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An auditor gives a going concern uncertainty opinion when the client company is at risk of failure or exhibits other signs of distress that threaten its ability to continue as a going concern. The decision to issue a going concern opinion is an unstructured task that requires the use of the auditor's judgment. In cases where judgment is required, the auditor may benefit from the use of statistical analysis or other forms of decision models to support the final decision. This study uses the generalized reduced gradient (GRG2) optimizer for neural network learning, a backpropagation neural network, and a logit model to predict which firms would receive audit reports reflecting a going concern uncertainty modification. The GRG2 optimizer has previously been used as a more efficient optimizer for solving business problems. The neural network model formulated using GRG2 has the highest prediction accuracy of 95 percent. It performs best when tested with a small number of variables on a group of data sets, each containing 70 observations. While the logit procedure fails to converge when using our eight variable model, the GRG2 based neural network analysis provides consistent results using either eight or four variable models. The GRG2 based neural network is proposed as a robust alternative model for auditors to support their assessment of going concern uncertainty affecting the client company.  相似文献   

Gary J. Cook 《决策科学》1993,24(3):683-698
Understanding how people search through and combine information before making decisions is an important concern in the study of decision making and in the design of decision support systems (DSS). The purpose of this study is to examine DSS search strategies in relation to the body of empirical research on information load. Prior research is examined in relation to basic empirically-testable hypotheses and compared to the results of this study as a way of validating the procedures used here. The transfer of information load empirical research to a DSS scenario is confirmed statistically. Then, results of an analysis of information search patterns under DSS conditions are described. Finally, implications for DSS design are discussed in terms of possible search support mechanisms for specific search strategies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of certain types of error on ad hoc, unstructured decision making that incorporates a satisficing strategy in a multi-criteria context using the conjunctive rule. The impacts of error in evaluation and of error in minimal or satisficing levels are systematically modelled for each of the decision criteria. Error functions, analytical expressions, and procedures are developed to obtain information such as the likelihood of correct decision making in the presence of evaluation and minimal criteria level error. These are applied to a specific research design, which is then analyzed. This highlights certain features of decision making in a satisficing context, such as the importance of keeping the number of decision criteria to a minimum. The results yield various insights, some of which confirm information obtained from previous analyses. A major advantage of the framework presented is that it can provide quantitative measurements which support ideas previously couched in qualitative terms only. Although the framework is applied in the context of decision making that uses the conjunctive rule in the case of multiple criteria, other satisficing strategies can be accommodated as well.  相似文献   

We propose the use of computerized process tracing (CPT) tools as an appropriate approach for monitoring the information acquisition and evaluation phase of specific decision processes. CPT tools are unobtrusive and seem particularly relevant for evaluating certain decision tasks that may be supported by decision support systems (DSS). CPT tools can be an important component of DSS development. An information systems research taxonomy developed by previous researchers [29] [36] is used to position research work involving the methodology of CPT. Using a critique suggested by Libby [28], CPT tools are evaluated and compared to alternative process tracing tools. A brief empirical example using CPT is provided, and future uses relative to DSS are suggested. The appendix includes an example of a specific CPT tool.  相似文献   

This laboratory experiment studied the effects of source and participant anonymity, and differences in initial opinions in an electronic meeting system (EMS) context. Results indicated that (a) inhibition to participate did not mediate the effect of anonymity on participation as suggested in prior deindividuation and EMS literature; and (b) the effect of anonymity on participation, satisfaction, and postdiscussion agreement depended on the level and type of anonymity involved and whether initial opinions among group members were similar or different. A mechanism that suggests that anonymity may cause participants to focus more on their task by turning attention away from other participants partly accounts for the effects of source and participant anonymity on participation in this study. Future work should focus on determining how different types and levels of anonymity influence process and outcomes in different types of groups.  相似文献   

Strategic applications of information systems (IS) are considered by IS researchers to be determined by contextual factors such as environmental uncertainty, and influenced by attributes of the processes preceding them, such as planning and top management support. For better management of the process leading to these applications, it is essential to understand the relationship between process attributes and contextual factors. Utilizing a contingency approach, this article takes a step toward such an understanding. Based on successful strategic IS applications from 81 large companies, it examines the relationship between the context of these applications and the decision-making process leading to them. The results indicate that the external environment is related to whether a rational or political decision-making process is used. The IS function seems to influence the use of the decision process implied by IS researchers, one in which the top management champions the strategic application, while the IS managers contribute by conducting in-depth analysis. However, the organization structure was not related to any decision process attribute. The implications of these findings for future research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

Saaty's analytic hierarchy process assessed attribute importance by soliciting decision makers' (DM) importance ratios to compute weights. Saaty suggested a decision rule for accepting DM judgments based on a consistency measure derived from the DM's importance ratios. This paper investigates the distribution of random inconsistency and decision rule implications. Stricter consistency requirements for three- and four-attribute criteria matrices are suggested.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the choice models developed in the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) area, this paper proposes an architecture for designing an intelligent decision support system (DSS) that is intended to aid in making choices among multiple alternatives along multiple dimensions. It argues that effective support can be provided to the decision maker when the knowledge-based DSS is capable of dynamically selecting choice models appropriate to the domain and context of a particular problem being specified by the decision maker, and of properly applying them to the problem solution. Development of a prototype intended to partially represent application of the architecture is described. The paper concludes with suggestions for research extensions.  相似文献   

Information matrices are often the output produced by a decision support system. These matrices are a common method for expressing a decision situation under different decision-making scenarios. The decisions involved in designing a decision support system to generate the information matrix are important and involve several cost and benefit components. A designer needs guidance in making effective design decisions in this context. Such guidance can be provided by considering the relationships among specific design decisions, costs, and benefits. The general objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive framework for this purpose. This study is the first to develop and present a comprehensive cost-benefit framework for evaluating design decisions for a variety of scenarios. The specific objective of this research is to provide guidance regarding the number of available information dimensions to incorporate in a computer-based decision aid. Simulation experiments are conducted with a completely specified model based on the cost-benefit framework (including needed assumptions) to evaluate how many information dimensions to include for a specific information matrix size to achieve a balance between information use costs and decision quality. Based upon extensive simulation analyses for a hypothetical decision maker, the practical guideline found for designers is to include only the top half of the relevant information dimensions in any specific decision support system. Over a large number of repeating choice decisions, the savings in cognitive effort and information gathering costs clearly offset relatively minor losses in decision quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to comment on the artificiality of using known scales of measurement (or conveniently improvised numbers) to make decisions. In particular, the pitfalls of trying to please the decision maker and of using normalization as a number crunching tool are discussed. Finally, an example is given to show what is needed to develop a workable and theoretically sound theory for multi-criteria decisions and to show that the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) meets these demands.  相似文献   

Stephen Slade 《决策科学》1992,23(6):1440-1461
As information systems make the transition from decision support to decision making, there will be a concomitant need for the programs to explain or justify their actions. Without such explanations, humans will not readily cede authority to a machine. This paper describes an automated decision-making program, VOTE, which generates natural language explanations for its decisions in both English and French. The program domain is Congressional roll call voting. VOTE simulates voting decisions of specific members of the United States House of Representatives on given bills. VOTE's natural language generation facility is also used by the underlying databases to interpret the knowledge representations. These underlying knowledge representations are described and applications of this decision making model to the general business domains of strategic planning, investment, and marketing are suggested.  相似文献   

Despite the growing number of investigations examining decision support systems (DSS), relatively few empirical studies have evaluated the effects of DSS on problem-solving processes. This study uses protocol analysis to investigate the impact of a specific decision aid on problem-solving processes in a semi-structured problem. Results indicate that decision aids influence the problem-solving processes of decision makers. The effect of a decision aid is found to be contingent on familiarity with the decision aid, task familiarity, and the interaction of these two factors. Suggestions for incorporating interaction effects and problem-solving processes into future examinations are proposed.  相似文献   

The evaluation of strategic alternatives is a particularly difficult task. This difficulty is due to the complexities inherent in the evaluation process and the lack of structured information. The evaluation process must consider a multitude of relevant information from both the internal and external environments of the organization. Various analytical and normative models have helped decision makers utilize large volumes of information in strategic evaluation; however, most of these models have some limitations. We present a multiple criteria decision support system, called strategic assessment model (SAM), that addresses some of the limitations inherent in the existing models. SAM captures the decision maker's beliefs through a series of sequential, rational, and analytical processes. The environmental forces—decomposed into internal, task, general opportunities, and threats—are used along with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), subjective probabilities, the entropy concept, and utility theory to enhance the decision maker's intuition in evaluating a set of strategic alternatives.  相似文献   

One justification for eliciting and representing the judgment strategy of an expert in a rule-based expert system (RBES) is to facilitate knowledge transfer to individuals with less expertise. However, prior research suggests complexities and potential problems when using RBESs for training. In this paper, a conceptual framework of user learning from RBESs is presented. It is proposed that learning may be ineffective when the problem representation of the RBES is inconsistent with the user's mental representation of the task-domain knowledge. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of consistency (inconsistency) between the problem-solving strategy of RBESs and individuals' memory structures. Groups of subjects whose memory structure either matched or did not match two RBESs' problem-solving strategies were examined using an internal control evaluation task. The results suggest that learning was facilitated only for groups with congruence between the RBES's problem-solving strategy and a subject's memory structure.  相似文献   

The concepts of expert systems and decision support systems have received considerable attention recently. While systems have been proposed for various problem areas in business, difficulties still exist in the knowledge acquisition phase of development. This paper presents a recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) approach to knowledge acquisition. The RPA production system approach was applied to data sets representing the mortgage, commercial, and consumer lending problems. Comparison of the classification rates across these problems to the results of a generalized inductive inference production system (Quinlan's ID3 algorithm) and across the mortgage and commercial lending problems to traditional statistical modeling approaches indicated that the RPA approach provided superior results while using fewer variables.  相似文献   

An artificial intelligence-based rule-induction approach to the analysis of stock market prediction is presented. A single investment analyst was used as the expert for this study. Predicting intermediate fluctuations in the movement of the market for nonconservative investors was selected as the decision to analyze. Commercially available rule-induction software was used to generate rules that predicted the market calls of the market analyst and the actual movements of the market. Rules predicting actual market movement performed better than rules predicting the analyst's calls and better than the analyst himself. Such an approach may prove useful in designing a decision support system for market analysts or in improving the decision-making processes of such analysts. The dynamic nature of the stock market represents a substantially different decision environment than those previously analyzed by learning-from-example (LFE) techniques. This study provides insights into the limits and applications of LFE approaches.  相似文献   

Retrospective thinking occurs whenever one remembers something from the past, but one can also think retrospectively about hypothetical future events, by imagining that the event has already transpired and then working backward in the mind from the future toward the present. Designers, artists, planners, and other creative individuals utilize retrospective thinking when they mentally envision the object they wish to create and then thinkabout how it might be constructed. Some theorists and some previous research have suggested that forward and backward thinking are different cognitive processes, but there has been little investigation on the nature of these differences. This article examines the literature and describes a laboratory study designed to investigate retrospective thinking as a technique for increased idea generation. Subjects (n=64) were professional planners and managers with an average business experience of over 20 years. In a planning task, significantly more ideas were generated in the retrospective thinking mode than in the prospective mode, but the ideas were not found to be of greater quality. Evidence emerged that a subset of subjects were better able to make use of the retrospective technique, suggesting that selection along with training may be appropriate for the technique's mosteffective use.  相似文献   

Research suggests that two methods of introducing dissent, the dialectic inquiry (DI) and devil's advocate (DA) methods, show promise for increasing the cognitive complexity of decision makers. We investigated the joint effects of formalized dissent and group cognitive complexity by manipulating the formalized dissent method (DI or DA) used by 25 interacting groups engaged in a complex, ill-structured planning task. Participants were classified as either high or low cognitive complexity and assigned to stratified groups with members of homogeneous complexity. Results indicated that: (1) DA groups produced higher quality assumptions but took longer to generate plans than did DI groups, (2) high complexity groups generated more recommendations relative to low complexity groups, and (3) DA groups with low complexity members produced lower quality recommendations and participated less equally in decision making than did the other groups. We conclude by discussing the implications of the results for formalized dissent, cognitive complexity, and assessing managerial performance.  相似文献   

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