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佚名 《东西南北》2010,(3):70-70
从不吃亏的人,很难有成就,也享受不到吃亏所带来的福利。为了得到,必先付出。不愿付出代价是很多人失败的根源,他们只想用九十博一百,而不是用一百五求一百。人不是天生就会吃亏的,如何吃亏,也讲究悟性。  相似文献   

沈阳举行“纪念国家公派日本留学生一百周年学术研讨会”1896年6月,当时的清政府正式向日本派遣的]3名留学生抵达日本,开创了我国公派日本留学生的先河。沧海桑田,转眼百年。为纪念中国派遣赴日留学生一百周年,辽宁大学日本研究所和辽宁省留学人员联谊会、辽宁...  相似文献   

68岁的黑龙江残疾老人周到.13年来挚一面“为灾区人民献爱心”的大旗,耗资一百多万。辗转万里学雷锋.横跨黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、甘肃、四川、陕西6省118个市县.义务为群众修理缝纫机34198台,资助贫困、残疾学生二百五十余名,拥军优属八十多户.培训徒弟一百余名.把雷锋精神传遍了大江南北.被誉为“东北活雷锋”.  相似文献   

具体显现共象──读《影响中国文化的一百人》李洪岩由周积明、张艳国先生主编的《影响中国文化的一百人》一书(武汉出版社,1992年12月第1版),从文化角度提供了一种理论,帮助我们解答了一个问题,我们把它称之为“个人文化理论”。这个理论的提出,对文化理论...  相似文献   

吴健 《东西南北》2011,(24):20-23
不仅出访,即使金正日每年一百多次乘火车在国内视察,也大多鲜为人知,人们不知道他从哪里驶出、驶向何方。是谁创造这样的“安保奇迹”?  相似文献   

早在一百多年前,西方国家已经重视社区的作用,并提出各种各样的社区理论,特别是在20世纪,社区得到了很快的发展。  相似文献   

杨绛 杨绛已经101岁了!尽管已经活了一个世纪,经历了中国一百年的历史,但她一点儿都没被这个时代落下。  相似文献   

张国  刘雅楠 《东西南北》2011,(24):40-42
开着自家一百多万的豪华汽车兜风时,吴大伟几乎从没注意过路边试图搭车的人。即使看到,他也会毫不犹豫地呼啸而过。  相似文献   

近日,为纪念辛亥革命一百周年,中国宋庆龄基金会组织两岸青年学子以“追寻历史足迹”为主题展开的系列交流活动陆续举行。“追寻历史足迹”系列活动以走访孙中山先生发起辛亥革命的城市、地区,探望远征军老战士等多条线路并进的方式开展。  相似文献   

最近,一百多名曾前往四川地震灾区参与“心灵援建”的香港志愿者齐聚香港城市大学,回顾灾区心灵支援服务的经验。承诺以“川流不息”的大爱投入长期支持计划。  相似文献   

纽约、伦敦、东京和巴黎是当今的四座世界城市,除城市规模效应外,其明确的角色功能和丰富的文化构成,是它们担当世界城市角色的重要支撑。如今,世界城市战略既应是一个明确的城市发展定位和方向,也必然是城市发展的一种动力源泉。在中国的特大型城市中,北京明确提出要建设“世界城市”,这是一个宏大的战略目标,需要无数的优质化细节来支撑。在这一目标的导引下,北京的城市发展既要有好的中长期发展规划,更要有与重大战略目标相对应的序列化的城市“内容战略”。内容战略的核心,即要确立城市文化角色功能的宏观、整体定位以及行为、影响、辐射的定位。  相似文献   

I spent several miserable weeks in Paris: each day I relayed to Izvestia the communiqu6s from Spain appearing in the French newspapers, I kept going to the Spanish embassy, I helped the fist volunteers make their way to Barcelona. I only remained in Paris because I could get no answer from the home office as to whether or not I might leave for Spain as a war correspondent. Again and again I was given the laconic, mysterious answer, W e are deciding the matter." I still did not wholly know the meaning of that magical verb, I lost my temper, and finally I felt I could not wait any longer. One day the paper called my Paris apartment to inquire why I had stopped wiring them, and Liuba answered: "Didn't you know? He's in Spain."  相似文献   

王浩斌 《创新》2009,3(10):71-74
巴黎公社是在马克思主义的精神指导下发生的无产阶级革命运动,是马克思主义本土化的最初尝试。它不仅证明了马克思和恩格斯所创立的科学社会主义学说具有强大的生命力,而且为后来的国际共产主义运动提供了许多宝贵经验及教训,极大地丰富了科学社会主义的理论内涵,在整个马克思主义发展史上享有崇高的历史地位。  相似文献   

Philippe Ariés, L'Homme devant la mort (1977), 642 (Editions du Seuil, Paris, 69 fr.)

Pierre Chaunu, La Mort à Paris, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (1978), 543 (Fayard, Paris)

Robert Favre, La Mort dans la littirature et la pensee françaises au siècle des lumières (1978), 640 (Presses Universitaires de Lyon, Lyon)

Richard Cobb, Death in Paris 1795–1801 (1978), 134 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £4–95)

David E. Stannard, The Puritan Way of Death, A Study in Religion, Culture and Social Change (1979), x+236 (Oxford University Press, Galaxy Book, Oxford, £2.25 paperback)

Richard Huntington and Peter Metcalf, Celebrations of Death, The Anthropology of Mortuary Ritual (1979), XV+230 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £12.50, paperback £4.95)  相似文献   

Shortly after my return to Moscow that time, the paper gave me a ticket to a meeting of Stakhanovite shock workers. I arrived an hour ahead of time, but the Kremlin's big hall was already filled. People talked quietly among themselves, no one left his seat. This was wholly unlike the noisy meetings in the crowded smoke-filled halls of Paris. I asked my neighbors where Stakhanov himself was sitting and whether they could point out Krivonosov, Izotov, the Vinogradovs.  相似文献   

巴黎第七大学教授保尔·巴迪运用文化人类学方法研究老舍小说创作 ,探讨老舍独具的民族素质与其作品内蕴及社会生活的关系 ,对其小说创作的总体特点和若干经典作品提出了新的看法。本文对巴迪的研究方法和研究成果进行了述评。  相似文献   

Since market‐oriented economic reform was launched in China in the 1980s, unemployment has been recognized by the government. This paper focuses on the differences in joblessness in rural and urban areas between rural migrant workers, peasants, and urban citizens. The results indicate that people in rural areas frequently lose their jobs, which differs from the traditional perception. There is a significantly lower jobless rate in urban areas. In contrast to the results of previous studies, the employment situation of rural migrant workers is closer to urban citizens rather than peasants. Logistic regression results show that the elderly, women, and less educated citizens have a higher likelihood of joblessness, both in urban and rural areas. Minorities have a lower likelihood of joblessness in rural areas and a higher likelihood in urban areas. Chinese Communist Party members and people without dependent children have a lower likelihood of joblessness in urban areas.  相似文献   

论政府在统筹城乡发展中的功能与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统筹城乡发展是一项非常复杂的社会系统工程,加强政府对城乡关系的宏观调控至关重要,不可或缺。政府对统筹城乡发展具有规划功能、导引功能、调节功能、服务功能。政府必须把加快城镇化建设,实现城乡劳动者充分就业,培育城乡统一市场,实现城乡居民收入增长作为调控现阶段城乡关系的方向和重点。应注意充分发挥规划、政策、法律等机制在调控城乡关系中的作用。  相似文献   

As an issue in Chinese urban development, handling urban risk generalization invites reflection on the structural features and internal development of the immediate or potential risks entailed in rapid urbanization across the globe. As part of research on national governance modernization, China has reached a consensus on managing urban risks. A study of spatial theory indicates that urban risk generalization in China is essentially a structural issue arising from an immature system of generalized benefits in urban space rights and interests along with an unbalanced spatial structure, functional disarray and ecological disruption arising from inequitable and unbalanced urban spatial development, readjustment and renovation. As an innovative form of modern urban public management with its target shifting from the pursuit of material things to people-centered development, spatial management enlists actors including government, business, society and citizens to seek a “community of shared spatial interests” with a rational structure, effective functions and an optimized environment at the level of spatial production and interest distribution. We need innovation in the spatial structures, drivers and mechanisms of urban public management and cultural ecology to realize their institutionalization, synthesis and reordering, strategically forestalling and resolving urbanization risks and realizing a spatial governance vision of the scientific, fair and sustainable allocation, growth and renovation of urban space in the risk era.  相似文献   

魏伟 《社会》2008,28(1):77-77
在西方学术语境中,都市运动(或称都市社会运动)代表了和主流社会运动研究截然不同的学术和理论传统。都市运动成为近年中国社会学研究领域的一个热点,但没有被置于一个系统的理论框架之中。本文从批判性地考察中国学者对“都市运动”这一术语的“借用”开始,然后对西方的都市运动研究的理论脉络进行梳理,突出揭示都市运动研究和主流社会运动在理论观点和研究旨趣方面的差异。文章认为,西方都市运动研究注重学者参与和立足社区的传统,对今天中国的实证研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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