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The norm of even-handedness is a question-order effect known to occur in face-to-face interviews when respondents favor one of two complementary or competing opinion questions, both written at the same level of specificity. After defining and illustrating the concept, evidence of even-handedness in opinion questions is explored in a Montana mail survey and in recall of recent behavior in Iowa telephone interviews. The Montana survey provides evidence of education effects that are not consistent with previous theories of cognitive sophistication, suggesting that future research must consider the interaction between substantive issues and cognitive processes. The Iowa poll provides evidence that respondents' recall of their recent behaviors and the behaviors of their partner also are subject to context effects. This poll also provides evidence that even-handedness operates independently of social desirablity, especially among women. 相似文献
Florence J. Dallo Kristine J. Ajrouch Soham Al‐Snih 《The International migration review》2008,42(2):505-517
This article uses US Census data to investigate change over time in Arab American profiles. In 2000, a higher proportion of children (0 to 13 years of age), women, and those who lived in the Northeast identified with an Arab/non‐Arab ancestry compared to an Arab‐only ancestry. In 1980 and 2000, a higher proportion (~90%) of those who identified with an Arab/non‐Arab ancestry was US born compared to only one‐half of those who identified with an Arab‐only ancestry. Those who identified with an Arab‐only ancestry were more likely to not be US citizens than those who identified with an Arab/non‐Arab ancestry. These findings suggest Arab Americans are a heterogeneous group. 相似文献
Abstract The argument that production on part-time farms has been feminized is evaluated using longitudinal and indepth interview data sets from communities throughout Norway. Time-series data suggest that traditional part-time farms are not being reproduced in Norway. Rather, there is a shift toward modern forms of part-time farming; in its most common form, women juggle off-farm, farm, and household work while men farm or combine farming with an off-farm job. As some women shift or reduce their labor input to the farm, others opt to become independent female farmers. What has emerged is an increasing number of two-career households with male and, less frequently, female farmers whose working spouses contribute some labor to die farm. In all cases, women continue to do most, if not all, of the domestic housework. 相似文献
苏南农村城镇化起步于苏南乡镇企业发展时期,目前,农村城镇化已达到一定的规模和水平,但城镇化质量仍然存在着一系列问题,表现为城镇积聚度低、产业结构不合理、城镇功能尚不完善等方面。文章分析了苏南农村城镇化质量问题产生的历史原因,并从完善城镇规划、优化产业结构、改善城镇治理、健全城镇功能等角度探讨了苏南农村城镇化质量提升的对策。 相似文献
《Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series》2010,47(1):18251C-18252A
Gene Wunderlich 《Rural sociology》1993,58(4):547-559
“The land question” as posed by Henry George a century ago was answered with a call for land reform, a change in the ownership and control of land. In present-day, market-oriented America the land question is answered with widely available land information for market and policy decisions. Information generated by the Agricultural Economics and Land Ownership Survey (AELOS) of the Census of Agriculture is a footing for analyzing land ownership, land transfers, property taxes, and other issues of land policy. In this paper the issues of ownership distribution and the distributive effects of taxation are defined with AELOS data. The AELOS shows that the distribution of land ownership is concentrated and shows that large landowners pay real property tax rates at less than half the rate of small landowners. Changes in land ownership, transfer, and taxation argue for repeating the AELOS in 1998. A case is presented for replacing the Census of Agriculture with a Census of Land in 2003. 相似文献
A considerable body of empirical and theoretical literature on the causes of tropical deforestation has emerged over the last twenty years. Recognizing that small-farmers in the Amazon Basin are a key agent in the process of primary forest conversion, a growing genre of studies at the household level have attempted to quantify the influence of various factors on small-farmer land-use decisions. Many of these studies have acknowledged the seeming importance of urban centers as hubs of propulsive activity and information, yet none have comprehensively captured the urbanization factor in rural land use decisions. I argue that this methodological shortcoming in empirical work to-date reflects an inadequate conceptualization of the range of urban-based networks and their inter-relationships. In an effort to overcome this roadblock to further empirical discovery, I review several leading schools of thought that might be pressed into service in developing a framework for interpreting the urban influences on rural landscapes. I call this construct the Urban-Rural Interface. This is not a complete theoretical model or a unique methodology, but rather an initial effort to develop a general framework from which more sophisticated formulations might proceed. 相似文献
Leander L. Boykin 《Social Studies》2013,104(5):162-166
Jeff Solomon 《Journal of lesbian studies》2013,17(1):7-24
Gertrude Stein was not only a fairly open lesbian but also Jewish, expatriate, and androgynous—all attributes that often retarded mass-market success. Why then was she so popular? The article offers original research highlighting how Stein was constructed as a kind of “opium queen” in the popular American press, and the ways that this decadent, bohemian celebrity persona allowed her to operate as “broadly queer” rather than “specifically gay” in the American cultural imaginary—a negotiation that accounts for the mass-market success rather than censure of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas despite the unparalleled visibility of its lesbian erotics. 相似文献
Abstract By way of introduction to this special issue on rural masculinities, we provide an overview of masculinity studies, emphasizing the influential work of Robert W. Connell on hegemonic masculinity. We go on to distinguish between two main avenues of rural inquiry in masculinity studies: studies of the masculine in the rural and studies of the rural in the masculine, or what we also term the masculine rural and the rural masculine. We apply this distinction to the six contributions to this special issue, showing how most of the papers maintain a kind of dialogue between the two. We conclude by arguing that studies of rural masculinities are a contribution rather than an alternative to feminist scholarship in the rural social sciences, and that the topic of rural masculinities provides rural scholarship with opportunities for conducting research in other disciplines. 相似文献
产城融合发展与城镇化效率提升作为新型城镇化进程中的重要问题备受关注,而如何实现二者的互动则更为重要,这关系未来我国城镇化整体的运行质量。基于此,笔者通过对产城融合发展与城镇化效率提升的互动机制进行诠释,从有产无城与城镇化高成本并存、有城无产与城镇化低收益并存、产城割裂与城镇化低效率并存三大层面分析了产城融合发展与城镇化效率提升相互影响中的突出问题,并据此提出加大产业结构转型升级,增强城镇化经济力,完善城镇配套功能,鼓励发展新兴产业及强化城镇化中的市场化建设等实现产城融合发展与城镇化效率提升的互动实现途径。 相似文献
通过借助城市化基本规律的理论基础,从城市化规律角度研究西方城市化中逆城市化和城市空心化现象的影响因素,以及探讨中国城市化阶段与城市空心化问题,分析逆城市化和城市空心化现象与城市复兴之间的相互关系。在分析比较的基础上,初步认识现时中国城市复兴的实质特征,指出复兴项目基本上仅是城市开发中局部的城市更新,与西方城市复兴有所区别。 相似文献
市场经济条件下的城镇化,实质是人口和生产要素的集中过程。新型城镇化不仅仅是线性的“破旧立新”的发展过程,更是多元的“文化创新”的展过程,是文化基因的传承,文化记忆的存留和文化历史的延续。大北郊作为以金属器加工制作为主导的产业集群和生产者集聚的生活社区,其成型、变迁和发展,是基于文化自觉的城镇化的典型个案。 相似文献
In an era where black males increasingly lay victim to death at the hands of police officers in the United States, efforts must be made not only to address biases of individuals in power but also to intervene on institutional and structural levels. This paper aims to explore how dynamics of race, power, and a lack of critical consciousness play an instrumental role in a social work intern’s learning process, clinical efficacy, and adherence to professional ethical standards. Using a case vignette situated within the context of an agency setting, this paper follows a white intern’s process working with a black adolescent and his family to highlight decisions made by upper-level management in an agency that were discriminatory, reinforced power differentials, and resulted in interruption of services, lack of client self-determination, and missed educational opportunities for the intern. It addresses implications for clinicians at all stages of training with regard to the role of supervision and the importance of addressing racism, other forms of discrimination, and power differentials in practice. 相似文献
Arthur R. Williams O. Lee Trick Reita A. Troum 《Journal of marital and family therapy》1981,7(1):75-79
The authors delineate and examine the psychodynamics of the paranoid wife syndrome and its concomitant characteristic intrapsychic and interpersonal dynamic phenomena. Diagnostic indications and treatment modalities and strategies are nated. 相似文献
Peter Knapp 《Sociological inquiry》1985,55(1):1-15
Durkheim is commonly viewed as the founder of sociology as an empirical or even a positivist, empiricist discipline. The connection between empirical sociological theory and Marxist, Weberian, symbolic interactionist, phenomenological, hermeneutic, and other tendencies is illuminated by viewing the parallels between Durkheim and Hegel. These parallels should not obscure important contrasts, but they include a large number of the most distinctive doctrines of the two theorists. The comparison illuminates relationships within sociology as well as relationships between sociology and such other disciplines as philosophy, history, literary criticism, jurisprudence, theology, or ethics. The importance within Durkheim's milieu of figures who were deeply influenced by Hegel shows that Hegel's influence on Durkheim should not be obscured by current views of Durkheim as a positivist in the tradition of Comte. 相似文献
Philip McMichael 《Globalizations》2015,12(4):434-451
AbstractThis essay explores the changing landscape of food sovereignty politics in the shadow of the so-called ‘land grab’. While the food sovereignty movement emerged within a global agrarian crisis conjuncture triggered by northern dumping of foodstuffs, institutionalized in WTO trade rules, the twenty-first-century food, energy and financial crises intensify this crisis for the world's rural poor (inflating prices of staple foods and agri-inputs) deepening the process of dispossession. The circulation of food is compounded by global financial flows into enclosing land for industrial agriculture and/or speculation, challenging small producer rights across the world. Under these conditions, the terms of struggle for the food sovereignty movement are shifting towards a human rights politics on the ground as well as in global forums like the FAO's Committee on World Food Security. This includes in particular the need to develop a discursive politics to reframe what is at stake, namely the protection and support of a production model based on social co-operation, multi-functionality and ecologically restorative principles. 相似文献