. When utilizing a rolling schedule, the MPS is replanned periodically and a portion of the MPS is frozen in each planning cycle. The cost performance of a rolling schedule depends on three decisions: the choice of the replanning interval (R), which determines how often the MPS should be replanned; the choice of the frozen interval (F), which determines how many periods the MPS should be frozen in each planning cycle; and the choice of the forecast window (T), which is the time interval over which the MPS is determined using newly updated forecast data. This paper uses an analytical approach to study the master production scheduling process in uncertain environments without capacity constraints, where the MPS is developed using a rolling schedule. It focuses on the choices of F, R, and T for the MPS. A conceptual framework that includes all important MPS time intervals is described. The effects of F, R, and T on system costs, which include the forecast error, MPS change, setup, and inventory holding costs, are also explored. Finally, a mathematical model for the MPS is presented. This model approximates the average system cost as a function of F, R, T, and several environmental factors. It can be used to estimate the associated system costs for any combination of F, R, and T.  相似文献   

This paper studies the master production scheduling (MPS) activity of manufacturing firms that produce assemble-to-order (ATO) products. It describes four techniques for master scheduling ATO products: end-product bills, modular bills, super bills, and percentage bills. These procedures are compared in terms of the percentage of customer orders delivered late, the mean tardiness of customer order deliveries, and the total cost of inventory using simulation analysis. The results indicate that the performance of an MPS technique is affected by the level of uncertainty of the end products' demands and the degree of component commonality in the product structure. In particular, modular bills produce the highest customer service level and super bills produce the lowest total inventory cost under most operating conditions. The conclusions also suggest that the choice of a particular MPS technique is often a compromise between the benefits of improved MPS performance and the costs of implementing and executing the MPS system.  相似文献   

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