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Bennett, D., Fox, C, Jowell, T., & Skynner, A. C. R. Toward a family approach in a psychiatric day hospital.
Blechman, E. A., Olson, D. H. L., & Hellman, I. D. Stimulus control over family problem-solving behavior: The family contract game.
Butler, J. F. The toilet training success of parents after reading "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day."
Dell, P. F., & Appelbaum, A. S. Trigenerational enmeshment: Unresolved ties of single-parents to family of origin.
Kalter, N. Children of divorce in an outpatient psychiatric population.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Divorce counseling: A community service for families in the midst of divorce.
Kelly, J. B., & Wallerstein, J. S. Brief interventions with children in divorcing families.
Klein, M. H. Feminist concepts of therapy outcome.
Krell, R., & Miles, J. E. Marital therapy of couples in which the husband is a physician.
Leiber, L., Plumb, M. M., Gerstenzang, M. L., & Holland, J. The communication of affection between cancer patients and their spouses.
Rubenstein, R. Briefing on inner space.
Strean, H. S. The extramarital affair: A psychoanalytic view.
Turkel, A. R. The impact of feminism on the practice of a woman analyst.
Wincze, J. P., Caird, W. K. The effects of systematic desensitization and video desensitization in the treatment of essential sexual dysfunction.
Wyatt, G. E., Strayer, R. G., & Lobitz, W. C. The treatment of sexually dysfunctioning couples of Afro-American descent.  相似文献   

Fiumara, N. J. Transmission of gonorrhea by artificial insemination. Foley, V. D., & Dyer, W. W. “Timing” in family therapy: the “when,”“how,” and “why” of intervention. Gass, G. Z. Equitable marriage. Gillis, J. S. Social influence therapy: the therapist as manipulator. Mozdzierz, G. J.,& Lottman, T. J. Games married couples play: Adlerian view. Reiner, B. S., & Edwards, R. L. Adolescent marriage—social or therapeutic problem? Reppuci, N. D., & Saunders, J. T. Social psychology of behavior modification: problems of implementation in natural settings. Roberto, E. L. Marital and family planning expectancies of men regarding vasectomy. Goldsmith, A., & Goldberg, R. J. Psychological aspects of vasectomy in Latin America. Rogers, C. R. In retrospect forty six years. Story, N. L. Sexual dysfunction resulting from drug side effects. Whiteley, J. M. (Editor) Gestalt therapy.  相似文献   

Beal, E. W. Current trends in the training of family therapists.
Bryson, R. B., Bryson, J. B., Licht, M. H., & Licht, B. G. The professional pair.
Cromwell, R. E., Olson, D. H. L., & Founier, D. G. Tools and techniques for diagnosis and evaluation in marital and family therapy.
Hartley, D., Roback, H. B., & Abramowitz, S. I. Deterioration effects in encounter groups.
Jones, W. P. Some implications of the sixteen personality factor questionnaire for marital guidance.
Kelly, G. F. The counselor and human sexuality.
Mace, D., & Mace, V. The selection, training, and certification of facilitators for marriage enrichment programs.
Masters, W. H. & Johnson, V. E. Principles of the new sex therapy.
McConnell, L. G. An examination of the counselor's skills when counseling with sexual problems.
Meyer, J. K. Training and accreditation for the treatment of sexual disorders.
Robertielle, R. C. The decline and fall of sex.
Rubin, Z., & Mitchell, C. Couples research as couples counseling.
Sager, C. J. The role of sex therapy in marital therapy.
Whittaker, J. K. Causes of childhood disorders: New findings.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Laird, J., & Green, R. (Eds.). (1996). Lesbians and gays in couples and families: A handbook for therapists.
Levant, R., & Pollack, W. (Eds.). (1995). A new psychology of men.
Combrinkc-Graham, L. (Ed.) (1995). Children in Families at risk: Maintaining the connections.
Dishion, T. J., & Ptterson, S. G. (1996). Preventive Parenting with love, Encouragement, and limits: The preschool years.
Quick, E. E. (1996). Doing what works in brief therapy: A strategic solution focused approach.
Chevalier, A. J. (1995). On the client's path: A manual for the practice o solution-focused therapy.
Carlson, J., Sperry, L., & Lewis, J. A. (1997). family Therapy: Ensuring treatment eficacy.
Rosen, R., & Leiblum, S. (Eds.) (1995). Case studies in sex therapy.
Fenell, D., & Weinhold, B. (1997). Counseling families; An introduction to marriage and family therapy
Hofman, S., Gafni, S., & Laub, B. (Eds.). (1995). Cotherapy with individuals, amilies, and groups.
Bloomquist, M. L. (1996). Skills training for children with behavior disorders: A parent and therapist guidebook.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Weakland, J. H., & Ray, W. A. (Eds.). (1995). Propagations: Theirty years o inluence from the Mental Research Institute.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Anderson, C., & Stewart, S., With Dimidjian, S. (1995). Flying solo: single women in midlife.  相似文献   

Alkire, A. A., & Brunse, A. J. Impact and possible casualty from videotape feedback in marital therapy.
Chassin, L., Perelman, M., & Weinberger, G. Reducing parental resistance to examining family relationships: the therapeutic use of a child management task.
de Shazer, S. Brief therapy: two's company.
Field, M., & Field, H. Marital violence and criminal process: neither justice nor peace.
Horowitz, L. Treatment of the family with a dying member.
Kaplan, D.M., Smith, A., Grobstein, R., & Fischman, S. E. Family mediation of stress.
Knight, M. F., & McKenzie, H. S. Elimination of bedtime thumbsucking in home settings through contingent reading.
Leader, A. Family therapy for divorced fathers and others out of home.
Peck, B. B. Psychotherapy, with disrupted families.
Miller, E Treatment of a communal family.
Rekers, G. A., & Lovaas, O. I. Behavioral treatment of deviant sex-role behaviors in a male child.
Sluzki, C. E. The coalitionary process in initiating family therapy.
Wills, T. A., Weiss, R. L., & Patterson, G. R. A behavioral analysis of the determinants of marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

Friedman, P. H. Outline (alphabet) of 26 techniques of marital and family therapy: A through Z.
Fuchs, K., Abramovici, H., Hoch, Z., Timor-Tritsch, I. & Kleinhaus, M. Vaginismus—the hypno-therapeutic approach.
Goldberg, M. The uses of dreams in conjoint marital therapy.
Grunebaum, H. & Abernethy, V. Marital decision making as applied to family planning.
Hadley, T. R., Jacob, T., Milliones, J., Caplan, J., & Spitz, D. The relationship between family developmental crises and the appearance of symptoms in a family member.
Jacobs, M. & Whiteley, J. M. (Eds.). Sex counseling.
Leichter, E. & Schulman, G. L. Multi-family group therapy: a multidimensional approach.
McPherson, S. R., Brackelmanns, W. E., & Newman, L. E. Stages in the family therapy of adolescents.
Slipp, S., Ellis, S., & Kressel, K. Factors associated with engagement in family therapy.
Spark, G. Grandparents and intergenerational family therapy.
Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. M. Brief therapy: focused problems resolution.
Wilson, W. C. The distribution of selected sexual attitudes and behaviors among the adult population of the United States.  相似文献   

Arnold, J. E., Levine, A. G., & Patterson, G. R. Changes in sibling behavior following family interventon.
Bairel, E., & Redfering, D. Behavior modification in marriage counseling.
Bullough, V. L. Sex and the medical model.
Codner, R. R., & Gustafson, D. A. Sexual dysfunction—a four approach treatment utilizing peer pressure.
Feldman, L. B. Effect of anger and resentment on sexual expression.
Firestone, E., & Moschetta, P. Behavioral contracting in family therapy.
Meltzer, M. L. Insurance reimbursement: A mixed blessing.
Pavlin, S., & Rabkin, R. Family therapy: Some questions and answers.
Peck, B. B. Therapeutic handling of marital infidelity.
Renshaw, D. C. Sexual problems in stroke patients.
Stolz, S. B., Wienckowski, L. A., & B. S. Brown Behavior modification: A perspective on critical issues.
Sussman, M. B. (Special Guest Editor). The second experience: Variant family forms and life styles.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Dreunlin, D., Schwartz, R., & MacKune-Karrer, B. (1992). Metaframeworkds: Transcending the models of family therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ammerman, R. T., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1992). Assessment of family violence: A clinical and legal sourcebook.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Potter-Efron, R., & Potter-Efron, P. (1991). Anger, alcoholism, and addiction: Treating individuals, couples, and families.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Duncan, B., L., & Rock, J. W. (1991). Overcoming relationship impasses: Ways to initiate change when when your partner won't help.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hoorwitz, A. N. (1992) The clinical detective: Techniques in the evaluation of sexual abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Snider, M. (1992). Process family therapy. Needham Heights
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Campell, D., Draper, R., & Huffington, C. J. (1991). A systemic approach to consultation.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Colby, A., & Damon, W. (1992). Some do care: Contemporary lives of moral commitment.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Pasick, R. (1992). Awakening from the deep sleep: A powerful guide for courageous men.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Couples: The Relationship Game. (1992). (A series of weekly contents designed to be played by partners in a relationshp over a period of one year).
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Ziegler, R. G. (1992). Homemade books to help kids cope.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Margulies, S. (1992). Getting divorced without ruining your life.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Packer, A. J. (1992). Bringing up parents: The teenager's handbook.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Weeks, Gerald R. & L'Abate, Luciano. Paradoxical psychotherapy: Theory and practice with individuals, couples, and families.
Kempler, Walter. Experiential psychotherapy within families.
Kempler, Walter. Experiential psychotherapy within families.
Box, Sally, Copley, Beta, Magagna, Jeanne and Moustaki, Errica (Eds.). Psychotherapy with families: An analytic approach.
Capra, Fritjof. The turning point: Science, society and the rising culture.
Wolberg, Louis & Aronson, Marvin (Eds.). Group and family therapy, 1981.
Green, Robert J. & Framo, James L. (Eds.). Family therapy: Major contributions.
Wile, Daniel B., Couples therapy: A nontraditional approach.
Willi, Jürg. Couples in collusion.
Becvar, Raphael J. & Becvar, Dorothy Stroh. Systems theory and family therapy: A primer.
Pinney, E. G. & Slipp, S. Glossary of group and family therapy.
Brown, Kristi (Ed.). Family counseling: An annotated bibliography.
Glick, Ira D., Weber, David H., Rubinstein, David & Patten, John T. Family therapy and research: An annotated bibliography.
Olson, David H. & Markoff, Roxanne (Eds.).Inventory of marriage and family literature.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Williamson, D. S. (1991). The intimacyparadox: Personal authority in the family system. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Freeman, D. S. (1992). Multigenerational family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Framo, J. (1992). Family-of-origin therapy: An intergenerational approach. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Sherman, R., Oresky, P., & Rountree, Y. (1991). Solvingproblems in couples and family therapy: Techniques and tactics. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Donaldson, R. (Ed.). (1991). Sacred unity: Further steps to an ecology of mind/Gregory Bateson. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: L'Abate, L. (1992). Programmed writing: A self-administered approach for interventions with individuals, couples, and families. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Lewis, K. G. (Ed.), (1991). Family systems application to social work: Training and clinical practice. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Combs, G., & Freedman, J. (1990). Symbol, story, and ceremony: Using metaphor in individual and family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Vesper. J. H., & Brock, G. W. (1991). Ethics, legalities, andprofessionalpractice issues in marriage and family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Peterson, M. R. (1992). At personal risk: Boundary violations in professional-client relationships. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Imber-Black, E., & Roberts, J. (1992). Rituals for our times: Celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and relationships. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1991). The truth aboutaddiction andrecuvery. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Nitzberg, E. (1991). Hippocrates' handmaidens: Women married tophysicians. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Sellner, J. A., & Sellner, J. G. (1991). Loving for life: Your self-help guide to a successful, intimate relationship. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Buxton, A. (1991). The other side of the closet: The coming-out crisis for straight spouses. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hunter, M., & “Jem.” (1989). The first step forpeople in relationships with sex addicts: A workbook for recovery. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Greeson, C., Hollingsworth, M., & Washburn, M. (1990). The grief adjustment guide.  相似文献   

Proffessional Books:-Walter, J. L., & Peller, J. E. (1992). Becoming solution-focused in brief therapy.
Proffessional Books:-Nelson, T. S., & trepper, T. S. (Eds.). (1993). 101 interventions in family therapy .
Proffessional Books:-Imber-Black, E. (Ed.). (1993). Secrets in families and family therapy .
Proffessional Books:-Hanks, R. S., Matocha, L., & Sussman, M. B. (Eds.). (1992). Publishing in journals on the family .
Proffessional Books:-Shapiro, C. H. (1993). When part of the self is lost: Helping clients heal after sexual and reproductive losses .
Self-Help Books:-Smith, S. L. (1993). Making peace with your adult children: A guide to family healing .
Self-Help Books:-Gilbert, R. M. (1992). Extraordinary relationships: A new way of thinking about human interactions .
Audio And Videotapereviews:- Working with Couples in Conflict . (1992). (Audiotape of a workshop of a workshop by Susan M. Heitler).
Audio And Videotape Reviews:- Couples and Communication (1992). (Videotape for teaching communication skills to couples).  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, I., & Goldenberg, H. (1991). Family therapy: An overview
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Horne, A. N., & Passmore, J. L. (Eds.). (1991). Family counseling and therapy
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1991). Family therapy: Concepts and methods
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hurvitz, N., & Straus, R. A. (1991). Marriage and family therapy: A sociocognitive approach.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ducan B. L., solovey, A. D., & Rusk, G. S. (1992) Changing the rules: A client-directed approach to therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Geller, J. (1992). Breaking destructive pattersn: Multiple strategies for treating partner abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Cirillo, S., & DiBlasio, P. (1992). Families that abuse: Diagnosis and therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Shenson, H. L. (1990). How to develop and promote successful seminars and workshops: The definitive guide to creating and marketing seminars, workshops, classes, and conferences.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hudson, P. O. & O'Hanlon, W. H. (1991). Rewriting love stories: Brief marital therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Loriedo, C., & Vella, G. (1992). Paradox and the family system.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Anton, L. H. (1992). Never to be a mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: West, M. G. (1992). If only were a better mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Burton, L. A. (Ed.). (1992). Religion and the family: When God helps.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hare-Mustin, R. T., & Marecek, J. (Eds.). (1990). Marking a difference: Psychology and the construction of gender.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991). Women, girls, and psychotherapy: Reframing resistance.
SOFTWARE: What a Family , 1.0. (1991). (Family-exploration software.)Ecola Design, P.O. Box 13402, Portland, OR, 97213, IBM, $29.00.  相似文献   

Freedman, B. J. & Rice, D. G. Marital therapy in prison: One-partner "couple therapy."
Gutheil, T. G. & Avery, N. C. Multiple overt incest as family defense against loss.
Hanks, S. E. & Rosenbaum, C. P. Battered women: A study of women who live with violent alcohol-abusing men.
Hooper, D., Roberts, F. J., Hinchliffe, M. K., & Vaughan, P. W. The melancholy marriage: An inquiry into the interaction of depression, I. Introduction.
Hinchliffe, M. K., Vaughan, P. W., Hooper, D., & Roberts, F. J. The melancholy marriage: An inquiry into the interaction of depression, II. Expressiveness.
Lennard, S. H. C. & Lennard, H. L. Architecture: Effect of territory, boundary, and orientation on family functioning.
Mendelbaum, A. A family centered approach to residential treatment.
Rudestam, K. E. Physical and psychological responses to suicide in the family.
Sigal, J. J., Lasry, J. C., Guttman, H., Chagoya, L., & Pilon, R. Some stable characteristics of family therapists' interventions in real and simulated therapy sessions.
Johnson, C. L. & Johnson, F. A. Attitudes toward parenting in dual-career families.
Rhodes, S. L. A developmental approach to the life cycle of the family.
Schwartzman, J. Systemic aspects of abstinence and addiction.
Walker, K. N., Rogers, J., & Messinger, L. Remarriage after divorce: a review.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: White, M. & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to therapeutic ends .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Beach, S. R. H., Sandeen, E. E., & O'Leary, K. D. (1990). Depression in marriage .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, H. & Goldenberg, I. Counseling today's families .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Gelcer, E., McCabe, A., & Smith-Resnick, C. Milan family therapy: Variant and invariant methods .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Plumb, G. B. & Lindley, M. E. Humanizing child custody disputes: The family's team .
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Weiss, R. S. (1990). Staying the course: The emotional and social lives of men who do well at work .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Patterson, G. R. & Forgatch, M. (1987). Parents and adolescents living together: Part 1, the basics .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Forgathch, M. & Patterson, G. R. (1989). Parents and adolescents living together: Part 2, family problem solving .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Conway, J. (1990). Adult children of legal or emotional divorce: Healing your long-term hurt .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Greteman J. & Dunne, J. (1990) When divorce happens: A guide for family and friends .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Bepko, C. & Krestan, J. (1990) Too good for her own good: Breaking free from the burden of female responsibility .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Earle R. & Crow, G. (1989). Lonely all the time: Recognizing, understanding, and overcoming sex addiction, for addicts and co-dependents .
SELF HELP BOOKS: Vaughan, P. (1989). The monogamy myth: A new understanding of affairs and how to survive them .
VIDEOTAPE: School Problems . (1989). (Edited videotape of two sessions of Joel Bergman working with a single parent family.)
VIDEOTAPE: To Dethrone a Padrone . (1989) (Edited videotape of three sessions of Joel Bergman and Judith Morgan working with a youg man having difficulties moving into adulthood.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hoffman, L. (1993). Exchanging voices: A Collaborative approach to family therapy.
Durrant, M. (1993). Residential treatment: A cooperative competency-based approach to therapy and program design.
Neidhardt, E., & Allen, J. (1993). Family therapy with the elderly.
Waters, D. B., & Lawrence, E. C. (1993). Competence, courage, and change: An approach to family therapy.
Browning, B. J., & Browning, C. H. (1993). How to partner with managed care.
Fincham, F.D., Fernandes, L. O., & Humphreys, K. (1993). Communicating in relationships: A guide for couples and professionas.
Hiebert, W., Gillespie, J., & Stahmann, R. (1993). Dynamic assessment in couple therapy.
Friedman, S. (Ed.) (1993). The new language of change: Constructive collaboration in therapy.
Dym, B., & Glenn, M. (1993). Couples: Exploring and understanding the cycles of intimate relationships.
Moore, T. (1994). Soul mates: Honoring the mysteries of love and relationship.
Craig, J. (1993). Little kids, big questions: Practical answers to the difficult questions children ask about life.
Blau, M. (1993). Families apart: Ten keys to successful co-parenting.
The Lover's Guide: Advanced Sexual Techniques and The Lover's Guide: Better Orgasms . (1993).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Burck, C., & Daniel, G. (1995). Gender and family therapy .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Comas-Diaz, L., & Greene, B. (1994). Women of color: Integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hendrick, S. S. (1995). Close relationships: What couple therapists can learn .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ackerman, M. J. (1995). Clinician's guide to child custody evaluations .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Andolfi, M., & Haber, R. (Eds.). (1994). Please help me with this family: Using consultants as resources in family therapy .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Shapiro, E. R. (1994). Grief as a family process: A developmental approach to clinical practice .
GENERAL INTEREST BOOK: Nichols, M. P., (1995). The lost art of listening .
SELF-HELP BOOKS: O'Hanlon, B., & Hudson, P. (1995). Love is a verb: How to stop analyzing your relationship and start making it great!
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hall, C. M. (1994). New families: Reviving and creating meaningful bonds .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Doherty, W. J. (1995). Soul searching: Why psychotherapy must promote moral responsibility .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: McGoldrick, M. (1995). You can go home again Reconnecting with your family .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Chamberlain, P. (1994). Family connections: A treatment foster care model for adolescents with delinquency .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Emery, R. E. (1994). Renegotiating family relationships: Divorce, child custody, and mediation .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Worden, M. (1994). Family therapy basics .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Stahl, P. M. (1994). Conducting child custody evaluations: A comprehensive guide .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Karpel, M. A. (1994). Evaluating couples: A handbook for practitioners .
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Johnson, S. M., & Greenberg, L. S. (1994). The heart of the matter: Perspectives on emotion in marital therapy .
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Wallerstein, J. S., & Blakeslee, S. (1995). The good marriage: How and why love lasts .
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Straus, M. (1994). Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment in American families .
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Kelley, P. (1995). Developing healthy stepfamilies .
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Mueser, K., & Gingerich, S. (1994). Coping with schizophrenia: A guide for families .
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Grant, G. G. (1995). The best kind of loving: A black woman's guide to finding intimacy .
VIDEOTAPE REVIEW: Couples Skills: Making Your Relationship Work . (1995). (Videotape based on the book of the same name.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Carter, B. and McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). The changing family life cycle: A framework for family therapy
Falicov, C. J. (Ed.). Family transitions: Continuity and change over the life cycle.
Walters, M., Carter, E., Papp, P. and Silverstein, O. The invisible web: Gender patterns in family relationships.
Luepnitz, D. A. The family interpreted: Feminist theory in clinical practice.
Jacob, Theodore. Family interaction and psychopathology: Theories, methods, and findings.
Napier, Augustus Y. The fragile bond: In search of an equal, intimate and enduring marriage.
Solomon, Marion F. Narcissism and intimacy: Love and marriage in an age of confusion.
Fishman, H. Charles & Rosman, Bernice L. (Eds.). Evolving models for family change: A volume in honor of Salvador Minuchin.
Toman, W Family therapy and sibling position.
Hoopes, M. M. & Harper, J. M. Birth order roles and sibling patterns in individual and family therapy.
Kahn, M. D. & Lewis, K. G. (Eds.) Siblings in therapy.
Liddle, H. A., Breunlin, D. C. & Schwartz, R. C. (Eds.). Handbook of family therapy training and supervision.
Weeks, Gerald R., & Hof, Larry (Eds.). Integrating sex and marital therapy.  相似文献   

Bigner, J. J., & Wetchler, J. L. (Eds.). (2004). Relationship therapy with same-sex couples .
Cling, B. J. (Ed.). (2004). Sexualized violence against women and children: A psychology and law perspective .
Folberg, J., Milne, A., & Salem, P., (Eds.). (2004). Divorce and family mediation: Models, techniques and applications .
Rholes, S. W., & Simpson, J. A. (Eds.). (2004). Adult attachment: Theory, research and clinical implications .
Sperry, L. (Ed.). (2004). Assessment of couples and families: Contemporary and cutting edge strategies .  相似文献   

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