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董岗  汪传旭 《科学发展》2012,(5):100-107
本次金融危机对国际航运产生了深远的影响,伦敦国际航运中心的航运服务部门就业岗位数量下降幅度接近四分之一,但对伦敦国际航运中心的全球领先地位影响不大。伦敦国际航运中心如何应对金融危机并继续保持全球航运业尤其是全球高端航运服务业的领先地位,对于上海国际航运中心应对目前的航运业不景气环境、增强全球资源配置能力和角逐航运高端服务市场具有明显的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

成熟国际金融中心的发展历程证明,国际金融中心的成长必然伴随着当地产业结构的高端化。这反映了二者之间相互促进、相互支撑的逻辑关系和内在要求,也是国际金融中心依托并服务于实体经济的根本表现。然而从上海国际金融中心建设和产业发展的实践来看,二者本质上仍然处于一种外生联系下的多重不匹配状态,从而一定程度上形成了对彼此的制约。未来深化完善二者的良性互动机制,应成为上海实践创新驱动、转型发展以及迈向全球城市目标的战略选择。  相似文献   

新加坡早期的贸易的发展,为新加坡的金融业的发展奠定了最早的基础。立国以后,新加坡政府针对“自己的先天不足”,随世界局势的变化因势利导,采取有效的措施,建设良好的软硬环境,逐渐把新加坡建成一个世界级的金融中心。  相似文献   

国际金融危机与国际货币体系的缺陷有关,尤其是与美元作为实际上的本位货币但在发行上又不受约束有关。国际货币体系改革涉及部分主权的让渡,应分析不同集团的需求,寻求最大公约数。在承认现状、继续维持美元为主导的多元化的国际货币体系的基础上,用SDR的价值将美元锚住,可以为现行的国际货币体系提供一个稳定的基础。人民币国际化有全球途径、区域途径、通过合作直接成为国际储备资产、直接成为大宗商品计价货币等多种路径。无论采用什么路径,都是人民币参与国际竞争的一个过程。  相似文献   

从国际经济秩序和环境以及中东伊斯兰国家所具备的能力和条件来看,全球化对中东伊斯兰国家更多的是挑战。面对来自国际金融机构的压力和全球金融风暴的威胁,伊斯兰金融究竟该做何抉择尚难确定。国际经济新秩序不可能彻底消除歧视性的贸易政策,实现完全意义上的公正,其中的不利因素无疑会对中东国家构成威胁。此外,全球性经济组织、制度和规则也会给这些国家带来更多的压力。  相似文献   

This article reflects on how to design social work education for internationally diverse cohorts of students. It draws on insights from a Master program for social work practitioners from around the world that has been delivered by a partnership of five European universities since 2013. Three particular issues are explored: developing curricula that achieve a local–global balance and emphasize the significance of context sensitivity in social work; the need for teaching approaches that promote dialogue, critical analysis, and student well-being; the importance of providing students with a strong identity, value base, and connection to the global social work profession. The article is targeted at social work educators involved in international and cross-country teaching as well as scholars interested in debates about the balance of local–global dimensions in social work.  相似文献   

当前国际经济金融形势极为复杂。金融危机使全球的治理结构面临重大调整,各国转型发展的压力增大,对市场、资源、标准的竞争更加激烈。同时,我国逐步进入国际体系的核心部位,机遇增大,但挑战更大。2011年,中国经济可归纳为"五大目标实现"和"三大风险缓解"。2012年,中国宏观金融政策总体上稳中求进。同时,通过分析中国经济内外推动因素,对今后10年中国宏观经济发展作出趋势预判。  相似文献   

从国际经济秩序和环境以及中东伊斯兰国家所具备的能力和条件来看,全球化对中东伊斯兰国家更多的是挑战。面对来自国际金融机构的压力和全球金融风暴的威胁,伊斯兰金融究竟该做何抉择尚难确定。国际经济新秩序不可能彻底消除歧视性的贸易政策,实现完全意义上的公正,其中的不利因素无疑会对中东国家构成威胁。此外,全球性经济组织、制度和规则也会给这些国家带来更多的压力。  相似文献   

The international community, in the form of the United Nations and, more recently, the G20, has committed itself to the Millennium Development Goals. The global financial crisis of 2008/9 served to increase the economic problems faced by low‐income countries, making it much less likely that the goals will be attained. At the same time, the decision has been made to reactivate the SDR scheme by making a new allocation of SDRs in order to create additional international liquidity. This article explores the idea of linking SDR creation with the provision of development assistance. Although the idea of a link is not original, contemporary global economic and political circumstances may generate an environment particularly conducive to the acceptance of the proposal.  相似文献   

董鹏  卓元 《科学发展》2013,(8):50-59
当前,全球金融危机深层次影响正逐步显现,全球经济和金融体系的风险还在积聚,经济复苏的基础仍很脆弱,危机远远没有结束。在全球金融危机持续发酵的过程中,按照G20峰会确定的改革方向,金融稳定理事会、巴塞尔委员会等国际组织正共同努力推动金融监管改革,但金融体系长期积累的问题短期内难以消化,还需要全球政策制定者和监管当局加强政策协调,凝聚共识,在刺激经济增长和实施长期结构化改革之间寻求平衡。针对金融领域存在的风险隐患,中国为坚守不发生系统性和区域性金融风险的底线,必须完善相关配套政策,全面构建中国银行业的审慎监管体系。  相似文献   

国际货币体系需要改革,改革的方向包括:对主要货币发行国施加国际约束,加强IMF的作用,设立货币锚,建立全球性或地区性的金融支持系统,解决全球流动性失衡,国际货币体系的过渡等。西方6国中央银行签署货币多边互换协议,是否成为未来国际货币体系的演变方向值得关注。中国要积极稳妥地加快资本账户开放,加快国内结构性调整,消除金融市场各种风险隐患,这是人民币国际化的治本之策。  相似文献   

上海建设全国海外投资中心,包括完善国际金融市场体系、聚集国际金融机构、创新国际金融(衍生)产品和汇集国际金融人才等。上海建设全国海外投资中心的策略包括:积极推动建立相关产业的国际生产和服务体系;推动对外投资项目经营管理过程的持续改进;适度加大海外投资服务平台的项目融资支持;鼓励海外资本投资于高新技术领域等。上海海外投资中心的主要任务有:努力创新和推动有利于金融市场发展的各种新措施在上海先行先试;努力为对外投资企业提供更好的配套服务;继续推进不同层次金融市场的发展和建设。  相似文献   

本轮全球经济金融危机和贸易逆差背后的因素在于美国。这主要是与1980年代以后美国开始推行金融自由化和2001互联网泡沫破灭后美联储的货币应对政策失误有关。其根源在于目前的国际货币体系。美国作为储备货币国为了解决国内的问题,在宏观的货币政策当中只考虑本国的利益,结果就产生了对全世界的影响。目前国际上主流理论界普遍认为政府应该控制赤字规模,以提高私营部门投资的信心,这种做法很可能既不能帮助经济走出危机,也不能控制赤字快速积累,必须实行全球的超越凯恩斯主义的复苏计划。现在主流发展经济学的理论有相当大的问题,在中国的未来发展过程中,必然还有很多矛盾和冲突出现。我们只有独立研究,进行理论创新,把问题看得更全面,才会让我们在国际经济发展中化被动为主动。  相似文献   


International tax justice issues, such as corporate tax avoidance, have gained particular salience over the past decade in an environment of financial instability and government austerity. Civil society involvement has ranged from trade unions and NGOs calling for parliamentary inquiries to civil disobedience by less established actors. Since the international financial crisis, how have levels of contentious collective action around these issues waxed and waned? Is contentiousness associated most with domestic politics or global media events like the Panama Papers? This paper uses an original hand-coded dataset from five national newspapers in the United Kingdom and Australia between 2008 and 2016. Political claims analysis (PCA) was used to collect all instances of claims around international tax justice and compare the types of actions and the different frames used by civil society actors. In both countries, mobilising grievances are generated most strongly in the period after domestic austerity policies are introduced. The qualitative coding provides evidence of accompanying frame alignment in these periods, as international taxation is problematized in terms of national revenue, demonstrating scale shift from the global to the national political stage.  相似文献   

Production in knowledge and data-intensive industries is powered by work that can, in theory, be done from anywhere, via cloudwork platforms. Cloudwork platforms govern data value chains in distinct ways to concentrate power and extract value at the global scale. We argue that unpaid labour is a systemic mechanism of accumulation in these digital value networks. In this paper we demonstrate how it is tied to platform business models and facilitated by elements of platform governance including monopsony power, a high degree of spatial flexibility in sourcing labour, regulatory unaccountability and digital enclosure. We draw on a survey of 699 workers on 14 platforms in 74 countries to show that unpaid labour is an engine of South–North value extraction, and workers in the global South perform more unpaid labour than counterparts in the global North. Our findings have important ramifications our understanding of the changing international division of labour and platform capitalism.  相似文献   

Unlike other global media products that are imported from overseas, international women's magazines in China are published via licensing agreements or joint ventures with local companies. These ownership patterns allow local editions of international women's magazines to negotiate the tensions and contradictions between the global players and local publishers. Given the influence of cultural and commercial forces in different economic environments, international women's magazines provide a challenging platform for exploring the interaction between global and local forces. Through a theoretical framework of hybridity theory and in-depth interviews with editorial personnel from the magazine industry, this study explores the global and local forces that have contributed to the production process of international women's magazines in China. The findings reveal that these magazines are a result of a multi-level convergence of local realities and global influences. Although there are factors of control and dependence in many areas such as the publishing ideas, editorial policies, the training of personnel, and the quality of production, both Western-style and Japanese-style women's magazines tend to appropriate and rework global cultures to satisfy local readers' needs, albeit in different ways. As a result, local and transnational influences are inextricably interwoven in the production process of international women's magazines in China. The study provides an extensive understanding of the global processes, the consumers, and the cultural forces that are shaping the media, particularly magazines in China.  相似文献   

陈洪辉 《科学发展》2012,(2):99-104
对国际金融中心的争夺在世界范围内愈演愈烈。政府与金融中心的关系就如同政府与经济的关系,自由放任和国家干预。随着政府能量日益增强,政府对金融中心的推动作用越来越明显和突出,通过研究一些主要金融中心发展过程中的政府作用,以期对上海国际金融中心建设有所启示。  相似文献   

The change was not only promised during Obama’s electoral campaign but urgently invoked by all the major international actors in view of the financial and economic crises: the world foreign policy has suddenly entered a new age not being yet prepared to govern globalization and its wide interdependence conditionality. Even Russia has changed tune now and President Medvedev announced vigorously a new strategy, a new policy, and a new drive for Russia. Until a few years ago, the theories of International Relations were simply an American intellectual and governance exit of the growing role of the US in the world, a kind of field of competence for the greatest power in the global economic, political, strategic and innovative sectors. The British School was an island of the core American thinking and the rest of the world mostly absent. FSU has not expressed a relevant contribution to the various schools of thinking related to the IR theories and even the Marxist political scientists did not dedicate specifically to this main research area because convinced that first it was not a real “science” but a derivative outcome from Philosophy or Political Science; secondly, for the reason of the monopoly of the power in the hands of an autocratic regime where these issues were not left to the researchers and experts but only to the institutional and military leadership. Today Russia—after having caressed and found opportunistically convenient to resume the realism doctrines of the past US almost decennial Presidency, with modest attempts to assume the great changes in international affairs intervened— has the chance to take the last train for a competitive power role, “de facto” under the unavoidable strict rules of engagement of the global governance. In the 2020–2030 the world would be completely reshape by the present metamorphosis.  相似文献   

20世纪八十年代末以来,尤其是进入21世纪后,随着全球化的不断深入,国际体系转型加剧,各种全球性议题中,国家间或国家与区域组织的经济关系已成为各自需首先解决的问题。中国与海合会国家作为后发国家,在此期间的国内外环境经历着巨大的冲击,双方发展在地缘经济上呈极强互补趋势,自贸区建设谈判也一直在议题之中。中国在总体发展战略和外交布局下,着力提升经济外交,海合会国家则是中国加强对发展中国家经济外交实践的重要对象之一。本文试探讨双边地缘经济联系,梳理中国与其经济外交脉络,明晰在当前国际体系转型和金融危机背景下,各自的利益诉求,展望双方进一步合作以达共赢发展的前景。  相似文献   

刘波  白志刚 《城市观察》2012,(5):134-141
20世纪70年代以来,伦敦地方政府通过各项改革措施,成功实现了从世界文化古都向可持续发展的世界城市转变。伦敦建设世界城市的每个阶段都尤为注重规划;金融服务业为伦敦世界城市建设提供强大的发展引擎;多元完善的交通设施是伦敦成为世界城市的重要基础;国际多元文化中心、创意城市建设是伦敦世界城市软实力构成的核心;都市囤建设及大伦敦政府体制管理新模式是伦敦成为世界城市的重要保障;多层次的住房保障体系是伦敦世界城市吸引高端人群,增强宜居性的重要原因。伦敦的阶段性发展经验对我国一些大城市加快国际化进程建设有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

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