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在城市空间结构再生产的过程中,城市规模向四周逐渐延伸,市民的居住格局也随之发生变化,原先围寺聚居的回族穆斯林群众,便迁至城市的各个街区角落。通过对散居回族现状和特点的分析,探知其以清真寺为集体记忆的符号,借助集体欢腾、个体情感迸发、宗教仪式来建构民族亲和力,以实现其群体和谐的目标。  相似文献   

在新疆维吾尔自治区内,作者从东到西,调查了七个地区的21,196例维吾尔族成年人(18~45岁)的肤色和发色。维吾尔族以黄色肤色为主,呈现北亚蒙古人种肤色特征,但也有一定比例的其他几种肤色人混杂其中,其他肤色主要类型有苍白色、粉红白色、黄白色。不同地区的不同肤色人所占比例不同,且从东部到西部浅色肤色(包括苍白色、粉红白色、黄白色)人的比率明显逐渐增加,其中哈密地区最低(2.8246%),喀什地区最高(20.4421%)。维吾尔族主要呈现北亚蒙古人种的黑直发特征,同时出现一定比例的浅色(浅黄色、金黄色、灰色、棕色)发色,不同地区之间浅色发色的发生率有极显著差异(P<0.01)。从东部向西部,浅色发色的发生率逐渐增加,哈密地区最低(0.6247%),喀什地区最高(8.9207%)。上述现象显示,近现代维吾尔族的人种构成是多源的,主要表现为蒙古人种的体质特征和生物遗传特性,同时掺入一定比例的欧罗巴人种成分。这种掺入从西部到东部逐渐减弱,是由近现代维吾尔族的形成和演化过程所致。  相似文献   

云南少数民族由于受经血不洁等错误观念的影响和误导而形成的各种禁忌习俗 ,以及由于生活条件的限制而采取的许多不恰当的护理方式 ,都极大地损害了当地少数民族妇女的身心健康。但另一方面 ,有些禁忌习俗在客观上也有利于妇女的身体健康。在与经期病痛长期做斗争的过程中 ,云南少数民族妇女也积累了不少行之有效的护理知识  相似文献   

有学者认为,由于“族群”是由血统、遗传决定的,不能自由地选择,而"文化"是可以选择与改变的,因而,族群的自我认同与族属的客观标示之间往往存在着某些层面上的矛盾与冲突。本文试图以苗人居住相对集中的广西融水县红水乡为例,讨论虽然人们在认同现有族属的同时,也在追溯其久远历史记忆中祖先的渊源。但是,在特定的社会历史境遇下,族群认同感往往是随着社会生存环境的改变而改变的,族群认同和文化认同的边界往往具有可变性,而不是不能自由选择的。因此,族群主观认同与客观标示是可以兼容并包的。  相似文献   

美国华人新移民的子女,即美国华人新移民第二代的身份认同复杂而多样,不同群体之间有所差异。家庭环境、学校教育、生活环境以及社会中的偏见均是导致其身份认同不同的因素。外界不可强求他们认同某种身份,美国社会应尊重和理解差异认同,而作为祖籍国的中国应提高综合国力以吸引他们培养情感倾向性的认同。  相似文献   

像种族、阶级、阶层一样 ,族群和性别也是对人群进行社会分析的基本范畴。“时髦”的男人与“守旧”的女人作为当代中国族群认同实践中普遍存在的现象和经验 ,反映出当代族群认同中存在的性别差异以及男性客位化与女性主位化的倾向。这一现象是男女两性权力不对等的体现  相似文献   

李永政  庄勤早  甘祖兵 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):80-83, 123-125
西部地区少数民族大学生是中国少数民族成员中的一个重要群体。西部地区少数民族大学生自身发展的内在需要、国家政策的实施以及世界各地不同文化的交流交融,共同构成了西部少数民族大学生文化融合意识的逻辑起点。同时,西部少数民族大学生群体体现出地域性、民族性、多元性的基本文化特征。西部少数民族大学生的文化融合意识对国家认同建设发挥引领、促进、整合的功能作用。  相似文献   

对我国边疆少数民族进行国家认同建设,从而保持国家认同在认同序列上的优先地位,具有十分重要的意义.但是,对我国边疆少数民族进行国家认同建设面临着诸如经济发展水平滞后、基础教育薄弱、现代化冲击、民族政策负面效应、境外势力渗透等重重挑战,急需从培育普适性公民文化、转变边疆治理思路、调整民族政策取向、拓展利益表达渠道、强化国族认同等方面强化边疆少数民族的国家认同.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to analyze the racial and athletic identities of African American male college athletes to determine how the identities might impact the athletic and educational potential and performance of this specific group of college athletes. The study revealed that participants who responded negatively to a poor athletic performance were more likely to have lower levels of academic self-concept. In contrast, college athletes who highly identified with their racial group were more likely to have higher levels of academic self-concept. Overall, the findings reveal the intricacies and complexities of being an African American college student and athlete at predominantly white institutions (PWIs) in the US. As such, the article details the implications of the findings as they relate to African American culture, American sports culture, and higher education realities.  相似文献   

卢露 《西北民族研究》2012,(2):53-64,20
美国学者白荷婷的《创造壮族:中国的族群政治》是研究壮族的经典经验研究之作。这个研究揭示了中国共产党和中国政府认定在各少数民族中人口最多的壮族,并成立广西壮族自治区的过程。作者总结了壮族地区和国家政治互动的三个时期,指出中央政府对广西地区实施民族政策的目的,是要将壮族整合进一个更大的国家政治体系中,所以政府必须发展壮族文化,提高壮族教育水平和保护壮族语言。但改革开放时期,东西部地区的经济差距在逐步拉大,这也在一定程度上使得壮族的"族群———民族主义"在逐渐提升。本文通过比较中西方族群研究范式的差异性以及此项研究的不足之处,试图对我国的民族政策及制度设计中的局限性作一些再思考。  相似文献   

张翔云  何星亮 《民族学刊》2021,12(11):12-19, 121
中华文化是中国56个民族共同的文化,中华文化认同是中华民族团结之本,是增强中华民族共同体意识、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的核心力量。梳理中华文化认同的阶段性研究成果,分析中华文化认同研究的现状与存在的不足,可以更明确地了解少数民族地区中华文化认同的研究概况,为未来的理论研究提供动向,为实践研究提供策略。为了更好地了解当前少数民族地区中华文化认同的相关研究,首先对“中国知网”文献进行“跨库检索”,采用“高级检索”模式,进行精确查询,逐条查看,去除重复、与主题不符的文献,最后得出431篇符合要求的文献。梳理了431篇文章的研究内容、研究区域、理论与实践研究与研究方法等方面内容,明确中华文化认同研究的主要现状,并分析少数民族地区中华文化认同研究的不足。在此基础上,从建构中华文化认同的理论体系、加强少数民族地区中华文化认同研究的实践经验与创新发展研究、扩展中华文化认同的学科范围与内涵挖掘、运用多种方法全方位研究中华文化认同问题等方面,提出少数民族地区中华文化认同的实现策略。以期为少数民族地区中华文化认同研究实践策略提供思路,为今后的研究提供可借鉴的方向。  相似文献   

Since the end of the first war in 1996, the definition of the Chechen national identity has been at stake in a top-level competition. I argue that four main trends – the separatists, the radical Islamists, the traditionalists and the pro-Russians – are in competition. Each of them produces its own narrative, based on a specific rendering of history. Using a constructivist approach, I address the influence of an all-out war context on social interactions, self-perception and categorisation by the others. I then examine the narratives in competition. I finally show how history and traditions have become political weapons in the struggle for power and legitimacy by opposing self-proclaimed elites promoted by wars.  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares ethnic identities of the Chechen and the Uighur, and their relations with Russia and China, respectively. The Russian–Chechen relationship, which has seen centuries of intense hatred and intolerance, appears to be entering a period of peace and some acceptance. In contrast, the Chinese–Uighur relationship has been mostly begrudgingly stable for a century, but rising tensions in Xinjiang could spell disaster in the years to come. We argue that identities of the Chechen and the Uighur and their interactions and conflict with Russia and China are consequences of historical legacies and social, religious and political forces. Our research supports scholarly arguments that a strong sense of marginalization endured by Muslims and trauma and anger experienced by Chechen and Uighur Muslims all play major roles in the violence and terrorist behavior conducted by both the Chechen and Uighur.  相似文献   

本文以清代兰州回族社区为背景,结合历史文献从人类学的角度对清真寺的族群认同功能进行论述.在传统中国的大环境下,清真寺作为小传统的象征不断与国家大传统进行互动,成为回族穆斯林生存的根基.  相似文献   

目前对于民族地区吸收FD I(外商直接投资),学界尚存在着许多错误看法,这些看法片面地夸大外国直接投资给民族地区带来的好处,低估甚至根本抹煞它对民族经济的负面影响。认为FD I对民族地区的经济发展只存在正面效应,因此主张越多越好。笔者认为,对于FD I对民族经济的影响应该从正、反两方面进行考察,应客观地剖析两大利益主体之间的博弈。  相似文献   

Anglo-Indian women have been described as ‘mixed-race’ and ‘hybrid’. This paper explores the identity of 26 Anglo-Indian women in Western Australia. The process of immigration to and settlement in Australia provides a major focus. Two components of identity that emerged were perceptions about skin colour and Indian heritage. 22 women who participated in this study emigrated from India between 1947 and 1996. Four other women were Australian-born. This qualitative study involved in-depth, semi-structured interviews with the participants who expressed varying levels of identification with Anglo-Indian identity. Realisations about prejudice and discrimination came to the fore during the interview process. This paper picks up on these realisations, investigates the social environments within which they developed and their implications for the identities of Anglo-Indian women.  相似文献   

作为传播族群文化的工具,少数族群传媒在维系族群认同等方面具有不可替代的作用,为学者研究少数族群的认同问题提供了新的切入点。许多美国学者采用民族学和新闻传播学的相关理论,通过大量的交叉研究,取得了丰硕成果,肯定了少数族群传媒在全球化的背景下采取本土化的手段以争取更大的话语权的策略,提出了其为加强与主流社会的交流必须再编码和再传播的观点,并认为双重认同的特点并不妨碍其在政治上认同美国,有助于本族群融入主流社会。但也存在意识形态浓郁,对新闻传播规律缺乏了解,以及因为语言障碍而无法实现多种媒体纵横向比较研究等缺陷。  相似文献   

顾斐泠  刘兴全 《民族学刊》2020,11(2):71-76, 136-137
当代少数民族大学生是我国各少数民族青年人中知识较丰富、思想较敏锐的重要群体,是推进我国各民族和谐发展、维护我国边疆和民族地区稳定的中坚力量。在社会思想活跃、文化多元的时代背景下,如何提升社会主义意识形态在少数民族大学生这一特殊群体中的认同,增强他们对各种社会思潮的辨识能力,从而巩固社会主义意识形态的主流地位,这既是当前意识形态建设的着力点,也是民族教育中面临的重要课题。因此,结合少数民族在校大学生的群体特征,以高校思想政治工作为平台,探寻通过铸造信仰认同、增进理论认同、激发价值认同、整合利益认同、建构话语认同、培育情感认同等路径,提升在校少数民族大学生社会主义意识形态认同,对保证我国民族团结、社会稳定发展至关重要。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of a community health worker (CHW) diabetes lifestyle intervention on mental health outcomes. Our study was guided by the principles of community-based participatory research. Data were collected from 164 African American (N = 94) and Hispanic adults (N = 70) participating in a randomized, 6-month delayed intervention group design for improving glycemic control. The intervention time periods were baseline to 6 months for the treatment group and 6–12 months for the delayed group. Linear mixed models were used to conduct longitudinal analyses of the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) scales. In the model adjusted for demographics, the PAID dropped significantly from pre-intervention to post-intervention within both the treatment and delayed groups (p < 0.05) with an average intervention effect of ?6.4 (p < 0.01). The PAID dropped even further within the immediate group from 6 to 12 months. Although the PHQ did not change significantly, the PHQ-2 had an average intervention effect of ?0.3 (p < 0.05) in the model adjusted for demographics. This study contributes to an understanding of how a CHW-led diabetes intervention can result in positive mental health outcomes for Latinos and African Americans with Type 2 diabetes. It also highlights the importance of further exploring what factors may contribute to racial/ethnic variation in mental health outcomes for African Americans and Latinos with diabetes and the role CHWs can play.  相似文献   

Race and Social Problems - Residential area characteristics and discrimination have been associated with psychological distress. Differences in these relationships across racial groups are not well...  相似文献   

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